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The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain
The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain
The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain
Ebook266 pages2 hours

The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain

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Blistering action, cliff-hanging suspense, unexplained mysteries. The story begins with four children’s first summer visit to their Grandparents secluded, sometimes mysterious, farm on Thunder Mountain. After a terrible storm one night, an ancient log is moved exposing an opening in the ground with an eerie red fog escaping … exactly where their zip-line ends as it crosses a mist shrouded creek. What could happen if they accidentally fell in? Could they be lost forever - or worse? This is full of adventure for children and the young at heart. You’ll experience bravery, humor, history, survival tactics and the importance of drawing on individual strengths - in order to survive. There is a focus on appreciation for home, family and the needs of others.
Release dateJan 28, 2019
The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain

David Townsend

Dr. Townsend and his wife live in Florida with their black lab, Harley. They also have a 200 year-old cabin on a secluded mountaintop in West Virginia. This is where some of the story takes place. Papa Bear, as his seven grandchildren call him, has written about his adventures caving, rock and mountain climbing and time spent alone in the Alaskan Wilderness. He is a graduate of Alderson Broaddus University, the University of Louisville and is a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard. When their grandchildren were looking for interesting books, he decided to write one and base the characters on them. His wife Pam has accompanied him on many of these adventures and contributed much to the storyline. She holds graduate certificates in Positive Behavior Support and Children’s Mental Health from the University of South Florida.

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    The Mysterious Red Fog on Thunder Mountain - David Townsend

    © 2019 David and Pam Townsend. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  01/26/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-7640-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-7639-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-7641-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019900531

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    We dedicate this book to our amazing, extraordinary grandchildren. Children are the catalysts of creativity. They challenge, motivate and inspire you to commit to who you are and what you stand for. Most of all, they teach you to play again and revisit or explore for the first time, a magical time and place.




    Part One

    Part Two


    Warning. Do not open this book if you are not prepared for daring escapes, harrowing adventures and spine chilling excitement. This incredible story is about the fantastic adventures of a brave and exceptional group of children known as The Thunder Mountain Gang. This book was never meant to be written or published. The gang as they are known among themselves decided to keep the secrets of the red fog strictly to themselves so that no child or adult would ever be tempted to search for it’s origin. However, one brave member of the gang revealed their story to the authors during a secret meeting in the dead of night. This person wanted the book written as a warning to anyone who might be walking through a certain woods, at just the right time to encounter an eerie cloud of red fog.

    The authors

    (Please ignore any spelling or punctuation errors. Rushed publication due to a desperate attempt by certain individuals to block this story from being told.)



    Long, long ago, when the world was young and before man had ever set foot on North America, there was a great earthquake that split the ground and shook the mountains. A great darkness descended upon the land, constant lightning lit up the sky, and thunder roared through the valleys. Rivers were changed and forests destroyed. Nothing was left untouched by the upheaval.

    The birds and animals hid from the fury around them, hoping it would eventually end. When the land stopped moving and the rocks stopped falling, peace again came to the mountains.

    During the chaos, something wonderful, strange and frightening happened. High on a mountaintop, in what would later be called the Appalachian Mountains, a mysterious cave had been formed ~ a cave unlike any other in the world.




    Years later, a black bear and her cub decided to explore the cave, looking for a suitable home for winter hibernation. The mother bear was having trouble seeing into the cave because of a cold fog surrounding the entrance, but she and her cub went in anyway.

    Shortly after, a terrified mother and cub burst out of the cave, hair sticking straight up and yelping loudly as they ran into the forest. Any animals that went into the cave and found their way out never dared to enter again.

    One summer day a Shawnee Indian hunting party explored a strange and mysterious part of the forest they had never seen before. The Indian braves were very quiet and cautious as they entered this weird place. They crept along the small creek, carefully looking into the ghostly shadows cast by the tall trees.

