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Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet
Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet
Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet
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Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet

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The exhilarating story of an atheist who accidentally experienced enlightenment because of dietary changes. Katie Player, PhD was a left-brained economist and a lifelong atheist. She had chronic fatigue, asthma, allergies, and sinus infections, among other maladies.

Everything changed when her husband suddenly got sick. Doctor after doctor failed to diagnose him; Player became increasing frustrated and decided to figure out the cause herself. She discovered he was nutritionally bankrupt. Players background in economics, statistics and research gave her a unique perspective that enabled her to create an Equilibrium Dieta way of eating that yields health for a lifetime, and the couple began the journey to nutritional solvency.

In the early morning hours that December, Players atheist world shattered forever in a terrifying and wonderful spiritual encounter. She was left wondering who, or what, she was, and she spent years integrating the spiritual knowledge she received that morning.

This is the testimony of a diet so efficient, and so powerful that it can bring anyone, even an atheist, face-to-face with the Great Mystery of All That Is. In Part 2, Player explains the Equilibrium Diet and provides a blueprint for you to follow. The resultthe end of nutritional bankruptcy for all willing to try it.

Nutritional bankruptcy [noun]1. condition of dis-ease that results when foods are consumed that cost the body more to digest than it provides in available nutrients. 2. nutritional depletion. 3. the state resulting from repeatedly negative returns on nutritional investments.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 18, 2016
Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet

Katie Grace Player Ph.D.

Katie Player, PhD is an author, blogger, speaker, and nutritional and spiritual pioneer. Prior to her sudden awakening she was an investment banking analyst, an expert witness in financial valuation, and an assistant professor of business and accounting. Katie blogs at The Spiritual Economist and assists others in the detoxification process. She has two children and resides in the Carolinas.

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    Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days - Katie Grace Player Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2016 Katie Grace Player, Ph.D.

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    Part 1: Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days

    Chapter 1: The Health Crisis: Candida Overgrowth

    Chapter 2: Discovering the Equilibrium Diet

    Chapter 3: Radical Changes

    Chapter 4: The Economist and the Atheist

    Chapter 5: Outliers

    Chapter 6: Accidental Enlightenment

    Chapter 7: Atonement

    Chapter 8: Mission Control

    Chapter 9: Coalescence: Human Lie Detectors

    Chapter 10: Trouble in Dreamland

    Chapter 11: Mission Possible and Vibrational Nutrition

    Chapter 12: The Second Enlightenment

    Chapter 13: The Challenge

    Part 2: The Equilibrium Diet

    Chapter 14: What Is Healthy?

    Chapter 15: The E Word—Enemas

    Chapter 16: The Equilibrium Diet: A Blueprint for Transformation

    Chapter 17: Controversial Foods

    Chapter 18: The Low-Down on Other Diets

    Chapter 19: Fear of Getting Healthy

    Chapter 20: Ninety-Day Program Overview

    Chapter 21: Fasting

    Chapter 22: Colon, Kidney, Parasite, Heavy Metal Cleanses, and the Liver Flush

    Chapter 23: Detox Support

    Chapter 24: Create Your Own Ninety-Day Program

    Chapter 25: Questions and Answer

    Notes and References


    Modern society favors easy and pill-popping fixes; enlightenment and health are neither. This is for the part of you that yearns to know, to experience and not just believe.

    At first, I hesitated to use the word enlightened in the title of this book because of the strength, power, and connotations associated with the word enlightenment. Then I remembered a quote by the Buddha: Achieving enlightenment is easy; it is remaining enlightened that requires work. The former applies to this book while I am still working on the latter—and, as you will see, the title wasn’t up to me. This story is a bridge—a bridge from one side of your brain to the other—from the left brain to the right brain, from the logical and the rational to the primitive, the intuitive, and the instinctual. This bridge connects science and spirituality; it connects what some call God or Goddess or Creator or Universe with the physical world. It reawakens the instincts and knowledge that ancient people understood and held dear.

