Food Medicine: The Number 1 Rule for a Long and Healthy Life
About this ebook
Deborah Harper
Deborah Harper is a Chartered Natural Medicine Practitioner with over 25 years experience in Herbal Medicine. A blogger, researcher and published author Deborah believes we all deserve optimum health. Which is why she has created this no nonsense easy to follow do it yourself guide including the secret sauce which is the number 1 rule. Follow this 1 rule and benefit with Vitality, Regenerating and Restoring your health for a long and healthy life.
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Food Medicine - Deborah Harper
Copyright © 2020 Deborah Harper.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-2027-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-2028-3 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 02/06/2020
This book is dedicated to all mothers.
We are the traditional nurturers, protectors and the first teachers of our children.
They are the next generation in which we trust the care and nurturing will continue for generation after generation.
Let’s examine what have we learnt over the last 50 years and what message we pass on to our children so they can thrive. As long as they are healthy we will have done our job.
When you think about it a generation is merely 25 years.
In 25 years a whole way of life can change.
I found this quote in a book by Diana Gabaldon:
Through the Stones.
You have 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great-great grandparents and 32 great-great-great grandparents. With an average age of twenty five years between each generation this means that during the past five hundred years, there were 1,048,576 people all contributing to the production of YOU
That really amazes me, but it also shows how we are all in the same boat. Western European people, like me, for example, suffer from heart disease, cancers, respiratory disease, diabetes and obesity. Many of these diseases are simply lifestyle diseases that can be reversed, or can be avoided altogether. In the next 25 years my hope is we can learn from our mistakes and create a brighter, healthier future for our next generation.
Picture your body as a car and that you are driving a 2 million year old car.
What fuel do you use?
This car is a natural, organic, living, breathing car.
For 2 million years that car has been using a fuel made up of: water, seeds, nuts, grasses, herbs, roots, fruits, vegetables, grains and meats - after all that is the fuel it is used to.
More importantly that is the kind of fuel it was made for!
Then suddenly after 2 million years on the same fuel that car has to switch over to a new fuel.
In the past 150 years a new and modern mixture has been added to run the car: sugar, sweets, biscuits, crisps, chocolate, cola and soft drinks, processed fats and oils, cigarettes and alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs, chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and preservatives.
What do you think will happen to this 2 million year old natural, organic, living, breathing car?
That’s right, it breaks down.
The performance fuel has gone, replaced with a man-made cocktail that the body does not recognize as fuel.
But the body is resilient and adapts. For every new dis-ease that your immune system comes in contact with, cells are alerted, they identify the dis-ease, memorize the dis-ease, and immediately start fighting it.
Your body, providing it is well fuelled, can fight and heal and remember every dis-ease it has come in contact with. You may have a dis-ease right now circulating through your body, but have no symptoms because you’ve had that dis-ease before and your very intelligent immune system has dealt with it before it has even caused any symptoms.
Such is the wisdom of your body.
Much of the fuel we consume today is polluted and unrecognizable to our bodies.
Now is the time to take note of your allies and avoid your enemies.
I have a saying, Fresh is best- forget the rest
. By changing your diet to accommodate the types of foods our bodies recognize as premium fuel you will be rewarded with maximum performance and dependability.
There has been a 37% increase in cancer cases in China since the western diet has replaced the traditional Chinese diet.
The Greatest Medicine of them all is to teach people how Not to Need it
And in this book you will learn just how to achieve that goal. It all comes down to following 1 simple rule. Once you know it the rest is easy.
Hi Friend, My name is Debbie Harper,
And I help people create a healthier life and home while saving you money and your environment. I promote Regenerative Food Medicine
that includes sustainable living practices.
If there was only 1 rule you had to follow for Living a Long and Healthy Life. Would you do it?
If you are suffering from an allergy or illness and you follow this 1 rule you will reduce Your Symptoms and reverse Your Dis-ease altogether.
What if I said if you follow this 1 rule you will Lose Weight Forever and keep it off?
How about if I said by following this 1 rule you could also Save Money.
And if I said by following this 1 rule you could support Local Industry and Local Jobs.
By following this 1 rule you can also Reduce Household Waste.
Follow this 1 rule and you will be helping to Save Your Planet.
And what if I said if you follow this 1 rule you may never have to visit your doctor or never have to worry about medical bills again and provide a better future for our children, Would YOU do it?
1/ Fresh is Best Forget the Rest. Butters Better
2/ Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
3/ Supermarkets
4/ Farmers Markets
5/ A Traditional diet
6/ 10 Dangerous Things in the Modern Home
7/ The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts
8/ The 2/3 1/3 Rule
9/ In the Garden
10/Why a healthy diet and saving the planet are the same thing.
1/ 10 Essential Foods to Optimize Brain Function.
2/ How to Gain More by Spending Less.
3/ Detox Me Completely and Safely.
4/ My Little Pot of Gold.
In this first chapter we will look at butter and margarine and compare the difference.
We are just getting started but this example highlights many of the foods we consume today that are doing more harm than good and emphasises just how important it is to Eat Fresh.
Let’s get started
The 1 rule is:
Fresh is Best Forget the Rest
Now that you know the 1 rule you have plenty of time to mull this over as you read this book.
Butters Better.
There was an ad that played on TV here in New Zealand some years ago that showed the difference between butter and margarine quite clearly. It labelled the ingredients of butter, cream and salt and compared it to the ingredients of margarine and the list of ingredients in margarine scrolled on and on. I’ll list them now and they will fill this entire page and more……..
The Margarine Story revealed:
Vegetable-oil blend
Whey (milk)
Vegetable mono & diglycerides
Soy lecithin
Citric acid artificial flavours
Vitamin A
Beta carotene (for colour)
And how it is made (which is very disturbing, actually):
Margarine makers start with cheap poor quality vegetable oils, such as corn, cottonseed, soybeans, safflower seeds and canola. These oils have already turned rancid by the way, from being extracted from oil seeds using high temperature (which destroys the oil making it rancid) and high pressure.
Rancid oils are loaded with free radicals that react easily with other molecules, causing cell