Where in the Americas Are the Lands of the Book of Mormon?
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Scientists associated with the historic Archaeological Department of Brigham Young University have presented Mesoamerica as the lands of the book.
Mormon told us that the river Sidon ran north to the sea (1981, B of M Index p. 730). The Mississippi runs south and is not the river Sidon. Mormon also told us that the people of Zarahemla (Mulekites) crossed a salt ocean landing at the land of Desolation. Hence, the land of Desolation bordered a salt ocean (Alma 22:30 and 63:5). These facts discount several theories, including the heartland theory and great lakes theories. However, historians quote early “church” leaders as prophets and continue to hold to traditional beliefs.
The Book of Mormon is the position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The lands in question must fit with this book regardless of traditions. The book fits in Mesoamerica. Because people in 1830 had little or no knowledge of the cultures of Mesoamerica, Joseph Smith could not have stolen the book from other authors and the early Mormons could not have written the book. Read Where in the Americas are the Lands of the Book of Mormon” to find out what the Book of Mormon tells us about the lands in question.
Eldon V. Guymon
Eldon Vern Guymon was born in 1936 in Provo, Utah. He is a descendent of the Mormon pioneers including handcart pioneers. As a boy and as a young man, he worked for his Father’s company, L. C. Guymon and Sons Electric. He became a journeyman electrician. Eldon was raised within short walking distance of Brigham Young University. He was personally acquainted with and went to church with notable officials of the University including Dallin Oaks, Hugh Nibley and many professors. He studied religion at BYU. Eldon obtained a B. S. Degree from BYU in Botany with a minor in Agronomy, graduating in 1964. He augmented his education with wildlife management studies provided by the University of California. He considered being an archaeologist with the intent of discounting or supporting the content of The Book of Mormon and has continued to study, research, and review related literature. The book “Where in the Americas are the lands of The Book of Mormon” is essentially a research paper that evaluates the most prominent theories concerning the location of the lands of The Book of Mormon. He was fortunate to marry Dianne Long, Eldon helped Dianne raise seven honest citizens that are gainfully employed and provide quality service to others. Eldon has served in the following positions in his Church: Missionary in Denmark for 30 months, Assistant Scout Master, Webelos Leader, Blazer Leader, Cub Master, Elders Quorum President, Ward Clerk, High Priests Group Leader, Assistant to the High Priest’s Group Leader twice, Sunday School Teacher several times. Branch President in Denmark, Counselor to the Branch President in Del Norte Colorado, Ward Mission Leader twice, Welfare Services Missionary in Carrollton, Texas, and temple ordinance worker. He has carefully studied the Old Testament with particular emphasis on historical events recorded in the Book of Isaiah. Eldon served in the Utah National Guard , and he was employed for a short time at Geneva Steel Plant located in Utah Valley. He began working for the U. S. Forest Service while studying at BYU and served as a biologist for the Forest Service some 39 years. When serving in supervisory positions, his decisions were based on facts, not emotion or prejudice. Eldon was required by his superiors to make decisions that are consistent with the truth. On occasion his biological evaluations reversed commitments made by his superiors. Eldon is not a “yes” man. When it comes to The Book of Mormon, Eldon believes it must be consistent with the facts. Many have tried to disprove this book, bur after 70 years of reviewing the book and associated literature, he understands that the book is consistent with the facts. Eldon has written three books: “Do Mormons have Prophets,” “The Mighty Arm of the Lord,” and “Where in the Americas are the Lands of The Book of Mormon.” He has found sufficient solid evidence to support the faith of his youth. He would share this evidence with those who would base their faith on truth, rather than on emotion, tradition, anger, rebellion, or previously learned traditions. The three books written by Eldon display much of the information that has convinced Eldon that the God of the Bible is God.
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Where in the Americas Are the Lands of the Book of Mormon? - Eldon V. Guymon
© 2018 Eldon V. Guymon. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 06/19/2018
ISBN: 978-1-5462-4345-8 (sc)
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1. Fireside Presented by President Mask
2. Miscellaneous Evidence Supporting The Book of Mormon
3. Southern Mexico and Guatemala Fit the Geography Described in The Book of Mormon
4. The Great Plains, South America, or the Hill Cumorah Area in New York?
Hemispheric Model
Mound Builders
Zelph, the White Lamanite
South America
The Hill Cumorah and the Great Lakes Area
5. Prophecy Being Fulfilled in Guatemala and Latin America
6. My Testimony of The Book of Mormon
Appendix 1, American Horses
Appendix 2, Mound Builder Discussion Continued
Appendix 3. Which Groups of Indians Relate to the Peoples of The Book of Mormon?
Appendix 4, Instructions for Viewing Maps of Mesoamerica at the Google Map Site
My wife Dianne, my brother Reed Guymon, my son Scott and his wife Dianne, my son Michael and his wife Charisse, my daughter Mary Anne Wilson and her husband Rob, my son Jonathan, my son Mark and his wife Paige, my Daughter Rebecca and her husband Jacob Fox, and my dear friends Vaughn and Linda Hassell have assisted in refining draft copies of this book and have provided support.
