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Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice: An Interlude with an Esoteric Herbalist
Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice: An Interlude with an Esoteric Herbalist
Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice: An Interlude with an Esoteric Herbalist
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Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice: An Interlude with an Esoteric Herbalist

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When you allow your body to heal itself through appropriate Nutrition and Natural Medicine, living a healthy life doesnt have to be complicated. Its Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice.

Chronic Fatigue and Arthritis came in the aftermath of a two and a half year battle with Ross River virus. It was 1984 when Yvonne Tait - then aged forty- five - felt like a very old lady.

Several prescription medications led to even more misery as their side effects kicked in.

Fortunately, a chance encounter delivered her to the door of Natural Medicine. This instigated a full recovery which, subsequently, led to much study. She qualified as a Medical Herbalist and Iridologist working in her own Natural Health clinic, enjoying a career spanning over twenty years.

In this book, Yvonne shares her own philosophy of healing, along with many original authentic Case Histories and in clinic memoirs. Her insights into healing will allow the reader to feel inspired and confident in taking responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. She discusses many and varied common ailments of each body system e.g. Muscular Skeletal system and Arthritis; The Skin and Eczema etcplus the diet and natural treatments she has employed successfully over the years.

The softcover version of the book can be used as a cover to cover read, and/or; used as a health reference/information book by utilizing the comprehensive index.

Release dateApr 5, 2016
Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice: An Interlude with an Esoteric Herbalist

Yvonne Tait

Yvonne Tait has studied many aspects of Natural Medicine; including Traditional Medical Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition and Iridology. Her twenty years clinical experience, has led to the need to share her Wisdom and Knowledge; in the hope it will continue to allow those who need support during their illness or disease, to find help is at hand - choices can be made - for better Health and Wellbeing.

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    Your Health, Your Vitality, Your Choice - Yvonne Tait

    Copyright © 2016 Yvonne Tait.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The information in this book is presented for educational purposes only. If medical advice or treatment be needed then the services of a Healthcare Professional should be sought.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0106-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0107-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/01/2016



    Foreword #1

    Foreword #2

    Foreword #3



    Part 1

    A Defective Medical Paradigm?

    Chapter One Effectiveness

    Chapter Two Be mindful: The twenty first century can be a health hazard. And food for thought.

    Part 2

    Body systems: Some Common Ailments and Some Natural Treatments.

    Chapter Three An introduction to Part 2

    Chapter Four The Gastrointestinal System an Overview

    Chapter Five Some Dis –Eases and Natural Treatments of the Gastrointestinal System

    Chapter Six Some Maladies and Natural Treatments of the Nervous System and the Brain

    Chapter Seven Some Diseases and Natural treatments of the Respiratory System, Nose, Throat, Ears and Eyes

    Chapter Eight A look at the Immune System & some Natural Treatments

    Chapter Nine The Urinary System in Brief

    Chapter Ten Some Maladies & Natural Treatments of the Urinary System

    Chapter Eleven The Circulatory/Cardiovascular Systems in brief

    Chapter Twelve Some Maladies of the Cardio/ Circulatory system & Natural Treatments

    Chapter Thirteen Some Maladies & Natural Treatments of the Mucular Skeletal System

    Chapter Fourteen Some Maladies & Natural Treatments of the Skin

    Chapter Fifteen A Guide to Herbs for the Female System

    Chapter Sixteen PMS/PMT, HRT, The Pill, Fake Oestrogens

    Chapter Seventeen More Concerns of the Female System

    Chapter Eighteen Some Maladies & Natural Remedies of the Male reproductive system

    Part 3

    A Spark of Truth

    Chapter Nineteen An Introduction to Energy and Healing

    Chapter Twenty Some Aspects of Energy Healing

    Part 4

    The Natural Pharmacy

    Chapter Twenty One Glossary of the Therapeutic Actions of Herbs

    Chapter Twenty Two Glossary of Herbs mentioned in this book

    Chapter Twenty Three Harvesting

    Chapter Twenty Four Measurements and Preparation


    An Afterword


    For my children Lynne, Glen, Dian, Joy & Heath.

    All their children & their children’s children- Ad infinitum.

    And in memory of my Mum and Dad. Gladys and Fred Midgley.

    With Love and Gratitude Always.


    When I began writing this book I envisioned a sort of- pamphlet: a quick reference to good food and medicinal choices. Then I became despondent; I read what was written and found it lacking in content, the pamphlet needed to be a sizeable book, the prospect of which proved daunting. It was thanks to the encouragement of a patient who became a friend that the actual book was embarked upon. I thank you Shirley for your encouragement and tireless hours editing. Thanks to my daughter Joy for her photographic skills and the design of the book cover. Thanks to Lisa for her computer assistance.

