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The Revenge of Ogystone
The Revenge of Ogystone
The Revenge of Ogystone
Ebook221 pages2 hours

The Revenge of Ogystone

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About this ebook

Those of you that enjoyed ‘Voices in the Mist’ will remember that we closed with poor Scratch being carried home by Suzy after he had received terrible injuries from Ogystone. They were really relieved to see the Evil creature puff out and disappear for ever.
You all learnt about the secret world of the Paxtey, I wonder how many humans will believe that a community of beings like a Paxtey could possibly exist? This Group of beings are very different, as you will find out for yourselves as you read about their adventures.
This next book is so exciting. I can’t wait to get writing and tell you all about it.
To everyone that reads this story, all I ask is that as you go with the flow, that you keep an open mind, because within the story there are many realities to be considered.
Release dateNov 29, 2019
The Revenge of Ogystone

J. S. Ralph

Jennifer Susan Ralph has been writing stories both fictional and true as a hobby since she was a small child. Then, in 2002, she had a strange dream, about one of the characters who became Scratch and Voices in the Mist was born, She has spent many happy hours sitting and looking out over the warren and planning this story, which she finally has the pleasure of presenting to you. Jennifer hopes you enjoy it as much as she enjoyed writing it!

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    The Revenge of Ogystone - J. S. Ralph

    © 2019 J. S. Ralph. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  11/29/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9210-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9211-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9212-7 (e)

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    What on Earth Is a Paxtey?

    Dear Friends

    Chapter 1     Chamali’s Joy

    Chapter 2     The Awakening

    Chapter 3     The Paxtey Haven 2003

    Chapter 4     The Blade and Ogystone

    Chapter 5     Evil Returns

    Chapter 6     Warren or Fortress?

    Chapter 7     Ogystone in London

    Chapter 8     The Royal Flag Is Flying

    Chapter 9     The Fire Pebbles

    Chapter 10   Scratch

    Chapter 11   Suzy Sleeps

    Chapter 12   Where Is Scratch?

    Chapter 13   Scratch Meets Blade

    Chapter 14   Suzy Has Risen

    Chapter 15   Time to Plan

    Chapter 16   The Havenley Angels’ Blessings

    Chapter 17   The Decision

    Chapter 18   Ladhar Bheinn

    Chapter 19   The Warning

    Chapter 20   Dregan

    Chapter 21   Ogystone’s Last Stand

    Chapter 22   Finally

    A big thank you to my family and my grandsons for their patience and understanding as I worked my way through the story and bouncing ideas.

    A special thank you to my husband, Frank, who has had to sit and listen to many pages being read out loud. My listening ears.


    I have been asked this question so many times before!

    ‘How did you explain it, Jenny?’

    How to define and describe a Paxtey, sigh.

    To even know one is such an honour.

    To be part of their lives is a life lesson that changes one forever.

    ‘Yes, but what are they?’

    A Paxtey is the humblest and the most caring, life-loving creature on earth.

    I know that when I first caught sight of one, I was shocked. As fairies go, they are quite big. So, I didn’t think it was a fairy or a pixie or a gnome.

    They have beautiful wings that can be tucked away out of sight. Then they can walk upright, like a human.

    They have enormous, long ears with long fine hair on the insides of them. These hairs function as antennae, so that they can hear the smallest sound from miles away.

    They can fly so fast that they make themselves invisible.

    They can converse with every living creature in the world, from a tiny ant to the biggest whale in the sea, because they have extrasensory perception.

    They will never deliberately hurt a living soul.

    They are magical and mystical.

    As this story unfolds, you will discover even more about these beautiful souls. Just you wait and see.



    Dear Friends,

    We continue to follow grown-up Suzy’s memories. The story is busy from the word go. Those of you who enjoyed Book 1, Voices in the Mist may remember that we closed with Suzy carrying home poor Scratch after he received terrible injuries from Ogystone. They were relieved to see the evil creature puff out and disappear forever.

