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The Boogieman
The Boogieman
The Boogieman
Ebook529 pages9 hours

The Boogieman

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Six-year-old Cameron never believed in the Boogieman. That character was merely fiction, embellished by adults to keep kids in line. Yes, the Boogieman was only a myth—until Cameron’s family moves into the stately old house with the creepy third floor.

Already, at the mere age of six, Cameron carries a jaded and cynical perspective on life, so he will never admit to believing in something so childish as the Boogieman. However, he must confess there is a dark presence on the dusty third floor. This presence strikes young Cameron with unspeakable dread.

The legend of the Boogieman haunts both Cameron and those around him, but how does one fight a myth? How does one control the wild machinations of a child’s mind?

Release dateOct 2, 2020
The Boogieman

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    The Boogieman - Clive Atwater

    Copyright © 2020 Clive Atwater.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9502-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9503-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020916197

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 09/14/2020



    Chapter 1 Something in the Attic

    Chapter 2 A Dark Silhouette in the Night

    Chapter 3 The Little Town Behind The Railroad Tracks

    Chapter 4 The Telltale Signs of Forewarning

    Chapter 5 A Gruesome Discovery

    Chapter 6 A Hideous Face In The Window

    Chapter 7 Horrific Scene The Following Morning

    Chapter 8 A Chance Encounter On The Old Railroad Tracks

    Chapter 9 Anatomy Of A Wretched Mutation

    Chapter 10 Ghastly Finds In Hallow Valley

    Chapter 11 Evil Reclamation

    Chapter 12 The Dismal Site of the Old State Asylum

    Chapter 13 Crossing The Ravine

    Chapter 14 The Final Showdown In Crabapple Orchard

    About the Author


    I HAD FOR SOME TIME, PAST TENSE, BEEN INORDINATELY CONFINED TO AN eerie cryptic and oblique remnant context of a pseudo iconic period silently indicative of a distant and long ago, pragmatic Victorian age. Yet however, I began to find myself progressively remanded to the morosely dismal realm of a shadowy twilight existence subliminally cast in the bizarre confines of a sallow and imminent sense of ambiguity. Yet even though at such an early age I had subliminally come to atmospherically inherit a jaded and cynical life’s perspective. In that such that over a lengthy and enigmatic period from then onward, had abjectly eroded a marginal sense of warm inward complacency I may have been in possession of, prior to my induction, into that stately, historic, and creepy old house which carried themselves onward well on into later adulthood to a more ill-defined and prominent degree. I had thus forth initially found myself mortally stricken with a stark sense of ill recompense in that on frequent occasions were spent in sole contemplation of a subtly perceived hidden and stately presence so unspeakably horrific, yet wholly unseen, and innately sensed that played out it’s ghastly connotations in a shadowy sequential aura.

    Thus consisting of vague and subtle inferences to a soon to be mortal retribution and rampant damnation, emanating from that pale blue dusky third floor hallway alcove subtly inferring a heinous darkened presence incepted in a cynical and jaded sense of introspect. Thus of which had impishly crept it’s way into the lofty eaves of my lurid subconscious in their vague, obscure and shadowy content.

    This became eerily more apparent as time progressed and our family having got more settled into that big creepy old house. And as yet had remained readily pervasive factors as well as mentally harrowing aspects thus of which seemed to more be in lying prevalent and innate qualities to the old house itself. Thusly I was figuratively remanded to a stark isolated realm, solely imprisoned to the dismal confines of a dimly lit shadowy twilight world by the potential resurgent manifestation of a stark goonish and ogre-ish horror which imminently resonated from within third floor walls which struck me with an unspeakable sensation of abject dread, terror,…subliminally pervasive in it’s all inclusive ill designs and threatening to materialize at any given moment without warning,…

    I was thusly shrouded behind an impenetrable barrier of paralyzing fear and feigned silence of which I had arduously maintained an ongoing and inward struggle to ultimately reconcile within myself the stark mental images of a dark sinister enigmatic force that heinously manifested it’s pitch blackened evil silhouette within me by now harried and traumatized psyche. And upon much inward contemplation, at furthered time intervals, I found myself mortally stricken with an intense reverberating terror that resonated an unspeakable and indescribable horrific droning sensation from within that heinously rendered my central nervous system. Frozen, shuddering it to it’s very core, whereby my blood ran alarmingly cold, especially in my face and eyeballs and I began to shake in an uncontrollable vibration.

