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Universe Based on Aether
Universe Based on Aether
Universe Based on Aether
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Universe Based on Aether

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Man has only begun to understand a few of the laws that govern the contents of this universe. So far, he has become aware of some of the contents of this universe, contents such as matter, anti-matter and energy. And, currently, he is guessing what some of its other contents such as dark matter, dark energy and vacuum energy may be, let alone the rest. Even though man is learning quickly, his knowledge regarding the formation of this universe and the development of its contents are still in their infancies. Therefore, he needs to have an open mind, as he is introduced to reasonable extensions of, or even detours to, his current understanding of different aspects of this physical world.
Using his own newly proposed theories, the author is providing consistent explanations for a variety of fundamental phenomena such as time, light, space, energy , matter , gravity , electric field , magnetic field , electricity , black holes , dark matter , dark energy , vacuum energy . All of the theories presented are based on the existence of a compressible fluid aether medium in this universe. As it is clearly demonstrated, once the existence of such an aether medium is accepted and its effects are properly taken into account, many unresolved issues regarding this universe, including the current acceleration of its expansion, can be explained and readily understood. Even its birthplace can be identified. In other words, yes, the birthplace of this universe has been discovered.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 18, 2015
Universe Based on Aether

M. Sc.

Bahram Esmailzadeh was born in 1960. He received his master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1984. Due to his sense of curiosity, ever since his teenage years, he has conducted extensive research into various physical and spiritual phenomena. He published part of his findings as a book titled Understanding the Creation in 1991. The Evolution of Spirits (2012), Purpose of Life in This Universe (2012), Aether: Past, Present and Future of the Universe (2012), and The Formation and Evolution of Living Beings (2015), as well as this book have been the results of the continuation of his personal thoughts and contemplations.

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    Explores many important theories from a modern perspective, interesting read

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Universe Based on Aether - M. Sc.

Copyright © 2015 by Bahram Esmailzadeh, M. Sc.

ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-5035-7979-8

             eBook        978-1-5035-7986-6

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Rev. date: 03/10/2016




This book is d


to Ms. Scharback who patiently and open-mindedly reviewed most of the material presented here and also acted as a responsive soundboard, all along, and also to those individuals who have an open mind about new ideas and theories.

Bahram Esmailzadeh


The author wishes to acknowledge that he is totally indebted to the Creator, who provided him with not only his existence, but also his sense of curiosity, his steadfast enthusiasm and interest, the required time as well as guidance to understand the lessons which were set before him.

The author also wishes to thank the Creator and all of the others, visible or not, for their direct guidance all through this particular research.

Table of Contents





1. Formation of the Universe and

Development of its Contents



The Beginning

(The initial rapid expansion of space)

Formation of Matter and Anti-Matter Particles

(The slowing down of the rapid expansion of space)

Formation and Development of Galaxies

Formation and Evolution of Physically Living Beings

Current Conditions in This Universe

(Acceleration of the expansion of space)

Current Conditions in the Accompanying Universe

The Future / Destiny of the Physical

Universe and its Contents

(This universe and the accompanying universe)


2. What is Aether?


Understanding Aether

Aether versus Water or Air

Properties and Characteristics of Aether

1- Aether cannot be created or destroyed

2- Aether is a continuous and fluid medium

3- Aether is compressible and elastic

4- Aether’s viscosity is essentially nonexistent

5- Variations in aether’s density and pressure in different regions of space

6- Aether formed the initial container (space) for this universe

7- Aether is a dynamic medium

8- Aether can flow at sub-light and

super-light speeds

9- Aether in fluid state does not possess gravitational properties

10- Temperature of the matter medium

indirectly affects aether

11- Aether can carry many different phase vibrations, concurrently

12- Aether does not interact directly with regular matter or anti-matter particles

13- Aether’s internal pressure is quite high

14- Contradictory effects of aether on the expansion rate of the universe

15- Aether in the accompanying universe

16- Fluid aether cannot be detected directly

17- Aether is the only content of this universe

Relation between Aether and Matter

and Anti-Matter Particles

1- Formation of matter and anti-matter particles

2- Relation between aether and mass of particles

3- Relation between aether and size of particles

4- Why particles are of specific discrete sizes?

5- Apparent random formation and destruction of matter and anti-matter particles in nature

6- Apparent formation and destruction of various matter and anti-matter particles in particle accelerators

7- Aether and formation of stable

vs. unstable particles

8- Why are isolated neutrons unstable?

9- Relation between aether and unstable isotopes

10- Relation between aether and half-lives of unstable isotopes

11- How does motion relative to aether affect the half-lives of unstable particles and unstable isotopes?

12- Effects of magnetic field and electric field on the half-lives of unstable isotopes and unstable particles

13- Effect of temperature on the half-lives of unstable isotopes and unstable particles

14- Matter particles and their wave properties

15- What happens to various motions of atoms, nuclei and electrons at absolute zero degrees temperature?

16- How do neutrons enable protons to bond together in nuclei of atoms?

17- Formation of dark matter in this universe

Experiment: (Relation between age of

galaxies and the percentage of their overall

mass that is in the form of dark matter)

18- Aether and the cosmic microwave background radiation

19- Matter-Energy equivalence

20- How does an object’s acceleration (not its speed), relative to its local aether medium, affect its physical dimensions?