Clate Mask was very helpful by sharing his knowledge of the native cultures and terrain of Mesoamerica. He also assisted in providing reference materials related to the natives of Mesoamerica
Brent Bargeron, recommended references related to the Native Americans and The Book of Mormon. He also suggested improvements in the text.
Todd Daly and his daughter Danie assisted in preparing an early version of this book for publication and printing.
Steven Bergquist reviewed this book and provided additional references and alternatives.
I owe these people my sincere thanks.
Eldon V. Guymon
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has no official position as to where the lands of The Book of Mormon are located (Palmer p. 19). Consequently, statements by Joseph Smith Jr., latter-day prophets, and the Zelph incident as contained in The History of the Church, do not tell us where the lands of the Nephites and Lamanites were located. However, The Book of Mormon tells us where it happened.
When I was a young man attending Brigham Young University, I thought about being an archaeologist. I wanted to investigate the ruins in America to determine where the lands described in The Book of Mormon are found. I decided against this career because I desired to be a father and raise a family.
Today, devoted scientists have done the work that I thought about doing. They have convinced me that the lands described in The Book of Mormon have been found in Southern Mexico and Guatemala. My main purpose is to summarize in a short document enough archaeological, geographic, resource, and social information to demonstrate that the lands of Mesoamerica are the lands described in The Book of Mormon and that early Mormons knew little about Mesoamerica, so they could not have written The Book of Mormon. Today, it is not a matter of guessing, hoping, or believing. Today the location of The Book of Mormon lands is a matter of science and a matter of facts. I have not included all the details that are available. What is presented herein is scientific, resource, and social evidence that most anyone can use to find the place of the lands of The Book of Mormon. I have added some of my own knowledge concerning American horses and some of my opinions that are not the work of others. I have prayerfully tried to present the facts. However, there are other alternatives.
Some Latter-day Saints believe that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is in New York. Many in the Church believe that the Isthmus of Panama is the narrow neck of land spoken of in The Book of Mormon. I have been taught and have believed the same. Mormons have written books, have made videos, and have made compact disks to provide evidence that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is found in New York, with the Land of Zarahemla being located in the Great Plains of the USA. Others, including Orson Pratt, thought that Zarahemla was in South America. I understand that Joseph Smith wrote that the Great Plains of the USA were the lands of the Nephites as recorded in a letter he sent to his wife Emma. In a letter to Bishop Brooks, not dated, Michael Watson (Secretary to the First Presidency) responded to a letter written to President Hinckley with the following statement: The Church has long maintained, as attested by writings in the references of General Authorities, that the Hill Cumorah in Western New York is the same as referenced in the Book of Mormon… (Tanner). However, Joseph Smith Jr., John Taylor, and Apostle Moses Thatcher are reported to have said Central America is the place of The Book of Mormon (In search of Cumorah, the video). Also, in the Times and Seasons we read: "Those wonderful ruins of Palenque (in Central America) are among the mighty works of the Nephites… They lived about the narrow neck of land, which now embraces Central America…with all the cities that can be found. Central America or Guatemala is situated north of the Isthmus of Darien (Panama)...The city of Zarahemla stood upon this land (Times and Seasons, March 1844). Moreover, President, David O. McKay authorized $250,000 for archaeological research in Central America (Warren and Ferguson p. 265).
I understand that Church leaders tell us the events of The Book of Mormon took place somewhere in the Americas. The writings of Mormon, Moroni, Ether, and Nephi settle the question. Opinions that are inconsistent with the writings of these prophets need not be accepted as accurate. Nevertheless, historians have presented alternatives that appear to contradict the writings of these prophets.
I understand that contention is undesirable, and I have tried to avoid attacking anyone. If the reader will carefully study the content of The Book of Mormon, questionable theories will become obvious to the reader. Yes, I have discounted opinions that are not consistent with what The Book of Mormon tells us. Where it happened is recorded in The Book of Mormon. Trust it.
The geography, cultures, and resource descriptions of The Book of Mormon fit on the lands of Mesoamerica, and they do not fit very well anywhere else in North or South America.
image002.jpgHowever, at the time of the Lord’s crucifixion, the land was substantially altered in the lands of The Book of Mormon. Mountains were laid low, and valleys became high mountains (Helaman 14: 23). The land as we see it today, may not be the same as it was described in Alma chapter 22. There are what appear to be Pre-Classic Mayan cities under the Caribbean Sea, just off from the coast of Belize (Ainsworth p 70) & (4 Nephi 1: 9), and there is a sunken valley (a graben) that includes Lake Izabal and extends from the Caribbean west into Guatemala. Lake Izabal contains a partially sunken city, and Lake Atitlan contains a sunken city. The time of the sinking of the ruins in Lake Atitlan date about 2000 years ago when waters covered several cities (3 Nephi 9: 7 & Book of Mormon Central).
Dr. Richard Hauck studied the geographic locations recorded in The Book of Mormon. He created a model based on the geographic features, lands, cities, and routes of travel described in The Book of Mormon, showing how the cities and land forms described in the book are arranged. He did not use an existing map. He used only the geographic information in The Book of Mormon to create his model. Then he asked Dr. Vaughn E. Hansen to create a model based on geographic information from The Book of Mormon. Hansen and Hauck did not compare their models or use