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My Emotions Today
My Emotions Today
My Emotions Today
Ebook62 pages28 minutes

My Emotions Today

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About this ebook

My life is a roller coaster of emotions.

Starting sixth grade fresh, Alexis walks you through her year full of happiness, fear, and every other emotion that crosses her mind. A true story that not only tells you about her life but reminds you of yours.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 17, 2015
My Emotions Today

Alexis McGuire

Alexis McGuire is twelve years old and is living in Missouri. Since a young age, Alexis has loved writing about everything that pops into her little mind. Now she has published her first book, “My Emotions Today,” and is hoping to write more in the future. Alexis was inspired by famous YouTubers Ricky Dillon and Joey Graccefa to start her own channel in 2014.

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    My Emotions Today - Alexis McGuire

    Copyright © 2015 by Alexis McGuire.

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    Rev. date: 07/17/2015




    I would like to dedicate this book to the people who have dealt with my weirdness through good and bad.

    I would also like to dedicate this to everyone who has watched my videos.

    If you have been subscribed since the beginning, or a day….

    thank you all.


    Anger is a hot fluid in a container.

    Fear is a hidden enemy.

    Happiness is a pleasurable physical sensation.

    Sadness is an illness.

    Love is insanity.

    My life is a roller coaster of emotions. What is a roller coaster of emotions, you might ask? Well my friend, let me tell you.

    First day of 6th grade. New school, and new me. Almost every first day of school for me had been a nightmare, but this one didn’t go as bad as I thought it would. There were a lot of kids that were really nice and welcomed me to the school. I still had the feeling of fire in my chest. I don’t like coming to a new school with all new people. My last school was great, especially for kids like me. Kids that love to have fun. I missed my best friends, and my house. It wasn’t the same.

    Although, Thanks to social media I got to talk to many kids that went to the school during summer break. I found most of them by searching on Instagram or Twitter. It wasn’t super hard finding kids that went to the school because I had some friends from preschool that went to the school now, and they helped me a bunch. I found a girl named Kat, and we talked a lot more when we found out that we had a lot of classes together.

    Only a few more days until school started, and I was still trying to figure out a way to not even go. I would ask you guys for advice, but this is

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