    Thanks Josephine, Peta, Dian, Mark W. Jenny and Mark G. for your time reading and assessing the content. Thank you to all the case history contributors. Thanks Michael and Daniel for reading my book, and writing Forewords during a period when I know your time was so precious.

    Thanks Trisha for taking over my Natural Health Practice, for reviewing my efforts, encouraging me to continue over the five or so years I took to complete the project and thank you for your Foreword.


    Foreword #1

    Your Health Your Vitality Your Choice really says it very well as a book title. It is our health, and it is something we have to choose. What lifts this book away from the many books on this subject is the fact that the author has had decades of hands-on experience. I particularly enjoy the way that Yvonne embraces the natural cellular intelligence of the human body in her healing programmes.

    For me, this is of great importance and value. Pain and sickness is a needed reminder for each one of us that the body is mine – it is me! – and it is a good idea to look after it. Yet most people are not good at looking after themselves. They may care for the body, but have no spiritual values. They might eat well, but hate exercising, or vice versa. Health and vitality are the results of living in a way where your food is your medicine and your vitality comes from the joy of life… and you have to choose this.

    This book is deeply informative, it inspires, it teaches, it uplifts. I strongly recommend it as an important tool for your overall wellbeing.

    Michael J. Roads

    Through the Eyes of Love; Journeying with Pan Trilogy.


    Foreword #2

    This is a book about a life’s journey to health through personal responsibility and consciousness. It is in essence the Author’s personal narrative and a legacy of decades in service to others in need of healing and personal growth. To this end, the book is informal, and some may argue unscientific or biased against what may be considered to be ‘normal’ beliefs of health science and medicine in modern society. However, it is designed to provoke thought and reflection on what lies beyond popular opinion which stems from most commercial and consumer values.

    The book is written particularly for those of us who seek to have more awareness of and personal input towards choices made about our health and that of our family. Yvonne does not suggest abandoning common sense or sound medical advice. Her emphasis is on taking proactive and informed steps to engage fully in caring for ourselves and our loved ones, while being aware of how our own consciousness impacts our wellbeing. These valuable and often forgotten life lessons are taught through Yvonne’s heartfelt and intimate personal journey involving her own health crisis which proved to be the chrysalis of what became an unfolding physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. That the arguments put forward in this book challenge our beliefs and opinions may seem reason enough to stop at the first discomforting signs of unorthodoxy. But I urge the reader to forge ahead and consider the narrative as a whole and as a means of stimulating thoughtful reflection on what we take for granted in our affluent, urbanized and convenience based lives.

    Yvonne is both courageous and compassionate in her determination to share a lifetime’s knowledge and wisdom through this book and it is, I believe, the mark of her true passion for healing through natural means that she shares so unconditionally, treatments for common conditions that she has honed and perfected over many years of active clinical practice. Her sole intention throughout her career as a Medical Herbalist has been to provide the means whereby those in needs may be alleviated of their suffering and it is the essence of this skill and experience that we see distilled in the text of this work.

    This book is, I believe, a genuine and authentic contribution to the strength of independent investigation of truth and self-empowerment that comes through conscious health and healing. All who search for these goals will profit greatly by reading it.

    Dr Daniel J. Clare. ND. CMD. MCISc. LLB.

    Complimentary Medicine Physician.

    Brisbane Australia

    June 2015.


    Foreword #3

    This is a book for the person who is sincerely seeking an informed path to better health, wellbeing and energy. It is full of useful, practical information. Using available herbs, the strategies and programs are explained in detail throughout the book and are illustrated with relevant Case Histories. It deals with the simple as well as the more complex health issues that face us in everyday life.

    Yvonne has a wealth of information gleaned from over 20 years of running her own very successful clinic as a Medical Herbalist. She has knowledge and wisdom that have always been used passionately for the care and wellbeing of her patients.

    My association with Yvonne goes back to the mid-nineties and a health challenge. A very full life working our farm and running a small business took its toll.

    Having been reared with the allopathic medical system, a visit to the doctor seemed the way to go. However, tests, scans and a visit to a specialist offered no solution to a road back to good health and increased energy.

    There had to be an answer, I found it in Yvonne’s Clinic- and so began my healing journey. Under Yvonne’s care - with her knowledge of herbal remedies, nutrition and her wise counsel - energy, wellbeing and health gradually made a return more fully than ever before.