    Moreover in previously having been insidiously deluged by a steady succession of faint, and partialized mental images of a gnarled blackish ash grey gourde like mutation that wretchedly inhabited either the attic or the basement. Thusly incepted at the subliminal level, such morbid conceptions that lowly manifested themselves in a ghastly convergence upon my acute mental perception. Prior to this though, however, I did not possess any inward curiosity nor the inclination to expound upon any preconceived notions regarding the possibility of a said Boogieman wholly realized or the potential existence of a dark shadowy underworld of the elusively macabre. But I did later on, however, become morbidly enamored by such ominous connotations emanating from within clandestine regions of that historic old house. Thus of which were subtly indicative of something so vile and abhorrently evil yet impishly vague and in descript in it’s elusive form. This factor alone, in and of itself, lent to a grossly heightened level of morose apprehension resonating from within.

    These goonish images had surreptitiously seeped from deep within the vast regions of my inward psychological retention ultimately paralyzing me to such a grave state of ongoing ghastly fear, in that of something so dreadfully ominous possibly inhabiting either the basement or the attic. But the attic was the primary focus of my heavy laden dread. And although these images were seemingly and insidiously inlaying and ignominiously implanted by a despicable, veiled and aloof source referencing that of a dark enigma wholly unseen and morosely indicative of a self subsisting insurrection that inherently embraced the total embodiment of a vile and reprehensible omnipresence. A dark cryptic silhouetted figure surrealistically highlighted in a bleak outline of a grayish blue haze thus of which abhorrently presented itself to my subconscious and insidiously inhabited a clandestine third floor region of a decaying old house in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio set in the late 60‘s. In that had such a dark knotted gourdish abomination were to lowly manifest itself openly in the raw. That to the naked eye would’ve been so starkly horrific and visually repugnant to the constrictive bounds set by the conscious mind it would’ve beggared outward and definitive description, yet it remained wholly elusive and concealed from sight. And in all my despondent hopes to rationalize the ill conceived sense of a dreary moroseness and looming imminence which resonated from within that I was chronically stricken with a pensive illconceived sense of isolation, Yet I fervently held to the self aspiring notion to seek out in all diligence the elusive source of just what was solely responsible.

    I had thus inwardly sensed from the onset that of a gross level of sinister energy emanating itself from that third floor region of a once stately old turn of the century house. Thus of which had been silently inferred through macabre and indiscriminate inferences symbolic of a stark and reticent horror that remained outwardly hidden from sight, perpetually undulating in it’s catastrophic intent and confined within attic walls .

    Yet I had on several occasions stood there in a post state of abject terror as creepy images of widened goonish eyes were gawking back at me, yet as I stood there quaking in mortal terror amid that small, musty, dismal and clammy third floor hallway. A ghastly ogre-ish visage slowly began to materialize,…eerily manifesting itself through an imaged porthole that had cylindrically dissolved itself and melted open to momentarily reveal the stark bug-eyed gawk of a soiled indigent looking, drooling, pale bumpy and pock marked skinned goonish entity with it’s vile mutated form crouched down and crumpled up and readily poised in an undersized compartment on the side of that pale blue wall in the dreaded third floor alcove. Ghastly images such as these presented themselves to my mind in a subtle sequence of inferred ominous doom. and were subliminally reinforced to me at periodic intervals. And then outright mostly by my father, and then by my grandmother, aunt and uncle as well; thus of whom had maintained ongoing moderate levels of contact and interaction with us as at the time as well as a sufficient levels of sadism within their personas. I had apprehensively maintained a nagging inward feeling to go forth and sound the alarm despite a pervasive variable of inner conflict, and heightened level of self intuitiveness.

    In further remittance of my fears, I was thusly however grossly remanded behind a feigned and impenetrable wall of isolation and silence. In that for over an extended period I was duly bound by the persistent and disturbing notion that something so grievous and morally abscessed lay festering behind that attic door and was so surrealistically horrific that it steadily remained inconceivable, emotionally and psychologically traumatizing without due reproach. Wholly, I came to fear with such a morbid sense of grave aberration regarding what became an ill perceived and dreaded location in the house, was now only to be outwardly negotiated through a wary form of subterfuge. And just at the mere thought of an unspeakable resonating terror which was gravely accelerated by those faint and obscure partialized images that bore with them such ghastly implications.

    And the mere fact that they had never completely manifested themselves wholly intact as fully realized mental composites had only served to further intensify my fears. And this factor alone, lent to among other things, a shocking sense to the harrowing prospect of a stark revelation, to manifest itself in a leveling retribution and impending doom. And yet even at the tender age of about five or six was I able to comprehend the pent up sense of the grave level of imminent danger that to others was outwardly unapparent. Yet they had remained elusive from my mental conceptions in their subtle configurations. Yet in their hazy incompleteness they had remained eerily haunting yet pervasive and elusively unattainable in much if any concrete sense accompanying with them their cryptic connotations. Nonetheless I was left with an ongoing agitated sense of fear and frustration at having been circumvented and denied more finalized mental composites. And for the most part the mere fact in that in many instances they had only partially availed themselves unto me in their stark, goonish and unnerving content that usually left me with anxious feelings of frustrated, anticipation. Yet they, over an extended period, insidiously proceeded to undermine, threaten and torment all sedentary aspects of my otherwise inward sense of quiet resolve and contentment, well being and security. And the total summation of such a dark elusive being that had foisted it’s sinister aura amidst such a dismal enigmatic figure.

