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Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life of Transformation Through Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Energy
Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life of Transformation Through Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Energy
Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life of Transformation Through Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Energy
Ebook283 pages4 hours

Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life of Transformation Through Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Energy

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A wondrous and fascinating account of a parallel life of Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Activation directly from the streets of New York City!

If you are attracted to the ideas of spirituality and raising the level of consciousness of humanity as a whole, you will want to peer into the inner life of Rich Mollura. In the early 1980’s, Rich was initiated into a surprising transformational journey by the relentless force of Kundalini Energy and Conscious Evolution. This powerful and ancient mystery spontaneously and intelligently re-engineered Rich’s Being. Little by little over 40 years, he came to appreciate an unexpected and ingenious dimension of Life which revealed beauty, mystery, and profundity. The strangest part of this tale is that while these transformations occurred, he was simultaneously living an ordinary parallel life as a leading salesman to NYC businesses. Unknown to virtually anyone, he was waking up every morning at 3 AM to refine psychological insights and perform esoteric practices that he would later use to negotiate the movements inside his body as he worked to interconnect and comprehend this spectacular unfolding. Imagine sitting in business meetings with jolts of bio-electricity firing down limbs and electrifying your brain! All while appearing normal and consistent with the world without notice.

Rich invites us into a world that was private but explosive as he tells how everyone from Carl Sagan and Walt Whitman to the Wizard of Oz and Eckhart Tolle (among others), came to become intellectual companions along the way. Rich shares how he used his accumulated wisdom to weather everyday challenges that included the loss of his beloved mother to a Gliobastoma, to how he and his wife Nancy addressed their son Richard’s Crohn’s and Celiac condition, and other life challenges that threaten us all. Rich details how life’s higher wisdom can come to inspire and support our journey through higher energies of the body, nature, and ancient wisdom.

This book will help you to:

• Embrace life as your teacher and partner
• Learn new and inventive teachings that could inspire your unique growth
• Open to how spider webs and butterflies can come to enlighten you
• Realize the profound potential of the energies of the human body
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 2, 2019
Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life of Transformation Through Conscious Evolution and Kundalini Energy

Rich Mollura

Rich Mollura has been in the throes of a powerful transformation for 40 years while being a top Salesman in NYC. This transformation involves a relentless search for higher meaning and the activation of a higher energy traditionally known as Kundalini Energy. He pursued and detailed this journey in journals and experiences while leading a dual life as an everyday man of the world and a deep esoteric seeker of enlightenment. His uniqueness in is the extraordinary detail that he lays out in a context that relates to anyone who is also on the same path of seeking higher states of consciousness.

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    Autobiography of a New York City Salesman - Rich Mollura

    Copyright © 2019 Rich Mollura.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3174-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019910114

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/20/2019



    A Personal Ode to Life Itself Written Many Years Ago in My Notebooks

    5 Quotes from Albert Einstein that help get our Consciousness going in the right direction . .

    Introduction: How Transformation Came through a Salesman into This Book

    • Consciousness and Conscious Evolution

    • Kundalini Energy

    • My Book’s Organization

    I. At Seventeen, the Beginning of a Lifelong Odyssey

    • The Work

    • Back to My Story

    • Pondering

    • As Life Transitions, Kundalini Fires Her First Shot

    • The Parallel Life Begins to Form

    II. A Sense of the Miraculous

    • The Ultimate Teacher Arrives from Virtually Everywhere

    • The Company and Diffusing the Hypnotism of Thought

    • Life and Flight

    • Life and the Orb Web of a Spider

    • Consciousness

    • Life Accesses Its Ingenious Designs and Explodes through Human Consciousness

    • Human Prodigy—Life’s Ancient, Masterful Intelligence Repurposes Itself in Individuals

    • Human Wisdom, Mystical Beings, and Enlightenment—Life’s Distilled Precision and Magnificence

    III. Kundalini—Explosive, Intelligent, and Endearing

    • Kundalini Experiences in Full Detail

    The Physical Manifestations of Kundalini and the Body’s need to accommodate New and Powerful Kundalini Activity

    1. Bioelectrical Shocks

    2. Spontaneous Bodily Stretches—Yoga Posturing—Kriyas and Asanas

    3. Collection Breaths and a New Brain and Body Energy State

    4. Snapping, Crackling, Crunching, and Popping

    5. The Opening of Circuits and Accommodating a Distinct Flow of Energy

    6. Mysterious Electrochemical Energy

    7. Activation Levels and Phasing—An Extreme Intensity

    8. Extreme Sleepiness Episodes and Freezing Water

    9. Brain Nausea, Drug-like States, and Alterations in Physiology

    10. Uncontainable Laughter, Sexual Energy, and Ecstatic Joy

    11. Whipping Body Movements, Dancing, Shaking, and Jumping Moves the Energy Dynamically

    12. Inconceivable Bliss Waves

    13. Alterations in Health and Well-Being

    14. Walks

    15. Extraordinary Pervasiveness

    Kundalini’s Sweeping Impact on Emotion

    Higher Energies Transform Our Emotional Constitution through Spirituality, Art, Music, Movies, Theater, Humor, and Relationships

