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Democracy & Global Social Issues
Democracy & Global Social Issues
Democracy & Global Social Issues
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Democracy & Global Social Issues

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About this ebook

This book challenges the conventional wisdom of our time and sets out a revolutionary model for progress. Global economic growth is teetering on the verge of collapse. Within these pages, it is my sincere hope that the reader finds the inspiration to join my mission, to radically improve lives for all, and to render this blueprint for a successful global society. The author is open to productive debate and to engagement with interested parties. Whether those include media outlets, interested organizations, or forums with focus on the biggest issues of our time, let understanding flourish in open debate. Only this way will we move mountains and rescue countries from bankruptcy.
Release dateAug 17, 2016
Democracy & Global Social Issues

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    Book preview

    Democracy & Global Social Issues - M. K. Paul




    A Must Read Book For All Voters

    M. K. Paul

    [email protected]; Toronto, Canada, July 2016


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    © 2016 M. K. Paul. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/17/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6208-0 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6209-7 (sc)

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    The problems we face

    Who is responsible for our Problems?

    Who can help us solve our problems?



    Cover Designed By: Mr. Rajib Paul,

    [email protected];


    Dear Reader,

    Just as the confluence of many rushing streams forms a single powerful torrent, so many thoughts and experiences of four decades running engineering businesses and as a citizen of the world from humble beginnings have resulted in the ideas within this book. This book aims to provide a platform for others like me. A platform on which real difference will be enacted and a new model for society and governance constructed.

    I am not a writer or a philosopher, nor am I a preacher or a politician. I am an ordinary man with my own misgivings and strengths, passions and dislikes, history of successes and failures. I am a citizen of this world just as you are.

    As such, I have witnessed what anyone may have witnessed during their time on this Earth. I have seen tremendous suffering, nearly irreversible damage to our society and environment and the destruction of what could have been; of opportunity, humanity’s chance to thrive and for its people to live well.

    Addressed within this book; the underlying causes for this downward spiral; evidence of its realization; and some of the solutions required to meet such challenges.

    The concepts and ideas within are not difficult to contemplate but I urge the reader to be vigilant, to continue with an open mind and to avoid the pitfalls of thinking just as humans have done for centuries.

    We are blessed with both creativity and logic; let us put our faculties to good use.

    Let us try to build a better world for all.

    M. K. Paul


    [email protected];


    It might be prudent to start at the beginning and with a brief explanation of the motivation behind this book. Personally, I see the plight of millions across the world, their abject poverty, their desperation and the futility of lives spent trying to climb out of the pit of despair in which they begin and end. I am humbled by the efforts of so many to better themselves and particularly by those who succeed by virtue of their own persistence and ‘fight’ but I am saddened more by the majority who fail in this universal aim. The ninety-nine percent: those who through no fault of their own are subject to a life of hardship. A situation which I truly believe is constructed by our own ineptitude in governance and the misappropriation of democracy. This situation must be solved.

    It is my sincere hope that this book will help to propel the massive changes needed in order to turn our fortunes as a human race around. I am a dreamer, a doer, a businessman in Engineering & Construction, a family man and by most measures a man of the world but I am not a writer. Still, this book, for all its small faults, aims to improve lives.

    The issues at the forefront will be addressed over the following pages. They will be structured through identifying, describing and explaining the problems inherent in our current status quo through to outlining the solutions that best fit these needs.

    Life is full of pain and slavery. None is spared the burden of ills and failures throughout their time on this Earth yet we often fail to pause and reflect, reflect upon the ‘why’. We are prone to acceptance of a mundane existence punctuated with needless suffering.

    Poverty is on the rise globally. Every year millions more are born into squalid conditions without hope of ever reaching the top of the slippery slope but facing the constant threat of sliding yet further down into a state of abject poverty – conditions without room for deterioration. Poverty is of course relative. While the conditions in which the world’s poorest live worsen, the lives of the richest one percent become ever more wasteful and extravagant compounding the issue by generating ever greater imbalances in resource allocation.

    Illiteracy is a key lubricant on this downward slide. Without the essential tools to build success, the illiterate masses remain at a constant disadvantage. Ideas and understanding of the world cannot be shared without literacy and therefore, where the total is much greater than sum of its parts, the illiterate are excluded from the great wealth of human knowledge and experience. Perhaps worse still, the ideas of the many millions of illiterate citizens are not shared with the literate or the illiterate and humanity as a whole experiences a great deficit without the input of this significant group.

    Sickness and general poor health among the world’s poor is, in part, symptomatic of trends of illiteracy making us, as idle onlookers, wholly immoral. It is the troubled and unstable lives led that lead also to sickness; the proximity

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