    For a long time, for years, I was afraid of what people would think of my experience, and I was afraid of what I had discovered—I was afraid of the instincts I had unleashed when I returned to true physical health after a life of disease, weight issues, and the struggle to simply survive. After major dietary changes and the creation of the Equilibrium Diet, I was able to access information I never dreamed possible. And yet once I was able to feel the information—to sense it—I couldn’t imagine life without it. It was so simple. I wondered how science had missed it for so long. Humans have instincts just like animals, but somehow, through a combination of poor diet, food additives, environmental toxins, and the era of logic, we have forgotten the basic instincts not just needed to survive but to thrive.

    The most common question I am asked after telling my story is, Why you? Why did an atheist economist get to experience enlightenment? At first I did not know, but then I realized that I was so left-brained, so analytical, and so in denial regarding spirituality that I would never have believed the experience had it happened to anyone other than me. I also believe I am one of the first of many.

    This is a full-disclosure book; I have held nothing back. My medical records, blood tests, and pictures of my husband and me that literally track our health are available on my website, I have included as much evidence as possible in this book and on the website. Where necessary, I have changed the names of some of the people I interacted with to maintain their privacy.

    I owe my courage and self-acceptance to brave souls like Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Debbie Ford, and Neale Donald Walsch. Each of these brave, wonderful authors broke through the mold of social stereotypes and acceptable writing experiences. Reading their words helped me feel less alone—less different—and helped me to accept and understand the amazing world I had discovered and what I was here to help others understand. Thank you to each of these Otherselves—I am eternally grateful. As I edited this book, exactly two years after completing the original manuscript, I was once again amazed and awed at how far my family had come, how much transformation had occurred, and the journey we lived during those first few years of health. I am both humbled and honored that for whatever reason, we all chose for me to live this particular vessel and tell this story in this giant game of creation.

    The world has not been ready for a diet this powerful until now. I am ready, you are ready—society is ready. Let’s experience the amazing creations of which we are truly capable. What I cover in this book is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tapping into our human potential. I know that people willing to try the ninety-day detoxification program and adopt the Equilibrium Diet will have experiences far more amazing than those recorded on these pages. Understand this book is not an end-all, be-all; it simply provides a stepping-stone, a foundation or beginning, but it is just that—the beginning.


    Hello there. You don’t think that you know me right now, but you do. I am that ancient part of you that wonders what lies beyond this earthly world. I am the part of you that thinks this world, this life, is all there is. At the same time, I am that part of you that knows there is so much more than just this life—we are all one and the same.

    This is the story of an atheist—a pragmatic economist—accidentally becoming enlightened. I never sought enlightenment or believed it to be a possibility; nevertheless, because of the dietary and lifestyle changes I made, enlightenment happened. This is not the story of a near-death experience or physical trauma; it is quite the opposite. Not once but twice I experienced different levels of enlightenment along with daily interactions with the energy world. Everything in the world and universe is energy, vibrating at different speeds. As humans become healthy, we become sensitive, and what appears to be the physical world gives way to the universe’s true energetic nature. Physical boundaries blur, and everything swirls together.

    For years I suffered from chronic fatigue, asthma, candida overgrowth, eczema, and an inability to lose weight. After creating the Equilibrium Diet, I overcame every disease I ever had; in addition, my mind and spirit began to balance too. I reawakened the instincts ancient people had, the instincts many primitive tribes and animals still have, and I became a human lie detector. This is quite literally a sixth sense. It is the ability to feel energies outside of our physical bodies—like a storm coming, the toxicity of a plant, or someone’s emotions.

    I suppose I should start at the beginning. This story begins in July 2010 in Greenville, South Carolina—the middle of the Bible Belt. I had quit my job as an investment-banking analyst to pursue my passion—economics. I was finishing up my PhD in economics at Clemson University. In college, I played volleyball and graduated summa cum laude with majors in economics and finance. My husband, Lance, played baseball in college and was a banker. We were two very ordinary Americans—we had a dog, Theodore, a twenty-two-pound Pomeranian, and we were overweight, tired, and got sick a lot. We ate the standard American diet of wheat, sugar, processed food, and alcohol. Lance’s favorite lunch consisted of two Wendy’s bacon-cheeseburgers with just ketchup, french fries, and sweet tea. I had his order memorized from countless trips to the drive-through.

