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The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace
The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace
The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace
Ebook128 pages1 hour

The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace

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There are so many authors today writing about business start-ups and/or improvement of current business practices. This book is similar, yet profoundly different. As a female entrepreneur you need firm assurances of entrepreneurial effectiveness. Your “how to” shouldn’t outweigh your foundational applications. Corporate America has been utilizing the dominative business plan that has worked for centuries taken from Genesis 1:28. It’s time for you to use this plan and apply it to the God-given dream for your business. At this time your dream will become a reality without doubting its feasibility. This book is geared to provide GEMS (Guide, Educate, Motivate, and Stimulate) where by faith you encounter the process based on timeless principles that always work. Comments from influential and affluent women of history and businesswomen will encourage you with their quotes and experiences. This approach will make you - “The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace!”
Release dateDec 16, 2019
The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace

Dr. Brandy F. Gibson

Dr. Brandy F. Gibson is married to Rev. Reginald W. Gibson. She is an ordained minister, international speaker, business consultant/trainer and covenant daughter of Bishop Keith & Pastor Deborah Butler, Southfield, MI. As President of BFGibson & Associates, LLC (Public Relations/Marketing & Event Planning) she handles celebrity clients primarily NFL players. She has worked with Tony Dungy, NFL Hall of Famer & Football Analyst, Tony Nathan, Miami Dolphins (film “Woodlawn” depicts his life), Todd Gerelds, Author of the book “Woodlawn,” Darrin Gray, Author of “The Jersey Effect,” Bobby Humphrey, NFL Great and retiree of the Miami Dolphins, whose son Marlon Humphrey plays for the Baltimore Ravens, Freddie Scott, NFL Detroit Lions, Betzalel Friedman, Commissioner of the Israeli Football League, The Four Tops &Tommy Hearns (Float Marshalls of the Michigan Thanksgiving Day Parade), Michelle Jefferson CEO of Enstyle Event Designs, Brittany Lane of Parker Lane Designs, and marketed twenty-four international fashions designers and many more. She sits on various advisory boards globally. She assisted in the brainchild development of Samford University’s Sports Marketing curriculum and sits on the Governor of Alabama’s Blackbelt Commissions for Education, Marketing, Tourism, and Small Business. To request Dr. Gibson as a speaker, consultant or instructor please contact her at: BFGibson & Associates, LLC (205) 810.0067 Website: Email: [email protected]

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    The Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace - Dr. Brandy F. Gibson

    © 2019 Dr. Brandy F. Gibson. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/21/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3758-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3757-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019919534

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    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain


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    Chapter 1     The Marketplace

    Chapter 2     Who Is The Uncommon Woman of Faith?

    Chapter 3     What Are The Characteristics of An Uncommon Woman of Faith?

    Chapter 4     What is The Kingdom of God?

    Chapter 5     The Marketplace Revisited

    Chapter 6     God’s Business Plan And Executive Summary

    Chapter 7     The Marketplace Needs Laborers

    Chapter 8     The Juggernaut Prophecy

    Chapter 9     Should I Tithe From My Business?

    Chapter 10   Faith In The Marketplace

    Chapter 11   We Can’t Be Idle In The Marketplace

    Chapter 12   Success In The Marketplace

    Chapter 13   Investment In The Marketplace

    Chapter 14   The Global Marketplace

    Chapter 15   The Uncommon Business Woman Prayer of Faith


    It’s customary to hear the term ole school if you’re one to act or react in a manner that depicts you’ve been trained properly. I choose to render schooled because it’s a component that today’s society is missing. I want to honor those responsible for my being schooled. Therefore, I dedicate this book to my parents James & Frances Johnson, who taught my siblings and I bootstrap mentality and love. Also, Grandma Sarah Thomas, who nurtured my spiritual growth until the age of five. There’s nothing like family!

    Secondarily, I dedicate this book to my brother James Johnson, Jr., whom I referred to as my big brother, although I’m the eldest. James, a godly and talented man with a powerful testimony of love who cared for many. His voice in song phenomenal and his stylish dress impeccable.

    Thirdly, to my parents in love, Ralph & Dorothy Gibson, whose humor I love. The training of their only son Reginald, my husband, depicts godly and intellectual roots that can’t be questioned. All of the parents mentioned above, and brother graduated to glory yet each left godly legacy.

    I take this time to honor my children Tammie/Scott, Corey, ChaTea, Askia, and Selina. My dynamic, one of a kind, super talented siblings Leo/Valerie, Geraldine, Van/Dolores, Michelle/Bernial, and Tonya/Cornell. I cherish my grandchildren Brittany, Noah, Scottie, Cam, Anfernee, Brandon, Cayleb, Asia, Talia, Ausar, Elijah, Castille, nephews and nieces and the princess, my great-grandchild Lane Michelle Fulton and her dad Dezmon Fulton.