21- Relation between density, weight and mass of an object and that object’s speed and acceleration relative to its local aether medium

Explanations for Various Effects and Paradoxes

1- Casimir effect

2- The uncertainty principle

3- Planck’s constant

4- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled

particles (Explained)

5- Double-slit experiments (Explained)

Type I

Type II

Experiment: Throwing tennis

balls at a lake

Type III

Experiment: (Effect of camera position)

Explanations for Gradual Variations in

Different Phenomena

1- Force of gravity is gradually weakening

2- Gradual widening of the planetary orbits

Predicted Eventual Outcome of Various Phenomena

1- Speed of light and other phase vibrations in the aether medium is gradually increasing

2- Time is gradually experienced at a faster pace

In the distant past

In the distant future

3- Esmailzadeh critical aether pressure difference

4- All of the black holes will gradually

lose their status as black holes

5- All of the galaxies, star systems, stars and even planets will lose their structural integrities

6- Eventually, the force of gravity will be neutralized, altogether

7- Universe will never stop expanding


3. What is Space?


On the macroscopic scale

On the microscopic scale

Space is Finite and it is Spherical in its

Overall Geometry

Space Will Continue to Expand, Forever

All Spatial Dimensions are Straight

4. What is Time?


Various Phenomena Affecting the Flow of ‘Time’

Motion of the object


Magnetic field

Electric field

Explaining the Passage of ‘Time’ Using Sound Waves

The Beginning of ‘Time’

Speed of Time Along the History/Future

of the Universe

‘Time’ in the distant past

‘Time’ in the distant future

Estimating the rate at which ‘Time’ is

currently speeding up

‘Time’ in the Accompanying Universe

Is ‘Time Travel’ Possible?

Physical ‘Time Travel’

Spiritual ‘Time Travel’

Effect of Gravity on the Passage of ‘Time’

First experiment: (Orbital free fall vs.

direct free fall)

Second experiment: (How does an object

experience the passage of ‘Time’ as it directly

approaches a black hole, in a state of free fall?)

Third experiment:

(Esmailzadeh Paradox)

Fourth experiment:

(Esmailzadeh Orbital Altitude Range)

Does Acceleration Induce ‘Time Dilation’?

First experiment: (Three probes

accelerating in different directions)

Second experiment: (Two probes falling

at different speeds)

Third experiment: (Using regular satellites

launched into orbit)

Can Acceleration, Gravity and High Speed Lead

to Experiencing ‘Time’ at a Faster Pace?

First experiment:

(The balloon version)

Second experiment:

(The orbital version)

Effects of Magnetic Field on the Passage of ‘Time’

First experiment: (Magnetically induced

‘Time Dilation’, on a planetary scale)

Second experiment: (Time anomaly

experienced by clocks onboard satellites

in polar orbits)

Third experiment: (Magnetically induced

‘Time Dilation’ on a laboratory scale)

Fourth experiment: (Magnetic field powered

‘Time Dilation’ machine)

Effects of Electric Field on the Passage of ‘Time’

First experiment: (Using electric field

to induce ‘Time Dilation’)

Second experiment: (Electric field powered

‘Time Dilation’ machine)


5. What is Light?


The Proposed Theory

According to the Proposed Theory

Effects Observed on the Universal Scale

Light Demonstrates Different Apparent

Speeds as it Traverses Through Different

Matter Mediums

Light is Transferred Through Some Materials,

While it is Partially or Even Totally

Absorbed in Others

Is Light a Wave or a Particle?


(Is light a wave or made of photons?)

1. Using only one detector

2. Using too many detectors

Photoelectric Effect


What is a Spark?

Are Light Waves Visible?

Is the Speed of Light in Outer Space the

Maximum Possible Speed for

Objects in This Universe?

Consequences of the Dependence of the

Speed of Light on the Density of Aether

In the distant past

In the distant future

Speed of light in the accompanying universe

What is the Current Rate of Increase in

the Speed of Light?

Effects of Gravity on the Speed of Light and its Direction of Propagation

Experiment: (Effect of gravity on the

speed of light)

Effects of Magnetic Field on the Speed of Light

and its Direction of Propagation

First experiment: (Effect of magnetic field

on the speed of light)

Second experiment: (Effect of magnetic field

on the direction of light’s propagation)

Effects of Electric Field on the Speed of Light

and its Direction of Propagation

First experiment: (Effect of electric field

on the speed of light)

Second experiment: (Effect of electric field

on the direction of light’s propagation)

Crossflow Experiments for Two Monochromatic

Light Waves or Two Monotonic Sound Waves

Michelson and Morley Experiment (Revised)


6. What is Gravity?


A New Theory of Gravity

Explanations and Predictions Provided by the

New Theory of Gravity

1- Mr. Galileo’s experiment

2- Mr. Newton’s law of gravity

3- Equivalency of the gravitational forces exchanged between two objects such as earth and sun, which are different in size

4- Accumulative effect of the forces of

gravity due to several celestial bodies

in one region of space

5- Bending of light’s trajectory, as it passes

by a star or a galaxy

6- Extreme force of gravity near black holes

7- Topographical presentation of the gravitational force near stars,

planets and black holes

8- Do light waves, other electromagnetic waves and other phase vibrations in the aether medium, generate a force of gravity of their own?

9- Does fluid aether generate a force of

gravity of its own?

10- Existence of dark matter in the entire universe

Experiment: (Relation between age of

galaxies and the percentage of their overall

mass that is in the form of dark matter)

11- Nearly instantaneous effect of the gravitational force of the sun on earth

12- How fast variations in the strength of the force of gravity are experienced at a given distance from a star or a planet?

Experiment: (Detecting cyclic variations in

the direction and strength of sun’s gravity)

13- Why fluid aether does not exert any drag force on planets, causing them to slow down?

14- Formation of the force of gravity, temporary and rapid expansion of space and its slowing down

15- How do neutrons enable protons to bond together in the nuclei of atoms?

16- Principle of equivalence

17- Can acceleration, gravity and high speed lead to experiencing ‘Time’ at a faster pace?

First experiment:

(The balloon version)

Second experiment:

(The orbital version)

18- Why does gravity induce ‘Time Dilation’?

19- How does gravity affect the flow of ‘Time’?

20-Precession of the perihelion of Mercury’s orbit

21- What are gravitational waves?

How can gravity waves be detected?