    The forest became very quiet, dark and foreboding. Their leader sensed an unfamiliar force. Seconds later they were terrified by a gigantic bolt of lightning and a tremendous thunderclap, followed by the ground shaking under their feet.

    Just as they recovered from the initial shock, a blast of cold damp air knocked them to the ground.

    Through the mist that had surrounded them, they saw that a large dead tree had fallen across the path in front of them. Disoriented, they looked at the base of the fallen tree and saw a strange red fog rising out of a small cave uncovered by the upturned roots.

    Two of the braves volunteered to explore the cave. When they entered, the red fog rapidly surrounded them and they disappeared in the mysterious mist. The rest of the hunting party waited in awe and fear for their friends. When they suddenly emerged from the cave several hours later, they were frightened and at the same time excited.

    What they saw and heard would become the subject of many strange tales told around campfires and eventually an Indian legend.

    From then on, once a year the bravest warriors searched for the red fog that beckoned only those worthy of its mystery.

    Some of the braves who dared enter came out terrified. Others emerged with wonder and amazement, eager to return.

    Some never returned.

    Years later, another great storm caused a flood, forcing an old uprooted tree to again block the opening to the cave.

    From that time on, if a person dared venture into this unnatural part of the forest early in the morning or late in the evening, and happened to be in the right spot and looked in the right place, they could see a hint of the mysterious red fog.



    Decades later, a brave, handsome hunter and his beautiful wife moved to a mountaintop farm in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. Their grandchildren called them YaYa and Papa Bear. They lived in a 200 year-old log home, surrounded by an endless forest of magnificent trees, animals of all kinds, a flowing creek and green pastures. There were very high, imposing cliffs where they could look out over the majestic valley below.

    The happy couple enjoyed going for long walks in the woods, sitting on top of the high cliffs admiring the view, talking by the campfire and watching the animals from their tree house.

    Not far down the creek that gently flowed behind their cabin, in a place they seldom visited, was a dark and dreary hollow where the animals never went and the birds never sang. This was a mystifying place that didn’t seem to belong in the real world.


    One early morning they took a long walk to the top of the high cliffs that dropped off into the beautiful valley below to watch the sunrise.

    Sitting near the cliffs edge, admiring the colorful sunrise, YaYa said, There are endless adventurous things to do here, but sometimes I feel something is missing.

    Papa Bear answered, I think I know what you mean. We should be sharing this somehow.

    Let’s get back to the cabin. I have an Idea, She said smiling back.

    I have a great idea too, it’s called breakfast, Papa Bear said laughingly.

    YaYa suddenly started running down the long trail back to the cabin before calling back to her startled husband, If you don’t catch me you will be fixing my breakfast!

    Deep into the forest they stopped running and enjoyed the sights, sounds and scents of nature as they slowly walked home.

    While YaYa was fixing breakfast, she saw deer in her rose garden. She liked animals, but not when they were eating her beautiful flowers. Papa Bear looked around the corner just in time to see her run from the front porch out to the garden where she stopped and shouted, You varmints, get out of my rose garden!

    The deer just stood there ignoring her.

    YaYa, who seldom gets irritated, suddenly became furious with the unwelcomed intruders. They had eaten her favorite yellow roses she planned to put on the table for decoration. She quickly went inside, leaving Papa Bear and the deer with the impression she had finally given up.

    In the next instant the door flew open and out she ran carrying a large broom and shouting, These are my flowers! You have all this grass to eat. I’m going to whack you on the behind and sweep you back into the woods!

    This angry creature was just too much for the startled animals. The deer took off running as fast as they could go, their white tails sticking up and YaYa just inches away with the broom. They decided it was best to stay a long way from the broom-carrying monster and the tasty flowers.

    When the unexpected excitement was over, she finished preparing breakfast and took it to the screened porch where she found Papa Bear laughing so hard he couldn’t speak. Finally, he said, Pam, if there were still fire breathing dragons around, you and your trusty broom would scare them off! Now that you have chased the unwanted visitors away, I can think of some visitors I would like to see.