    But then it all changed. One day in July, Lance, then twenty-five years old, got sick—really sick—and the doctors he saw could not figure out what was wrong with him. That is when I got frustrated. That is when I started asking questions and really wanting answers. I discovered we were both nutritionally bankrupt, and I started doing my own research and began searching for an equilibrium diet. As an economist, I knew there had to be a way of eating, a way of living, that would provide the body with everything it needed to maintain health. In economic terms, I saw this equilibrium everywhere—I looked at nature and saw plants and animals and even people who never got sick. I knew there had to be a way to replicate this. So I searched, and I found. I never found an equilibrium diet in all of the diets on the market because every diet was flawed in some way. But I had an eye for what worked, and I had the time and patience to test it.

    Slowly, gradually, I took the best subsets of many of the better diets on the market and combined them with scientific knowledge of digestion and my instincts—what I will explain later as vibrational nutrition—to generate the Equilibrium Diet. After ninety days of internal cleansing and dietary changes, I had my first enlightenment experience—I went from an adamant atheist to a confused spiritualist in an instant; my atheistic reality was shattered, and I was left looking at the pieces. It took months to process and accept that an energetic door had been opened, and my life would be forever changed.

    Initially, I did not want to tell anyone about what I had experienced—I was too afraid of what people would say and of what they would think because I knew what I would have thought only months earlier. For years, I lived in a quiet world of isolation, thinking that no one could ever accept my secret and the vibrational world I had discovered. I told myself that I was happy, that I was content. But then I learned there would be no peace for me until I accepted the path the Universe had chosen for me—the path that I had chosen for myself long before I forgot my truth in the physical world of fear, ego, and illusion.

    This is the story of relaxing my stubbornness, my rationality, and of giving up the struggle. I finally stopped resisting what I was apparently on earth to do—only then did I calm my inner angst and find peace. In the process, I got out of my own selfish, fearful way and realized that this story wasn’t for me—it was for you. It is a blueprint to share with you so that you can discover your own story, your own true self—it is a blueprint to remembering. This story is ultimately a challenge. It is a challenge to you from you to remember who you really are, to experience and to know. To all people: the religious, the atheist, and the scientist—who are equally faithful to their own set of beliefs—I ask you:

    What if you had the chance to prove to yourself—to know—whether or not your current belief system is the truth? Would you embrace that opportunity?

    It is bold to suggest a diet can lead you to enlightenment, and yet, that is exactly my proposition—ninety days. Ninety days is all it takes to know. What could you do for ninety days if you knew it meant knowing—if you knew it meant finding your true self? Aren’t you worth it? I know you are.


    This story unfolds through massive shifts in consciousness. Part 1 begins with the health crisis Lance and I faced and then proceeds to my methodology in creating the Equilibrium Diet. Our health improvements are recorded, including overcoming every health issue either of us ever had: chronic fatigue, candida overgrowth, eczema, prostatitis, asthma, excess weight, and gallbladder disease. I then introduce you to my thought processes and the person I was before our dietary changes and before enlightenment. Then comes the story of the enlightenment experiences and their aftermath, including the realization of my awakened instincts and vibrational nutrition. Part 2 covers the cleansing program and the Equilibrium Diet. Part 2 walks you through everything you need to know to recreate the conditions for this experiment and concludes with a template for you to create your own ninety-day Equilibrium Program. Sometimes I will refer to Source or God or Goddess, as Universe or Divine. This will always be denoted as Universe or Divine, instead of universe or divine.

    I hope you are so provoked, so moved, so angry, or so fearful of what you read on these pages that you decide to discover the edge of your existence—to remember your truth or to prove me wrong; in either case, I dare you to try.

    PART I

    Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days


    The Health Crisis: Candida Overgrowth

    Candida overgrowth consists of an overabundance of Candida albicans, opportunistic yeast that colonize the large (and small) intestine when the beneficial flora of the colon are destroyed through antibiotics, an acidifying diet, heavy metal poisoning, environmental toxins, or some combination of these. Foods that acidify the body include refined flours and rice, sugars, preservatives and processed foods, in addition to most meats, eggs, and beans. Candida is the main strand of yeast present in vaginal yeast infections, white-coated tongues, gallbladder problems, and prostatitis, as well as a whole host of other immune problems like chronic fatigue. Until very recently, modern medicine has not recognized or diagnosed candida overgrowth.