    It’s said through our life’s experiences we gain insights to different, often challenging possibilities: a health challenge and meeting with Yvonne lit a spark which - fanned by subsequent life events - led me to study Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy.

    Thank you Yvonne for your knowledge, time and generosity.

    Trisha van den Brink.

    AD.Dip. Naturopathy. AD. Dip. Nutrition. AD. Dip. Western Herbal Medicine.

    Queensland Australia

    July 2015.



    I have written this book from a down to earth common sense point of view; gleaned from over twenty years in full time clinical practice as a Medical Herbalist.

    My family members - who requested this book - are not interested in clinical trials or complicated scientific explanations: they need an easy to understand - in simple terms - interpretation of Natural Medicine and its use: as I see it.

    That being the case, I decided when I took up the cudgel and committed to writing this book, that it would be purely experiential. There would be no emphasis on clinical trials; so all the laboratory rats can have a few days off.

    Having said that, I bring to your attention: in all the treatment examples I present in this book, the basic treatment - from the beginning of my clinical career - was and is the same: slippery elm bark powder to help protect and repair the gut, and the probiotics to replace the good bacteria lost from the system. I always knew the patient needed that basic treatment to have a chance at recovery no matter the trouble. I mention this because now in 2012 science is telling us of the Human Microbiome: the trillions of bacteria that make up 90 percent of the human body. (Refer to index.) This gives me verification - not that I needed any – of the message conveyed in these pages.

    The book can be used as a cover to cover read, then - having a comprehensive index - it can serve as a health information reference book. To facilitate this capacity, information is repeated from time to time.

    The human body is an incredible biological, living, breathing, thinking, feeling, walking powerhouse. When the Nutrition it requires - on all levels - is maintained, it is then more than capable of rising above any threats to its wellbeing.

    Therein rests the crux of the situation:

    Are we prepared to ensure that the foods we eat are worth eating?

    Are we prepared to ensure that the physical body gets enough exercise?

    Are we prepared to feed the brain with intelligent stimulation?

    Are we prepared to feed the spirit with love, compassion, gratitude and truth?

    The choices we make determine our state of bodily health, our state of mind, and our state of spiritual wellbeing.

    My hope and prayer for you dear readers is: the information shared here will enlighten those of you in need of assistance with your health and wellbeing. That it inspires your curiosity, for many of the subjects I have touched on have had many books written about them. This may lead you to additional research, and encourage you to look further into treatment choices available to both yourselves and your families; for at the end of the day, it always comes down to choices.



    You won’t always be around my daughter announced. Well you won’t she exclaimed, watching for my response. What will we do when we have to look after ourselves? Not one of us knows enough about it.

    By way of explanation: I am a practicing Medical Herbalist. I have been running my Natural Health clinic full time for over twenty years. Of course while so engaged, I have also taken care of my immediate and extended families in the areas of their health. Now that I am about to retire, my family members have requested a book. I pointed out to them that there are thousands of books on natural medicine, but to no avail: "Mum we want to know how you’ve used it over the years. We need to know the way you see it."

    Hence my sojourn into the realms of the literary narrated: ‘As I see it.’

    To begin with my personal story:

    At age forty three, with a family of two sons and three daughters, includes two sets of twins. I suddenly found myself so ill I was unable to cope with my full time job in a paint trade centre and the running of my home. I was extremely ill with no energy at all and constant pain in all my joints and muscles.

    My GP ran lots of tests and came up with absolutely nothing. As luck would have it, after about three months, something I came across in a book gave me a clue, so I went back to the doctor. I suggested to her that I could have Ross River Virus (RRV).

    At first she was very sceptical because RRV back in the early 1980s was not as prevalent in the south east as in the north of Queensland. Interestingly my husband and I discovered that Ephemeral Fever (Three Days Sickness) in cows; is spread by the same vector (mosquito) as that which carries Dengue Fever in humans. RRV is a strain of Dengue. We had had some cows down with Three Days Sickness just prior to my becoming ill.

    After relating to my doctor; that I spent most weekends in a tent surrounded by cows on our property one hundred kilometres from the city, she changed her mind. The test was done. It proved more than positive. I had the virus as seriously as it could get.

    With no known treatment for RRV I just had to wait for it to run its course.

    Unfortunately my condition continued to deteriorate. After two and a half years, I was in incredible pain from the arthritis which had set in when I first had RRV. It was affecting all my joints and muscles from my neck down. I rarely wore shoes for to do so would drain what little energy I had. Shoes were just too heavy to lift!