22- Why is the expansion of this universe accelerating rather than decelerating?

And, what is the source of energy

driving such a mechanism?

23- Gradual weakening of the force of gravity and its consequences

The Universal Gravitational Constant is

gradually decreasing

Gradual widening of the planetary orbits

and expansion of the galaxies

All black holes will eventually lose their

designations as being black holes

All of the star systems and galaxies

will lose their structural integrities

All of the stars will turn off and cool down

Stars and planets will gradually expand

and disperse in space

The force of gravity will gradually fade

away, altogether

24- Variable dependence of the force of

gravity on distance

25- Effect of gravity on the speed of light

26- In most cases, the forces of gravity exchanged between two celestial bodies are not along the line connecting their two centers of masses

27- Magnitude of the force of gravity, experienced between two objects depends not only on their motions relative to each other, but also on their motions relative to their local aether medium

28- Gravity in the accompanying universe

29- How can the current pressure difference between aether that is in this universe and aether that is in the accompanying universe be calculated or even estimated?

First Method: (Nozzle effect

on gas flow)

Second Method: (Delay time / lag time in

gravitational response of celestial bodies)

30- Probes’ near-earth flyby anomaly explained (Unexpected speed variations)

31- Was the ancient science of astrology based on the fact that each celestial body has a unique gravitational signature?

Reasons for the science of astrology losing its accuracy, over time

First experiment: (Gravitational effects of

various celestial bodies on different elements)

Second experiment: (Gravitational effects

of various celestial bodies on different

bodily fluids)


7. Black holes and Their Properties


A New Theory of Gravity

Black Holes Based on the New Theory of Gravity

1- What is a black hole?

2- What does the event horizon of a

black hole represent?

3- Black holes, viewed from the

accompanying universe

4- How are black holes formed?

5- How does aether pressure affect the size of a given black hole?

6- Formation of giant black holes at galactic centers

7- Relation between the mass of a black hole and the size (radius) of its event horizon

8- Does a black hole’s spin affect the incoming flow of aether and hence the trajectories followed by in-falling objects?

Experiment: (Effect of the spin of a

black hole on the in-falling objects)

9- Do black holes have electrical charge or any kind of external field?

10- What is the physical size of a black hole?

11- Can light stay in a stable orbit around a black hole?

12- How does an object experience the passage of ‘Time’ as it approaches a black hole and gets captured by it?

Tangential Approach

Direct Approach

13- Does time exist inside the event horizons of black holes?

14- What becomes of matter particles or objects as they reach the surface of a black hole?

15- From how close a distance to the event horizon of a black hole a probe can transmit information to its creators who are waiting far away?

16- Is the information that crosses a black hole’s event horizon preserved or is it lost forever?

Experiment: (Are electromagnetic waves

reaching a black hole preserved, or are

they lost forever?)

17- Can a black hole be kept in one place or be moved to another location?

18- Do known laws of physics apply inside the event horizons of black holes?

19- How can the strength of the gravitational force of a black hole be presented graphically?

20- Do black holes gain mass just by sitting around and not devouring any matter particles?

21- Is there any direct way of observing and collecting data from two black holes approaching and merging together?

22- Why there were no black holes present right after this universe was born, when the whole energy content of this universe was concentrated in a very small volume of space?

23- What is the eventual fate of all black holes?


8. What is Magnetic Field?


Effects of Magnetic Field on the Passage of ‘Time’

Effects of Magnetic Field on the Speed of Light

and its Direction of Propagation

Effects of Magnetic Field on the Strength

of the Force of Gravity

First experiment: (Effect of magnetic

field on Mr. Galileo’s experiment)

Second experiment:

(Magnetic Hill effect)

Third experiment:

(Artificial magnetic hills)

Magnetic Field Propulsion System

Near-Earth Probe Flyby Anomaly Explained

(Unexpected speed variations)

First experiment: (The in-line effect of

aether flow manifesting as earth’s magnetic

field on the speed of probes executing

near-earth flyby routines)

Second experiment: (The sideways effect

of aether flow manifesting as earth’s magnetic

field on the direction of motion of probes

executing near-earth flyby routines)

Using Earth’s Magnetic Field to

Maneuver Satellites

Experiment: (Causing a satellite to

alter its altitude or even fall)

Measuring the Propagation Speed of the Magnetic

Field of a Magnet in space and Through a

Matter Medium

Measuring the propagation speed of magnetic

field through a matter medium


9. What is Electric Field?


Effects of Electric Field on the Passage of ‘Time’

Effects of Electric Field on the Speed of Light

and its Direction of Propagation

Effect of Electric Field on the Strength of the

Force of Gravity

Experiment: (Effect of electric field

on Mr. Galileo’s experiment)

Electric Field Propulsion System

Measuring the Propagation Speed of Electric Field

in Space and Through a Matter Medium


10. What is Electricity?


Static Electricity

Current Electricity


1- Propagation speed of phase vibrations associated with electricity in any given conducting matter medium is independent of the size of that medium’s cross sectional area or its shape

2- Measuring the propagation speed of phase vibrations associated with electricity in a given conducting matter medium

3- Directly measuring the relative speed at which phase vibrations associated with electricity propagate through different conducting matter mediums

4- Loss of electrons due to sharp ends/edges in a conducting matter medium

5- Presence of electricity throughout the

whole volume of a given

conducting matter medium

6- Proof that the flow of electricity is generated by a certain type of phase vibrations in the medium of aether that is occupied by a conducting matter medium

7- Propagation speed of phase vibrations associated with electricity through a given conducting matter medium is equivalent to the speed of light in that medium

8- Do phase vibrations associated with electricity propagate through conducting matter mediums from the negative terminal of the battery towards its positive terminal or the other way around?


