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Whooa-Man: Marriage: a Handbook for Men by Men
Whooa-Man: Marriage: a Handbook for Men by Men
Whooa-Man: Marriage: a Handbook for Men by Men
Ebook45 pages40 minutes

Whooa-Man: Marriage: a Handbook for Men by Men

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About this ebook

With the movement and deployments I went through in the military, my second marriage, and just seeing what all my friends went though and going through what I went, and even more, there had to be a testament of their efforts. This book is that! Going though the entire minor details of when meeting a partner, when marriage happens, or even when a relationship happens, there is always that what-if. In this book, the what-ifs are there, with stories to go along with themsome are funny and you can laugh at, and some will just make you mad. This book is to help the men out there that are going through a tough time either in their marriage or relationship. I just want to get the word out and try and help as many men out there as I can. Understanding the problem is better than leaving it alone.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 30, 2016
Whooa-Man: Marriage: a Handbook for Men by Men

Dean Allen

I am Dean Allen. I live in Colorado Springs with my wife and daughter. I am actually from Colorado. My high school years were split from here and Arkansas. I got married in 2003 and am still married. I joined the army reserves in 1998, joined active army in 2003, and was deployed four times. Before returning to Colorado, I also did a tour in South Korea. When that tour was completed, I got out and returned to the army reserves to finish my retirement. On my civilian side, I work as an electrical technician and got my bachelor’s degree in emergency management and homeland security and my master’s degree in cyber security policy.

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    Whooa-Man - Dean Allen

    Copyright © 2016 by Dean Allen.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2016904424

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-5144-7623-9

           Softcover       978-1-5144-7622-2

           eBook       978-1-5144-7621-5

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    Rev. date: 08/29/2016






    Chapter 1 Pros and Cons

    Chapter 2 WHAT?

    Chapter 3 Looking For?

    Chapter 4 Why?

    Chapter 5 Affects

    Chapter 6 Actions Before

    Chapter 7 During the Process

    Chapter 8 The Warning Signs

    About the Author



    Men are like chapters in a woman’s life

    MARRIAGE is a very large focal point in a man’s life. When men look at this partnership, they look for equal partnership, love, affection and person they can be with for the rest of their lives. The only issue here is; after the honeymoon phase of marriage what happens? Well, the mask comes off and you find out exactly what this person is like. You find out their bad habits and their good ones too. One of the misunderstandings is that the men usually just deal with the woman’s bad habits and, as we call it, selective hearing. Women on the other hand, will exploit it like the pimple on her nose. She will make sure you know your bad habits. Having an understanding on what happens throughout a marriage will help you when issues hit the fan and there is no turning back.

    Now, I know what you are thinking by reading this first paragraph, the authors are totally against marriage and relationships, which is absolutely not true. We believe in them and want to see happy and successful relationship/marriages throughout everyone’s lives. We are here to be another avenue of approach for the just in case situations that you will encounter when dealing with a person of the opposite sex, marriage can be beautiful and rewarding. I know when reading this, it is going to be a deterrent, but it is not. It is reflections of one’s life through trials and tribulations.

    In saying that, relationships and marriages is a team effort. In looking at that, when you both work on situation together, you have 100% into that marriage. Again, you can only give 50% due to you being on a team with another person. Even if you give 120%, it is still only 50% of that effort into that marriage. So if your partner gives 10% and you give your 120%, it is only 60% effort for that team. This whole aspect of a marriage is a team effort, you need to work together to make it work. This is what this book is about, to find out what happened, why and what to do next when you see these actions or attitudes with your partner.

    The marriages and relationships I had compelled me to look at writing this book along with my best friends, they are helping me write this book. You are going to hear many different stories that

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