    Shrouded in the silent connotations of historical remnant of a distant bygone era. Subtly indicative of harboring something so grossly mutated and horrific that fervently wanted to get out of either a basement or attic enclosure but was nonetheless forcibly contained there behind such massive, solid and sturdily constructed dead bolted oak doors that, at the time, seemed as though they were ten feet tall . And although these profound and garish visages had remained prevalent and unsettling factors even for many years after. Those visually faint and obscure off whitish images representative of such somber and ghastly partialized mental composites seethed deep from within the dim foggy mist at the depths of my lurid premonition. They held out for me such a heightened sense of graven fear in that they where almost as fervidly heinous as what was potentially restrained and concealed behind the locked attic door itself remanding me to such an extreme sense of isolation coupled with a non-conveyant state of solitary despondency.

    And in all their innate secretiveness brimmed over in a bleak and sallow impish haze that indiscriminately superimposed it’s darkened ominous shroud amidst the more mundane aspects of my early childhood that lowly transpired into such a psychologically inhibiting and harrowing period. Those dismal and sallow images that lent themselves to a ghastly surrealism that lowly resurfaced themselves insidiously within my psyche were pervasive and enigmatic. Wholly iconic of that period they encompassed such peculiar and perturbing aspects of a distant past which proved to be nothing more than sparse and fading mental residue. Yet, these subtly implied vagrant visages were held over from that lengthy and unsettling period. And one’s that somehow survived from their initial point of conception although subtly alluring and morbidly enticing, at the time, sparked an underlying terror from within.

    And although these unsettling factors seemed to be somehow inherent, they silently linked one to a remnant sense of profound historical connotations, amidst the intense gravity of a veil of prophetic significance. This was a prevalent and underlying factor for more sinister energy, which profusely emanated itself deep from within those ominous attic walls shrouded in their sallow configurations, that I had thusly inwardly perceived. And in all the strangeness held out by the overall setting itself only lent themselves as post secondary enabling factors, an indiscriminate backdrop, such that they were subliminally characteristic to the house and neighboring settings themselves in lending to it a certain underlying aspect that these events were seemingly somehow preordained to transpire.

    And although they were unsettling factors to that grandiose old house, and to that I can personally attest!, were ones that surely did not arise merely from pure happenstance, nor were they allegedly one’s of my own manufacture. Those mentally oblique objects that have long since faded from the realm of my conceptual intuitiveness in all the ghastly and horrific splendor of their grim, sallow parchment moroseness. These images lay morbidly festering and taunting to the very depths of my inward perception, starkly intensifying in the level of goonish horror they once held out so very long ago.

    They were innately sequestered there as preliminary objects that initially sparked an underlying dread, ones that laid heavy on my chest like a fifty pound block of ice. At once, I slowly and apprehensively trudged up a ponderous and dismal flight of stairs on one of those occasions. And had only thus far had eluded themselves from the more defined aspects of a more pristine and unobstructed view, and stirring to the more pronounced aspects of the imagination in their visual clarity. And although resurfacing periodically and presenting themselves, in the more altruistic and surreal format to my mind’s receptive eye, I was furthermore bound in a sort of psychological prison to their grim underlying connotations of imminent doom. And although they were those of which were predominantly responsible for my ongoing mental and emotional anguish in that they had festered and proliferated themselves far beyond the crude baser objects that had initially manifested themselves within the grim pretext of their nightmarish realm. And yet I have somehow temporarily managed to dismiss, suppress or banish their dark insidious and impish intrusion from the innermost depths of my mind’s long term retention as unshakable and disturbing visages for an ongoing extended period of decades now. Thus only to have them recently and indiscriminately come to pass in the bleak and sullen moroseness of their innate ambiguity, they initially held out in the subtle restrictiveness of their vague sallow and visually opaque realm. In that they have only recently cajoled, prodded and made ill references to those faint subtle and washed out mental images of that strange period but only presently availed themselves in more pronounced clarity. Yet in all their ghostly and impish representations they still remain eerily faithful to those faint washed out remnants of an impervious setting. Thus of which, highlighted the ominous and foreboding presence of a towering and seemingly indestructible withered grayish or cream colored basement or attic door.

