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Soul Exercises for the Open Mind: A Psychic Development Workbook
Soul Exercises for the Open Mind: A Psychic Development Workbook
Soul Exercises for the Open Mind: A Psychic Development Workbook
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Soul Exercises for the Open Mind: A Psychic Development Workbook

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This book expands the knowledge base of some of the greatest natural gifts given to mankind from the Divine and offers practical exercises and advice for understanding your personal abilities. The book takes much of the mystery of your gifts away by validating your experiences as being natural and wholesome. Soul Exercises for the Open Mind is for you if you want to move forward in your life using your natural talent for your personal well-being and the good of others.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 6, 2016
Soul Exercises for the Open Mind: A Psychic Development Workbook

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    Soul Exercises for the Open Mind - John Cappello

    Copyright © 2016 John Cappello.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4413-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4414-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 1/6/2016





    Chapter 1. Foundations

    Chapter 2. Interest in Metaphysics

    Chapter 3. Your Psychic Profile

    Chapter 4. Psychic Feeling

    Chapter 5. Psychic Touch

    Chapter 6. Psychic Sight

    Chapter 7. Dreams, The Souls’ Therapy

    Chapter 8. Psychic Hearing

    Chapter 9. Psychic Taste and Smell

    Chapter 10. Psychic Knowing, Intuition

    Chapter 11. Connecting with Spirit and Psychic Abilities

    Chapter 12. An Hour of Psychic Minutes



    This book is dedicated to the memory of Russell Alldredge from Abilene, Texas.


    With today’s society changing at an ever faster pace, there is a need to recognize our psychic abilities and develop tools in order to manage them. Many people are finding that they need to learn more about themselves and their personal abilities in order to live in today’s world. They need to give themselves permission to be more human. We have learned that human beings are equally physical and spiritual beings, and this fact is causing many people to evaluate the way they care for both their physical and spiritual natures.

    As mankind’s physical well-being continues to improve with advancements in medicine and technology, better physical health allows us to explore and push our human experience to new limits. It is giving us the opportunity to focus our attention in other areas, allowing us to grow and discover more about our spiritual reality. We are learning that we can develop methods for our soul to grow in ways we have not considered in the past.

    Our spiritual growth is often maintained by being associated with a religion, philosophy, or an ideology we find fulfilling. We find comfort in them, and there is no shortage of people promoting different points of view. There are times, however, when we find our comfort level in a chosen area is not enough to satisfy our need to learn more about ourselves. Furthermore, we realize that there is more to our spiritual nature and that exploring the limits of it does not conflict with most belief systems. This book is about observations and the self-empowerment in an area whose time has come.

    So…let’s begin.


    I am John Cappello, and I have been interested in metaphysics since I was a child and have worked as a professional in this field since 1997. My journey in discovering my abilities began in earnest after the death of my father in 1992. This workbook is a reflection of my experiences and study of my own abilities. It is intended to give a foundation to students wanting to have a grounded approach to understanding their abilities.

    Throughout the workbook, there are various bullet points I call Psychic Minutes and exercises to assist you in examining your soul’s experiences. Listed throughout each chapter, the soul exercises and exams are there to help you recognize and pay attention to your soul’s energy. The psychic minutes are definitions, soul exercises and/or meditation points to consider. They are designed to be short, distinct encapsulations of thinking points for you, the reader. There are sixty psychic minutes for you to remember. They are re-enforcements about the time being now for you to acknowledge your abilities.

    The hour of psychic minutes can be daily affirmations or areas to think about during your day. They are reminders of this ability we all have but do not fully utilize. They are a start for your new journey. It is up to you to maintain and finish the journey based on your will to move forward with the lifestyle of a practicing psychic. This lifestyle can be private, and it is suggested that your abilities not be used to set you apart or be used as a tool to build your ego. There is a responsibility and humility to the work. It is your moment of decision. It is your hour that has come.

    Soul Exercises for the Open Mind is a companion workbook to the book, Open the Mind Exercise the Soul, and a textbook for use when taking the first series of psychic development workshops offered by me and my company, the Visionary Workshop, LLC. The series is designed to assist you in developing your psychic abilities and give you a foundation for understanding them. It will attempt to disprove myths about this talent and give you a comfort level that you will be able to take with you for the rest of your life. There are many approaches that may be used to develop your skills, and I suggest you investigate the ones that appear to be legitimate and helpful to you.

    To enhance your natural abilities, learn to trust your impressions and learn to understand the way things work with you. This workbook does not explore the use of tools such as tarot cards, the pendulum or other divination techniques, as depending on them is not our focus. There is nothing wrong with using tools, but once you learn about your personal skills, you may find that they get in the way of your abilities. That being said, they can still be used effectively to validate your impressions if you experience doubt. If you have an interest in one of them, there are many books available that focus solely on specific tools. The information you learn will supplement the work you do with this workbook.