    • Spirituality

    • Art

    • Music

    • Movies

    • Theater

    • Humor

    • Relationships

    The Intellect’s Expansion

    Higher Consciousness and Kundalini Energy

    • A Key Principle of Growth via Self-Actualization and Peak Experiences

    • Cosmological Perspective and Creating Inner Distance from Ordinary Thought

    • Conscious Reflection

    • High-Speed Intelligence and New Mental Processing

    1. Advanced Self-Observation and Neural Recordings and Mental Photography

    2. Neuralizing—A Jan Cox Idea Applied to a New Circuit in Humanity

    3. Assimilation of New Consciousness and the Energy of Kundalini

    • Teachers and the Mystery of Improvisational Wisdom

    • Higher Consciousness Aligns with Life’s Long-Term Good

    • Awakening and Enlightenment

    IV. Wrapping up Spiderwebs, Physiology, and Consciousness

    • The Larger Perspective of Life

    • Back to a More Personal View and Where It Leads

    • Extraordinary Connections, My Mother’s Passing, Reflection and Vision

    • Three Transformational Experiences

    A. Transcendental Intelligence: Connecting a Poet to Me, to You

    B. Life’s Collective Evolution Relative to Health and Well-Being

    C. Timeless Connections and Conscious Evolution

    • Open Wrap-Up … Open Vision … Open Future …


    To my mother, Gina Mollura, who continues to live in me and my brothers and sister, both in our flesh and blood and in spirit. I also would like to acknowledge my father, Dr. Joseph Mollura, who to this day continues to inspire our family to love life, march forward, and realize our potential in every way possible. Lastly, with every word I have written, I honor my wife, Nancy, and our two children, Jenna and Richard, who have provided me endless joy, happiness, and love through this most extraordinary journey with life.


    It is with the utmost gratitude that I thank the following people for their personal touches that have brought this book to publication. First and foremost, I thank my family for all their love and support. A special note of gratitude to my wife, Nancy, my daughter, Jenna, and son, Richard, for their encouragement and enthusiasm that served as meaningful motivation and added inspiration. Specifically, I would like to thank Rebecca Krauss, our acupuncturist and dear friend, for her deep and profound insight that helped shape the initial vision of the writing to the books completion. I also acknowledge our close friend, Suzan Taylor, for her persistent interest and questions that refined the potential value that the content and ideas could offer others. Very special thanks also to Parthenia Hicks, my editor through KN Literary Arts, for her willingness to delve deep into the ideas of the book so that she was able to help me better communicate and convey the book’s ultimate message and purpose. I deeply appreciate the feedback I received in the first version from Christine Valente, Linda Perillo, Sallie Carothers, Derek Hardenson, and Jeff Charno. Their feedback on the first few manuscripts helped form this final and finished work.


    Dear Life …

    I know not what you are …

    I know not who you are …

    I know, only that …

    I love you.


    Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein—c1982, first published in 1954 by Crown Publishers Inc

    What is the meaning of human life, or, for that matter, of the life of any creature? To know an answer to this question means to be religious. You ask: Does it make any sense, then, to pose this question? I answer, the man who regards his own life and that of his fellow-creatures as meaningless is not merely unfortunate but almost disqualified for life Page 11

    The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed Page 11

    His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection." Page 40

    How can cosmic and religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it Page 38

    Look into nature, then you will understand it better.

    Einstein’s words, as recalled by Margot Einstein in a letter to Einstein’s biographer, Carl Seelig, dated May 8, 1955. Shortly after Einstein’s death. AEA 72-79


    How Transformation Came through a Salesman into This Book

    Autobiography of a New York City Salesman is about the precious intelligence of life itself and its unstoppable growth through all of creation. It is ultimately about us—you, me, and the extraordinary journey that life invites us to explore. The words that follow are for those who hear a mysterious inner voice that speaks of the promise of a higher and more connected existence that we do not yet know or understand. Most people run from this calling and take shelter in what is dependable and familiar; others embrace and welcome the unknown with eagerness, anticipation, and courage. The aim of my book is to excite that living energy in each of us who long for a more interconnected wholeness. The challenge we face is how we pursue such an enticing and potentially fun experience while having to comply with and conform to the responsibility necessary for material survival. Those with such a longing must learn to masterfully weave this deeper calling into everyday life—whether we are home keepers, lawyers, or New York City salesmen. The single most essential element in such a life is not measured by one’s external success, but by the evolution of the very consciousness they evolve in this lifetime to experience their existence to its ultimate fullness.

