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The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age: Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth
The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age: Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth
The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age: Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age: Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth

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The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age, by author Angela Mia White, makes you feel as if you’re entering a new world because you are. It holds a high vibration for your soul and new earth, and you’ll feel it. It’s come at this time to change the energy on the planet.

White shares how this planet has been shifting rapidly into a new consciousness. This is the passageway to enter a new era, the golden age. The ways of old earth no longer work. As humans, she tells how we must leave the old ways behind and learn to live in and dance with the new energies into the new ways. We need to learn to heal ourselves for good. We need to learn to love ourselves, have peace within, stand in the power of our own truth, and accept we are the abundance of our own life.

We have come out of the dark ages, and we are entering a new age of light, the golden age, and now recently, the golden age of Aquarius. The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age will activate you, confirm to you why you are here, and validate your experiences.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 18, 2019
The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age: Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth

Angela Mia White

Angela Mia White, a multidimensional being of light, is a master teacher, an inspirational speaker, a shaman and an author for this new conscious world. She is a wife, a mother, a twin flame, and friend to many. Her previous book is From Sick to Bliss to Conversations with God.

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    The Power of Your Truth in the Golden Age - Angela Mia White

    Copyright © 2019 Angela Mia White.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3454-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3453-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3455-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019913538

    Balboa Press rev. date:   09/18/2019




    Chapter 1 Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth

    Chapter 2 The Planet Is Awakening

    Chapter 3 This Is Where the Golden Spiral Expands

    Chapter 4 Become the Best Version of You

    Chapter 5 The Golden Age Is Here Now

    Chapter 6 The Masters Are Here For the Golden Age

    Chapter 7 There Is Only Forward

    Chapter 8 You Chose This

    Chapter 9 It Is a Mind Game at Best

    Chapter 10 The Universe Is Magic

    Chapter 11 You Are a Multidimensional Being that Is Portrayed as a Human Being

    Chapter 12 Understanding What Is Playing Out in Your Life

    Chapter 13 I Bring You Gifts

    Chapter 14 Being Present in the Present Moment and Exercises to Bring You Here

    Chapter 15 Mentality of Lack to Abundance Is a Giant Leap

    Chapter 16 Living in the Aliveness of It All

    Chapter 17 The Battle Within and How to Win

    Chapter 18 There Is No Losing in My World—Ever

    Chapter 19 You Deserve It All and You Can Have It All

    Chapter 20 Positive Affirmations Are Truth

    Chapter 21 You Are Paramount to the Outside Universe

    Chapter 22 You Govern the World

    Chapter 23 I Teach You without Teaching You

    Chapter 24 The Universe Will Roll Out the Red Carpet for You

    Chapter 25 What Is Operating in the Background of Your Mind

    Chapter 26 Dreams Are Energy Just Like Anything Else

    Chapter 27 New Earth Is about Being Free

    Chapter 28 Don’t Be Afraid to Question anything

    Chapter 29 If You Want ItSay It in the Present Tense

    Chapter 30 There Are Many Voices Within You

    Chapter 31 What Do You Believe

    Chapter 32 We Are in the Age of Information

    Chapter 33 Your Way Is the Way

    Chapter 34 The World Bends to You

    Chapter 35 2019 Is about Mastering Your Own Mind, Movement, Water and Your I Am Presence.

    Chapter 36 Being Your Own Authority Is Building Your Empire State of Mind

    Chapter 37 Customize Your World

    Chapter 38 Understanding that Abundance Is Plenty of Everything

    Chapter 39 A Little Bit of My Husband Gary’s Journey

    Chapter 40 Conscious Relationships in New Earth

    Chapter 41 Gary, Mother Ayahuasca and the Munay Ki Rites

    Chapter 42 The Planet Recalibration

    Chapter 43 Physically Meeting My Twin Flame

    Chapter 44 This Is Huge for Our Planet and the Golden Age

    Chapter 45 We Need to Love Money Not Hate It

    Chapter 46 All Possibilities Exist

    Chapter 47 Having a Relationship with Everything

    Chapter 48 This Is Your World and You Are Entitled to It

    Chapter 49 Free Yourself and Your Gifts are Birthed

    Chapter 50 There Is No Such Things as Failure or Mistakes—Just Lessons to Learn

    Chapter 51 You Affect the Whole Universe by Being You

    Chapter 52 April 1, 2019—A Day Like No Other - Independence Day of the Planet

    Chapter 53 The Golden Age is About you


    Thank you to everything in the universes and galaxies. Especially my husband, my sons, my guides, my family, my friends and JMH. I am forever grateful for the lessons and the love, as I learned. Thank you for helping bring in the Golden Age and now the Golden Age of Aquarius. that information will be in my next book.