11. Reducing the Frequency and Intensity of

Natural Disasters

Foreword (To this particular chapter)


1- Tornadoes and Hurricanes

2- Floods and Droughts

3- Earthquakes

4- Volcanic Activities:



A Friendly advice

A Short Note on the Global Warming

12. Locating the Birthplace of the Universe


Necessary background information

Methods of locating the Birthplace of the Universe

First Method:

(Using the intersection of the rotational planes

of spiral galaxies)

Second Method:

(Using edge-on view of the rotational planes

of spiral galaxies)

Third Method:

(Using full-faced view of the rotational planes

of spiral galaxies)

Fourth Method:

(Using horizontal edge-on view of the rotational

planes of spiral galaxies – forming a 360

degree belt)

Fifth Method: (Using the temperature

distribution in the cosmic microwave

background radiation, CMBR)


13. The Birthplace of the Universe (Discovered)

Foreword (To this particular chapter)


Using the Orientation of the Rotational Planes

of Spiral Galaxies

Necessary background information

Data / Catalogs used

The Second Method: (Using edge-on view of the rotational planes of spiral galaxies)


The Morphological Catalog of Galaxies

The Principal General Catalog

of Bright Galaxies

The Third Method: (Using full-faced view of the rotational planes of spiral galaxies)


The Morphological Catalog of Galaxies

The Principal General Catalog

of Bright Galaxies

Using the Temperature Distribution in the Cosmic

Microwave Background Radiation

(The Fifth Method)

Necessary background information

Data and Results



General Conclusions


Appendix I: List of Nominations

Appendix II: List of Proposed Explanations

Appendix III: List of Proposed Predictions

Appendix IV: List of Proposed Experiments

Appendix V: List of 25 Fundamental Breakthroughs

           (Each one, Potentially, Deserving

                       a Nobel Prize)



The contents of this book and its companion books ’The Evolution of Spirits’, What is the Reason for Being Here, in This Creation? (2012) and The Formation and Evolution of Living Beings (2015) are direct results of the author’s personal thoughts and contemplations.

These three books introduce new ideas / theories which provide reasonable explanations for fundamental concepts in their respective fields. Yet, they are complimentary to each other and together they intend to open up new paths towards a better understanding of the physical world, the spiritual world and their interplay, respectively. In short, they provide an overall picture of what simply exists in this universe.

In this book, the author is concentrating on the physical universe and the development of its contents.

This book and its companion books are written for the general public. However, possessing some knowledge of the topics covered will be quite helpful in appreciating the simplicity of the theories presented, and the straightforwardness of the explanations they provide for various physical and spiritual phenomena.


In order to truly appreciate the great expanse of this universe, one needs to get out of the populated areas and on a clear and moonless night, look at the sky. He/she will see a carpet of lights that are in fact stars, stars that make up a very small portion of only one galaxy, namely the Milky Way Galaxy. Using a variety of telescopes, hundreds of thousands of such galaxies have been observed. It is estimated that there are over 10 billion galaxies in this universe.

Man has only begun to understand and appreciate a few of the laws, rules and regulations that dictate how this universe functions, on different scales. So far, he has become aware of some of the physical contents of this universe, and is only guessing about the rest.

Even though man is learning quickly, his knowledge regarding the formation of this universe and the development of its contents are still in their infancies. Therefore, he needs to have an open mind, as he is introduced to reasonable extensions (or even detours) to his current understanding of different aspects of this physical world.

Here, the author is presenting his own personal views and theories. Through their applications, he provides consistent explanations for a variety of phenomena such as ‘time’, ‘light’, ‘space’, ‘gravity’, ‘electricity’, ‘electric field’, ‘magnetic field’, ‘black holes’, ‘energy’, ‘dark energy’, ‘vacuum energy’ and ‘matter’ and ‘dark matter’, which are also shown to be directly interdependent.

All of the theories presented in this book are based on the existence of aether, the very same aether that physicists in the nineteenth century had believed to exist, everywhere. However, contrary to what was believed back then, aether medium is demonstrated to be quite an active, fluid-like and dynamic medium.

The first chapter provides an overview of how this universe has come into existence and how its contents have evolved so far. It also forecasts how the contents of this universe will evolve from now on. The information presented is solely based on the theories presented in the following chapters.

The second chapter provides detailed information about aether, its properties as well as how it directly relates to various physical phenomena.

Chapters three through seven concentrate on specific phenomena, namely ‘space’, ‘time’, ‘light’, ‘gravity’ and ‘black holes’, respectively.

Chapters eight through eleven, cover ‘magnetic field’, ‘electric field’, ‘electricity’ and natural disasters, respectively.

Five independent methods of locating the birthplace of this universe are introduced and described in detail in chapter twelve. The information necessary to apply three of these methods is readily available to the general public through the internet. The final results of these three methods are presented in chapter thirteen. They are shown to agree with each other on the physical location of the birthplace of this universe. In other words,

The birthplace of this universe has been discovered.

The appendices provide,

List of nominations,

List of currently unresolved issues which are consistently explained in this book,

List of predictions which are made possible by the theories presented in this book,

List of experiments which are proposed and described in detail in this book, experiments that will confirm the validity of the newly proposed theories, and

List of 25 fundamental breakthroughs, each one potentially deserving a Nobel Prize

As it is demonstrated throughout this book, once the existence of a dynamic aether is accepted and its effects are properly taken into account, many unresolved issues regarding various basic physical phenomena can be explained, understood and readily expected.

The contents of each chapter are presented in such a way that they are as independent, complete and self-contained as possible. Therefore, certain parts are necessarily repeated due to the interconnectedness of the topics presented. Also, some of the chapters are written in a point by point style, as needed, to focus on one specific issue at a time. This method will also encourage the reader to stay focused, as well.

This book is written for the general public. However, possessing some knowledge of the topics covered will be quite helpful in appreciating the simplicity of the theories presented, and the straightforwardness of the explanations they provide for various physical phenomena.


