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Original Bible Truth: A Great Deception Has Been Wrought on the World
Original Bible Truth: A Great Deception Has Been Wrought on the World
Original Bible Truth: A Great Deception Has Been Wrought on the World
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Original Bible Truth: A Great Deception Has Been Wrought on the World

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About this ebook

The Bible today has been corrupted. The sacred names of Yahweh have been replaced with pagan names, and ancient religions (as well as their rituals and sacred days of observance) have infiltrated the Christian calendar.

In Original Bible Truth, author Ernie Hasler offers a brief but powerful summary of his exhaustive research into the origins of Christianity and how it has been drastically influenced—and adulterated—by various pagan religions over the centuries.

With discussions on the establishment of Sunday as the Lord’s Day, the Ten Commandments as the basis of the Torah, and much more, Hasler presents a compelling case for how the world has been deceived by both Jewish and Christian traditions.

Yahweh ultimately desires a personal relationship with all of us, and we can become part of His spiritual Israel if we willingly accept and follow His Son’s instructions to keep the commandments as presented in the Torah.

Who is Messiah Yeshua? What is the origin of the Christian symbol of the cross? What is Yahweh’s plan of salvation? For biblical scholars and laymen alike, this book is an essential tool for anyone seeking answers to these questions and much more.
Release dateSep 21, 2018
Original Bible Truth: A Great Deception Has Been Wrought on the World

Ernie Hasler

Ernie Hasler started working as an engineering apprentice in Scotland at the age of 16. He retired as a health and safety advisor after more than a half-century of work on some big jobs, also becoming the first advisor in Scotland to gain the specialist NEBOSH Diploma in environmental management. Hasler became active in the trade union early in his career and saw many improvements in health and safety during his time. These important improvements stemmed from the Health and Safety at Work Act in 1974, which led to slow but significant increase in worker safety and welfare.In his spare time, he ran a small charity, Plant Tree Save Planet starting women's tree nurseries in poor countries, mostly funded by himself and his two sisters, however, he closed it when due to poor health and age he could not effectively check out recipients. He continues to fund tree planting through Trees for the Future, and helping poor families start agri-forestry farms. He has funded the planting of thousands of trees and shrubs, and he continues to do so, year on year.He has been a voluntary trustee with Emmaus Glasgow for twenty four years, helping take it from an aspirational concept to a functioning community of up to twenty-seven previously homeless people. 75 years of experience has taught him that supporting people with needs on positive pathways is much more productive than punitive sanctions.

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    Original Bible Truth - Ernie Hasler

    © 2018 Ernie Hasler. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/18/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9813-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9812-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018911195

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.




    The Great Deception




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    About The Author

    The purpose of this booklet is to provide a very simple summary of real Bible truth to a world completely deceived by both modern Jewish and Christian traditions.


    The Bible commonly available today has been corrupted. The sacred names have been removed from the original versions of the Bible and substituted with the names of pagan idols.

    The original first-century church of Yeshua Messiah the Nazarene, ruthlessly persecuted throughout the centuries by the Christian Church, has been almost obliterated from the earth. But not quite!



    First, you need to know that the Jews removed all references to the Creator Elohim’s (God’s) name, 38503.png Yod, Hey, Waw, Hay.

    The first references are to El, then Elohim. Exodus 6:3 states, I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty (El Shaddai), but by my name (Yahweh) I was not known to them.

    The times that the name Yahweh appears, it does not appear in isolation. It appears along with another name of God. It is not until Exodus that the name Yahweh appears in isolation.

    The statement in Exodus 6:3 can be understood in one of two different ways.

    The first understanding is that Moses, being the author of both Genesis and Exodus, may have inserted the name Yahweh alongside the other names of God in Genesis so that his readers would know that the God of Genesis and Exodus is not different gods; rather, He is the same God with different names.

    The second understanding is that the patriarchs of Genesis may have known the name of Yahweh, but they did not know the meaning of the name and how it related to the character of God.

    Exodus 6:3 is not talking about the name Yahweh but the character behind the name. Thus, they may have called Him Yahweh, but they related to Him as Elohim or El Shaddai. El Shaddai means All-Sufficient Sustainer.

    Most Bible scholars and Hebrew linguists believe that Yahweh is the correct way to pronounce God’s name. The Yah in His name sounds like Yah, and the weh in His name sounds like way.

    Paleo Hebrew scholars argue that the proper pronunciation of the Creator’s name is Yahuah, as given to Moses, and His son’s name is pronounced Yahushua, which is sometimes shortened to Yeshua. However, most Bible scholars and Hebrew linguists believe that Yahweh is the correct way to pronounce God’s name.

    Dr Daniel Botkin explains the Hebrew linguistics of the names Yeshua and Yahshua and how Yahshua is a mistransliteration by Sacred Name advocates to fit an erroneous interpretation of John 5:43 (I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him). Dr Botkin says Yeshua is far more accurate. Yeshua is His son’s name, meaning Yahweh’s salvation.


    It is common knowledge that the Bible was Hellenised, but most modern Jews and Christians are in denial and simply accept the deceptions as truth.

    What few people realise is exactly what that means.

    Hellenisation is the process by which a culture, people, nation, or religion adopts the religion of the Greek Elohims (idol gods) and worship them. This is known as Hellenism.

    The process of Hellenisation began hundreds of years before Yeshua, the Messiah, was born. The Jews began adopting the religion, customs, art, government, and laws of Greece, removing Yahweh’s name from the Bible and replacing it with derivatives of Ba’al, which was the sun god.

    The first-century Church was a sect of Messianic Nazarene Jews. Nazarenes were known as protectors of the Torah (commandments)—Exodus, Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—but it is clear from the references Messiah Yeshua made during His ministry that He was also quoting from the whole of what we wrongly call the Old Testament.

    John the Baptist baptised Yeshua into the sect of the Nazarenes, and at that moment, He received His acceptance and His blessing from Yahweh (Matthew 3:16–17).

    Yeshua, the Messiah, was the human realisation of 365 Messianic prophecies found throughout scriptures, some fulfilled in his lifetime and some to be fulfilled on His return.

    Messiah Yeshua had absolute faith in Yahweh and declared, ‘The most important one, answered Yeshua, is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, Yahweh our Elohim is One and He is the only Elohim’ (Mark 12:29).

    Read it again. Is there any doubt what He is saying here?


    The greatest difficulty we find in loving Yahweh, our Elohim, is that He is not in the physical realm in the same way and sense that you and I are physical beings. We cannot see Him with our physical eyes. We cannot hear His voice in an audible way. We cannot discern Him with any of our physical senses. In Acts 17:28, Paul says, ‘For in him we live and move and have our being;’ as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’

    So how do we go about having a relationship with this spiritual entity that we cannot see and that would appear to encompass the entire universe? The primary thing that we need to understand is that to have a relationship with Yahweh, we should go about it

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