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The Power of Numbers
The Power of Numbers
The Power of Numbers
Ebook302 pages2 hours

The Power of Numbers

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In todays world, the use of numbers grows by the day, and we depend on them for so much. This book contains a series of lists that contain information about numbers and their use in society. They will be most useful to those with a quizzical nature but should be of general interest to all.

Schrdingers cat was an infamous and cruel thought experiment dreamt up in the last century to expose one of the mistaken ideas current in science at that time. Since escaping from the box Felix has taken up writing and, in collaboration with retired water engineer Pyotr Stilovsky, he has compiled this factual compendium.
Release dateFeb 13, 2018
The Power of Numbers

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    The Power of Numbers - Stilovsky


    I called the dentist’s for an urgent appointment.

    Tooth hurty today? I hear the receptionist say and assume she is from Hong Kong. Of course, I reply, that’s why I rang.

    That’s confirmed 2.30 with Dr Frost. She says, What name is it?

    I’m told that dentist’s receptionists have this interchange included in their basic training these days and are required to laugh when you make a joke of it. But why are numbers so important to us. Well this sort of interchange demonstrated one aspect – how much time depends on numbers. It required the delivery and acceptance of a number to indicate when a meeting should take place and that was numeric.

    Actually time is somewhat unusual as most of the numbers we use are based on ten. This is called the base and no-one actually knows why we use ten though it is widely assumed that it is because we have ten fingers and toes. Why not twelve which would be more useful when filling egg boxes? Base ten is generally known as the decimal system and is widely used by mathematicians and scientists as it is the most accepted system. Having said that, it’s not the only one.

    Time, as mentioned above is more complex. Short-term time uses base 60 i.e. we have sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour. However it then goes completely astray (for good reason) as we have 24 hours in a day and then 365¼ days in a year. Obviously the latter larger units relate to the rotation of the Earth and its path around the Sun; with some complication as regards to the moon which has a base of nearly thirty but not quite. We handle this by ignoring the arithmetic and handing out arbitrary names for the months which is why the religions of the world spend so much time arguing about the dates on which festivals fall.

    When we get to larger units of distance we revert to decimal and talk about tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of kilometres or miles. When these become inadequate we bring in the speed of light and use light years; again in decimal terms. Getting smaller than seconds involves decimals going right down to the nano level and beyond. It’s also convenient, in the decimal system to use powers thus if I add a little number up above and to the right of another number that raises it to the power of the little number. For very big numbers this is very useful and avoids having to write a lot of zeros.

    So time involves a complex set of bases but what do computers use? A much simpler system altogether called binary which basically means two. This is easier for electronic machines to understand as it only uses ‘0’ and ‘1’. It’s very easy to design circuits and switches which just use these two digits rather than more complex numbers – that’s until you get human intervention. Endless strings of 1s and 0s would be difficult to work with so an intermediate base was brought in - octal. This uses eight digits at a time and was useful for many years until it was found necessary to introduce hexadecimal or base 16. This has numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F and G to be able to work up to sixteen with single digits. Soon after, 32 digits were introduced and some now use 64 as a base.

    Was twelve ever used? – well yes – before decimalization in the UK we had twelve pennies to a shilling and we still have twelve inches to a foot. So what about twenty? – twenty shillings to a pound. Thank goodness we got rid of some of them. Engineers in the UK converted to decimal coinage in the late 1960s and to decimal measurement in the early 1970s. Prior to that a ‘bill of quantities’ was measured in yards, feet and inches (and even eighths of an inch) with unit costs in pounds, shillings and pence. A penny was one 240th of a pound.

    Time was not the only system to use sixty as a base; it was, and still is used for latitude and longitude though, of late, decimal degrees tend to be used rather than degrees, minutes and seconds. In spite of all the progress made towards decimalization, the speed of ships is still rated in knots or nautical miles – a measure based on latitude and longitude. These systems, using four dimensions, enable us to define a place in three dimensions and time so that meetings can take place; without them life would be quite difficult.

