The Whispering Cove Kids Club: The Ruby Ring
By Donna Crouse
About this ebook
This story is based partly in fact as I, the author, at age eleven, lost my birthstone (ruby ring) after being told not to wear it in swimming by my mother. It now lies somewhere on the bottom of the Potomac River in Virginia, where we had our summer cottage at Fair View Beach, Virginia. I looked for it, but it was never found.
I made this incident into a story that focuses on Amanda and a gift she receives from her mother on her birthday, a ruby ring. Her mother cautions her not to wear it swimming. And as fate would have it, one hot summer day, she forgets to take the ring off and loses it in the ocean.
Her friends decide to help her find the ring. While searching for the ring, they meet and gain the friendship of a dolphin that they named Gigi. This is where the adventure begins.
Donna Crouse
Donna J. Crouse was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She lived there until she was eighteen. She is married to Frank Crouse and now lives in King George, Virginia. She has written six books, mostly fictional children books. This, however, is not completely fictional but based on true events. There are several more books to come.
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The Whispering Cove Kids Club - Donna Crouse
Copyright © 2015 by Donna Crouse.
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Rev. date: 07/16/2015
Chapter 1 The Birthday Present
Chapter 2 The First Dive of the Season
Chapter 3 The Ruby Ring is Gone
Chapter 4 The Search Begins
Chapter 5 Meeting a New Friend
Chapter 6 The Storm
Chapter 7 The Picnic Hero
Chapter 8 The Wasp Sting
Chapter 9 Summer in our Town
Chapter 10 The Fishing Trip
Chapter 11 The Mysterious Box
Chapter 12 The Abundant Catch Returns
Chapter 13 The Miracle of the Ruby Ring
This book is dedicated to the inspiration that I received from my grandchildren
Who were always asking me to tell them stories.
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my brother-in-law David E. Lawrence, who is a well-known author in his own right, for all his help and guidance, as well as encouragement, he gave me while trying to put this book together and getting ready to be sent to the publishers.
I also want to acknowledge and thank several other very special people without, who’s, encouragement and help I may never have finished this book.
My husband Frank Crouse, and my sister Wilma Lawrence, my grandchildren Katrina, Amanda, and Charlene Crouse, as well as Chelsea Junkins.
Sherrie Barker, Kathy and Remigio (Mickey) Revilla who are our dear friends. As well as my daughter-in-law Sherrie Crouse should receive special thanks for helping with my computer every time I turned around, and one more person who helped with the completion of this book by doing the editing. Miss Heather Vickers.
Coming More Books In the Series
The Mysterious Light House of Cave Point.
The children will explore and laugh as unfounded fears send them into a state of frenzy while searching for ghost. They end up helping other children.
The Pelicans Relief
Upon finding injured Sea Birds and Turtles the Whispering Cove Kids get together with the help of their parents and some other adult friends and try to find a way to help them.
Adventures on Shark Tooth Island
The kids that are in the Whispering Cove Kids Club are all now a few years older and more mature. They are going to go to an Island named Shark Tooth Island and Help out with their summer program that is run by the church. They will be able to teach the children there a lot and they will also learn a lot and have some hair raising adventures.
Spreading Our Wings
The Whispering Cove Kids leave Whispering Cove to go to college and pursue careers in their chosen fields.
The Ruby Ring is a story about seven children, who all live in a small quaint fishing town on the coast of South Carolina. These children have a club they call the Whispering Cove Kids Club, which is the name of the town. These children for the most part have lived there for most of their lives, if not all of it.
They go to school together, play together, swim and work together. They like nothing better than to have adventures fall into their laps especially ones involving any chance to go scuba diving. These children are Christian and were raised by Christian parents to be polite and respect their parents and other elders.
This story is a fictional adventure where they all get together to help Amanda find her ruby ring which she lost while