By Lisa Bozanic
About this ebook
Visits that occurred in the later part of Bozanics life came in the form of vivid dreams, with meaningful messages being relayed to her from the spirit world. It was then she knew the spirit had a plan for her. She was to become a messenger for the spirit world.
In Unity, Bozanic tells how she started to receive visitations and messages from Jesus and the spirit world, and she writes about how these visitations take place and the messages she receives. It offers an understanding of how you are spiritually connected to one another but at the same time an individual. She shares the process of how communication happens between this world and the world of spirit and why you must look within yourself to start to bring about change for the greatest good.
Lisa Bozanic
Lisa Bozanic was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but now works as a spiritual medium in Perth, Western Australia. Bozanic has given guidance to thousands, helping each person understand they are here to evolve the world through love and kindness. She and her husband, Danny, have five children.
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Unity - Lisa Bozanic
Copyright © 2018 Lisa Bozanic.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-1391-9 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-1392-6 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 07/17/2018
Chapter 1 Two Worlds
Chapter 2 Learning a new language
Chapter 3 Coincidences
Chapter 4 Dream visitation
Chapter 5 Visitation to the white room
Chapter 6 Visitation to the spirit garden
Chapter 7 Visitation with Jesus
Chapter 8 My Fortieth Birthday Present
Chapter 9 Understanding our ego
Chapter 10 Responsibility
Chapter 11 Patterns and Cycles
Chapter 12 Prayer and Meditation
First and foremost I would like to acknowledge God, Jesus, and the spirit world, because without them this book would never have been written. I also want to thank the spirit world for entrusting me with the honour of writing this book for them. I have the utmost respect for the spirit world, and I am forever grateful for the lessons they have taught me over the years.
Next I would like to thank my beautiful teachers who have always supported and encouraged me on my journey of learning about self. Thank you for the continued advice and the help you have shown me in regards to learning the language of spirit and meditation, and most of all thank you for always being right by my side.
Last, but never least, I want to say a huge thank you to my wonderful supportive family and friends. Without you all this book would not have been possible; everyone’s continued encouragement, love and support are so very much appreciated. Thank you for always believing in me.
Unity is about my personal experiences that have led me to understanding a world of thoughts, signs, symbols and messages. The world I am referring to often goes unnoticed, because it vibrates at a much higher frequency around our earth. Nevertheless, this world, the spirit world, is still very much there. Certain people have learnt, or have been taught, how to communicate with this other world. This other world I am referring to you would possibly know as heaven, but for the purpose of this book I will call it the spirit world.
In writing Unity, I have been enlightened about the workings of the spirit world. Including how our world and the spirit world both coincide, and how this comes into play in our day-to-day lives.