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Lull After the Storm: The Caldwell Series
Lull After the Storm: The Caldwell Series
Lull After the Storm: The Caldwell Series
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Lull After the Storm: The Caldwell Series

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Lull After the Storm: describes in vivid detail what may have occurred in the United States under the Johnson and Grant Administration. The narration is by a career naval officer just before his retirement and serving President Johnson in the White House and President Grant as Superintendent of the Naval Institute. The historical events of 1867 through 1877 are carefully followed. The imagination of the author provides rich characters in powerful settings from the mountains of Nevada to the ports of the Baltic. The time old story between a man and woman raising a family continues throughout the book. The naval officer, married to President Buchanan's sister, see their son accepted to and graduate from the Naval Academy, their oldest daughter accepted and attending Harvard and their youngest daughter enters Columbia Teachers College.

Scenes are set carefully with attention to accurate research of the low country of South Carolina as well as our Nation's Capital circa 1867-77. The People's Standard History of the United States written by Edward S. Ellis and published by the Woolfall Company have provided background materials, maps of the period and needed information on how the federal government was organized and functioned during this period of history. Two additional sources were used for the chapters on the US Naval Academy: Sorley, History of the Naval Academy, published in 1876 and Benjamin, the US Naval Academy, published in 1900.
Release dateSep 16, 2009
Lull After the Storm: The Caldwell Series

Dan Ryan

Dan was born and educated in Melbourne in the state of Victoria, Australia. He found his heroes among the writers that he read and studied and found his passion in the countryside in the southeast of the state, among the forests and farms and wildlife, along the rugged coastline, on foot or more often, horseback. His message is that the spiritual world is omnipresent and therefore reachable through time spent with nature and by understanding the myths, symbols and lessons from our own and older civilisations. Dan divides his time between Melbourne and his small farm at Woodside.

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    Lull After the Storm - Dan Ryan

    Lull After

    the Storm


    The Caldwell Series

    Dan Ryan


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

    © 2009 Dan Ryan. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 9/11/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-1892-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-5545-7 (e)

    For information address dlr Associates

    Box 11, Sunset, SC 29685Library of Congress Control Number: 2009908942














































    The war between the States, called the Civil War in Washington City, was over. My thirty years of service to the country ended on June 30, 1867. For the last eighteen months, the Secretary of the Navy had sent me on a series of fact finding missions. A part of my mission package from Secretary Welles was a fact gathering trip to St. George, Bermuda. He had devised a set of assignments that would allow me to return to civilian life with the ghosts removed. I realized that he had ordered me to South Carolina so that I could confront the guilt caused by the death of my sister. And more importantly, the fact that I had not resigned my commission with the U.S. Navy and joined the C.S.A. Navy as nearly 320 other officers had done in 1861. Gideon Welles had become my protector, he understood me better than anyone else now serving in Washington. He allowed whatever time I needed in each of the locations where ghosts waited for me. We were all returning to St. George on the Cold Harbor. The flotilla from Port Royal now numbered ten ships and it was time to return some of them to the Caldwell Shipping and Trading Company so that Robert Whitehall could begin the process for retrofits. Each ship would have to taken out of the water at St. George and the bottom scraped and then examined for sea worm damage. Some new planks would have to be installed and then the entire bottom would be covered with copper sheeting using copper screws. We had decided to leave some of the ship’s ordnance in place and some fully armed to serve as escort vessels when hauling cargo in the Caribbean.

    A penny for your thoughts? Louise said as she slipped her arm through mine.

    Oh, you startled me! I said, It is cold out here in the wind. Are you warm enough?

    Yes. How long do you think we will be in Bermuda, Jason?

    Until all the ghosts are gone, probably all winter and spring.

    Ghosts? I do not understand, Jason.

    A ghost is created whenever you think you have caused the death or demise of another.

    Are you talking about Carol?

    She was a ghost, but she is gone now. Ruthie and I put her to rest the last three months.

    So that is what she was talking about.

    Did she tell you about our search for her Aunt and Uncle?

    Yes, I guess you had to do that. What was all the talk about money?

    She worries about family finances, Louise. She is just like you.

    What did you tell her?

    Well, we had quite a conversation between ferries coming back from Fripp Island. She asked if we had enough to live on if I quit my job as Admiral in the Navy.

    She was worried about income?

    Both of you have no concept of what Caldwell International is worth. I explained it this way. Suppose that ten golden eagles, were placed one on the top of another?

    Oh, I see. A hundred dollars would be about an inch thick.

    She got that part just like you did. But not when I told her that the number of gold eagles that Caldwell International has would be miles high.

