The ‘How to Guide’ to Verbal Reasoning
About this ebook
This Verbal Reasoning book allows your child to work at their own pace through a supportive, step-by-step guide, with illustrations to help build your childs confidence. Your child can monitor their own learning and it is easy for you to review their progress too. If your child does ask for help then we have provided examples and answers to allow you to help them succeed.
Verbal Reasoning not only helps challenge your child, it also allows them to become more analytical and creative as they have the opportunity to send in their own examples of the 21 different types.
There are over 100 different examples in this book, which will stretch your childs potential and help them accomplish their academic abilities.
We at Academic Achievements pride ourselves in helping you and your child even after the book has been purchased which is why we have left our email address for any extra assistance needed.
Help your child achieve their full academic potential today!
For more details, visit
Divya Mistry-Patel
Divya Mistry-Patel was born in 1988 in Bradford, which no matter what anyone says about it will always be home to her. She attended school in Bradford and universities in Leicester and Scotland. She has lived in: Bradford, Leicester, Glasgow, Berwickshire and now she lives in Kent; everyone of these places has left an impression on her and shes grateful to the people shes met along the way. Mrs Mistry-Patel recently got married and had been a teacher for a few years, she loves her job and the random things children come out with. Her hobbies consist of travelling, being a foodie, and spending time with family and friends, oh and ticking things off her bucket list (yes, this book was on her bucket list).
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The ‘How to Guide’ to Verbal Reasoning - Divya Mistry-Patel
2017 Divya Mistry-Patel. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
Published by AuthorHouse 09/14/17
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6798-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6797-9 (e)
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Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.
Type 1 – Easy Peasy!
Type 2 – So You’re Stuck on Type 2, Boo! 
Type 3 – Learn it and be Free
Type 4– What a BORE
Type 5– Live From Studio Type Five
Type 6– Ripe Sticks
Type 7– It’s Like Heaven
Type 8– It’s Never Too Late
Type 9– Time To SHINE!
Type 10– Quick Grab a Pen!
Type 11– 11+ get on your bus
Type 12– Don’t Dwell
Type 13 – Because it almost rhymes with baked beans
Type 14 - Jeez, not everything needs to rhyme
Type 15– It’s not that mean! 
Type 16– No Sweat!
Type 17- Mean Team
Type 18 – I Am Keen
Type 19– Knight in Shining Tin
Type 20– Don’t Make Me Snore
Type 21– Show ‘em How it’s Done!
Reflecting and Monitoring My Progress
Verbal Reasoning Questions
My Own Examples
Thank you for all the love, support and for continuously encouraging me to get this book published!
Cheers guys:
To both wonderful Mistry and Patel Mums – thank you for always believing in me and for gently encouraging me to not give up.
To both amazing Mistry and Patel Dads – thank you for proof-reading the book (until you got bored ☺).
To the Prajapatis for putting up with my hermit modes whilst creating this book on a trip in India.
To my lovely cousin Dev Prajapati (Devlu) for having to succumb to extra work on a very long train journey in India.
To Vimal and Umisha ‘Pattry’ (we made the fusion happen Umi!) for being supportive and enthusiastic every time I spoke about the book.
To Mayur Mistry for helping to edit
To Dinesh Fuva for actually proof-reading until Canada called again.
To Priteshbhai and Reenaben Patel for being supportive.
To everyone else who has supported this book’s long journey and to the staff at Author House for helping to make this happen.
And lastly to my loving husband, Aalok Patel, for always encouraging me to push forward and for reminding me I need to make things happen.
We did it guys! xx
Help I Think I Can’t Do Type …
17585.png ... 17583.png ... 17581.png
Hello, okay so first things first, breathe. Repeat after me, ‘I’ve got this’. Now say it like you mean it. I’m listening.
I’m V Mouse and I’ll be taking you through each type of question given in Verbal Reasoning, step-by-step, to help you pass your Eleven Plus Exam. This exam is taken to help you get into a fantastic school that everyone wants to go to!
Okay, so this is going to look like some James Bond style code, but it’s easy once you get your head around it. Most of the types have to do with finding patterns within the alphabet. Just follow the step-by-step instructions. I’ll be right here to help you, but I’m not going to read it to you when you don’t understand it: you are. Read Yo, trust me it works! Just remember to fill out the reflection and notes section at the back after each type you practice.
Remember what I said, you’ve got this! Now let’s go kick some Verbal Reasoning behind!
image007.jpgType 1 – Easy Peasy!
9070.jpgIn each of the questions, find the letters that best concludes the series. The alphabet has been provided to support you.
This is the instruction we are used to seeing for type one, now we are going to break it down and simplify it so we get it!
. OA PB QC RD SE [ ]
= Right this