    You learnt about the secret world of the Paxtey. I wonder how many humans will believe that a community of beings like the Paxtey exists? This group of beings are very different from us, as you will see as you read about their adventures.

    This next book is so exciting that I can’t wait to get writing and tell you all about it. To everyone who reads this story, all I ask is to go with the flow, and keep an open mind. Within the story are many realities to consider.

    I hope you enjoy it. And don’t forget that the next breeze that brushes past you could be a Paxtey in a hurry.

    Best Wishes




    Chamali’s Joy

    May 2027. Welcome back.

    A grown-up Suzy had stopped for a break, but now she was back sitting on the bench at the Capel-Le Ferne cliffside, overlooking the warren. She was reminiscing about the incredible memories of her teenage years. All those exciting but sometimes frightening times with her dear friend, Scratch, and life in the world of the Paxtey’s.

    ‘Now, where was I? Oh, yes, I remember, back to that moment I brought poor Scratch home badly injured. His lovely wings were so damaged after that terrible time with Ogystone that he couldn’t even fly. But they saw the end of the monster. He had puffed out and gone forever.’ They had helped to rescue six hundred kidnapped Paxtey’s, who were taken from many warrens, fens, and dales from across Britain.

    Who would have thought that after all that, there would still be so much to go through before things could ever be right again? There was such a lot of work and tragedy to deal with before anything could ever return to normality. And as for that Ogystone, well, he was unbelievable. she thought as her mind wandered. I kept having bad dreams back in 2003. Remember, remember.


    No, no! Get away. Leave him alone, you, ugly beast! Crash, crash! Her fists were pounding as hard as possible. Suzy screamed and shouted as loudly and as angrily as she could while thumping her fists over and over.

    ‘Get away from him. Get away. Get away!’ Thump, thump.

    He moved away from Scratch to see who it was and growled when he saw that stupid, irritating girl.

    Suzy seized her chance and threw herself across Scratch, covering him with her body and her rainbow shield. She could feel Ogystone’s feet slightly touching the outside of her shield, but it didn’t hurt. She screamed, ‘You can’t get us now. Clear off. Go away!’ Thump, thump, thump.

    Then she woke up. She had experienced another flashback to the day that Ogystone puffed out after he tried to kill Scratch. Phew. She felt very hot, and her head was perspiring as she opened her eyes.

    It was just Nan, tapping her hands gently, trying to calm Suzy. ‘Everything’s all right, darling. You’ll be fine. It was just another horrible dream.’

    ‘Oh, dear Nan, I was dreaming of that time again.’ She gasped, taking deep breaths. Her heart was pumping rapidly. She looked across the room to see if Scratch had heard her. He hadn’t as he was still in a quiet Paxtey type of meditation to help him recover.

    Sometimes the best time of the day was dawn, when the only sound is birdsong and the scurry of wildlife around you. Then the peaceful atmosphere is perfect for quiet meditation and memories. Unfortunately, just at that moment, nothing seemed peaceful. Suzy hadn’t noticed what time of the day it was because she was still feeling the sadness of her memory.

    ‘Oh, Nan, I was dreaming again. I wonder how long I will carry on doing that. Do you think I will ever be able to forget?’

    ‘No, my darling, I’m afraid you won’t forget. But it will become a much more comfortable memory as you replace it with all the good things that happened afterward that made everyone happy.’

    Grandad had fitted up a small hammock that Scratch occasionally used for resting. He decided to secure it to the beams in the dining room as it was a room, they didn’t use every day.

    For the next few days, Suzy looked after Scratch constantly. She slept on the couch so that she would be near him if he needed her. She helped him drink his elderberry juice and fed him fresh nuts and fruit that she bought from the supermarket. In other words, she thoroughly spoilt him.

    Scratch had lots of visitors as well. A Paxtey nurse came first. She was really impressed with how Suzy was caring for him and didn’t change a thing.

