Arise & Impact the World: With the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
By Kay Mbayise
About this ebook
What is my role as a Christian in the Political Sphere ?
What is my role as a Christian in the Ministry God has placed me ?
What keys can I use to graduate from a life of failure to that of Victory?
What keys can we use to make our Ministry to become Victorious ?
The answers I give in the book are based on various messages I have heard and practiced throughout my life as a Christian but mostly inspired by messages preached at the Shekinah Conference at the Praise Christian Center in Lusaka, Zambia.
I have backed up all the answers with scriptures from the word of God as I believe that it provides answers to all worldly problems.
A Victorious Ministry consists of Victorious Christians who are active in both the Ministry and the Political World. When Christians Arise to this fact, they will Impact the World with the gospel of Jesus Christ
Kay Mbayise
Kay Mbayise is a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah who has come in the flesh, whose name was foretold to Joseph and Mary by the angel Gabriel. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from the University of South Africa where he graduated cum laude. He also holds a diploma in electrical engineering from the Durban University of Technology. He completed the Management Advancement Program (MAP) with the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa and the Management Development Program (MDP) with Tias Nimbas University Netherlands in collaboration with the University of Cape Town. He has a passion for uplifting people both spiritually and economically. He loves teaching and sharing his knowledge on any subject matter he is passionate about. He has lectured electrical engineering and electrical machines at the University of Johannesburg and has taught on the subjects of deliverance from demonology and curses at Christian Life Centre where he served in several ministries over a period of six years
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Arise & Impact the World - Kay Mbayise
2016 Kay Mbayise. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/02/2016
ISBN: 978-1-5049-3979-9 (sc)
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About this Book
The Christian’s Role in the Political World
Be Knowledgeable About Current Issues
Get Involved
Recognize the Enemy and Release the Spiritual Weapons of God
The Christian’s Role in the Ministry
Be Responsible for Financing the Advancement of the Kingdom
Bear One Another’s Burdens
Pay Attention to What God is Saying and take the Things of God Seriously
Be Led by the Holy Spirit
This book is dedicated to all men and women who have participated in taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth through preaching and teaching.
About this Book
In the year 2004 I was listening to Kenneth Copeland and David Barton on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) before the 2004 American Presidential election where he urged American Christians to vote. My sense was he was pointing out that Christians tend to isolate themselves from political issues. I realized that although I had voted in my country, South Africa, since 1994, I was still ignorant about many global and local political issues. My ignorance was challenged in July of 2005 when I attended the Shekinah Conference at the Praise Christian Center in Lusaka, Zambia, where one of the speakers touched on the issue of Christians and their role in the political sphere.
The book thus begins with extracts from politically related messages which focused on the G8 conference taking place that year. I also add internet research on politics and then describe to the Christian reader the stance they need to take, based on political stories in the scriptures.
At the conference several speakers touched on several responsibilities that Christians should play in the ministries in which they serve. This reminded me that I had in the past also attended church and played a passive role but I am grateful to God for using His servants to get me involved in playing a much more active role in ministry. Thus the second chapter focuses on the Christian’s role in ministry
Various ministers shared their journeys to becoming victorious Christians and this also made me reflect on my Christian journey where I have experienced graduating from a life of failure to a victorious life and in the third chapter I summarize some of the keys that make a Christian victorious which I back up with the Word of God.
Lastly the ministers at the conference also shared on some key elements that have made their ministries victorious. I have been fascinated by the victory of the ministries in the book of Acts and so I also picked up the key elements of those victorious ministries and compared notes with the ministers’ keys and found similarities but added a few more from my research of the book of Acts.
The trip to Zambia was my first international trip out of South Africa and it was special. The one beautiful thing I learnt about Zambia is that Zambia was declared a Christian nation. This was confirmed by the fact that the Christian television station TBN is broadcast to the nation free of charge, 24/7.
The four chapters of the book aim to provide tools to keep readers informed about their Christian walk. It addresses personal as well as ministry issues which are critical to Christians being victorious in God’s world.
As a bible believing Christian I make reference to many scriptures so that the opinions are based on the Word of God. I do not pronounce that my interpretation of the scriptures is