    Now I am lost.

    So was she. I tried it this way. If an inch is 100 dollars, how much is a foot high?

    1200 dollars.

    Correct, how much is a 1000 feet?

    1,200,000.00, oh my God, Jason, a mile is over six million dollars! How high was the stack you told her?


    Oh, Jason, that cannot be right, can it?

    That is what the company was worth last quarter, it varies from day-to-day, up and down. It will drive you and Ruth crazy if you try to keep track of it. Think of it this way. God has truly blessed this family. He made it all possible and he can take it all away in the blink of an eye.

    Then, we should do something worthwhile with some of it before God decides to blink. Jason, set up a foundation to help others less blessed than we are.

    Good idea. What should we call this foundation and who should run it?

    The director should be James Buchanan, can you think of anyone you trust more?

    Agreed. Now, the name. I said.

    United States Development Foundation, USDF for short. If my brother does not want to be part of this, tell him he has to until President Johnson leaves office. You trust him?

    How can you not trust someone who thinks you deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

    Who would be funded from the foundation and why? I asked.

    All western territories or former states seeking admission to the Union! The federal government has indicated that they will not pay for reconstruction of what Sherman did to the south. USDF will. The first hurdle or rule for assistance will be that the government has refused to help. The second will be that no northern state need apply, only western territories or CSA states. The third rule will be that once a state is admitted or readmitted it is no longer eligible.

    Louise, you should be the director. You have it all figured out.

    I cannot. I am the executive secretary and treasurer so I can keep an eye on our money.

    That is not how it works, Louise. Once the foundation is funded, the money is no longer ours to do with as we see fit. We will create the funding each year that we pay federal income taxes at the limit allowed by the tax codes. That way we pay the foundation instead of the federal treasury.

    I like the sound of that!

    You become more southern every year you live, you know that, Louise?

    And you become more northern, Mr. Business Tycoon.

    We laughed and noticed that the colors of the offshore waters were beginning to turn a bright blue and coral. St. George would appear in about an hour. We went below and finished our packing.


    U. S. Development Foundation

    Wheatland, Pennsylvania


    USDF was formed and James Buchanan became its first director. He sent letters to each of the provisional governors in the former CSA appointed by President Johnson. The confusion was soon apparent. Many governors thought USDF was a department in Washington and following the USDF guidelines to the letter, they called state conventions to do three things:

    First they repealed the ordinances of secession,

    Second they repudiated the state debts incurred in the aid of the Confederacy and,

    Third they ratified the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery.

    Once this was done the funding arrived in Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas. Tennessee was readmitted to the union in early 1866 and was shocked to learn that they no longer qualified for USDF funding. And further shocked when the governor’s letters of protest, addressed to USDF, Washington City, were returned with the letter marked, No such agency. The Civil Rights bill passed by congress in 1866 gave the right to veto to all Negro men. This caused considerable concern in the northern states. The US House of Representatives was based upon the voting population. Therefore, the fourteen southern states with freed slaves suddenly increased their representation from 52 to 76 members of congress. The majority of congress was Republican, but the majority would change once the rest of the states followed Tennessee into the Union. The republican majority decided that they needed to slow down or stop the readmission of southern states into the Union until they could modify the right to vote sections of the new civil rights bill. They proposed that every person who desired to vote should be able to read and write his name before voting. A poll tax would be required. A voter was required to own property. This applied to every state in the Union. And the right to vote was to be an adoption to every state constitution. They reasoned that no southern state would grant the right to vote to former slaves. This would keep them from readmission to the Union. This backfired when all fourteen states of the former CSA added this requirement to their state constitutions. Massachusetts, Colorado, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and Minnesota all refused to change their state constitutions and if you were a black man living in these states, you could not vote. Black men who had fought for the north in the war could not vote when they returned home if they lived in these states.

    The radical republicans became alarmed when the USDF taught black men to sign their names and read them. The annual poll tax was paid by the USDF. Deeds to one square foot of land were made out for black voters and paid for by the USDF. The USDF funding applied only to those states and territories seeking admission or readmission to the Union. So southern states began to seek readmission and were fully qualified to do so with USDF assistance. The quarrel in the thirty-ninth congress was bitter and when the southern members of the house of representatives were elected in the midterm elections of 1866 and came to Washington to serve their terms, they were refused upon the grounds that they had not taken their loyalty oaths to the United States. When each presented a copy of their sworn oaths, provided by USDF, a new requirement was passed by congress that no member of congress should have been connected in any way with the former Confederacy. This reduced the number by half. The remaining half were told to return home while the other half would be investigated by the reconstruction committee of Congress. The committee recommended to the congress that southern representation be limited to the 1860 membership levels until the census of 1870 could be made to determine the correct number of representatives from each of the southern states. This recommendation was passed by both houses of congress and vetoed by President Johnson. The veto was overridden by a two-thirds majority.