    Of course my job was long gone and I hadn’t worked for over two years. The drugs I was given didn’t help much at all. Anti-inflammatory drugs for the arthritis succeeded in affecting my digestive system so badly that I had to take another medication to allow me to eat. Then the bowel wouldn’t work properly so there was more medication for that. By this time I was pretty desperate, I was only forty five and felt one hundred and five. But luck was on my side. A contact I had made with a complete stranger came up with the suggestion that I try Natural Medicine.

    I was completely ignorant of such a system, but I was desperate and ready to try anything that might help me. I was given the name and phone number of a Homeopath. Apparently, according to my source, he had helped others with the after effects of RRV.

    My first consultation with the Homeopath was a real wakeup call for me. It was obvious - if I was to believe this man - I had been abusing my body by way of the food I ate, for most of my life! I soon found out that most of what the general population regard as a reasonable diet actually fell into the category of junk in this new world of Natural Medicine!

    I was prescribed homeopathic remedies which included Echinacea and Rhus Tox and strict instructions about changes in diet. I took this all very seriously.

    If there was the slightest possibility that this could work, I would give it a chance.

    My husband at the time was very supportive. He too wanted rid of this awful condition that had literally robbed us of our lifestyle. I could not participate in running the farm or use much physical activity for either work or pleasure.

    Full of enthusiasm, I arrived home and ‘Set out my Stall,’ my plan of action. I changed my diet immediately: elimination of my usual bacon and eggs breakfast, coffee, white bread and all dairy products. Gone were my beloved cheeses, meat and sugars. Soft drinks, alcohol and the occasional cigarette were also sacrificed on the altar of reform.

    Now here, dear reader was where I made a huge mistake. I changed my diet all at once and immediately began the full programme of homeopathic remedies. Within just a few days of embarking on my new regime I was so incredibly ill that I was confined to bed for over two days. I had an atrocious headache that nothing would relieve. My whole body ached with a vengeance even surpassing those aches of the last couple of years. I was very hot and perspired profusely. I was acutely ill.

    As mentioned before, I knew nothing of Natural Medicine and I had not been warned that this could happen. Having made such a massive change in my diet as well as taking the remedies at the same time, my body went into what is known in Natural Medicine as a ‘Healing Crisis.’

    Never ever underestimate the wrath of the Healing Crisis! It can be extremely uncomfortable to say the least. What in effect happens when we eliminate poisons from the diet and give remedies that provide the system with energy is just that: the system now has the energy to get rid of toxins which are blocking channels both physical and subtle. We also suffer the withdrawal symptoms of all the eliminated foods. The Healing Crisis is a process of elimination.

    At the time it disturbed my husband, and his response was Stop taking it. It’s making you worse. Which in hindsight was good advice, but I - being determined - saw it as at least some response. I had moved from a chronic condition to a very acute one.

    When I began my studies of Natural Medicine I soon learned of the Healing Crisis, and realised that with my chronic condition I should have eliminated things from my diet slowly, removing one thing at a time. My therapist forgot to give me that advice. The remedies should also have been introduced one at a time - the whole regime taking around two weeks at least to implement. If at any stage something upset me I should have stopped that immediately and tried again later. Because I suffered such an awful Healing Crisis myself, I have always -without exception - started patients who suffered chronic conditions; very slowly with any changes we decided to make, either dietary or supplementary. Consider this your first rule when treating yourself with dietary matters: always start slowly. You are in charge of the speed at which you implement your program. If in doubt, slow down more. It took a long time to get into the unhealthy state, another few days of being cautious is well advised and time well spent.

    After two days, my Healing Crisis abated. Having moved from the city a year before, we were now living on the farm. As I gazed out of the open window at the light mist hanging over the paddocks, I realised I felt different. ‘Different’ was an understatement! I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I will never forget the feeling of complete relief and tearful gratitude that engulfed me. My energy, that energy that had eluded me in the RRV days had miraculously returned. No longer was it an effort to put one foot in front of the other. No effort to put on shoes and walk out into the paddock, take the top off a jar, or open a gate. The Healing Crisis had done its work.

    From this moment my life was changed forever. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would ever be the same again. I had a desperate hunger to find out how this process had worked for me so brilliantly; when all the orthodox system had managed to do was preside over my deterioration.

    I went back to see the Homeopath only one more time. I got repeats of my remedies and continued my program, I also started to study.

    The first course I did was ‘Herbal Medicine for the Home.’ This proved a mine of information for me. I learned about:

    • Well known herbs - how to identify them and use them.