    Denoting the attributes of a formidable barricade that intuitively restrained a dark, self contained vile insurrection, an unseen force due soon in it’s blustering and volatile attempts to unleash itself and go on a heinous and monstrous rampage, only to have to be reckoned with from the illuminated world on the other side. And from the wary point of dreaded and fearful anticipated subterfuge, I had thusly maintained a longstanding and feigned silence at an inward nagging predisposition to convey these unsettling aspects but on a much grander scale than I had earlier intended, either by written dispensation or verbal conveyance only recently though to at least immediate family members or friends. And although I’m no longer a quivering quaking six year old boy standing there before drab and darkened foyer of the old house, I can only tell you that for years now the faint partialized remnants of those hazy off white images amidst a gray misty fog that I held fast to in a feigned anguished wall of silence, have stayed.

    And in all it’s like mindedness, I was morosely plagued with a much dreaded apparition I had thus earlier perceived that musty, dismal enclosure to have had the appearance of. Yet over time, those dreadful implications and ghastly images have steadfastly remained,… although significantly diminishing over the years. But nonetheless, residual ones that have seared an indelible retentive imprint upon my long term psyche. Lest, these dismal notions were the grim result of a morbid predilection to a mortally ghastly connotation that surreptitiously abounded in the bleak and dismal alcove of an old house. And were ones that were subtly indicative of a bleak and malignant presence gravely restrained that loomed from within. These stark and mentally unsavory implications were pervasive and ongoing and were also responsible for a long held fearful and silent inhibition with no recompense. They dramatically magnified a despondent sense of a graven surrealistic horror amidst a very peculiar and socially enigmatic suburban setting of the late 1960’s.

    These vague residual images were morosely iconic and representative of something insidiously in lying to a harkened disquiet that bespoke an impending doom. Those inward fears of which manifested themselves unto me at the time plagued and haunted my primal intuitiveness for an extended period of time and ones for which I held to with grave anticipation would eventually come full circle as the grim culmination of some stark and profoundly horrific revelation. And although the house and the overall neighboring settings themselves were but secondary aspects that sorely lacked any significant degree of clarification, they served only as a dull and pale dreary backdrop to a grave sense of profound and looming uncertainty that held with it an impending wrath and retribution based on dismally eerie atmospheric conditions greatly lending themselves to that possibility.

    And although I think most of us as children believed in, or were perhaps moreover acquiesce with such like minded notions that just eluded the conscious bounds of our limited or constrained imaginations and may have pervaded the misty darkened realm of our subconscious minds. It may have prompted us to believe in a said given moment with the impromptu suggestion thereof in a veiled and contrived formatted effort to manipulate or influence behavior in a given circumstance. Or in other instances may have been inadvertently relayed to us by an immediate parental or guardian figure but with a significantly milder degrees of interpretation who by over the years acquired moderate levels of cynical distain for life in general. This may have proliferated itself in caustic ways in a jaded life’s perspective but not to such a significant or pronounced degree. And to those of us who may have been told that such wispy fictitious beings existed lay there in bed at night gazing out at looming distorted or exaggerated shadows cast from objects in our rooms from dim or reflective hall or night lights emanating from a partially closed bedroom door may have been met with a profound uneasiness in finding it very difficult to fall asleep. We may have also been told in such bold, colorful and overtly descriptive terms that the boogie-man was hiding beneath our beds or in a bedroom closet at night so better leave the light on and sleep with one eye open. Then there was the ever infamous warning I think I can safely say for most of us was one that was aghastly heeded. Don’t leave your bedroom window open at night just because it’s hot, the boogie-man might climb through it. But to most of us I think this was a warning that was ill noted with an overwhelming sense of ominous dread and rarely dismissed or taken on with a contentious degree of admonishment from an immediate guardian type overseer. Thus was literally taken out of it’s initial point of context and permanently remanded to the figurative sense of the word, but nonetheless heeded with a wary form of subterfuge.

    But what of our dreams? Or for that matter our nightmares…Are they merely the random culmination of some type of particled residual mental energy indirectly stemming from the subconscious mind? Flowing outwardly from the cognitive reservoirs in our brains throughout our mental receptors perhaps as an indirect result of life’s experiences or mental conditioning be it positive or negative? Those that are peaceful and pleasant are nonetheless categorized as desirable, and may play out in lofty, misty, mind wandering daydreams for instance. In direct contrast to that however is stark goonish imagery that of which transcends themselves from within the dark cataclysms of a shadowy underworld. Frustratingly elusive and tormenting to the sub-conscious they present their surreal and garish imagery to us in dreadful nightmarish dreamscapes that constitute little more than garish images of stark reticent horror…And although I think I can safely say that for most of us are repugnant or undesired,…they emerge from buried and suppressed regions that inhabit our innermost fears,…fear of the dark,… fear of what may potentially be concealed there,…and fear of the unknown,… the shadowy manifestations of physically mutated and contorted monsters that fill most of us with utter revulsion for instance, would only play out in resonating nightmares. Accumulated particled secondary translucent mental residue that seemingly comes into play when displaying such ghastly images in our mental receptors as we lay sleeping at night? One might also argue that dreams are the intangible secondary result of one’s life’s experiences be it present day or over an extended period stemming from a subtle point of origin indirectly influencing our chosen path, based on a life that may have been generally copasetic or that of strained contention. Given the circumstance though fear, fear of what darkened evil presence may be pent up and looming within a bleak indiscriminate realm and could potentially and without warning lash out, or just what may be lurking within a large abandoned boarded up dilapidated old house at night if one should chose to enter it alone. Or for that matter what may be on the other side of a securely locked basement or attic door that apparently hasn’t been breached in years. And any garish notions along the lines of proposed green slimy ogre-is monsters possibly existing in dark dismal and clammy basements or attics would nonetheless be a very distressing and alarming pill to swallow.

