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Leadership: School Board Superintendent Principal
Leadership: School Board Superintendent Principal
Leadership: School Board Superintendent Principal
Ebook84 pages43 minutes

Leadership: School Board Superintendent Principal

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About this ebook

This book provides a practical look into the essence of leadership in a K12 educational environment, including the five mistakes school boards make in hiring a superintendent, the jealousy and envy pitfall, and the importance of having the right people in your inner circle. Also discussed is the role of the school district attorney, the puppet principal, the default leaders, the charter school leader dilemma, and the sixty-five things you should know and do to become an effective K12 education leader.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 14, 2014
Leadership: School Board Superintendent Principal

Fayette B Nick EdD

Fayette B. Nick, EdD, is an independent education consultant. She has served in a number of leadership positions, including interim superintendent. She is the author of Involving Parents in the Common Core State Standards: Through a Family-School Partnership Program. She holds a doctorate in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University; an education specialist degree in education administration and a master of science in education from Jacksonville State University, Alabama; and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Austin Peay State University. She is a sought-after education presenter, consultant and speaker. She resides in Columbia, South Carolina. You can visit her website at

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    Leadership - Fayette B Nick EdD

    Copyright © 2014 by Fayette B. Nick, EdD.

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    Rev. date: 11/03/2014






    Section I School Board Leadership

    Chapter 1 The School Board Members

    The Most Important Job of the School Board

    Hiring a Leader by Default

    School Boards Superintendent Hiring Mistakes

    The Board’s Relationship with the Superintendent

    The School Board’s Attorney

    Public Participation and Comments

    School Board and Standing Committees

    Section II Superintendent Leadership

    Chapter 2 The Superintendent and District-Level Staff

    Smoke and Mirrors Illusion

    Your Inner Circle

    Jealousy and Envy Pitfall

    A Word about Courage

    School, Public, and Community Relations and ROPE

    Adopt-a-School Program

    Section III Principal Leadership

    Chapter 3 The Principalship

    The Puppet Principal

    Principal and Legal Counsel

    Select Your Own Staff

    Parent Advisory Council

    Look at the Correlates of Effective Schools

    Parental Involvement

    The Charter School Leader

    Section IV Moving Forward

    Chapter 4 Moving Forward: Sixty-Five Things to Know and Do

    The Sixty-Five Things


    To my spouse, Henry Nick Jr., who has encouraged and

    supported my work in education, thank you. Also, to my first

    grade teacher Miss Fordham, who first taught me about leadership, thank you.


    A s a practicing education leader or aspiring education leader, you have read many books on leading a school and a school district. In addition, you have studied a number of leadership theories. This book is designed not to review information you already know but to provide practical insight into the essence of leadership in K–12 educational institutions. As you are aware, there are many definitions of leadership. My definition of leadership is simply to influence others to do the work that you want done in your school or school district. The major work of schools and school districts is to prepare students for postsecondary education and/or for a career upon leaving high school and the ability to function in a highly technological society, which includes the entire world.

    Several years ago, I read a groundbreaking book called Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading by Heifetz and Linsky (2002). Well, leadership is more on the line today than ever before in this environment of high-stake testing, accountability, and low parental involvement in secondary education and our technological global society. As an education leader, you should be aware of the reality of leading at every level: school board, superintendent, and the principalship. This book provides a fresh, practical, and realistic look at leadership in K–12 education in the twenty-first century.

    The book is divided into four sections. Section I: The School Board discusses major issues that plague every school board, such as hiring an effective superintendent and other leadership personnel, public participation and public comments in school board meetings, the correct role of the school board attorney, and five mistakes made by school boards in hiring a superintendent. Section II: The Superintendent describes and discusses the smoke and mirrors illusion, the jealousy and envy pitfall, having courage to do the job, and more. Section III: The Principalship describes and discusses the puppet principalship, having your own legal counsel, selecting your own staff, and more. Section IV: Moving Forward

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