    Then the most incredible thing happened the second night that Suzy slept on the couch. She was awoken when the room suddenly lit up. She stared into the light to see an orb hovering around Scratch as he lay there with his eyes closed. The orb dropped a petal onto him, and a gentle voice came into Suzy’s head. ‘Chamali is sending healing wishes with much love for Scratch.’

    Then the light was gone. Suzy lay for a while feeling overwhelmed and with a sense of reverence. The Havenley angels had sent a message to Scratch from Chamali. She jumped up and put the light on. She was covered in goose bumps and full of wonder. An orb actually came into her house.

    Even now, as Suzy sat thinking about it again, she still felt that cold thrill all over her at that incredible memory. The Havenley angels had sent a petal from a Havenley orchid. It was an exquisite treasure and honour to have such a thing, and Grandad put it in a glass case the next day. He told Suzy that in years to come, it would still look as fresh as it did the day it arrived. It would be a lovely memory.

    Paxtey are strong resilient little beings that heal quickly, and by the fifth day, Scratch was up and about, and ready to fly off to the warren. But not without Suzy. As he took to the air, Suzy took off in Little House. She had told Little House to follow Scratch. She sat on the bench, pulled the safety bar across her lap, and there she was, a soon to be thirteen Suzy Winnicroft, flying through the air in Little House as if it was a perfectly normal thing for a human being to do.

    Whether it was or not, she was flying again and following Scratch down to the warren. Her hair blew in the breeze that came through Little House as it zoomed along to keep up with Scratch, who was heading out over the warren. The sun was shining its early morning light across the sea. The sea was rolling in, with the white horses tumbling over the crest of the waves. Suzy felt a wonderful sense of happiness and pride as they flew along together.

    As they landed on a clear strip of grass in the warren, Suzy could hear laughter and a familiar voice as she stepped out of Little House and hurried to keep up with Scratch. ‘Hurry up, Suzy,’ Scratch called.

    Suddenly Suzy skidded to a halt. Oh, what a wonderful sight! There, sitting on his moss and chalk rock, was Chamali, talking to the little ones. Some of the other Paxtey’s sat on branches, looking down. Others hovered near to watch, and three nursery nurses held baby Paxtey’s in their arms. ‘Oh, what a beautiful picture. Everyone is there in the sunlight, she thought. Suzy just stood there smiling for quite a while, looking around at everyone.

    Scratch instantly zoomed across in front of Chamali, and in hovering mode, he looked seriously into Chamali’s face and bowed. ‘My dear sir, I am so relieved and honoured to greet you. My heart pounds with happiness.’

    ‘I, too, have a full heart to greet you with,’ Chamali replied, smiling with pride. Then he turned to Suzy. ‘Hello, Suzy. I’m so happy to see you. Are you still feeling strong?’

    She slowly walked toward him and knelt on the grass next to him so that they could look at each other, eye to eye. ‘Now that you are back with us, sir, I am happy as well as strong.’ She held his tiny shoulders and kissed his cheek.

    He smiled at her and said, ‘Stay for a while. I am going to tell a story for everyone.’

    ‘I would love to. Thank you,’ Suzy replied.

    ‘Everyone is asking me how I escaped from Ogystone Mountain, so I thought I would tell you the story.’

    They all settled down and got comfortable. Suzy found a branch seat and got comfortable at the foot of a tree. Scratch sat on a low branch beside her. They looked at each other and smiled, and then back at Chamali expectantly. Everything felt so right and normal and happy again.

    Chamali waved his hand across the air in front of him, and a mist appeared which changed to a moving picture. In the middle of the picture was Chamali, sitting in his cave prison with his shield safely around him.

    ‘While I spent my time with Ogystone, I kept my rainbow shield around me at all times. And thank goodness because it meant that he couldn’t hurt me, ever. But it was very lonely. I missed all of you very much,’ he said, smiling at all the little ones.

    Chamali had decided that he would never tell them about the terrible kickings and beatings he received at the hands of Ogystone and his cruel team, Kurr and Kree, before he finally remembered

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