    It is my personal contention in writing this book for it not to in anyway give off the indication in that it’s sole intent is to be a casual lighthearted written source of amusement for it‘s readers, It is drafted in all avid seriousness and marked assuredness to the reader that any personal written dispensation is of my own volition and makes documented references to earlier true life events and in and of itself will stand on it’s own accord in that regard. And from here on out I will strive, in fervid attempts, to nullify any long held contention or skepticism as they may arise that may be held by the reader. And it is purely from a personal observational standpoint to accurately document profoundly significant true past life occurrences that have transcended the bounds of mental constraint. This book is not only an attempt to bring into the full light of accounting, nefarious designs of a dark sinister force, but serves to duly provide a hardened and jaded introspection in part by the author. What could conceivably be lying in wait in those unexplored darkened hollows and the garish vestiges of horror that still remain buried and unseen within the dark regions of our subconscious? The goonish ogres that once occupied them that seeped from such a dismal indistinct realm that permeate our nightmares? Those dissipating images from that odd and peculiar period have long since transgressed themselves upon a once lowly and tormented psyche and have been remanded to the distant annals of residual obscurity. They once bore with them an architecturally inherent and historically based significance. These subtle inferences may be recounted and still be called upon to be brought into the full light of accounting and bear with them the grim testament of a horrific revelation bearing with it such cataclysmic designs.


    Something in the Attic

    AS A SMALL BOY OF ABOUT SIX OR SEVEN, INCEPTED IN A SEMI-RURAL TYPE setting of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio in the late sixties, I have in recent years found myself inadvertently drawn to recount at least two separate and inexplicable past occurrences, that have permanently etched a profound surreal images to the very pinnacle of my psyche stemming from what was only to have served eerie testament to a subtly odd and peculiar time period. That by which I also believed were somehow at the time predestined to transpire in having subtly transcended themselves down from early childhood mental images. That of something which I feared with grave aberration and had subsequently come to implant it’s dark, sinister and elusive image at a lowly and subliminal degree to the inner most regions of my cognitive retention paying silent homage to a stark and resonating terror within. And for that harrowing and unsettling period remained unto me wholly unseen and elusive from the path of my naked eye’s perception. Something so enigmatically reprehensible, a vile and insidious abomination a hooked nosed Grinchnode, if you will, that took up residence in my sequestered attic. Something so visually inconceivable and repulsive it beggars description in that it remained as an ambiguous, hidden self contained insurrection. Lowly festering in an obscure concave of putrefying malevolence, that of which remained completely isolated, aloof and resonantly evil, beseeching in it’s insidious trepidation. Thusly sustaining itself in some type of solitary and perverse reservoir in the darkened hallows of my lurid subconciousness. That of a diabolical and sinister goonish surrealistic bug-eyed ogre if you will, malignantly havening itself up like some type of vile and fastidious hermit behind a securely locked attic or cellar door. Surreptitiously bound up in some bleak and ominous secluded haven on the 3rd floor hall passageway of a once grand and stately Provincial style turn of the century house that had been in an ongoing state of decay. These historical landmarks subtly reminiscent of a once thriving and lucrative socially enigmatic past in that they from all casual observations exhibited historically ambiguous connotations of a distant past. The brashness of temperament in their outward facetiousness. The haughtiness of frivolity in their external motif which was far more prominent some 40 or 50 years hence. And even in their withered and sallow state of decay the flamboyant levels of opulence they once exuded in their abounding spender resonated through. And although that in decades prior they had once boasted such gaudy and ostentatious levels of short term abundance, they stylized such socially endowed pragmatists of the period. And ones by which my family lowly came to reside in so very long ago and in their ghostly, decaying and hallowed shells they paid silent homage to a socially enigmatic turn of the century past.