    About Me

    My Name is Angela Mia White. I am of New Earth. I am here to break open the collective consciousness and your personal consciousness for more so you can love yourself and thrive in the Golden Age. The Golden Age of love, peace, power and abundance.

    I am here to break the etheric chains that held you captive to old Earth. Do you see me breaking them for you right now? Because I am. Did you see me smile? Did you smile? Did you feel the goosebumps? This is real. As the chains break, you are realizing who you are and why you are here.

    My last book, From Sick to Bliss to Conversations with God, tells the story of my aligning to my purpose in New Earth starting in June of 2012, as one of the Mayan calendars was said to end on December 21, 2012. Do you see that? 333. Are you seeing all kinds of numbers too?

    My last book tells the story of how I was leaving the old Earth frequencies and ways behind and aligning to New Earth. I passed the tests. I passed the rites of passages, and there were many. I have grown tremendously since then and am now living in New Earth. The chains for me are broken, and I am now an anchor on the planet that houses these new energies.

    I receive these new energies, I integrate them into my life and into my experiences, and then I am taught to anchor the energies here in my own body and soul, which allows me to imprint my own seal. I imprint my own seal of approval on my incredible golden life.

    My soul carries a very high vibration to hold these new golden energies, among the old Earth vibration crumbling away. This comes with its own challenges. I feel both energies at the same time. It is quite a ride some days.

    I am not only a master teacher and physical guide here; I am also a spiritual guide for your life in this consciousness as well as in the spirit realm of consciousness. This is why you may see me in your meditations, with your guides, or in your dreams.

    My guides tell me that I am an ascended master teaching the ancient ways to love yourself whole again, to master your mind, and to go through the process of finding your power from uncovering the truth of your soul and healing your current and past lifetime experiences. It is a whirlwind, to say the least, to bring in a new paradigm of consciousness. To understand and integrate all of this takes quite a bit. I talk of who I am and what I do on Facebook Live videos pretty much on a daily basis.

    In addition to all of this, I am a motivational speaker, a shamanic midwife of birthing and soul surgery, a New Age author, a clear channel for the planetary messages every day, and more. I am also a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a twin flame, and a friend. I bring it all here. I bring the essence of the divine feminine to life. I bring the gold.

    So here I am. And here you are. Let’s raise the vibration of the planet uniquely in our own ways—in the ways that we were designed to. Let’s imprint our own seal. Are you game? It’s always your choice. If you are choosing to love yourself, you should keep reading, because I am going to keep writing. There’s more to know—a lot more.

    About My Books

    My books are not ordinary or normal by old Earth’s standards. These words that I put together are a type of symphony of the mind that pours forth the essence of my soul, my heart, my realness, my authenticity, my music, my intuition, and my harmony with myself into being. You will feel it in the power of these words. You will recognize it. You will desire more of it, because it is your soul. These words are a wellspring of life, and it never stops. They hold magic in their hands to present to you—the gifts of the ages.

    What has been written here is like water for a thirsty land. On February 22, 2019, I was told that this is when the thirsting will start. Everyone is starting to be more and more thirsty to understand what New Earth consciousness is about. This is what is in this book. My guides are right 100 percent of the time. Archangel Metatron is one of my main guides. I love him; he loves me. We have a cool relationship. He is my buddy. I needed truth; he gave it to me. Trust tastes heavenly. It is like candy for your soul. You won’t be able to get enough. The thirst has started.

    My books also hold extraordinary power, as they house the energies of the universe, galaxies beyond galaxies. As I type all of this with a smile on my face, you will feel it, you will smile too as we are one. These words will push your mind to the limits that you currently hold. They will help you go past it all.

    You will find knowledge and power. You will find wit and wisdom. You will find wholeness and healing. You will find the power of your own knowing and the power of your own truth. This book is unique unto itself. It has to come out to the masses at this time because of the power that it truly holds. Get ready to hold on and let go simultaneously. Your consciousness will be expanding. It must. You are here for the incredible consciousness of New Earth—the Golden Age. Thanks for showing up. Let’s get this party started!


    Chapter 1

    Activation, Confirmation, and Validation of New Earth

    Y ou are being activated, confirmed, and validated all at the same time right now as you read. Do you

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