    Thaddious Stephens, a republican member of the House from Pennsylvania, was the leader of the drastic measures regarding reconstruction. He was implacable and intolerant of opposition carrying his views into effect by the imperious force of his iron will. His real object was to preserve the republican two-thirds majority by keeping the southern democrats from being seated as voting members of the US House of Representatives. The midyear elections of 1866 had eliminated the two-thirds republican majority. Representative Stephens was seventy one years old and rapidly failing in health, but this did not stop his savage vigor, showing no mercy to the other members of his party who might disagree with him. When a fellow republican protested to him on the floor of the House, that his conscience would not permit him to support some of his radical measures, Stephens replied, To hell with your conscience man this is your country!

    The reply to that comment was, Your position is a concept foreign to me. I do not believe in my country right or wrong. I believe in God before country. Right is always on the side of God. It would appear to me that your radical point of view is wrong for the country and wrong for the Republican Party.

    He received a standing ovation from the members present and the republicans lost several votes to the minority on each of his proposals from that date forward. President Johnson had vetoed each of the measures that the radicals put forward but he was overridden in each case. This so angered him that he decided to take his case for God before Country directly to the people. He decided to make a train tour, extending from Washington City to Chicago which he described as swinging round the circle. He invited James Buchanan to accompany him. The director of USDF agreed and met him in Washington City. James Buchanan was never popular with the people after his Proclamation of 1858, and this further injured Johnson’s popularity. They were viewed as two failed democratic presidents complaining directly to the people. After one train stop the two Presidents reviewed their progress to date.

    James, why is it so difficult for some of these people to see a fairly simple concept of right over wrong?

    It is more complex than that, my friend. The republicans have convinced the populace that several thousand uneducated former slaves do not have the ability to vote properly (translated, they will not vote for them). As soon as they can convince the black men of voting age that the republican party is the only party for them, things will change in a hurry.

    Why are the republicans fearful that the black vote is a democratic vote?

    The democrats welcomed them into the party. Republicans are uncomfortable around people of color. ‘White men only’ is the defacto motto of the republican party. They failed to see that after the war with Mexico, there were more men of color within the new territories and states in the west than white voters. Therefore, that is a democratic strong hold. The south is not the only democratic area of the country, look at both of us. If Louisiana is readmitted, for example, the black voters will out number the whites by forty percent.

    And these are all democratic votes!

    Correct. The struggle between you and the congress is one of political might and keeping control.

    There is supposed to be a separation of powers between the branches of government, James. I have been unable to get anything done, I might as well resign.

    Thanks to the republicans there is no sitting Vice President, they will never confirm a democrat and you will never appoint a republican. If you resign, then the White House goes to the republicans.

    I have only the next two years then, I will not get re-elected.

    Andrew, you have to face what I had to face. You will not be nominated.

    Then whoever is nominated at the republican convention is our next president?

    Unless the black men of this country are allowed to vote, yes. Even if the southern states are readmitted in time for the election, the congress will find a way to keep democrats from taking their seats. It is all about keeping control.

    I had such high hopes for this country, James.

    So did I. The only thing that kept me sane the four years I was in the White House was a young man by the name of Jason Caldwell, my brother-in-law.

    I wish he was part of my administration.

    He is too smart for that, Andrew. He will get more accomplished through USDF than you or the next republican president.

    You have convinced me, James. How can I get some of the things that I feel are important to USDF?

    You are talking to its director. Give me a list.

    I want change cabinet members.

    You will have to convince them to resign on their own, Andrew. A dismissal requires Senate approval for just cause.

    Just ‘cause I want to is not enough? He asked with a smile on his face.

    Who are we talking about, surely not Gideon Welles?

    Hell, no. Gideon Welles is the only republican I know that has his head screwed on straight. He is best of the cabinet.

    I agree. Who then?

    Edwin Stanton.

    Edwin? My God he is a democrat! He was a member of my cabinet.

    I know, he opposes everything I try to do inside the cabinet. Did you know he had a Confederate spy working for him in the Army Navy Building?

    Yes, Gideon Welles thinks the spy is in Canada, of all places.

    Not anymore. Captain Mason reports from Canada that the ‘Grand Dragon’ passed through there on his way to England. Those English bastards supported the Confederacy for four years by building ships of the line for them, all the while declaring that they were neutral. Those sumbitches!