    Yet my heightened level of morbid fixation was further intensified by a nagging sense of allure to it’s mystique and in the ongoing inherent crypticism it emanated.. And at the behest of my father’s sadistically gleeful and maniacal warnings to duly exercise a wary form of caution, at least when negotiating that region of the house. Nonetheless I was invariably drawn to it, and was stricken with elusive images of the shadowy figure. That of something which was far too horrid to have actually appeared to me in the raw physical form. And as well as having been a disturbing visage of my own construct, in that I initially attempted to, unsuccessfully I might add, bury at the innermost depths of my subconscious.. Yet despite my futile efforts in doing so, they tenaciously adhered to that hazy outline, which underscored a perverse inner presence. That for which I much later on attempted to bring into the light of full accounting by way of more constrained and futile efforts at visual clarification but with little or no success. It was my long held contention to adhere to those earlier pre-conceptions that had subliminally implanted themselves to any distinguishable degree of edification.

    I was, later on, able to compose a much clearer mental image. This innate horror I envisioned, which lead to a veil of silence and state of isolation, Usually that of some overtly ghastly and hideous fiend cramped and crouched in a small confined dark alcove, I can also recall that on many an occasion, standing there alone in the dismally faint and musty settings of locked basement or attic door foyers and entranceways of eighty or ninety year old houses. And with the pulsating whoosh of my heart in my ears, anticipating the sudden frantic and frenzied turn of a black cast iron or green corroded brass door knob from something stark, grim and ogre-ish that had vehemently stormed it’s way to the top of a lengthy flight of stairs from the grayish darkened base of a dismal clammy old cellar.

    Then in that terrifying instance this scenario finally played itself out in a nerve riveting scenario. As I mentally envisioned this big thick, massive oak door; that seemed to be about ten feet high with withered gray, red or olive green colored layers of deteriorating lead based paint which were etched and peeling away, fixed with an old iron deadbolt lock began to be forcibly battered from the other side by some grunting, sputtering, overgrown, and drooling goon. Then for what seemed to be an eternity, waiting through that terrifying instance as that black, rusty or corroded door. As it began it’s violent frenzied outward jiggle it slowly spun back and forth. I would be standing there trembling and aghast in frantic anticipation and despondent hopes that this massive door would not only somehow be strong enough to contain such a volatile beast but also be able to withstand such a powerful barrage of blows by some heinous abomination from the other side and not be smashed asunder. Yet despite my faint and fervent hopes in that regard, what ultimately emerged was this putrid, pale skinned bald headed mutant covered with brown warts, a short stocky drooling ogre-ish troll, with three fingers and a thumb. And it’s long revolting tongue protruding out of it’s mouth, with boney rheumatic, gnarled looking knuckles dragging it’s twisted limbs across the floor, partially clad in middle ages garb and wearing a spiked leather dog collar chained in arm and leg shackles. An unspeakable hideous two legged fiend that had been long since banished to the dismal confines of a cold musty cellar maybe decades prior as some harshly imposed sentence it had committed against a distant and previous owner. In one final and violent thrust amid the heaps of splinters and wood planks, the only remaining remnants of a smashed door and frame, for the sole purpose of fulfilling it’s vile and malignant intent….the pointless unfounded retribution against little children. These particular types of preliminary visages surfaced at the very onslaught of my dark inferences regarding that ominous region of the house. They laid the very foundation for more prolific and wholly formed image’s of indiscriminate horror. They were haunting and reoccurring, representative at least to me of a very real presence and a foreshadowing of things to come. These preemptive warnings were indicative of something that was far more monstrous than what I had originally perceived to be lying in wait for us within the walls of that old house. They seemed to emanate a bleak and oppressive aura of ensuing evil in that of itself was an element that at least to me was markedly present. It was not just a lame derivative from the raw construct of one’s taut or bedeviled mind or the bogus byproduct of an over active imagination, but something bleakly stark, undulating, and clearly imminent. That of a morosely grim, looming and shadowy presence that sparked a heightened sense of something gravely imminent at the very depths of my fretful intuitiveness, that of which I inwardly held fast to and concealed from immediate family members. Resonated waves of bone chilling terror and paralyzing fear to the very core and essence of my central nervous system prompting a lengthy ongoing sense of dread and ensuing doom.. I was enveloped by a pervasive ill sense of an omnipresence which abounded and which was soon due to manifest it’s twisted and mutated form and ultimately fulfill it’s vile and putrid intent to commit heinous and abominable acts. I was mortally stricken with an innate paralyzing sense of doom just at the mere thought of incurring that dismal cold and musty powder blue shrouded in a grayish haze of the 3rd floor hall passageway. A dreaded and bleak prospect and one which relegated me to a subjugated state of grave terror. This ominous and inescapable fact I can personally attest, became more apparent to me as we further got settled into that old house and the longer that we remained there. It was just something I alone felt in a veiled sense from behind a dense and impenetrable partition of silence and walled isolation. That of something droningly ominous was soon to become a visually forthcoming and oppressive force that had come to plague my central nervous system as well as my psyche. This served to become an ongoing and besieging scourge elevating high levelsof mental and psychological anguish which besieged me for an extended period of at least two years. It pawned a gross undercurrent of imminent fear and dread in a vast cesspool of disparagement emanating from the house itself (especially at night) in going from one lighted room fixed with a brass or copper chandelier positioned high overhead and adorned with eerie little chubby winged cherubs