    • How to make and use poultices and simple ointments.

    • How to utilise things in the kitchen, when medical help or the nearest pharmacy was a long way away.

    During this learning I applied a lot of the herbs and procedures to myself, then sat back and watched them work. Although all my energy had returned I still had digestive and bowel problems, and the arthritis was still affecting me.

    (My case history was published by Wellspring Publications in 1993, in the book ‘Never Give Up Hope’ a book in the Self-Help Series of Australian Wellbeing. It is more detailed and appears on pages 145-150.

    By permission).

    During this time I discovered acupuncture, and found the treatments extremely helpful when working towards my total recovery. My acupuncturist, knowing my insatiable appetite for information invited me to go along with her to a weekend lecture on Herbal Medicine. I was absolutely fascinated. The whole weekend was wonderful. I had intended to study homeopathy but when the lecturer asked for people interested in a diploma course in Medical Herbalism, I signed up immediately.

    The next three years of my life I spent devoting every spare moment to the study of Basic Medical Sciences and Medical Herbalism. At the same time I studied Iridology: diagnosis through the iris of the eye.

    I graduated in 1988 and went on to study for a post graduate diploma in Clinical Nutrition and have found the knowledge from that course absolutely invaluable throughout my career.

    In the late 1980s I opened a Health Food Store and combined it with an Herbal Medicine Clinic. This concept was way before its time in my home town but it managed to survive for about three years. In 2008 brave people opened a new Health Food store and I wish them every success.

    When my health food shop closed I decided to open a new clinic. My clinic serviced the area until 2009 when I duly retired at age seventy. I then passed the going concern on to a former patient who had gone on to study and gain her Naturopathic credentials.

    To complete my personal health story: It took about two years to totally recover so that even the arthritis was no longer a problem. To date – thirty years later – I am arthritis free. This I feel is quite an achievement; there is a history of arthritics on my father’s side of the family. I am so grateful to have flexible fingers at 76 years of age; it has enabled me to begin learning piano, a long time ambition.

    Throughout my learning journey; regarding my own health as well as that of others, I have acquired this knowing: nutrition on all levels and adjustments to ingrained belief systems are the determinate factors for Good Health outcomes.


    To possess the wealth of nations,

    To wield the power of kings,

    Would all be rendered useless

    In light of other things.

    A body fit and happy,

    A spirit blithe and gay,

    The Being, being wholesome;

    Free from any malady.

    Your greatest of possessions,

    Your health and peace of mind,

    Will rest on your decisions,

    So seek and you will find:

    Find Nature’s door is open

    For all to enter in,

    The secrets lie unfolded

    Learn, hand on to Kith and Kin.



    Part 1


    Chapter One


    Effectiveness Is the Measure of Truth

    Serge Kahili King – The Aloha Spirit.

    Health could be described as: a state of being well, or being sound of body and mind. In dealing with health, I cannot emphasise enough that prevention is better than cure. I realise that this is often easier said than done.

    But knowledge is power. Utilising knowledge can lead to a healthy and happy life. You can have a life that is not tied to the medical paradigm. A paradigm of fear and pharmaceutical drugs that suppress symptoms; yet often do nothing to address the cause of the symptoms people suffer.

    In short, good health boils down to good nutrition and good stress management; always underpinned by your belief system.

    If you are unwell and you wish to regain your wellbeing, or you are well and wish to remain so, my advice to you would be the same in each instance:

    It begins and ends with responsibility. Responsibility for your thoughts, your actions and reactions; responsibility for everything you eat and drink to nourish your body, and everything you read and watch to nourish your mind.

    Every choice you make brings its own effects. You can choose to live in fear, constantly turning up for tests for this and screenings for that, whilst continuing to eat and drink rubbish and allowing your mind to be filled with junk from all forms of media. Or you can take responsibility for yourself.

    The human body possesses an innate intelligence of its own. Given the correct nurturing on all levels, that intelligence can reverse even serious health conditions.

    That intelligence needs neither manmade scientific input to select the nutrients needed from the foods that you eat; nor a map to guide those nutrients to the correct pathways in the body. The intelligence is there; all that is required of you is to supply good nutrition for all levels from uncontaminated sources, thus ensuring your best chances of living a healthy and happy life.

    Advising people about taking responsibility for good choices is the basis of my work. I have much evidence in my case files that supports the success of this method.