    There are other systems which mix numbers with letters which appear to be numeric but are actually nominal – i.e. they are names. The M6, A303 and B4098 are names rather than numbers. The test for this is whether you can add or subtract them from one another and obviously you can’t subtract the A30 from the A303. Zip codes and postcodes, similarly as they have no numeric significance. They indicate places which need interpretation to give them meaning. House numbering is somewhere in between a name and a number. They are obviously names as they identify particular properties but they also have some aspect of a number as they increase or decrease as you progress along a road. Are they true numbers – probably not - as adding or subtracting them makes no sense.

    GPS coordinates have become very useful now that so many satellites circle the Earth though in apparently stationary orbit. These use lots of complex calculations to let you know your precise location on the surface of the planet and how to get from one place to another using, initially names but actually, underlying coordinates which are large numbers. Incorporated into such systems are complex equations using geometry, trigonometry and algebra which are the second order mathematical tools after addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Navigation, engineering and architecture all require a clear understanding and skill in using them.

    Algebra, a mystery to many, is a rather simple way of using letters in place of numbers when you want to be able to vary the numbers (or parameters as they are called) before you get to an answer. Calculating anything more complex than the very simple requires equations which spell out the relationships between things without having to assign numbers. All of the sciences depend heavily on the use of equations, especially physics.

    Possibly the most confusing numbers are statistics. These are numbers which represent such things as samples of a large number of things – a population. If I say that 6% of the population is unemployed then most people will know what I mean and if I say that it fell by 1% they will also be comfortable. But if the average rise in house prices rose by 10% would it be 10% of the average price or 10% of the previous price rise? Clarity is all when dealing with statistics; as they say: There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

    Did you remember that the telephone system, when first introduced, just used names and only in the 1970s did it go wholly onto numbers. The early telephone dials has three letters with each number and the exchanges all had names which eventually became numbers. Can you imagine not using numbers now?

    Photography used to be a wet process using chemicals and hardly anyone cared about the grain in a film as it was so fine. They did however, after about 1970, care about the film speed which was an ISO number and the higher the number, the faster the film responded to light. When digital cameras came into use, we forgot about film speed and got fixated on pixels and aspect ratios, all of which come in number format. This affected file size and your ability to save a picture or transmit it elsewhere.

    Which brings us on to the internet. Every computer has an IP – a unique number which identifies it and actually it’s not a number – it’s a numeric name. But the speed of our internet connection is definitely a number measured in baud. Don’t ask why.

    Where would sport be without numbers? Generally there are two kinds of sports – those which use scoring and those that involve winning. You don’t actually need numbers in events which involve getting past a winning line before other competitors but we still have first, second and third for medals. After that the times and heights are measured and form endless tables of records – all numerical. But some forms of athletics use distances as the measure of success; the throwing events being the best examples and no-one knows who the winner is until the last throw. Jumping is somewhat similar.

    Sports which involve low scores use simple numbers. These include soccer, field hockey, ice hockey and others which use ‘goals’ as a means of differentiation. The winners get points, usually three for a win and one for a draw and then numerical tables are compiled – league tables. Baseball is somewhat similar in its scoring though lacking goals. High scoring games such as cricket have all sorts of complications and rules to comply with; even a formula to determine who has won in the event that a match is interrupted by rain. In between these extremes are medium scoring games such as Rugby, American Football and Aussie Rules whereby there are a number of ways that you can score points.

    Games have similarities. Snooker and Go involve relatively big numbers whereas chess and most board games involve clear winners and losers. Monopoly is more complex as it can go either way depending on whether the players have time to complete the game or agree to finish at a certain time. In the first case all players except the winner are bankrupted and, in the latter case, there is a numerical valuation of assets to determine who has won.

    Talking of games brings us on to gambling which has its own version of mathematics to support what has become a major business. Odds are the backbone of any sort of gambling where the wager is more complex than a win or lose bet. Any bookmaker with a poor understanding of odds would soon go bankrupt.

    Most card games use values rather than numbers which is evidenced by the face cards being known as members of

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