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Who Do I Tell?
Who Do I Tell?
Who Do I Tell?
Ebook62 pages1 hour

Who Do I Tell?

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There is an amusement park in Washington, DC, called Great Adventures, and thats what I call my journey with the Lord. I have had many trials but many more victories. The enemy of our souls will try to destroy us, but we must remember that the enemy has already been defeated at Calvary. God keeps us in the palm of his hand (Isaiah 49:16), and he has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Man did not want to acknowledge the things that God used me to do, but I did what I was called to doand you can too. With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). God has used me to heal the sick, raise the dead, and see the blind receive sight, but I didnt know that these things were going to be part of what he called me to do. As I came to know him more, things became clearer. God has a plan for my life.

By now, you must realize that God is knocking on the door to your heart. He calls to us, but we must be obedient to respond. We are all on a journey from birth to death, and sometimes, it can be uphill. But thanks to the grace of God, we have victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).

I wrote this book to share the reality of God with you. Even when you were a child, God had his hand on you whether you realize it or not (2 Timothy 2:19). If you are broken, he wants to piece you back together. If you are in tears, he wants to wipe them away. If you are wounded, he wants to heal your wounds. He so longs for us to experience his goodness and his faithfulness. The divine encounters that Ive experienced have happened over several years, but the more that hes given me, the more that I want. To me, it is so exciting to see God in action.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 14, 2016
Who Do I Tell?

Marcella Vasquez

When I was told I was to write a book, I did not think that I could. It didnt even pass my mind to do such a thing. Well, as time went by, I kept feeling there was something I have to deal with. I would pick up a pen and write little notes on things the Lord would show me. Even at times when he would say things to me, I would write them down. But never did I think this would come in book form. To me, it was quite difficult to do. Needless to say, here is what God wanted, and in obedience to him, here is his book.

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    Who Do I Tell? - Marcella Vasquez

    Copyright © 2016 Marcella Vasquez.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-5951-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-5952-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-5950-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016916605

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/14/2016


    Chapter 1 The Beginning

    Chapter 2 Marriage and Family

    Chapter 3 His Children’s Children

    Chapter 4 A Time of Transition

    Chapter 5 The God of Miracles

    Chapter 6 Greater Works and Visions

    Chapter 7 My Great Adventure Continues

    F or many years, I have felt that the Lord wanted me to tell my story in book form, but writing down my memories has been one of the most difficult things that He has ever asked me to do. To write my story meant to look back on my life while being careful to not relive it. Remembering where I’ve been and what has happened to me has at times been very painful, but I love Him, and I want to be obedient. God has always been faithful to me, and I know that He would not ask me to do something without helping me through it.

    I have had so many supernatural experiences, both before I became a Christian and after I gave my life to the Lord, that my story might be hard to believe. But I promise you, what you are about to read is absolutely true. What has happened in my life, God can and wants to do in your life as well. He is not a respecter of persons. God is revealing Himself more and more to this generation, and He wants you to experience Him in a mighty way. He wants to show Himself strong in you, and He wants you to know that His love for us is beyond what our finite minds can imagine.

    I asked the Lord to please help me to write everything that He wanted me to say and also to give me confirmation that this was His will. He did that through multiple sources, including several people with prophetic gifting who I had not met before and who therefore did not know anything about me. It is my prayer that as you read about my experiences, you are better able to understand the great love that God has for you. So many of us want fulfillment, but we don’t know what we are really searching for. We try to satisfy ourselves in many ways, but only the love of Jesus can fill that empty place in our hearts. Only He has the answer for every question and the solution for every problem. God will always give us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ, and we can count on Him to always be there for us. The closer we get to Him and the more familiar we are with His ways, the more pliable we become in His hands: He is the potter; we are His clay. He can and will mold us into the people we should be, the people who we want to be (Jeremiah 18:6). He fulfills and satisfies as no one else and nothing else can.

    Here is my story. Let the adventure begin.


    The Beginning

    Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1:5)

    M ost people would consider my childhood in New York to have been pretty rough. In those days, people of different races didn’t mix, so my Italian mother and dark-skinned Puerto Rican father could not live together. When I was a child, I didn’t know that my father was Puerto Rican; it was never discussed. I figured that he was Native American, and I would not learn until adulthood of his actual heritage.

    To avoid being disowned by her family or losing any of her other children, my mother sent my younger sister and me to live with another family who was not related to us. My sister and I were told to call the husband and wife of that family aunt and uncle. We were supposed to visit our real mom and dad every other weekend, but that did not always happen.

    For some reason, I was not well liked in my new family; I felt like I was the black sheep, and that’s exactly how they treated me. If meat was served with dinner, I was only given a piece if anything was leftover. My aunt was a very sickly woman, and she stayed in bed most of the time. My uncle did most of the housework, and he would also play with me sometimes. But then,

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