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Nikki Jean
Nikki Jean
Nikki Jean
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Nikki Jean

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Our relationships in life play a role in our experiences, growth, and perspective. The relationships we share offer potential beyond our understanding. This potential is granted by Gods grace, taking us through both good and bad times and allowing us to move forward despite the obstacles before us.

Nikki Jean is a story about life, relationships, and all the baggage that comes along with us for the journey. It illustrates the special bond between dog and human, a bond based on faith, hope, and love that withstands lifes greatest storms.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 6, 2016
Nikki Jean

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    Nikki Jean - Lisa A Wisniewski

    Copyright © 2016 Lisa A. Wisniewski.

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    Scripture taken from the New American Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-3937-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-3939-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-3938-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016906615

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/03/2016





    Who We Know

    Chapter One Beginning the Journey

    Chapter Two Intentions and Impressions

    Chapter Three Adopting and Adapting

    Chapter Four Challenges of Change

    Chapter Five Adjusting and Accepting

    Chapter Six Renovations and Reconsiderations

    Chapter Seven Reasons and Relationships

    Chapter Eight Fate and Furry Friends

    Chapter Nine Life Lessons

    Chapter Ten Storms Within

    Chapter Eleven Family Formations

    Nikki Jean

    Chapter Twelve Finding Friends

    Chapter Thirteen Forks in the Road

    Chapter Fourteen Reflections and Rainbows

    The Rainbow in the Sky

    Chapter Fifteen Heartbreaks and Happenstance

    Chapter Sixteen Goodbye Again, Hello My Friend

    Our Last Goodbye

    Chapter Seventeen Finding Peace

    Toward a Lasting Peace

    Chapter Eighteen Perspectives and Perseverance

    Just a Moment's Time

    In Loving

    Memory of

    Nikki Jean


    A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; for he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself. -- Sirach 6: 14--17


    I would like to thank the canine companions throughout my life who have provided me with remarkable insight, rich experiences, and great stories; family members and friends for their encouragement, support, and understanding; and God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon my life. Thanks also to WestBow Press for publishing my work.


    Life is a journey full of relationships, experiences, and perspectives. Our relationships often play a part in our experiences and perspectives. Some relationships take more time and effort than others to flourish. Sometimes relationships are planned, other times they come about naturally or by divine intervention. In either case, a bond is formed. This bond is often tested by life circumstances and events out of our control. How we respond to such tests impacts the strength and integrity of the bond.

    The bond between two creatures has the potential to be extraordinary in many ways. This potential is a byproduct of faith, hope, and love. Our faith guides us through the unknown and provides us hope. Faith and hope combine to lead us to love, where we experience the richest blessings in life.

    The blessings granted to us through time provide perspective to view the world around us. Though the view may be dismal and dreary on the surface, perspective allows us to see through the gray clouds to the rich, vibrant colors waiting below to be discovered, nurtured, and treasured.

    One of the greatest blessings ever bestowed to me was my dog, Nikki. Our relationship formed a bond full of faith, hope, and love. Through this bond, I found a new perspective in which to view life. This perspective became increasingly important in providing strength to endure life's trials and tribulations, and in helping me care for my grandmother later in life. Nikki also helped me to see nature's many wonders and lessons. Because of Nikki, I developed a more intimate relationship with nature and learned to appreciate the little things in life we may take for granted, such as the sunrise, the sky, and even raindrops.

    My experience with Nikki leads me to believe that who we know or come to know in our lives plays a part in our understanding, growth, and character. As humans, we naturally need interaction with others. This interaction may be positive or negative in nature, but how we view this interaction is what ultimately impacts us most. To help illustrate my point, I wrote the following poem:

    Who We Know

    Who we know and how we know them

    Are seeds sowed where we have been,

    Watered by time and sustained by the sun

    In the garden of life where each day begun

    Offers opportunities to explore

    In the beauty placed before

    Us in the art of nature's ways

    Spread near and far by the coming and going of each day.

    Who we know and how we know them

    Allow us to grow shoots and stems

    Emerging from the earth in shades of green

    Spreading worth from the seed

    That becomes a blossom or a vine

    Conveying thoughts that mend and hope in time

    To connect with and build upon

    As our roots spread out beyond

    The weeds and the brush

    To fulfill the need in each of us.

    Before Nikki entered my life, I was always in a hurry to accomplish tasks and move on to the next item on the to-do list. Though I was experiencing life, I was not really living life. Once Nikki came to live with my grandmother and me, I started to recognize that the little things mean the most, and the bigger things are often not all that great once you remove the showy exterior façade.

    This story is one I share with the hope it helps others in some way, even if that way is small in the grand scheme of life. Though this story is true, some of the names have been changed for privacy purposes.

    Chapter One

    Beginning the Journey

    Nikki and I met for the first time in April of 2002. It was not a chance meeting, but rather one of those divine interventions that we don't quite understand when it happens. A few weeks earlier, I started searching for a dog for my grandmother. Gram lived next door to me all my life. She lost her beloved German shepherd, Ginger, to hip dysplasia years earlier. My grandfather passed before I was even born. Always very independent, Gram disliked asking for help---although she did enjoy when my cousins, my sister, and I helped her with house and yard work.

    As a youngster, I dreamed of someday buying Gram's house and raising my family there. In my teenage years, Gram and I spent a lot of time together. Arthritis left her with some limitations, and as the oldest of her grandchildren, I felt obligated to help with chores she could no longer do. On weekends, my

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