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Feminine Rising: Experience Your Life in a New Way
Feminine Rising: Experience Your Life in a New Way
Feminine Rising: Experience Your Life in a New Way
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Feminine Rising: Experience Your Life in a New Way

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About this ebook

There is an extraordinary life happening within us. It coincides with, but plays out very differently from the life we are experiencing at our surface. Feminine Rising takes us on a journey to meet this inner life that exists within each of us.
We are in the midst of a new and expansive phase of our perpetual evolution as women. For those of us who feel the tug for something more, something deeper, Feminine Rising speaks to that which is in us desiring to rise up so that we may experience this life in a new, authentic, and deep way.
Experience the wise walk of the balanced feminine.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 23, 2015
Feminine Rising: Experience Your Life in a New Way

Cathy Enoch

Cathy Enoch lives in a semi-rural area of Wisconsin, where she runs a successful small business. She is a Reiki Master-Teacher and Sacred journey facilitator. Her passionate desire for others to awaken to their authentic essence inspired her to share what she had learned so far on her own journey of waking up.

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    Feminine Rising - Cathy Enoch

    Copyright © 2015 Cathy Enoch.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4284-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4285-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/20/2015


    Expressions of Gratitude


    Section One The Inner Worldvs.the Outer World

    Chapter One Beginning Our Exploration

    Chapter Two The Feminine – Our True Essence

    Section Two Beginning The Healing

    Chapter Three Expanding Our Experience Of Her

    Chapter Four Forgiveness

    Chapter Five It Is In The Release We Find True Expansion

    Section Three The Feeling Tone Of Spirit

    Chapter Six How About Those Feelings?

    Chapter Seven Divine Decisions

    Section Four: Moving Forward Moving Forward

    Chapter Eight What If We Were All Right?

    Chapter Nine Where Can We Go From Here?


    Love Meditation

    Practice a Non-Judging Meditation

    Practice a Non-Judging Prayer Time

    Forgiveness Meditation

    Feelings Meditation

    Expressions of Gratitude

    S incere offerings of love and gratitude…

    to my mom and dad. Once loving and dedicated parents, you are now great friends to me, and at-the-ready confidants. You have been amazing teachers throughout my life. I am so grateful I have always felt loved and cared for by you. I love you so much.

    to my first spiritual teacher, Rebecca Moravec. Your time here was a blessing to so many. From your teaching I learned to be fearless in the realm of Spirit, and confident in my experience of it. You taught me to see with my heart, and helped me awaken to a quality of Love I had not known existed. It was in me. It is me.

    to Erik & Cheri Knuth, and the UB Wellness Institute. Erik, you helped me find the stillness within, and you taught me how to create stillness within my body. Your work is a true, pure yogic experience. There are some gifts I might offer to only a few because I think it would suit them. The Unified Body Method you created is a gift I would offer to everyone, so that all might have a taste of this delicacy. I wish your Unified Body Wellness Institute great success.

    to Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle. Your teachings have spurred many a quantum leap in my understanding as I’ve explored my way through this spiritual journey. My gratitude for your work is beyond words. Thank you, Tom Galten, for offering your lectures on, and introducing me to, the works of Eckhart Tolle. Wow!

    to Schlitz Audubon Nature Center in Milwaukee, WI. Your Spiritual World of Nature Series extends your loving and gentle footprint on this Earth into the realm of the Eternal. Excellent and beautiful work, Don Quintenz.

    to Karen Balistreri. You introduced me to the concept of consciously living an abundant life. Why did I ever believe it was supposed to be hard? You are a gracious and generous teacher.

    to Dr. Lisa Stewart, the brilliant and beautiful senior pastor of Spiritual Living of Greater Milwaukee. I am very grateful for the important work you share. You created a loving space for me to work out my inner revealing. You offered good counsel and encouragement as I squeezed myself out from under the paradigms that did not serve me. I was not part of your congregation when you graciously opened your abundance class to all. Much gratitude for your generosity in giving.

    to Mary Manin Morrisey, for your wonderful course called Prosperity Plus…A New Way of Living. You introduced me to the expanded life, and guided me to the realization that ‘my thinking was too small for the Life that was seeking to express itself as me’. Mary, what comes next is what I would LOVE to do.

    to Sondra John, Independent Graphic Designer, and amazing friend. The gift of your art for the cover has draped these pages with a perfect vision of expansion. Your immediate belief in this work was an inspiration to my heart. Yours is the kind of deep friendship I had always hoped to be the other half of. I am blessed.

    to Dann O’Connor, whose editing skills you, the readers, will be as grateful for as I am. Should you come across any grammatical discrepancies, know that Dann will have done his best to bring me into compliance with known best practices. Thank you Dann, for the untold hours of work and focus you gifted to this work. You have the seasoned eyes that allow you to see from the perspective of the unknowing. Sharing that gift with this work has made it so much better, just as sharing the gift of your friendship has made my life better.

    to all those teachers, guides, and wise ones who have offered me innumerable and important life lessons. I am grateful for each of your gifts. And, I welcome those teachers yet to come into my life, who will offer to teach me more of what can be.


    B efore reading this book, I’d like you to have an understanding of my spiritual perceptions around the masculine and feminine aspects of our shared experience on this Earth. I will also share how I define some of the concepts I’ll be relating to in the book. This way, as you come across them, you will have a foundational understanding of where I’m coming from.

    The Feminine and Masculine

    It is my perspective that, spiritually, we all possess perfectly balanced aspects of the feminine and masculine. They are inexorably linked, and therefore absolutely equal in importance. They are also an integral part of us all.

    I consider these perfectly balanced feminine and masculine aspects to be innate facets of God as well. Because of that, anytime I refer to an aspect of God in this book, I will capitalize that word, whether it

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