    I was a year away from finishing my PhD in economics at Clemson University in South Carolina. At the time, Lance and I were normal young Americans; we ate fast food and drank beer with friends and saw medical doctors when we were sick. We thought it was normal to take an antibiotic two or three times a year for sinus infections and to pop Tylenol when we had headaches or body aches. As former college athletes, we were accustomed to taking hydrocodone for severe pain, Lamisil for athlete’s foot, and antihistamines for seasonal allergies. In college, we both had strict schedules and little free time, so when we graduated and found ourselves tired and sleepy, we attributed it to being out of college athlete shape and getting older. We thought that grinding through life and responsibilities loaded up on caffeine and sugar was how life was managed. When we had time off or took vacation, we slept a lot—we were generally exhausted.

    In early July, Lance came home early on a Friday from work. Within moments, he confessed that he didn’t feel well. Lance said he had severe stabbing pain below his ribcage in his right abdomen. I was familiar with appendicitis and knew that in some cases people could have referred pain, so I immediately thought Lance’s appendix might be causing the pain. Lance could not take a deep breath the pain was so severe, and he agreed to let me drive him to a late-hours doctors’ clinic. We arrived at the clinic several minutes later, and the doctor poked and prodded and ran a urine analysis.

    The doctor looked to be a first-year resident or younger. She said Lance’s appendix was fine but that he had kidney stones. The doctor said it wasn’t uncommon and that Lance’s pain ran all the way up his ureter; therefore, his pain must be caused by kidney stones. She referred him to a urologist and sent us away with painkillers and antinausea pills. Lance had already been seeing a urologist for prostatitis for years. I was not thrilled about going back to his urologist, because at our last meeting, she quite literally laughed in my face when I asked if Lance’s prostatitis could be due to a male yeast infection. I told her that his symptoms seemed to be cyclical and coincided with when I had yeast infections. His symptoms got worse at night—which is also typical of yeast infections, and yeast is highly contagious. The doctor was not concerned; she just said no, that men didn’t get yeast infections. And I didn’t ask her any more questions during the visit.

    Within days we were at Lance’s urologist’s office and getting nowhere fast. The urologist ruled out kidney stones with a CT scan, and for the next two weeks, Lance was bounced around from specialist to specialist, given more and more drugs, and getting progressively worse—no doctor could identify what was wrong. Finally, he was given a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease and sent home with a pamphlet labeled Living with Crohn’s. Crohn’s disease is considered a rare chronic inflammatory illness characterized by inflamed intestines, stomach pain, weight loss, diarrhea, and sometimes fatigue.

    Lance lost fifteen pounds in those initial weeks because he was so nauseous that he barely ate. Prior to this episode, I thought Lance was in pretty good shape. We both enjoyed fast food every week or so, but in general, I thought we ate well—after all, I cooked the majority of our dinners. Lance did not exercise regularly anymore, and he had a few pounds to lose, but he really didn’t have fifteen pounds to lose.

    After Lance’s second weekend of not getting off the couch, and me becoming increasingly frustrated with the medical community’s lack of urgency, I thought, Enough is enough. I’m a problem-solver—I’ll figure it out. That’s when I started asking questions and really wanting answers. I began compiling what I knew at very fundamental levels, and I started researching nutrition. I used the following questions and facts to stimulate my research.

    1. Why is a formerly healthy twenty-five-year-old athletic male having such health problems?

    2. I know Lance currently has prostatitis. The prostate and the appendix are both very low blood-flow areas.

    3. Blood is what nourishes our body and our cells; our blood is what feeds everything in us.

    4. Lance’s blood must not be nutritious enough to feed and cleanse the low blood-flow areas. For whatever reason, by the time his blood arrives, it is not potent enough to do its job.

    I deduced that nutrition had to

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