    I would be remised to overlook my Covenant Parents Bishop Keith A. Butler and his anointed and lovely wife, Pastor Deborah L. Butler. They nourished and poured into me the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. Their vital and strategic training in the areas of politics, issues of the day, and ministry start-up is invaluable. Also, the infamous Class of 93" Pistis School of Ministry. Special thanks to Dr. Stanley L. Scott and His ageless wife, Minister Carolyn Scott, who truly instilled a hunger for Christ in my life. Special acknowledgment to Attorney Jahan Berns and family. My genuine, powerful, and dynamic Ministers of Word of Faith Global Ministries, Inc, Birmingham, AL, who without them the vision would tarry.

    My thanks to a man God is using tremendously in the sports industry, Mr. Tony Dungy. In 2010, my working engagement with him opened the revelation for my brand. Mr. Dungy autographed To Uncommon Brandy on his poster at Auburn University where he spoke to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Coaches. My brand at that moment became UncommonBran thanks to Holy Spirit. Special thanks to Darrin Gray, NFL and NBA clients and constituents.

    To my dear friend and business ally Leigh Valentine, Pastor & Mrs. George Blanks, Bishop Willie Bradley, Pastor Gwen Bradley, Pastor Ray Cottrell & Pastor Rena’ Cottrell. My dear sister in Christ and mentor Rev. Lucy McKee and her twin sister Re. Lynne Hammond, Dr. Billye Brim and my mentor Judge Jesse P. Slaton, who poured into me from Barbour Jr. High, Detroit, MI. throughout my professional career until her departure from earth.

    Special love to my European, African, India, and Israel team leaders and affiliates Minister Cadytema Dangbele and sons Kevin, Fabrice, Eric, Mbemba and their wives; Nicole Emany, Pastor Lucie Lupemba, Pastors Paul & Pauline Mahon, Marcelline Lukala, Minister Muriel Tephany, Pastors Bruno & Synphorose Kasonga, Bishop & Mrs. William Brown, Aniyshai Tshimanga, Minister & Mrs. Misha Emany, Mr. & Mrs. Lorise Emany, Pastors Jacob and Mary Mari, Ambassador Dr, Christine Niyonsavye, Julie Mukendi, Pastor Isaac Bosire, Rabbi Gershon Nduwa, Abraham Lincoln Bah, Douglas Okhostso and Ambassador Nonye Udo.

    Lastly, my dearest supportive husband, Reginald, who affords me opportunity, support, and freedom to actively pursue God’s plan for my life. The oneness we share is truly ordained by God, and I genuinely respect and love him dearly.


    The book Uncommon Woman of Faith in the Marketplace"

    is an invaluable contribution of Dr. Brandy F. Gibson to

    the empowerment of Christian women and the body of

    Christ at large, for the children of God to repossess "the

    mountains of industry" corrupted by the world system and

    make it available and proper to the Kingdom of God.

    Dr. Brandy F. Gibson’s tremendous skills in teaching,

    counseling and coaching are thoroughly displayed

    in this book, an eye-opener for Christians on God’s

    business plan intended for them, on their true identity

    revealed in the word, on divine provision backing up

    every God-given dream or vision and on the Helper,

    the Holy Spirit, faithfully standing by their side.

    This book is therefore a genuine roadmap for

    every child of God fed up with routine life in their

    comfort zone and earnestly willing and seeking to

    step into the destiny God designed for them."

    Amb. Mahan Paul Nathanael

    Head of Africa Department

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of Cote d’Ivoire


    "The biblical principles shared by Dr. Gibson in

    this book will ignite your faith to continue to live a

    separated life and believe God for the possible."

    Tonya Garner

    Postmaster, Dearborn, MI


    "Dr Gibson’s book The Uncommon Woman of Faith

    is an encouragement to consider mind renewal while

    pursuing purpose in the marketplace. The reader will be

    challenged and championed, to reflect God’s glory as she

    implements the Heavenly Father’s uncommon plan."

    Min. Frankie Hing

    Columbia, SC


    "Dr. Brandy definitely knows how to teach you to become

    an uncommon woman of faith in the marketplace. You

    will be blessed and reach a higher level in what God

    has called you to do as you read this amazing book."

    Rev. Kate McVeigh

    Evangelist/Author of The Blessing of Favor


    "If succeeding in business God’s way is

    your purpose, this is a Must Have

    This book is a step-by-step empowering book for

    your business journey, which will enable you to

    build a successful kingdom grounded business.

    As a believing woman, it will show you according to

    God’s approach your importance in the marketplace,

    your uncommon business statutes in today’s society, and

    how to hear the secrets The Spirit of God is revealing

    you concerning your business and field, in order for

    you to be successful and build God’s kingdom."

    Rev. Pauline Mahan Gaithersburg, MD


    "Over two thousand years ago the Apostle John

    wrote, ‘By this all people will know that you are my

    disciples, if you have love for one another.’ As a

    follower of

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