    Our grandchildren. That’s what I was thinking about too! YaYa said.

    It’s time they visited the farm, he said looking around at the beautiful trees and pastures.

    YaYa, Lets call and see if they can come visit.

    I’ll get the phone, Papa Bear called back as he walked into the cabin.



    McKenna, Tre, Troy and Meredith were very excited about spending the summer with their grandparents, but their parents had other plans.

    Tre and Troy’s parents were sending the boys to baseball camp.

    McKenna and Meredith’s parents were planning to send the girls to summer camp.

    These were very smart children who chose not to beg and complain.

    Instead, they made a list of why they should spend the summer with their grandparents. They were very persuasive and the answer was ultimately yes.

    The children immediately started planning and packing. They would soon be on their way to the farm they had heard so much about.

    Papa Bear liked to compare the grandchildren’s individual personalities to similar animal types.

    McKenna, the oldest, he thought of as a cheetah because she was tall, sleek and liked cats. She was also very smart and confident.

    Tre reminded him of a tiger because he was strong, a fast runner, brave, and adventuresome. He was also sensitive and caring and everyone liked him.

    Troy was like a moose because he was tough, stubborn, an athlete and liked to make everyone laugh.

    Meredith, the youngest, reminded him of a chipmunk because she was so cute, playful, mischievous and the family tomboy.

    The big day finally arrived. YaYa and Papa Bear flew to Florida to pick up their grandchildren. Having to get back to the farm right away, they were only staying at the airport long enough to pick up the grandchildren and catch the next flight back to West Virginia.

    Calmly sitting in the airport snack bar, YaYa remarked to Papa Bear, It’s nice and pleasant here. I am going to sit back and enjoy my coffee.

    Suddenly a loud noise echoed through the airport.

    There they are! Meredith shouted as she ran through the airport with everyone else yelling and following close behind her.

    The grandchildren hugged YaYa and Papa Bear, almost knocking them down.

    Wearing his new hiking boots and loaded down with gear, Tre announced, I’m ready to go.

    Eagerly looking around the airport Meredith asked, Where’s the plane? I’m getting on first.

    Ready for a race, Troy replied, Not if I get there first.

    Looking as sophicatd as she could, McKenna declared, I want to sit in first class.

    Meredith, You have never been on a plane. You don’t even know what first class is.

    McKenna ignored her.

    YaYa, First let us have a good look at you.

    Tre had his football and his backpack full of outdoor equipment … he was always prepared for anything. McKenna had her cell phone and lip gloss. Troy had his games, baseball glove and snacks … he was always hungry. Meredith didn’t bring anything special because she could always find something to do.

    Troy sat with YaYa and Meredith sat with Papa bear so she could ask him all about the farm. Tre sat with McKenna, even though she wanted her own empty row so she could pretend she was in first class.

    They fastened their seatbelts and the plane blasted down the runway. All four wanted to sit by the window, get cookies, go to the bathroom, drink sodas, walk around the plane, get more sodas, go to the bathroom again, get more snacks and sit in the pilot’s seat.

    When the plane was getting close to the airport in West Virginia Papa Bear pointed out the window, Our farm is on top of that mountain.

    Meredith, That’s the highest one.

    It’s also greener and prettier than the others, McKenna added.

    Troy, You mean the farm is that big flat area on top of the mountain?

    Yes, YaYa explained. The farm goes all the way to the edge of those high cliffs.

    The trees look like broccoli from up here! Tre added, starting to think about food.

    Troy, What’s the mountain called?

    Thunder Mountain, Papa Bear reluctlantly answered.

    Tre, That’s sort of a scary name. But I like it.

    Meredith, "How did it get such a strange name?’’

    Papa Bear, Because the mountain seems to attract lightning and thunder.

    Why does it attract storms? asked Meredith.

    Papa Bear, Some people think there’s something strange about it.

    Troy, in a

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