Everything Beautiful: Perspectives for Your Daily Life
About this ebook
With over thirty-five years of combined experience both in the fashion industry and in the ministry, they share how they have seen the importance of not just looking attractive but also maintaining a positive perspective in life. Its a big misconception that we cant help it if we feel a certain way, and Everything Beautiful will help us take the time and the effort to stop, examine our feelings, and respond to our circumstances in a positive way.
Barbara Fisher
Barbara Fisher, who lives in Sydney, has worked as an illustrator, copywriter, editor, art teacher and an antiquarian bookseller. Although born in NSW, she spent part of her childhood inEngland and, later, with her architect husband returned there to live in London for several years. It was not until l995 that she focused on writing (and reading) poetry, although years earlier she had published a few memorable poems. Encouraged by her 'rediscovery' by Peter Coleman and attendance at Ron Pretty's celebrated poetry workshops at Wollongong University in 1999, she was awarded a Varuna mentorship with Kevin Brophy. Other awards have included the Bauhinia and the Grenfell Henry Lawson Prizes. In 2001 she was a finalist in the Gwen Harwood Prize and took second prize in the NSW Society of Women Writers' 2004 National Poetry Competition. In 2014 she was shortlisted for the inaugural Second Bite Poetry Competition.
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Everything Beautiful - Barbara Fisher
Copyright © 2018 Barbara Fisher, Kindra Wright, Kimberly Sumner.
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ISBN: 978-1-4808-4696-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4808-4697-5 (e)
Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/27/2018
1 Keep Moving Forward
By Kimberly Sumner
2 Mental Health
3 Fast Food & Dieting
4 Rest
5 Conviction
6 Attitude
7 Manners
8 Atmosphere
9 Devotion
10 Integrity
11 Budget
12 Opportunity
13 Service
14 Femininity
15 Parenting
16 Boundaries
17 Dating
18 Fashion & Representation
19 Love
Over the years of working in both fashion and ministry we constantly see the importance of not just looking attractive but also maintaining a positive perspective in life. Based on our experience and countless conversations with both women and men, we understand the importance of making healthy investments in our inner and outer man; so that we may be whole and have fulfilled lives.
We all know that life is filled with both ups and downs, disappointments and uncertainty. Through it all, it is important to keep things in perspective. This book is a compilation of topics that we felt were important to address. We hope that the reader either gains perspective or is simply refreshed in