If They Only Knew; but God
By Angel Jones
About this ebook
This true story is about a testimony of how keeping focus and faith will have a positive outcome. It is good to know that your higher power will keep you encouraged until the time comes for the victory celebration. This information will make you gasp in the fact of how some people with power use their weight to push others around. You will have emotions ranging from happiness to anger. You will cry when they leave the hospital and smile when they get to go home. This story will inspire you to stand on what you believe and trust God for what you do not understand.
Angel Jones
Angel Jones is a registered nurse with a master’s degree in nursing. She has worked in the health care field for over fifteen years. Given her insight in the health care field, she is qualified to write this story. She is the mother of three children and two grandchildren. Her mother lives with her, and they try to enjoy every day as a fresh gift from God.
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If They Only Knew; but God - Angel Jones
Copyright © 2016 Angel Jones.
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016901139
WestBow Press rev. date: 03/07/2016
Chapter 1 New Year 20012
Chapter 2 ICU
Chapter 3 Transition
In conclusion
This book is
dedicated to the highest God, my mother, and to every individual who has gone to any hospital in the universe. I was inspired to write this book because my family and I had to go through a very horrible experience. At the beginning of 2012, my mother became very ill and had to go to the hospital. The things that I had to deal with in this experience gave me a strong desire to tell others.
Chapter 1
39386.pngA new beginning started January 1, 2012. I was glad to have made it over. My family and I stayed at home on December 31, 2011. We had our own family gathering, but of course, I drifted off to sleep before the stroke of dawn. I awakened the next morning, realizing that I had made it to a new year. Thrilled and excited about life and a new year, I arose for early Morning Prayer at the church that I attend. This was my way of showing and expressing to God how appreciative I was for him letting me see a new year.
When prayer service was over, I returned home to find my mother in the kitchen complaining of not feeling well. I encouraged her and insisted to her that I should take her to the hospital for evaluation, but she refused to go. I immediately called my sister, brother, and other relatives to help convince her that she needed to be evaluated by a physician.
I also called my pastor, Reverend Charles Wright, and asked him to pray for my mother whom was sick and refusing to go to the hospital. He replied, I am on my way over there. I will talk with her.
My pastor came over, prayed for my mother, and attempted to convince her to get evaluated by a physician, but she continued to refuse.
I questioned my mother, Why don’t you go and be seen by a doctor?
She replied, This is the first day of the year and I will not be in the hospital all year long.
I replied, That is just a myth, it is not true.
I monitored my mother closely all day to make sure there were no changes in her present condition. She did well for the rest of the day. She did not complain of any more pain or discomfort so I was a little at ease.
When the first day of the year arrives, everyone is usually happy and excited that they have made it to see a new year. This was the case for my family and me. My mother had made it over from 2011, but felt ill and had discomfort. Therefore, I spent the rest of the day monitoring her for any changes or any voice of pain or discomfort. The evening grew near, the sun had gone down, and there was no present pain voiced. Before she went to bed, I prayed for her. I slept at intervals during the night to observe her condition. She rested during the night without any signs of distress.
On January 2, 2012, I awoke to find her sitting up at table in the kitchen. She stated, I am fine.
I was so happy to see her feeling better with no pain.
Although she was feeling better at the present moment, I encouraged her to still be evaluated by the physician. She continued to refuse because she has a phobia of going to the hospital. My mother has always believed that a hospital was not a safe place to go. It was told by my grandmother that when my mother was younger she had a terrible hospital experience. This experience has caused her to stay away from medical care every time she has needed an evaluation.
My sister came over to try to convince mother to go to the hospital for evaluation, but she continued to refuse. The day continued to