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The Game Remains but the Players Change!!!: How Do You Want to Be Remembered by Your Love Ones?
The Game Remains but the Players Change!!!: How Do You Want to Be Remembered by Your Love Ones?
The Game Remains but the Players Change!!!: How Do You Want to Be Remembered by Your Love Ones?
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The Game Remains but the Players Change!!!: How Do You Want to Be Remembered by Your Love Ones?

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This book is about seeing the real world and people from another perspective, and not the imaginary world of how people and the world ought to be. Real street players and men of business don't see the real world with a mindset of hopes and dreams, nor with mediocre views. They see the world as it is, and how people truly are. Real players and business men see people based on their desires, wants and emotional experiences. Some of those experiences whether past or present has forced people to become rigid and selfish for survival, protection, getting money, secret relationships, emotionally with-drawn due to their emotional and psychological pain from past experiences, and dealing with those trust issues to conceal and never reveal themselves and always have the upper hand in any situation.This book is based on reality and not theories.
Release dateDec 1, 2019
The Game Remains but the Players Change!!!: How Do You Want to Be Remembered by Your Love Ones?

P. Los

P. Ls, the author has spent over 25 years of studying and participating in the Great Schools and Temples of Occult Science and Esoteric Psychology, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding the Universal Laws of human nature. Coming from the streets of Side Walk University and the School of Hard- Knocks, he became an initiate years ago, and entered the business and literary world. The author has produced and written numerous of Self- Help books and novels. Being an great student of Esoteric- Metaphysical studies was a profound changing experience, that made a good man better.

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    The Game Remains but the Players Change!!! - P. Los


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    Published by AuthorHouse  11/30/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3837-8 (sc)

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    Open Your Mind

    Chapter 1 Fame vs. Fortune

    Chapter 2 Dr. Juggler and Mr. Hide

    Chapter 3 The Sharper The Blade, The Easier The Cut

    Chapter 4 See The Angles, Before You Tangle

    Chapter 5 The 10 Pillars of The Game

    Chapter 6 Psychological Warfare

    Chapter 7 The Player’s Lifestyle

    Chapter 8 The Player’s Mindset

    The Ending Is The Beginning

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    I dedicate this book to all the real Hustlers and

    Players men and women, that played the Game, and doing what they can to give back in some form or fashion for the young ones.

    A plant that doesn’t have good fertile soil, sunlight, and rain, will soon wither and die.

    "A driver without a destination, is a passenger without the steering wheel.


    Open Your Mind

    Before I take you dear reader, into a deep world of psychological Game and reality. From the beginning, I must inform you that this book will not be like your normal book reading. With those narrow-minded understandings, watered-down for the mediocre with sentimental insight, over sensitive for the meek and the weak, scholastics gibberish to impress the shallow minded, and sugar-coated to appeal to the mediocre. This book is raw, gusty and real! This book will make most people upset, angry, and some will come face to face with their reality. A few people will see how cold and heartless the world we live in, and make those necessary mental adjustments. The real world doesn’t sugar-coat its reality, it doesn’t hide harsh truths, and it doesn’t care about how we feel. Reality has and always will be for the few! Meanwhile lies, false-truths, excuses and self-denial will serve the masses as they wish, and uphold those untruths for themselves and about themselves. Nor will I appeal to the mediocre with fantasies with a lot of hype without the Player’s blood type. As the saying goes, "What’s in your blood is the only way you can live, think, act, be, survive, win or lose while playing the Game of Life!