    This book isn’t about salesmanship, nor is it an autobiography in the traditional sense. While the context of the title will bear itself out, my purpose is to share my experience with those who feel drawn toward this mysterious path, in hopes of opening the unique realm of inner experience that is available to us all. As mentioned above, the steep challenge is learning how to pursue this heartfelt longing in the midst of ordinary life. In my case, I felt a void and emptiness inside that enticed me to seek deeper fulfillment than life offered. I sought an unpredictable way of being that would reverberate in me and with me. I was lured to the proverbial rabbit hole in myself and jumped in. My intention is to communicate this internal journey that has captivated and astonished me over the past forty years. My wish is to help others build an alternative paradigm of inner consciousness that welcomes life experiences as opportunities for internal growth without the conditioned response of labeling them as either good or bad.

    My story begins when I was a teenager in Long Island, New York, and traces an inner progression that leads to interconnectivity with the very essence of life that ultimately rewired the very nature that constitutes my being. Throughout these pages, I will explain how this search began, how contact was made with profound eclectic teachers, and, most specifically, how and why I pursued these transcendental aims in a stealth mode while working as a salesman in New York City. I am not writing to convince anyone of any particular perspective, any one particular way of thinking, or certainly any single transformational system, but, as you will see, I have encountered many esoteric traditions and have worked to assimilate multiple teachings and paths along the way. I have since processed these teachings into what I am referring to simply as an expanded relationship to life, which I highly recommend for anyone who resonates with any inkling of such a calling. I am hoping that we can take this journey together and invite you to think and add your life experiences and insights as we go, for it is your life energy that is most important to the total experience of reading this book.

    While I do provide some names of people and places that were part of the search, they serve more to demonstrate how a particular path can unfold and find its way to the great wisdom of life and not to showcase my personal life. In other words, it is the living thread of the consciousness that is important and not the fleeting and inconsequential details. There is profound beauty in following how a searching intelligence navigates its way through life (as yours is doing this very moment reading these words). There is unique music to every journey, and I am hoping my reader turns his or her attention to their own, as I did. There is astounding wisdom that awaits those who persist and continue to follow their innermost calling—the potential is a rapturous living relationship with existence that is the ultimate calling for a human being – but each person must open themselves up and take that lonesome journey on. I quoted Albert Einstein five times prior to the introduction because he embodies the adventurous spirit of fascination we need to nourish in order to probe into our life for our higher evolution.

    The challenge I face in writing this book is to explain experiences and ideas that may not be familiar to some and a few that have never been heard before. For this reason, I want to start by providing a basis for a shared understanding of what I mean by consciousness, conscious evolution, and Kundalini energy.

    Consciousness and Conscious Evolution

    From my perspective, consciousness is pure intelligence and is inseparable from our deepest and most intimate sense of who we are. It is the awareness of I that we naturally live life from and from which we record and witness existence as we travel through our lives. Consciousness is not limited to mental knowledge or information; it is also not limited to our emotions or even our physical bodies. Consciousness encompasses all with an innate and extraordinary awareness that is driven to interconnect everything into one unfathomable higher state. Most astonishingly, it masterfully creates, grows, and expands through the very matter that constitutes all life and, as we shall see, harbors no bounds or limits. It is also important to keep in mind that consciousness extends into matter and matter into consciousness; they are not separate and certainly not at odds. It is one magnificent continuum to awaken to.