    Considering general misinformation that the greater populace is subjected to regarding Natural Medicine or Alternative Healthcare; the following case histories may come as something of a surprise to you. The facts of the cases presented are correct, the personal details – names, dates, places etc. – have been changed to preserve the privacy of those concerned.

    As you read through this book, notice particularly I point out very clearly that you are not powerless. You always have choices. Those choices extend to maintenance after recovery; it is so easy to slide back into old habits and revisit the health problems.

    Case history #1

    The patient - I will refer to him as Tom - felt very unwell and his hair was falling out by the handful.

    He had been unwell for two months from what was originally diagnosed as ‘flu.’ Tom was prescribed nonstop antibiotics which he consumed for about six weeks; at which point he was admitted to hospital. There he was found to have pneumonia. During his three weeks stay in hospital, investigations revealed three lumps on his liver.

    He was sent home and told ‘Put your affairs in order. No treatment was offered or suggested.

    About a month later in October 2000 he was called back to the hospital for a liver biopsy following an ultrasound. He was told he had cancer of the liver.

    My colleague, who practiced live blood analysis at the time, took a sample of his blood, (a simple finger prick) and viewed the drop of blood.

    Amongst other things, this procedure gave us an insight into the functioning of the patient’s system and nutritional needs.

    Through iridology, a thorough case history and the analysis, we were able to put into place a program to encourage this man’s body back into a state of health.

    Life-style changes were essential. First he needed to stop smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. He was prescribed vitamins and minerals and several herbal formulas which I mixed for him. He chose to implement the program by following it to the letter.

    It took about twelve months, and then he was back playing golf. He had made a complete recovery.

    This man had actually refused to believe he had cancer. He was convinced the diagnosis from both ultrasound and liver biopsy were wrong.

    Given the right circumstances - and here we had them: a complete change of diet and lifestyle and a refusal to believe the prognosis - the body is capable of wonders.

    This man last visited my clinic, in 2008. I hadn’t seen him for some years; he requested a nerve tonic. I mention this visit because I thought the fact that the man had survived quite well for eight years after being told he was terminal with liver cancer may be of interest. I didn’t see him again after that visit.


    This next case history; my colleague and I first had published as a case study: ‘Haemochromatosis’ in the Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism Volume 11 Issue 1, 1999 page 41. And Volume 14 Issue 2, 2002 page 89.

    Permission Editor AJHM 30/715.

    The following version was written with more depth of feeling by the patient herself and is published here by permission:

    Case History # 2

    In January 1998 a young woman I will refer to as Molly, presented with Haemochromatosis which had been diagnosed in 1987.

    Molly was very emotional and nervous and felt she had lost all quality of life:

    "I was advised mid 1987 of positive results to blood test for Haemochromatosis. At this stage I was pregnant with our first child due in March 1988. Pregnancy blood test results were sent to a University Professor.

    I visited the Professor at a large local hospital in March 1988 following the birth of my baby; I was breastfeeding and I refused to have a liver biopsy at this time. Full blood tests were taken in October 1988 and a liver biopsy was performed in March 1989 confirming high levels of iron stored in the liver.

    Suggested treatment by the Professor was 6 monthly blood testing to monitor levels. He also monitored my second pregnancy in 1989-90. Blood test results for any tests taken during this time were never given to me.

    In July/August 1996 I suffered a severe kidney infection and was hospitalised for 10 days. During this time the doctors found that the iron overload had affected the kidneys and the lungs.

    Venesections (bloodletting) were commenced on 5/10/96 with 250 to 500mls of blood being taken weekly. The amount of blood taken was increased to 600mls and continued on a weekly basis.

    The weekly venesection took a toll on me: I felt ill and had no energy for at least 24 hours following the draining.

    In September 1997 they paused the draining whilst I had a hysterectomy on 17/9/97. Another liver biopsy was performed at the same time as the aforementioned operation.

    Weekly venesections of 600mls recommenced in October 1997.

    I visited Yvonne and her colleague in January 1998 and commenced on their program but remained under the GP’s guidance as well. Venesections were gradually dropped to fortnightly, then monthly and stretched to 6 then 8 weeks. I was virtually having venesection when I felt I needed it. Still 600mls of blood was being taken each time.

    My final venesection was February 2000 when the GP wanted to sign me up for a liver transplant list. His rationale: that in much better general health I could withstand the operation. I declined this suggestion..

    I returned to mainstream medicine under a different doctor, March 2002, in order to get blood tests done to ascertain my Haemochromatosis status.

    A huge difference in results.

    Results of tests ranging from October1996 to March 2002:

    Serum ferritin levels (considered normal at the time:10-150mcg/L):

    October 1996: 945mcg/L.