    Being a psychic and using your soul’s energy as part of your everyday life is natural, but it takes practice and a willingness to accept the improbable. It is an ‘art’ and a life style choice that I will discuss over and over again during this book. There is a kind of science associated with this work as well. Our brains and our bodies play a major part in our ability to sense information because our bodies work with our soul’s energy, and being psychic is one of our soul’s qualities.

    I wish you the very best on your endeavor and hope you enjoy this book that was created with the best of intentions!

    Chapter One


    The bright neon sign of a hand outside the building said, Psychic. The nearby sign said, Open.

    Psychic ability remains one of the greatest gifts given to mankind from the Divine, but the image that many people have come to associate with it is negative. A neon sign on a building does not mean that the people inside are unscrupulous, but it is an image that often represents a view that the general public has of people who use their gifts. It is unfortunate since this is a natural talent that all of us possess to some degree. This image is a result of the exploitation of vulnerable people in their time of need. An example that comes to mind is a man who was once told that he had a ‘curse’ on him, and that he had ‘come to the right place’ to have that curse removed… for a price! This sort of exchange is damaging to people and damaging to the reputable people in the profession. It is the case that the few who abuse are the ones who get the publicity.

    A person using any type of talent or ability has an obligation to use their gifts genuinely and for the greater well-being of the client. A psychic is no different and has the responsibility to work ethically, with a high sense of integrity. The wonderful and mysterious ability of the human soul to capture information needs discussion and rational tools to recognize when these special mechanisms are activated. We explore gaining access to your wonderful and mysterious abilities.

    This workbook is about developing your soul’s psychic abilities and using them appropriately, for the general good. It is about self-empowerment. Before you proceed, you should ask yourself a few questions. Why am I interested in learning to use my psychic abilities? Why do I want to start this Psychic Journey? What do I want to learn about myself so that I can understand others? The answers lie in your own personal experiences, disposition, and ethical background. There are no definitive methods to developing the mechanics of psychic abilities, but there are similarities within all of us that can help us relate. We will be exploring these similarities while allowing you to have your own unique talents surface. These talents should be nurtured and developed. They are part of learning to use your soul’s energy as a tool for understanding life’s challenges.

    You will need to determine your unique profile and decide how you will use your talents. We will start working on your profile right away in this first chapter. First, lose all of your preconceived notions of psychics and their abilities. This will allow you to have a fresh start.

    It is very important to be yourself and allow your abilities to flourish unimpeded with ideas, techniques, or philosophies that will not serve you. If you follow the top psychics and mediums in the United States, you will notice one common theme with all of them. They are being themselves and do not do anything extraordinary to connect with their abilities. They have learned to trust their gifts and not to question their validity, and they trust the information their soul has acquired for them to interpret. This is a key element in your personal development. You must learn to trust yourself!

    Please note that psychic ability comes from the information gathered by your human soul. The Divine makes the information available, but you have to learn to accept it and then use it properly. We are ultimately spiritual beings with a body, and our souls are immortal. It should be no surprise that your soul is an integral part of your information gathering as a human being.

    Like any other area of study, the art of being a psychic means there are a few areas that should be recognized. And because it is an art, some will be better at it than others. There are definitions, different techniques, and a language used to acquire information by the psychic. The language of the psychic is simple but succinct. It is I feel, I see, I hear, I know, I smell, or I taste. The definitions are sometimes individual because we are all unique, but for the purpose of this workbook, we will be using Psychic Minutes" to explain the way things work in this field. The techniques or tools are not like those used in any other profession because they involve using the energy of your soul. It is the use, familiarity, and trust of the energy around you that will give you an edge in understanding information being gained by your soul. The journey of learning is fascinating, rewarding, and troubling all at the same time.

    Dwelling on particular impressions can affect you physically. You need to remain detached so that you do not absorb negative energies. For example, if you choose to work with crimes or find that you sense illnesses, you will need to be careful. These energies will weigh you down. It is necessary to pull away from negativity and take care of yourself when you are a psychic. Many people who work with negative energy find that they need to comfort themselves with food, drink, or even sex in some cases. These activities are normal, but relying on them to extreme levels can be unhealthy in the long run.

    Sensitive people are those who are razor sharp in determining the meaning of subtle energies around them. They must learn to be in control of their emotions when working with energies outside of themselves. They can be fooled at times, but more often than not, they can be dead on in recognizing with great accuracy the details of a situation. While analyzing energy that is bombarding them, a psychic may appear to be very meek. However, this is far from the truth. It is the focus on the energy instead of their physical surroundings that accounts for this appearance of eccentricity and disorientation.

    This book is divided up into soul exercises and a series of Psychic Minutes to help you define the process as you go along. Psychic Minutes are not just definitions but tips that I have learned over the years to help you recognize your talents. It is important work to learn about psychic ability, and one day it will receive the proper recognition that it deserves. You can play a part in making these abilities more credible by being yourself and using your talents for good.

    The first psychic minute, about exercising the soul’s energy, offers an explanation of the way the soul gathers information. It answers the most obvious question that you may have about this book. How do you exercise your soul?

    Psychic Minute One

    We exercise our souls by examining our past experiences, paying attention to sensations and impressions from

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