    James Buchanan was smiling. Jason had told him of Andrew’s colorful language when he was mad.

    The first thing that you have to do is hold your temper in public and in private meetings. Use it only to drive a point home and only rarely. That way it is tool not a character trait.

    You are right, Mr. President, I, Andrew Johnson, am properly reprimanded for my barnyard approach. I will try to do better.

    Trying is not good enough, Andrew. Doing, is what is important to you the next two years. Do what you can get done, forget trying things that do not work. Quit trying to bump heads with the congress, ignore them and get what you want through USDF. And do not give them any grounds for impeachment, Andrew. If you do, they will use it.

    Thank you, James.

    James Buchanan was smiling again, he remembered Jason saying, You will never get the last word in a conversation with Andrew Johnson!

    No, thank you for inviting me on this trip around the circle.

    I really needed your support, James. You will not see another veto from the White House.

    James Buchanan was smiling again.


    A Night With Dickens

    Caldwell Place, Bermuda


    Laura Whitehall came rushing into the main dining room at Caldwell Place with a piece of paper in her hand. She was out of breath and Louise told her to sit down and tell her what was wrong.

    Nothing is wrong. I have a reservation for Mr. Charles Dickens from London, England. The Charles Dickens. Can you imagine what this place is going to be like when word of this gets out to the public?

    Are you sure it is the world renowned novelist?

    "Yes, he is meeting Samuel Clemens here. They are going to write a new novel called The Mystery of Edwin Drood."

    "Wait, Laura, slow down. Samuel Clemens is living in Virginia City, Nevada, he writes for the Territorial Enterprise, the county newspaper. I have read several of his articles over the past years."

    "He did live there, Louise. He moved to Virginia City with his brother, who had been appointed Territorial Secretary. When Nevada became a State, the brother moved back to Missouri. Mr. Clemens moved to San Francisco where he began writing humorous fictional accounts of the local citizens. His first book was called The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, published under the pen name ‘Mark Twain’. Have you read it?"

    Of course, I had no idea that Mark Twain was our Samuel Clemens from Virginia City!

    Yes, I think our young Mark Twain will become the American Charles Dickens. This novel could make Mark Twain a household name, as famous as Mr. Dickens.

    How long will they be here, Laura?

    Mr. Dickens said at least a fortnight in his letter! Oh, Louise, this is going to be something to tell our grandchildren.

    Laura, we need to write to both Mr. Dickens and Clemens. If they are going to be here two weeks, maybe we can persuade them to meet with the citizens of Bermuda. Why not have a town meeting to answer questions and advertise their upcoming novel one evening? We will call it a night with Charles Dickens and Mark Twain. How many people can we seat here at Caldwell Place, Laura?

    Well, that depends upon whether we sit outside or inside. There are over 50,000 people living in Bermuda, Louise. If they all show up we will need to sit them on the rolling hillside of the golf course. Hole number 4 closest to the Inn would be best.

    What did you think when you first came here in ‘59, Laura?

    "I remember stepping on the Cold Harbor in Port Royal, South Carolina, on November 9, 1859. We were met by Captain Jacob, and shown to the owner’s suite. Captain Jacob said, ‘Captain Caldwell uses this suite whenever he travels with us. I know you will be comfortable here. If you need anything, Mrs. Whitehall, I have instructions from Captain Caldwell to provide it. We are crossing at a nice time of year. Storm season is over for the middle Atlantic and we should have smooth sailing.’

    He left us to unpack our bags and settle in. Robert asked me,‘Laura, would you consider moving to Bermuda for a year?’ I answered, It would depend upon what Bermuda is like.

    Several days later the captain of the Cold Harbor announced, ‘We are several leagues away from the eastern end of Bermuda, Mrs. Whitehall. Notice the color of the sea has changed to a bright blue and aqua. We are sailing over the sidewalls of an ancient volcano. Bermuda is what is left of the volcano rim. Over the centuries the side of the rim facing America has dropped below the sea. This side, that faces east, remains above the sea.’ I asked Captain Jacob how the island got its name.

    ‘It was discovered by a Spanish vessel in the year 1515, they were looking for fresh drinking water. When water was not discovered, the island was added to the Spanish maps and named for the ship’s captain, Juan de Bermudez.’

    I then asked how the English came to settle here.

    ‘An Atlantic storm caused a ship traveling to Jamestown Colony to crash on the coral outcropping in 1609. The captain of that ship, Sir George Somers, salvaged what he could and brought survivors to the beach just beyond this point that we are sailing around

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