The Key to Loving Yourself
About this ebook
— Petra Hornsby Freelance Journalist
I have only known Britta for a short time but the time that I spent with her has completely changed my perspective on life and my understanding of the importance of loving yourself in terms of the positive effect this can have on your mind body and spirit.
The Key to Loving Yourself is a must read for those of you who are seeking fulfilment in life. It’s an interesting, informative and inspiring enjoyable book delivered with an equal measure of authority wisdom and good humour.
— Adrian Birtwell MA Design Strategy & Innovation
Britta Hochkeppel
Britta Hochkeppel is a qualified Diploma Naturopath The unique blend of medical knowledge with the gift to connect and read the energy of the body–aura enable Britta to find the very root cause of long standing problems,imbalances and illnesses.
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The Key to Loving Yourself - Britta Hochkeppel
Copyright © 2020 Britta Hochkeppel.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-4225-1 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-9822-4226-8 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 01/29/2020
Chapter 1 What is Life Force?
Chapter 2 Our Belief system
Chapter 3 Awareness
Chapter 4 Conscious Thoughts
Chapter 5 Change Your Attitude
Chapter 6 The Present Moment
Chapter 7 Meditation
Chapter 8 Your Home
Chapter 9 Friends & Co
Chapter 10 Our Body
Chapter 11 Meditation
Chapter 12 Relationships
Chapter 13 Broken Heart
Chapter 14 Let Go of The Past Letter
Chapter 15 The Chair Exercise
Chapter 16 Pillow Bashing
Chapter 17 Attracting Your Partner
Chapter 18 The Maker-Over
Chapter 19 Our Unseen Energy
Chapter 20 The Meaning of Disease
Chapter 21 My Cases
Chapter 22 My Relationship with Spirit
Chapter 23 My Unseen Friends
Chapter 24 My Story
May this book help you find the initial spark deep within where you rediscover the part of you that is awake and listening, free of judgement and holding the key to your door to loving yourself.
My many clients, who taught me so much, encouraged and inspired me to put my ideas down on paper. My wonderful friends who have shown their loving support for my work and for all those who read this book.
For many years I have been thinking about writing this book but the time was never right until now.
Working as a practising Naturopath-Kinesiologist but most importantly as an Energy-healer has enabled me to gather the much needed information, insight and knowledge that have inspired me to share my experiences with you.
I have come to the conclusion that we all own that unique fingerprint that might add up to just the right blend of information for one of the seekers out there, so here is my version.
In my experience of work in this field I have enjoyed many interesting encounters with clients and their stories, as I call them, which over recent years opened my eyes widely to the fact that by focussing on cleansing and healing the individual’s body/mind/energy-balance and most of all, guiding them to re-adjust their quality of thought, proved to be the best healing formula.
I believe that the quality of our thoughts create our life’s past, present and our future experiences, on all levels. Most of us still lack understanding and knowledge of the great importance of this fact and hold on to old belief systems, which claim that happiness and health, let alone success can never result from just thoughts.
However, everything within begins as an energy spark from a thought. We have the choice of its vibrational quality and therefore become the director of its outcome.
Once we understand ourselves better and the power of a positive mind, we can become co- creators of our own life, no matter how dark your past may have been.
It’s all about the quality of the energy within us, and how we project our belief system into our daily lives.
Image1.pngChapter One
What is Life
What is Life Force?
There are many different ways to describe it. Let’s start with the term used by the ancient Chinese.
The ancient Chinese described it as ‘Life Force’. They believed ‘Qi’ permeated and linked their surroundings together. They linked it to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit.
The ancient Chinese believe that this energy current flows through a network of fine energy lines, called meridians. These work as a very individual and unique telephone- network for communication between body/mind and organs within our system.
When the energy current shows signs of stagnation or blockage, the Chinese apply acupuncture amongst other techniques to reinstall a free flow of energy and balance.
The Chinese practise a lot of other energy balancing and enhancing techniques, Qi-gong, Tai-Chi etc. that I won’t go into at this stage.
Quantum Physics
Energy information explained using science
We may consider every cell in the human body as a library of information. Each cell is made of molecules, each molecule is made of atoms, and each atom is made of electrons, neutrons and protons. In connection with Einstein’s familiar formula, E=mc² we have been taught that matter and energy are equivalent. That we can convert energy into matter, and that the energy in a piece of matter is equal to the mass of the matter times the speed of light squared.
While in the past it was believed that electrons were particles- matter existing at some point in space. Now, according to particle physics, electrons are not particles all of the time, but sometimes behave like waves of light. The current consensus is that they are both wave like and particle light as all is matter.
In fact, in the world of quantum physics, it seems these elementary particles
(including electrons) don’t really exist at all. What does exist are: relationships, correlations, and tendencies, to actualize from a multifaceted set of potentials.
At this level it is strikingly evident that there may be no objective physical reality at all. What the scientific community once thought was there in the sub atomic realm and what the educated world was taught to perceive as real simply does not exist.
The new physics tell us that matter may actually be nothing more than a series of patterns out of focus and that sub atomic particles
aren’t really made up of energy, but simply ARE ENERGY!!
Niels Bohr, who is regarded as the father of quantum physics, pointed out that a particle only becomes a particle when we look at it.
The new physics tells us that the observer cannot observe anything without changing what he sees. Moreover Princeton researchers Brenda I. Dunne and Robert G. Jahn have shown that this concept is not limited to the micro world of quantum interactions. Astonishingly they have through a series of well-documented experiments, established that our minds, our intent, can alter the outcome of events!
To cut a long story short, this confirms that the mind can change matter and certainly if the intention is of positive thought-quality, the positive energy current will create a positive echoing within our system. This fact may be of interest to all the critical minds out there.
What Happens if
The flow of ‘Life-Force’ is interrupted?
Most of us are born with a free flow of Life-Force
energy current that runs freely through our body, providing our body-mind network with all the necessary vitamins, nutrients, very simply put, via our little soldiers, the cells.
What Happens if
We encounter damage to this flow?
Especially during our childhood, we may encounter some form of trauma or encounter a longer period of suffering, either through one event or an entire chain of events as we grow up. This sows the seed of energy stagnation. If ignored or left untreated this can develop from energy stagnation to a full block and result in disease and other physical imbalances.
Stress is caused by a variety of factors, but fear is the most predominant one.
It is the result of negative experiences of situations of the past, caused by a single event or an entire time period. Our body-mind system responds to stress by creating tension in the soft tissues, muscles, and organs.
This internalises the sensory and vibrational information of whatever causes the stress. Life Force is used to record this information in a special memory-matrix within our soft tissue. It is a bit as if