In 1865, Mr. Maxwell proposed his theory on electromagnetism, the very same theory that is still valid to this day. Mr. Maxwell had based his theory on the existence of some kind of stationary medium through which light and other electromagnetic waves were assumed to propagate. At that time, this medium was referred to as ‘Aether’. What aether was made of or what kinds of properties it had were not known. The medium of aether to electromagnetic waves was thought to be as a medium such as air is to sound waves.

Over time, scientists became curious about aether and based on the assumption that it is stationary in space and all waves and even planets are moving through it, they tried to detect its drift effect on the surface of earth. The assumed motion of earth in the stationary medium of aether is shown in the following figure.


Amongst the multitude of experiments that were proposed, designed and conducted was the one designed and performed by Mr. Michelson and Mr. Morley in 1887. As it is shown below, their experiment was based on reuniting the wave patterns of two light beams from the same monochromatic light source, after they were made to follow two paths that were orthogonal to each other, one in the direction of earth’s motion around the sun and the other at 90 degrees to the said direction.


By reflecting these two light branches back and superimposing them on each other, Mr. Michelson and Mr. Morley were expecting to see the formation of some sort of interference pattern.

They conducted their experiment on the ground level. They also conducted their experiment at high altitudes, with the help of a balloon. However, they did not observe any interference patterns forming during any of their attempts.

In 1904, Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Lorentz, independently, provided reasoning for detecting no trace of any drift effect in all of the experiments. They proposed that, the length of the experimental apparatus’ arm which was in the direction of earth’s motion was affected by the said motion in the aether medium and therefore had automatically annulled the intended effect of the aether drift.

In 1904, Mr. Lorentz published his Principles of Relativity. With the help of this theory, Mr. Lorentz explained the effects due to moving at relatively high velocities. To this day, effects such as the shortening of the length of an object in the direction of its motion, as well as the slowing down of the rate at which time is experienced and also the increase in the mass of an object, as its speed approaches that of light in a vacuum, are calculated using Mr. Lorentz’s transformation equations.

It should be noted that, the existence of aether was commonly accepted by the then-current scientific community.

In 1905, Mr. Einstein used Mr. Lorentz’s Principles of Relativity and added two postulates to it, namely:

Light is made of particles (photons) which do not need a medium to travel, and

The speed of light in a vacuum is the maximum possible speed and it is independent of the observer’s state of motion relative to the source of light.

Note that, the experiments performed by Mr. Michelson and Mr. Morley, by no means had indicated that there was no aether in space, or that the speed of light was the maximum speed possible.

A revised version of the experiment performed by Mr. Michelson and Mr. Morley is proposed and presented in detail in the chapter titled What is Light?.

It will be demonstrated throughout this book that, once the existence of a dynamic aether medium is accepted and its effects are properly taken into account, a variety of unresolved issues regarding different basic physical phenomena become explicable, understood and readily expected.

Therefore, it is very crucial that, the present-day scientific community accepts the existence of aether and takes its various effects into account.

Formation of the Universe


Development of its Contents


This chapter provides an overview of how this universe has come into existence and how its contents have formed and developed so far. It also provides reasonable extrapolations on the future development of the contents of this universe, as well as the future of the universe, as a whole. The overview presented here is made possible as different theories presented in the following chapters are allowed to play their respective roles.

All of the theories introduced in this book are based on the existence of aether which is literally occupying the whole universe.

The history of this universe and the development of its contents can be divided into several (in some cases overlapping) periods:

The beginning (The initial rapid expansion of space)

Formation of matter and anti-matter particles (The slowing down of the rapid expansion of space)

Formation and development of galaxies

Formation and development of physically living beings

Current conditions in this universe (Acceleration of the expansion of space)

Current conditions in the accompanying universe

The future / destiny of this universe and its contents

But, first and foremost, one needs to define what ‘Space’ is.


Space owes its existence to aether. Aether, as it is described in greater detail in the chapter titled What is Aether?, is an elastic, compressible, non-viscous fluid that occupies the whole universe and more. The relation between space and aether is just like that of an ocean and water. The very existence of water gives meaning to an ocean. If all of the water that is inside an ocean is somehow taken out, what remains can no longer be called an ocean. The very same is also true about the direct relation between space and aether, since for space to exist it must be occupied by aether.

The internal structure of space can be analyzed on the following two extreme scales:

On the macroscopic scale

Space is not limited or restricted to the three spatial dimensions that jointly define what is commonly referred to as the physical universe. Space also includes three hidden dimensions, among others, which are accessible under certain conditions. These three hidden dimensions form a universe which is accompanying this universe.

Even though the accompanying universe is a parallel universe to this one, and it is apparently hosting a duplicate set of the matter and anti-matter particles that exist in this universe, it is quite a different universe. For example, currently, the density and the pressure of aether that is in the accompanying universe are much, much lower than the density and the pressure of aether that is in this universe.

On the microscopic scale

The internal structure of space in this universe is quite like a sponge which has countless number of tiny holes in its volume. These holes, as explained in greater details in the chapter titled What is Gravity? are the matter (and anti-matter) particles which act as drain holes (not as black holes, but as drain holes) allowing aether to escape from this universe into the accompanying universe. The two universes are also connected through black holes which are in fact large aggregates of matter particles that by merging (unifying) together have literally formed much bigger openings (gateways) for aether to flow through.

Therefore, as viewed from this universe, matter (as well as anti-matter) particles are like drain holes at the bottom of a swimming pool through which aether is leaking out. While, as viewed from the accompanying universe, matter (as well as anti-matter) particles are like water spring jets in a swimming pool through which aether is flowing into and joining the aether that is already there. An example of such a connection point, namely a matter particle, between this universe and the accompanying universe is shown below.