    The purpose of my book is to explore this great mystery and delve into the ways it can serve as a significant aid to each of us individually. The core message is that we are all of the same embryonic origin and source of creation and have at our backs this inconceivable force and energy. It is in the integrity of this masterful genius of creation that I derive my faith, which I find boundless and ultimately unknowable. Of course, this presents a major challenge for all of us because life often appears and feels unfair, harsh, and, difficult—to put it mildly. We are confronted with heartbreaking realities that we often, within our current state of consciousness, can’t begin to comprehend. This paradox taunted me for decades as I sought to reconcile these opposites for my own peace of mind. Life, for us, is short, powerful, and perplexing; but then, turn your head—and it is a miraculous wonder! In my book, I refer to a concept I simply call conscious evolution, which has helped me better grasp this impossible irony of life and evolve toward a higher awareness that has, ultimately, led to the greater personal fulfillment I have sought. By conscious evolution, I mean opening the aperture of our awareness like one does with a camera. This evolution means seeing and perceiving more, at the same time. No matter who we are, where we are, or what our personal circumstances appear to be at any given time, our goal is to grow. When growth slows, or evens stops, when we part from that sacred inner space of being alert and attentive in the imminent present, the suffering and trouble begin on all fronts. It is a challenge we face at every stage in life, whether children, adults, or elderly. Our being needs to be expanding and encompassing more of life together as one total living tapestry. Our consciousness and our intelligence, in order to not fall prey to suffering, need to use all the circumstances of our personal lives to include and accept existence on a higher plane so as not to fall into the vortex of mental torment. If we can realize the true source of the power that is behind and within us, this potential opens exponentially. Our consciousness needs to be alive, alert, and aware virtually in real time—meaning it must be vigilant constantly. My premise is that life needs and wants to evolve, it is its fundamental nature and constitution to do so, and currently wants to do this through us. But this clearly is not easy and can’t be gained solely by reading a book or sitting in meditation. While these practices can certainly help, something much more transformational must occur. A change of consciousness must occur that alters one’s state of being and impacts our orientation toward life overall. The one thing that substantiates an increase of consciousness is connection. An increase in consciousness means to recognize and make the connection that our experiences are linked and not separate, to remember more of these connections and therefore be able to act from a new and more expanded inner state as a result. An additional dimension to increasing consciousness is not only to know things together but to feel things together as well. We can learn to feel more things together, which energizes and impassions our understanding. To clarify this point, consider this short and simple hypothetical example I made up:

    A person who has a love and kinship for animals might become increasingly conscious of the unnecessary suffering of animals. That coupled with the intellectual awareness of the myriad of negative circumstances that surround animals, both domesticated and in the wild, can generate an action within this person—for example, she may choose to become an animal activist. Feeling combined with knowledge can be the catalyst for a new action. This higher level of consciousness connects these two and leads to improved lives for animals (thus evolving the collective consciousness of life itself).

    I will be focusing on the potential conscious evolution in us as individuals who are not movie stars or world-renowned contributors to our society (although we are not excluding anyone either) but the everyday people in construction, education, health, and healing or any life vocation we maintain to support ourselves or our family. In other words, we, the everyday people who may lead silent, though spiritual lives while we get milk and eggs at 7-Eleven before starting our day, often with anxiety and trepidation that accompanies us through this troubling and challenging game of life. Most of us live with a constant neurotic narrative that inflicts our souls; longing to be free from it is, perhaps, the highest aspiration of our inner selves and personal consciousness.

    Kundalini Energy

    It is important not to be intimidated by the word and concept known as Kundalini energy. Matter of fact, the word and concept was mentioned most popularly in the movie, Meet the Fockers by Barbara Streisand who played a Tantric Sex teacher as the mother of Ben Stiller. She implores to her rather aged students: let’s get your Kundalini rising, as she begins her class just before being introduced to Robert De Nero who plays the role of Ben Stiller’s potential father-in-law (who is not the most open minded personality archetype). While there are many people who are familiar with this phenomenon, many more are not. Further, it is not well understood even by those who are, and from my point of view, it remains a profound and compelling mystery no matter how we look at it. I also want to be clear from the beginning that I don’t claim to understand it either. It is like beholding all of the Seven Wonders of the World at one time because we are touching on the very energy of creation itself. The most pragmatic way to look at Kundalini is as the force of creation and the spirit of creativity combined, which is unquestionable and self-evident; no one can say that creation and creativity does not exist. The concept of Kundalini energy dates back to the Upanishads in India in the third century BC. This long lineage entails that it has an enduring history with many levels of understanding and interpretations. While the word may at first sound foreign, it is more immediately relatable as the underlying idea of energy-oriented practices, including the healing arts like acupuncture or physical disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation (just to name a few). There is also a far more expansive view of Kundalini, which is what we will explore in the pages to come.

    The classic definition of Kundalini is that it is a powerful source of energy that is coiled and dormant at the base of the spine that can awaken and proceed on a course of transformation through energy centers known as chakras. Traditionally, it is taught in yoga and other practices that, in some individuals, this energy can activate and ascend into the brain and cause what many people refer to as enlightenment or a higher level of consciousness. Such a phenomenon would have to impact the individual with inner experiences that challenge what is considered normal. These experiences are rare and therefore would not be readily received by the masses and thus be labeled as either strange or imaginary. While this may be true, it is also true that many human beings experience manifestations of this energy throughout their lives but are not aware that there is a name or a phenomenon behind it. It is so untamed, unruly, and unpredictable that you may have experiences of this energy that others have never

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