    Don’t get me wrong when I mention the Game! To misunderstand is to not over-stand, you dig? I am going to bury the raw deeper than six feet, because the Game is too heavy and too real to put down in a shallow mind. Many of you have said, and I myself have heard this numerous of times from ordinary people down to my protégés and followers, before they understood the mindset. Majority of the people that say this to themselves are emotional, and not psychological equipped to understand the real world of manipulation, deceit and what it takes to become successful. Here’s the comment from those mediocre minds, I don’t have time to play games! The people that hold seats of economical-power and positions of political-power understand this mindset. What mindset is that? The mindset of a winner, which is to be a Player in the Game of life. Real Players use and understand that the mind is a powerful tool for tactics and strategies when it comes to business, politics, relationships, potential enemies, and society as a whole. Real Players see their position in life like a Game. This mindset develops the mental concept of making moves to win, and come out victorious in whatever endeavor the Real Player is engaged in for a successful lifestyle. If the mind isn’t prepared for the task when needed, then the body will never act accordingly. The people that tell themselves I am not playing Games or "I dont have time for Games," fail to understand that a certain mindset comes with making powerful moves, powerful decisions and playing the Game for a better position in life. If you fail to understand how important and powerful you really are then you will never dig the reality of what power is and how it is used. Powerful people play the Game of life from a powerful mind state, and they see their position in life like a Game, which helps them to develop a strategic mindset. That’s why street Players call it the Game, because of the necessary tactics, strategies, charisma, and manipulation that has to be utilized when a situation calls for it. Respecting the Game and sticking to those valuable principles of the Game is how you thrive and survive in and of the Game. Today’s young-players have no respect for themselves and the Old School which is where the Game resides. Powerful people do not deny themselves the good life, the riches, the wealth, the health and time to enjoy their rewards and family. Positive people understand that having a positive mindset is power. Only if the person uses it prudently and consistently, they will see the effect of power making changes in their lives. Powerful people know they deserve a better life and a luxurious lifestyle. Powerful people don’t make excuses, nor do they blame their poverty issues on other people, and neither do they blame their parents. Their lack of money as a child was a blessing in disguise that many of them didn’t realize until they got themselves together and went after what they knew and felt what was theirs by birthright. Real Players don’t think nor act like the mediocre. Real Players know they are here in a physical form for a mission and purpose, that’s beyond the mental concept of the mediocre mindset and normal people. That’s the reason that a few people like other down Players can dig the means and ways of a Player’s life and actions. The Player’s childhood with those unwanted situations aided and provided the Player with the mindset to never give up, don’t point the finger and don’t socialize with the mediocre. The Player’s childhood with hardships and their surroundings was part and parcel to shaping and molding the Player’s life. The Player’s character and personality for their place, performance, was rewarded with wisdom, knowledge and understanding, which is priceless, but yet profitable. That’s why they play the Game of life from a positive and powerful mindset. How you see yourself is how you perform for yourself! If you think less of yourself, you will be less than your greater Self. As you think it, and believe it, so shall you be it. When it comes to this Game of life everyone claims to know what the next man, woman, boy and girl needs in order to win. By staying true to it I must say only the results reveals the Player’s knowledge of the Game. A pair of lips can say anything and we see this shit daily, but a real Player will part his lips for a great purpose. The Player’s Game strikes like lightning and blows like the wind. You dig? I don’t like to use the words right and wrong. Those words don’t apply to my psychological Player’s mindset when it comes to putting down the Game. Every last one of us, has lied, told untrue stories, done away with what was right at one time, and was forced to change to a wrongly coarse of action for the right results at another time. It boils down to the stone-cold truth, it’s not about what’s right or wrong. It’s about what actually fucking works! Every person on this planet that is living, has lived, and will be born, will tell a lie for two reasons and two reasons only! What are those two reasons? 1.) To gain what he or she desires to have, and 2.) To never lose something we enjoy, love and value.

    The right thing to a Player, is the wrong thing for the mediocre person, and the wrong thing for a Player, is the right thing for the mediocre. That’s why I psychologically don’t scribe to right and wrong. Results and actions in the Game is the way of life that rewards the Players with Riches, Money, Respect and Power. No actions, no great results! The mediocre wants to be successful but yet lack the psychological mindset to be successful. The Player has the successful charismatic mindset, that’s why he is successful. Every time a real Player speaks, it’s logical with a razor edge street verbatim with life’s answers. The Player’s mouth piece is philosophical with a wide range of mathematical verbal Game of intellectual equations. The Player’s words and actions are also inspiring and motivational, and most of all it’s the foundation of Universal Principles. In the Good Book(Bible) Proverb 1:6 "The words of the wise and their riddles." Today the mediocre have no Game, only because they are trying to play a universal Game without the principles of psychological discipline and power. The real Player and the mediocre are both playing the cards they were dealt. A negative fucked up mind with a fucked hand will never win the Game. Only a principled positive mind can turn a loosing hand into a winner’s Game. The principles and psychology is the foundation and science of the Game. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics better known as STEM. Every plant, tree, animal, rock, insect, planet, flower, star, human and everything in the Universe has a Universal Programmed STEM. To do away with the normal process of the STEM is disrespecting the LAWS of the Universe. You can never win going against this Great Universal Organized Force, which is call GOD! That Great Mental-Creative Power, Principle and Life-Force.

    One night my brother Chico the mutha-fucking Man as he is known, and my one and only mentor Ice Mike and myself, was kicking it at one of our relative’s home. You know doing the normal shit drinking, eating Bar-B-Que, fried fish and playing dominoes(bones) talking shit, and running down memory lane. As the night was moving on my brother Chico asked Ice Mike, "When it comes to the Game and all the stuff you taught us

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