Note that, the difference in the physical size of the particle in the two universes is due to the difference that exists between the pressure of aether that is in this universe and the pressure of aether that is in the accompanying universe.

For more details, please refer to the chapters titled What is Space? and What is Gravity.

The Beginning

(The initial rapid expansion of space)

In the beginning, the fluid aether was in a compressed state having a very small volume. In other words, space was quite limited in its overall size. Aether’s density and pressure were enormous. One could say, they were at their critical points.

Somehow a ripple effect was introduced into the aether medium, just like the waves that are formed on the surface of a pond as a pebble is dropped in the middle of it. The ripples caused the over excitation of the aether medium, encouraging it to expand (not to explode, but to expand) in all directions.

Due to not facing any kind of resistive force such as gravity, the fluid aether medium that defines ‘space’ in this universe went through an unrestricted expansion process. In other words,

The very lack of the force of gravity, allowed the aether medium, hence space in this universe, to experience an enormous rapid growth burst.

This growth burst, in a relatively short period of time (based on then-current time scale) spread the fluid aether and hence expanded the overall size of space from a very small region to a volume that was equivalent to millions of present-time light years across. In other words,

The very introduction of the ripples in the fluid aether medium, marked the beginning of the rapid expansion era of that medium and hence the rapid inflation of space in this universe.

The internal pressure of the aether medium was the driving force for its expansion. Due to aether’s density and pressure being so high, when its expansion period started, the propagation speed of all types of vibrations, such as the ripples that were introduced into that medium was at an all-time low. This simply meant that,

In the beginning, the ripples spread more rapidly due to being carried by the expanding aether medium, rather than due to propagating in that medium.

In other words,

As the aether medium and hence space expanded, the ripples simultaneously expanded with and spread in the aether medium.

The induced ripples were in fact some type of phase vibrations in the medium of fluid aether. The expansion of the aether medium as a whole, and the simultaneous propagation of phase vibrations in that medium are shown in the following figure.

Note that, both frontiers (the outer limits), namely that of the aether medium and that of the initial phase vibrations in that medium, were spherical in their overall geometries.

Even though the outer perimeter of the aether medium (which defines ‘space’ in this universe) was expanding at super-phase vibration (super-light) speeds, phase vibrations were propagating in that medium at their relatively slower speed which was solely depended on the density and the pressure of the local aether medium.

As the aether medium was expanding and its pressure and density were decreasing, the expansion rate of the outer perimeter of the aether medium, as a whole, was decreasing while the speed at which phase vibrations were propagating in that medium was increasing.


As it is explained in great detail in the chapter titled What is Time?, the rate at which ‘time’ is experienced by any entity (inanimate objects as well as living beings) directly depends on the speed of that entity relative to its local aether medium, as compared to the speed at which phase vibrations propagate in that medium. As the speed of the entity relative to its local aether approaches that of phase vibrations in that medium the entity experiences ‘time’ at an ever slower pace.

The slow speed of ripples (phase vibrations) spreading in the aether medium of the early universe automatically meant that, back then, ‘time’ was progressing at a much, much slower pace, as compared to the rate it is progressing and it is experienced at the present time. Since, the slower the propagation speed of phase vibrations in the aether medium simply meant that the closer were the speed of objects (even though there were none existing at that time) to the speed of phase vibrations in that medium. Hence, the effect on the pace at which ‘time’ was experienced was more pronounced.

To calculate how slow time was actually progressing in the beginning, one has to know how fast phase vibrations were propagating through the aether medium of the early universe. Back then, the propagation speed of phase vibrations in turn depended on what the density of the fluid aether was.

The absolute value of aether’s density during the first moments of this universe’s existence cannot be calculated. However, its value can be roughly estimated relative to what it is at the present time. Currently, the universe is estimated to be about 93 billion light years across. In other words, at the present time the diameter of the universe in meters is,


If, in the beginning, the diameter of the universe was ONE meter, the volume of the universe has grown by the cube of the above number which is (6.81 x 10 ⁸⁰), because the volume of a sphere is defined by [(4/3) π 342750.png ]. As a result, at the beginning, the density of the fluid aether in this universe must have been higher than what it is at the present time at least by the same ratio. Since, over billions of years, quite a bit of the fluid aether has also leaked out of this universe through the matter and anti-matter particles, let alone through the vast number of black holes.

Based on the aether density ratio alone, one can readily estimate that the speed of phase vibrations (such as light) in the medium of aether back then, must have been billions of billions of billions of times slower, as compared to what it is at the present time. Consequently, one can confidently make the following statement regarding the rate at which the passage of ‘time’ was experienced, back then.

The duration of the very first ‘SECOND’, when this universe had just started its existence, must have been equivalent to millions if not billions of years, based on today’s time scale.

Formation of

Matter and Anti-Matter Particles

(The slowing down of the rapid expansion of space)

As aether expanded, the ripples spread and stabilized in their patterns. These ripples were in fact a type of phase vibrations in the medium of fluid aether. Such phase vibrations were just like regular sine waves. They had a positive half and a negative half, during every complete cycle.

Under certain conditions, phase vibrations in the medium of fluid aether can form full-wave or even half-wave spikes (resonances). Simple presentations of such spikes are shown below.


When spiked, the positive halves of the waves lead to the formation of particles that are of positive (+) charge and the negative halves lead to the formation of particles that are of negative (-) charge.

According to the currently accepted definitions in the field of particle physics, the only difference between matter particles and their anti-matter counterparts is that their electric charges are opposite of each other. For example, a proton is a positively (+) charged particle, while an anti-proton which has the same amount of mass is a negatively (-) charged particle.

However, as far as the relations between aether and matter and anti-matter particles are concerned, all of the positively (+) charged particles belong to one group and all of the negatively (-) charged particles belong to another group, regardless of normally being defined to be matter or anti-matter particles. In other words,

Based on this newly proposed matter particle categorization strategy, protons (+) and anti-electrons (positrons) (+) are grouped together, just as anti-protons (-) and electrons (-) are grouped together.