    March 2002: 155mcg/L.

    Trans ferrin Saturation (considered normal at the time:16-50%):

    October 1996: 78%.

    March 2002: 51%.

    Serum Iron (considered normal at the time:10-33umol/L:

    October 1996: 96umol/L.

    March 2002: 37umol/L.

    Note the dramatic improvement in the blood test readings above.

    Both Yvonne and her colleague were very understanding of my problems and symptoms. They treated me as a Whole Person not just one specific problem/symptom. Their treatment gave better results in 18months than in ten years of mainstream treatment.

    They had me assess my lifestyle and gave me direction on changes that needed to be made.

    I was finally able to lead a relatively normal life with my family, free of strong pain killers and function as a human being and not just ‘go through the motions’ each day.

    The results of the latest blood tests in 2002 show the results of their treatment."

    NB: Further to Pathological Blood Analysis in 2002, a scan of the liver was performed: The results indicated at that time, that the liver was normal.


    The emphasis of Natural Medicine is the treatment of the whole individual. It aims at re-establishing health rather than treating the symptoms of specifically named diseases.

    Scientists are telling us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds 42 million. ¹ Quote: by permission: ‘Biochemical Individuality and Nutrition.’

    In my opinion, all the research, double blind studies and guinea-pig experimentations in the world cannot produce drugs effective for every individual in such a diverse gene pool.

    In an address given by the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company, he explained that because of the diversity of personal genetic makeup, most medical drugs in use are only effective in around thirty percent of patients. He indicated that research is being carried out into the development of medications capable of targeting certain genetic types; who have the potential to produce certain diseases.

    As I see it, they are way behind the times; it is already known that we are not –to a great degree - victims of our genome. Genes are only expressed when environmental factors unlock them. By environmental, I mean both the internal (body) and external (living conditions) environments. It means we have to be vigilant and make good choices in where we live, how we live, manage our stress, eat uncontaminated food and keep our bodily functions in balance.

    Of course one could always opt for the genetic drugs when they become available. My question is: could these very expensive medicines unlock even more serious gene expressions due to imbalances they may cause?

    Be sure to educate yourself on your options and make an informed choice.


    Case History #3

    A patient in his late thirties - I will refer to him as Jack - arrived at my clinic with an unusual problem. ‘Wastage of Many Muscles’ an autoimmune disease which - over time - destroys the muscles of the body.

    He suffered great pain and weakness. The muscles in the calves of his legs had wasted away, and his shoulder blade muscles were disappearing also, making it very difficult for him to even walk up a flight of stairs without leaning precariously. He had been advised that as the condition progressed he would eventually be unable to breathe.

    The complaint started eight years before, and he had been taking cortisone in doses ranging from 30mg down to 10mg daily depending on the activity of his disease. Just a few months prior to his visit with us, he was given a course of chemotherapy in the hope it would help to bring the condition under control. Unfortunately it just served to add to his misery with a skin rash and multiple food allergies. These he claimed developed after the treatment with chemo.

    He was very stressed as you can imagine, and had turned up at my clinic out of sheer desperation. As a result of our discussion he began on a natural treatment program. His diet needed great attention because he was reacting to most foods. He began by eating small amounts every two hours: steamed vegetables, organically grown, and low protein.

    Prolonged cortisone treatment and poor dietary choices had encouraged a Candida yeast overgrowth, which in turn increased the ferocity of the skin rashes.

    Needing something to replace cortisone, I prescribed high-grade liquorice in very low doses, and gradually reduced the cortisone accordingly.

    Fortunately, he was open to meditation and learnt a few simple techniques with the aid of tapes and books from my clinic. Meditation was helpful and he felt much calmer within himself, not getting quite as stressed with his situation.

    The inflammatory process active in the muscles in this condition is assessed by measuring the CPK enzyme through medical blood testing. Normal is regarded as 140.

    His orthodox medical blood test results at the time of commencement on the Natural Medicine program was: CPK enzyme reading 659 and dosage of cortisone was 30mg daily.

    After nineteen months on his Natural Medicine program, blood test results revealed a CPK enzyme reading of 171 and he had been able to cease taking the cortisone altogether.


    As I see it: the twenty - first century is a very unhealthy age in which to live.

    We have - as the human race - introduced so many poisonous chemicals into our world, affecting the food chain, our bodies and the atmosphere, that eventually our addiction to these manmade poisons will - no doubt - destroy not only the human race but the planet itself.