    Such as the dinning room that sat adjacent to a darkened kitchen foyer and was partially illuminated by that light I was struck with a grave sense of impending doom besieging in it’s grim connotations that seemed to resonate from the very objects in that room as well as from within the walls. I strongly sensed these types of things especially when I stood there alone…in that of a looming indestructible presence that resided within a shadowy underworld consisting of a vast maze behind the walls of that long since gone…house

    The Boogie-Man. Or perhaps the atmospheric tone itself was one that was predicated on the pretext of such dismal and gloomy presiding elements that would seem to promote such a harried mental state especially on the part of a taut childhood imagination. From that perceptual standpoint alone one could easily see how such eerie and larger than life enigmatic stigmas would seem to emanate from such darkened hallows.

    These pervasive elements underscored or even exaggerated the innate peculiarities already present in the architectural guise that categorized the splendor and motif of the period. Such prevalent factors were outwardly visible unlike that of today were historically iconic in that they lent their designs to a modest level of ornamentation. Thus ingratiating one to a strong sense of a Provincial Victorian turn of the century past, in their acquiescence at varying levels of distinction and predication to stately prominence. Such structural oddities bore such imperfections that were not only questionable but impractical as they incorporated such features as slanted floors or concaved ceilings and alcoves. Disproportionate small and narrow doorways, for instance, that lead to massive oversized rooms, or passageways leading nowhere, or lengthy flights of stairs that would seem to go on forever would be inconceivable and implausible features to the draftsperson of today. But were among the peculiar eccentricities that bore such eccentricities yet leant a sense of character and longstanding-ness to a house or an old building of the period. By current architectural standard, for instance, are far more precise uniform and clinical in their stringent designs and implementation leaving nothing to spawn or stir the imagination and lack a solid sense of permanence. Only in thereby utilizing pre-fabricated building materials and foregoing many of the amenities of construct bearing with them the intricacy of fancy ornate designs the past incorporated in those same outlying features. Although if much of these intricacies of design were present today they would invariably seem to be among the many contributing factors which prompted any ill-conceived notions maintained regarding the alleged presence of a dark, elusive and silhouetted enigma that over a period of about two or three years persisted in reeking utter havoc with my fragile psyche and central nervous system through the daunted weeks and months ahead. It insidiously dwelt in underlying ambiguity in some far removed and physically inaccessible place in that most of us just refer to as the Boogie-Man, yet in the more odious sense of the word in that in this case is out of a postsecondary point of context.

    I was stricken with vague and indiscriminate images of a remotely ghastly and garish form appearing to me late at night. I’d perhaps inadvertently catch in my peripheral vision in waiting up for one of my parents to come home from work or some late night errand while sitting in a spare drawing room. That of a momentary but fleeting image of a grayish brown colored, statuesque pasty or rubbery matted, floppy tufts of gloppy flesh from head to toe almost resembling the thing from the Adam’s family. Much later on as we further resided in that old house I was haunted by these stark and chilling proposed images that would suddenly manifest themselves in a subtle format of fleeting visual context that would be incongruently standing by in a dimly lit room late at night. And as I’d be sitting there, I’d abruptly turn my head to look straight on in the direction of the image as it disappeared…One of two inferences can be drawn here from this…one in that how visually pronounced dark and elongated shadows or faint and sallow illumination amidst big dismal and drafty old houses at night can distort, offset and embellish sensual perceptions especially from a distance. They can gravely lend themselves to the real possibility of a looming threat is ensuing, in that they can significantly diminish one’s sense of security amidst the lone solitude of a dark old house.

    But from all casual and outward appearances one could surmise that the houses in this neighborhood had once celebrated more vibrant and lucrative times in decades past but now had given way to the onslaught of time, the elements and a post-war era. These presiding factors were enabling to this sallow and dismal setting and enhanced a lurid childhood imagination. The withered and gnarled physical characteristics these old houses exuded. These features accentuated the odd peculiarities and eccentricities in what they exuded by what was mostly older inhabitants. Leftover remnants of a distant time period whom staunchly maintained a 19th century mode of conventionalism. The overall setting itself was surrealistic, a socially iconic metaphor leftover from a dwindling Provincial style past that at the time was beginning to dissipate from the American landscape. Years ago I remember my mother relating to friends and relatives that she had seen what appeared to her to be a ghost that was that of an old woman who lived alone in that house for years and had died in there while cooking a piece of liver on the stove.