Therefore, full-wave spikes result in the formation of particle pairs (such as proton and anti-proton, or electron and positron) that are of opposite electric charges. Correspondingly, half-wave spikes result in the formation of single particles that are of either positive or negative charge, depending on their respective half-wave spikes being positive or negative. In short,

All of the matter and anti-matter particles are basically byproducts of the full-wave and half-wave spikes that were/are formed by phase vibrations in the fluid aether medium.

Note that, the types of particles forming during such processes solely depend on the sizes of the spikes. For example, the more pronounced full-wave spikes give birth to proton and anti-proton pairs, while the weaker ones can only promote the formation of electron and positron pairs, and so on. In other words,

Phase vibration spikes in the fluid aether medium manifest as matter and anti-matter particles.

To be more precise,

Matter and anti-matter particles are like bubbles that are formed as a result of induced ‘cavitation’ in the very fabric of the fluid aether medium, as the local phase vibrations resonate into sufficiently high amplitudes

The formation of matter and anti-matter particles (bubbles) in the aether medium by resonating phase vibrations is analogous to the formation of bubbles in a fluid medium such as water, due to cavitation, when that medium is exposed to ultrasound waves which are phase vibrations in the medium of water.

Bubbles (particles) formed by cavitation in the medium of fluid aether are basically openings into the accompanying universe. They automatically act as drain holes (openings / tubes) through which fluid aether flows from this universe into the accompanying universe.

The following picture shows the entrance of a water-shoot inside the reservoir of a dam. Such water-shoots prevent the water that is behind the dam to rise beyond certain safe level. They perform their important task by simply allowing the excess water to fall in them and get transferred downstream, bypassing the dam structure altogether. The flow of aether towards and through matter and anti-matter particles is quite the same as the flow of water towards and through such openings.


However, the flow of aether towards a given particle is from the whole volume of space surrounding that particle, a volume of space which is three dimensional, while the flow of water towards the inlet of such a water-shoot is from a planar surface which is two dimensional. Yet, such water intakes clearly demonstrate how the flow of the fluid water changes direction, and it literally disappears from the two dimensional plane in which it existed a moment earlier. The very same type of a process takes place with the fluid aether. Since, as aether reaches a given matter or anti-matter particle it literally disappears from the familiar three dimensional volume of space that forms this universe and enters the dimensions corresponding to the accompanying universe.

Note that, in the two-dimensional surface of water, the middle part of such a water-shoot is observed as a void.

The very same is also the case for the matter and anti-matter particles in the aether medium, since they too are bubbles, voids, in the three-dimensional space which is this universe.

In the beginning, phase vibrations were distributed uniformly in the aether medium, except for its outer regions which were (and still are) void of any kind of phase vibrations. Therefore, as the pressure and the density of the fluid aether medium were decreasing, due to its expansion, the same circumstance was simultaneously provided almost throughout its volume. Consequently, the phase vibrations present in the fluid aether resulted in the formation of matter and anti-matter particles everywhere, at about the same time. In other words, one can say,

The whole universe literally bloomed with matter and anti-matter particles across its volume (the portion that was hosting phase vibrations), at about the same time.

Neutral particles, such as neutrons, where formed from the joining of electrons and protons (also the joining of anti-protons and positrons), as they attracted each other due to having unlike charges.

Note that, full-wave and half-wave spikes can also form randomly, as resonances or harmonics are continuously forming, due to the ongoing interactions between the varieties of phase vibrations that readily exist anywhere and everywhere in the medium of fluid aether.

Such events lead to the random production and hence random appearance of particles, either as in single particles or as in particle pairs.

Such events can also cause the random disappearance of existing particles, without any direct connection to other particles in this universe. Because, by forming resonances at the right place and at the right time, the existing phase vibrations can nullify the wave functions of locally existing particles.

Such interactions between phase vibrations in the fluid aether medium and matter (as well as anti-matter) particles are analogous to the formation and destruction of bubbles in a medium such as water by ultrasound waves.

Ultrasound waves (phase vibrations) of certain frequency and amplitude introduced in the medium of water can cause cavitation, hence the formation of bubbles, in that medium. The very same type of phase vibrations can also cause the existing bubbles to collapse and literally disappear in that medium.

It must be mentioned and emphasized at this point that,

Individual particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons, as well as their corresponding anti-particles, are simply bubbles in the medium of aether, bubbles which are not composed of any smaller constituents.

In other words,

"There are no such things as quarks

in this universe."


There is no such a force as the strong nuclear force in this universe.

Also, as it is explained in the chapter titled What is Gravity, according to the aether based theory of gravity,

The gravitational attraction forces that protons and neutrons exert on each other override the repelling forces generated between protons by their positive electrical charges.

In other words,

"The gravitational attraction forces that protons and neutrons exert on each other ARE the forces responsible for holding the nucleons together in the atomic nuclei.

Hence, according to the aether-based theory of gravity,

There is no such a force as the weak nuclear force in this universe.

As it is shown in the following figure, matter and anti-matter particles that were simultaneously formed across the central region of the aether medium fell behind relative to the phase vibrations that had generated them.

The sudden abundance of matter and anti-matters particles in the central region of the aether medium (which was occupied by phase vibrations) allowed nearly unrestricted flow of aether out of this universe. Basically, a huge aether leak was initiated by the formation of matter and anti-matter particles in the central region of the aether medium, in this universe.

As a consequence, the aether medium, as a whole, experienced a relief in its pressure due to leakage of aether in its central region, as well as its expansion towards its then-current outer perimeters. Hence, up to certain midway point, the outward (spreading) flow of aether was partially diverted towards the central region to compensate for such a huge rate of aether loss in that region.


