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Intentional Living and Leadership: Consciousness, Choice and Planning for Success
Intentional Living and Leadership: Consciousness, Choice and Planning for Success
Intentional Living and Leadership: Consciousness, Choice and Planning for Success
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Intentional Living and Leadership: Consciousness, Choice and Planning for Success

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About this ebook

Intentional living is a must-read for those that want to live their life on purpose. The conscious choice to create your life, to respond rather than react, to chart your own course both professionally and personally, is an amazing thing. However, its also difficult to achieve.
Life should be more than a series of situations in which you find yourself. It should be more than a string of events in which you are a passive observer taking a reactionary stance. Intentional living requires that you act, that you decide, and that you choose.
Intentional Living, above all else, is a series of lessons learned. Challenge yourself to live in your strengths and passion areas and enjoy the journey of life. Each new day brings another opportunity for learning and personal and professional growth.
Release dateJul 29, 2015
Intentional Living and Leadership: Consciousness, Choice and Planning for Success

Craig C. Sroda

Craig Sroda cofounded Pinnacle of Indiana and served as its CEO for eighteen years. His strengths are understanding and aligning technology with business goals through his whiteboarding strategy sessions. His passion is helping individuals operate in their sweet spot—where their passion and strengths intersect. Craig writes a regular blog on leadership and intentional living at

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    Intentional Living and Leadership - Craig C. Sroda

    © 2015 Craig C. Sroda. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/28/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2488-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2487-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015911952

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    Chapter 1 — Strengths and Weaknesses

    Your Five Major Strengths

    Blind Spots

    In What Group Are You the Stupidest Member?

    Stretching: Comfort Zone or Strengths Zone?

    Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

    Guardrails: Preventing Derailment

    Black and White and Shades of Gray

    Healthy Conflict

    Spend Fifteen Minutes with Yourself

    Defining Success and Overcoming Your Lizard Brain

    The Lizard Brain

    Chapter 2 — Focus and Execution

    Shiny Objects

    Revenue-Cost-Risk: What’s Your Focus

    If You Were Me …

    Projects and Priorities: Decision Making

    Setting Realistic Targets

    Winning vs. Earning

    What’s Most Important?

    Chapter 3 — You’re More Than Your Job

    Are You Your Job?

    Do You Allow Failure?

    Is It the Destination or the Journey?

    Who Are You Going to Be?

    Getting in Rhythm with Your Team and Your Family

    CFOs and Prom Dresses

    Keeping the Humble/Hungry Balance

    Chapter 4 — Technology: Are You Stymieing Progress?

    Are You the Bottleneck?

    Weights and Data Don’t Lie

    Embrace Generations for IT Adoption Success

    BYOD: Why It’s Actually a Good Thing

    Trapped in IT Jail

    IT: Cost Center or Strategic Asset?

    The Cloud: Getting Onboard

    C-Suite: Knowing Your Strengths

    Chapter 5 — The Lie of Multitasking and the Enemy of Progress

    Multitasking – Get Thirty Percent of Your Day Back

    Driving into Storms

    Control Your Day or It Will Control You

    The Enemy of Progress: Perfection

    Why Wouldn’t Cha

    The Value of Emotional Intelligence

    Humble Intelligence




    I ntentional living—the conscious choice to create your life, to respond rather than react, to chart your own course both professionally and personally—is an amazing thing. However, it’s also difficult to achieve.

    Life should be more than a series of situations in which you find yourself. It should be more than a string of events in which you are a passive observer, or someone who takes a reactionary stance. Intentional living requires that you act, that you decide, that you choose.

    Living intentionally can be tough though. You must know yourself—both your internal and external selves. You must know your blind spots, which can be impossible to do without outside help. You must build your life and live according to your core strengths, but what are they? How do you learn about them?

    These are just a few of the questions I’ve faced. I’ve struggled to answer them. I co-founded a company and became a CEO by the age of twenty-eight. I’ve since learned that success isn’t found in the boardroom or in business accomplishments or even in raising amazing children and seeing them grow. In fact I’ve come to believe that success isn’t a thing at all—it’s something much more.

    Having a life plan is vital, but charting a course into the unknown future can be daunting if you don’t know who you are, what you stand for, and don’t have the support of a strong foundation. You must prioritize all areas of your life, and learn to lead—not fearlessly but with humility and emotional intelligence.

    These are the lessons I’ve learned so far in life—and each new day brings another opportunity for learning and personal and professional growth.

    Chapter 1

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    K nowing your strengths and weaknesses is absolutely essential. While I’ve read a number of books that discuss the topic, one of the first was Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham. It’s stayed with me through the years, and it opened my eyes to the reality that each of us has five core strengths—and we have to focus on them.

    Your Five Major Strengths

    Each of us has five major strengths. The sooner you know what they are, the better off you’ll be. Both my wife and I have been long-term strengths advocates, not just for our three daughters, but also for their friends and extended family members as well.

    While the book I mentioned above was instrumental in developing my understanding of our five core strengths, there was another that played a significant role: Strength Finders 2.0 by Tom Rath. It is

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