    My longstanding belief was that she had observed this from the vantage point of a next door window, and it was dusk. Anyway, I thought she saw the old woman pass by a window holding a lit candle in one of those brass holders with the handle that curled around at the end. But though just recently through personal inquiry I had learned that this had occurred while she sat in the living room of this house, which frantically prompted her to single-handedly move us kids and our belongings to the house next door while my father was at work. .Her account of this was that the old woman passed right by her, I said did it look like a person? No, she said, A specter…

    I maintained sparse recollections of massive stately rooms throughout a sprawling provincial style turn of the century house exteriorly in a partialized state of decay. I’m haunted, to this day, by hazy images peculiar in nature furnished with little more than huge red, off white and yellow ocher ornately patterned throw rugs with long rustic gold tassels, that almost covered the entire length of the floor. I also have more vivid and prominent recollections of a large harp which lent itself to an enhanced degree of significance in the overall setting. It was a classic element of provincial style quality of aesthetics. This piece was eerily prominent throughout the house among all else considering the overall sparseness throughout the interior in the way of furnishings because I still have no recollection of what it looked like after we moved in our belongings. The old harp was positioned adjacent to the downstairs living room foyer and as I remember the rooms were fairly well lit by the outdoor sunlight in the day. And as far as I know it was one of the few remaining items that was auctioned off, yet I was still overcome by ominous feelings of dread as I ventured through it with a grave sense of inhibition. The upstairs rooms were massive as well, and were adorned with majestic box window units constructed in a thick redwood mahogany trim.

    Elegantly constructed by old world Victorian era craftsman with a painstaking attention to elaborate and ornate detail, in that the high ceilings as I remember had brass chandeliers in the center and the corrosive elements of time, moisture and condensation had turned them a blackish green color. Each lighting fixture at the end bore a creepy little figurine with the wide eyed goonish expression of either a little cherub or a gargoyle contorting their bodies around each individual stem as they embraced the base of an individual lighting fixture integrated into a flourished ornate design. Or those drab black or brown turn of the century door knob housing units that denoted such an eeriness to each of these spacious rooms. And more often than not, the tumblers that once received a skeleton key to secure them closed were long since broken or frozen shut. Aside from the fact that all the rooms were almost empty, just about every one of them had those elaborately patterned Victorian style throw rugs in them.

    The stairway banister was cherry red thick and wide and curled around at the end. I later on as an adult asked my mother why all these rooms were almost empty and where did the harp come from? She stated that the house was almost empty because we were just moving into it and anything remaining was at the time like the harp part of a city held auction that was held to raise funds to pay for some outstanding debts incurred by the former occupants. This news though enlightening, made me feel somewhat ridiculous, after questioning it within myself for years after. But in those times the region of the house when even mentioned by family members paralyzed me in the grip of unspeakable horror, was that small third floor powder-blue passageway and alcove. And that old three by three foot barn red wooden makeshift door mounted on the side of the wall and latched closed. Any inclination I had to further explore this region of the house was dashed after a harrowed discussion I had with my father and a more descriptive and colorful one with my grandmother, any perceived curiosity as to the possibility existing that of concealed valuables or extracting them from the other side of that locked door was superseded by an air of ominous foreshadowing. I remember as he sat in a chair in the living room rebuffing my requests to pry open the old makeshift door and excavate any contents thereof my ongoing persistence failed to wear down what was an immovable position on his part and was to me totally unreasonable.

    Yet after an exasperating discussion on the subject my father paused for a moment, sat back in his chair and said. Cameron I have very good reasons for why I tell you to do things. Do you know why I don’t want you to go up there or to unlock that door? No I said, and just then this medium built man in his early 30’s with an already receding hairline leered over at me through those old 1960’s horn rimmed styled glasses he lowered down with one hand Gleaned over at me like a Cheshire cat, his skin at first flushed white then red and with a deep throated voice that made my blood run cold throughout my slight six year old body and left me totally aghast. And through a fixated bug eyed leer and sardonic grin bellowed this ominous warning…. There’s something up there behind that door. I can’t even begin to describe the level of terrifying shock waves that ominous statement sent through my body…And after a long pause with my heart in my throat I timidly asked what? And over and over while jabbing me in the side of my ribs bellowed repeatedly. The Boogie-Man, The Boogie-Man. heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, he cackled in a maniacal and sadistic laugh which magnified my sense of ominous dread. I then attempted to form a mental image of what such

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