Therefore, at some distance, between the outer limits of the aether medium, as a whole, and the outer limits of where matter (and anti-matter) particles were formed, a narrow region of aether automatically experienced a stall situation, as it had no tendency to flow towards either directions. Yet, its pressure and hence its density kept on decreasing with the rest of the aether medium. Basically a neutral, stationary, spherical zone/halo was formed surrounding the central region where matter (and anti-matter) particles existed in the fluid aether medium. This neutral aether flow zone is shown in the figure, below.


Matter and anti-matter particles basically acted as pressure relief valves. The rapid leakage of aether through the matter and anti-matter particles which were formed in the central region of the aether medium caused six very important effects:

1- By their very formation, matter and anti-matter particles allowed aether to flow from this universe into an adjacent environment and hence gave meaning to ‘Space’ in the accompanying universe. In other words,

The very formation of matter and anti-matter particles (bubbles) in the fluid aether medium in this universe initiated the existence of the accompanying universe.

2- The rapid leakage of aether from this universe encouraged a very quick drop in both pressure and density of aether in this universe.

3- The accelerated flow of aether towards each of the matter and anti-matter particles, as shown below, exerted a drag force on the neighboring particles and eventually on all existing particles in this universe.


This very action of aether, namely its accelerated flow towards particles and inducing a drag force on other particles that happened to be in its path, literally gave meaning to what is known as the Force of Gravity. In other words,

The very formation of matter and anti-matter particles marked the birth of the Force of Gravity in this universe.

Note that, One could state that, the very expansion process of the aether medium must also give rise to a force of gravity of some sort which is actually acting opposite of the normal force of gravity. Since, instead of encouraging particles (as well as their aggregates) to come closer together it is pushing them apart from each other, as it is expanding the domain of this space.

However, the term gravity as it is defined in this book refers to the drag force induced by the flow of aether which is accelerating through any given location in this universe, an accelerated motion that is towards particles of matter or anti-matter. The motion of aether that is due to its expansion process, at any given location in this universe, does not contribute to any flow of aether at that location (in space), because space itself is literally expanding with the aether medium that is occupying it. Hence, no net accelerated flow of aether is generated by the expansion of the aether medium.

The spreading action/motion of aether that is due to its expansion can be readily likened to the spreading of the molecules in a piece of rubber while being stretched. Since, even though two dots drawn on the surface of such a rubber piece will recede from each other, as the rubber is stretched, there would be no flow of rubber molecules through the location of either one of those two dots. Please, refer to the chapter titled What is Gravity? for detailed information on gravity.

4- The slower motions of the matter and anti-matter particles relative to the local aether, as compared to the speed of phase vibrations in that medium, gave meaning to TIME. As it is explained in greater details in the chapter titled What is Time?, ‘time’ is experienced only by any and all entities that move (relative to their local aether) at a speed that is slower than the speed of phase vibrations in their respective local aether mediums. In other words,

"‘Time’ had commenced as the first ripples were formed in the fluid aether medium,


"The meaningful startup point for actually experiencing ‘Time’ was when matter and anti-matter particles were formed.

Since, by falling behind relative to the ripples that had formed them, they were the very first entities that actually experienced the passage of ‘time’."

5- Also, the very formation and subsequent presence of the charged particles in this universe gave rise to the electric field.

"Charged particles, with their very

presence in this universe, gave birth to

Electric Field."

For detailed information on electric field, please refer to the chapter titled What is Electric Field?.

6- The very motion of charged particles in the aether medium gave rise to the magnetic field. In other words,

"Charged particles, with their very

motion in this universe, gave birth to Magnetic Field."

For detailed information on magnetic field, please refer to the chapter titled What is Magnetic Field?.

By their very formation in the central region of the aether medium, matter and anti-matter particles allowed the unrestricted flow of aether from this universe into the accompanying universe. In doing so, they:

Drastically slowed down the spreading of the particles in this universe, due to their mutual force of gravity.

Drastically slowed down the expansion rate of the aether medium, as a whole, by expediting the rate at which its internal pressure was reduced.

Therefore, one can say,

The very formation of matter and anti-matter particles was like the activation of an effective braking system on a universal scale, which almost brought the rapid initial expansion of the matter contents of this universe to a complete halt.

Shortly after matter and anti-matter particles had slowed down, due to their mutual force of gravity, most of the matter and anti-matter particles joined together and annihilated each other. Their annihilation processes which were in fact the cancelation of their wave functions generated phase vibrations which then spread in the surrounding aether medium as shock waves. The following figure shows the end result of such a process in a very simple fashion.


Note that, only charged matter particles and their charged anti-matter particles, such as protons and antiprotons (or electrons and positrons), could (can) annihilate each other’s wave forms by merging, since they were (are) a match (180 degrees out of phase).

However, two oppositely charged particles that were different in their wave forms could not (cannot) annihilate each other. A good example of such a mismatch in wave forms was the case of electrons and protons. As such mismatched particles merged together, they only neutralized each other’s charge but did not result in any overall mass reduction. They actually complemented each other and formed a more massive particle. That was how neutral particles such as neutrons were formed.

The phase vibrations generated due to the annihilation of the matter and anti-matter particles were further spread and flattened by the ongoing expansion of the aether medium, as a whole.

Over time, these phase vibrations not only have blended together by crossing each other’s paths but also have blended with the existing phase vibrations in that medium, phase vibrations (the original ripples) that were introduced into the medium of aether and had prompted the birth of this universe. Eventually, they have formed a uniform background noise in the medium of the fluid aether.

The process of phase vibrations mixing and blending with each other in the fluid aether medium can be likened to how waves formed on the surface of a pond mix and blend together, as multiple pebbles are thrown in the middle of the pond at about the same time. Because, as the newly formed waves spread outwards, they not only blend together but also blend with waves that already exist on the surface of

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