    In support of the above statement I ask you to consider: chemical drug therapy, chemicals in our food and water, chemicals in our atmosphere. The emotional and financial stresses of everyday life and a generalised sense of anxiety about what the future might bring. All these factors add up to a very sick existence.

    One of the outcomes of this situation is the incredible opportunity afforded the ‘Sickness Industry’, to put enormous amounts of money into the pockets of companies for drugs. Drugs which often cause problems euphemistically referred to as ‘side effects’.

    When a medication creates new symptoms, another medication is prescribed to counteract the medication-induced symptoms of the first one. So on and on it goes, round and round on a prescribed drug merry-go-round.

    For all the scientific research that has gone on over the last century, never before has a generation of both young and old alike been so sick.

    People are living longer, but quality of life is diminished by serious health issues.

    I was born in 1939 and as I cast my mind back to my childhood and young adulthood; thinking of my family and friends - a very substantial number of people - I ask myself these questions:

    • How many cases of breast cancer did I hear of? None.

    • How many cases of childhood cancer did I hear of? None.

    • How many diabetics did I know? None.

    • How many autistic children did I know or read about in the press? None.

    • How many children were constant sources of worry to both parents and teachers alike because of Attention Deficit Disorder? In my family - I had five siblings and large extended family - in my school and in the homes of my friends none.

    I’ve spoken to my ninety year old mother and other elderly relations of about the same vintage, regarding menopause. They can’t remember having regarded menopause as a condition requiring a medical intervention such as the later hormone replacement.

    So, what happened? How is it that our general health and well being are so compromised? What questions do we need to ask in order to reach the truth of the matter?

    It has been said that in order to get the right answers one has to ask the right questions.

    So here are some important questions:

    What if Pasteur was wrong?

    What if we have been taken over by a paradigm that is fundamentally flawed?

    In my opinion a paradigm that does not embrace the innate intelligence of the human immune system or indeed the human body as a whole. A paradigm that does not recognise the body’s reliance on optimal nutrition, or the need to avoid poisonous substances from both food and environmental sources, including vaccines with their attenuated viruses, preservatives such as mercury and stabilisers such as formaldehyde.

    What if branches of the scientific community - who explore outside the accepted paradigm - have proven that nutrition and lifestyle are far superior in maintaining human health than drugs and vaccines, but the proof is withheld by powerful interests determined to promote their own agendas? Interests that choose to ignore that proof and to stay relentlessly on their chosen path: keeping ordinary people well and truly in the dark. How might these decisions affect our lives?

    In the mid nineteenth century, the medical fraternity made a decision which was to affect the whole of the human race from the point of view of personal health. As I and many others see it, this was a mistake and that mistake has never been rectified.

    Everyone has heard of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the chemist who was credited with ‘The Germ Theory’ although others had had the same idea and it was well documented as far back as 1545 and again in 1762. The theory goes like this:

    There is a separate germ for every disease. We are all in constant danger of attack. We have to ceaselessly fight to find chemicals to knock out each bug and superbug as they evolve into existence. To keep the bugs under control we depend on the rich pharmaceutical companies with their expensive drugs and vaccines. Meanwhile we keep fingers crossed that patients aren’t adversely affected by their administration.

    Pasteur was a very politically astute man, and although he was only a chemist, he managed to insinuate himself into the circles of those who were influential in the medical fraternity at the time. He had a reputation of plagiarising the work of researchers working in the then fledgling science of ‘microbiology’. He often had the gall to claim the discoveries of others as his own. Somehow this worked for him.

    Pasteur had left instructions with his family before his death, to prevent the release of around 10,000 pages of lab notes. This order was adhered to until the death of his grandson in 1975. After that event the secret notes were released for scrutiny.

    Some surprising revelations were made when a science historian made an extensive study of the lab notes, concluding that Pasteur’s claims were based on very questionable science. For more detail I refer you to the following resources:

    See The Post Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory by Tim O’Shea.² - (viewed 4/8/2009)

    ‘The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur’ by R.B.Pearson:³ - (viewed 9/8/2011)

    ‘A Faulty Medical Model: The Germ Theory’

    Bechamp or Pasteur by E. Douglas Hume.

    The Cancer Microbe by Dr Alan Cantwell.

    The Healing of Cancer by Barry Lynes.

    The whole ‘Germ Theory’ thesis concentrated on exploration for drugs to counter every disease. A new industry was born and would be kept very busy, and of course, fortunes could be made.

    In the 1880s drug companies were in their infancy and Pasteur’s theory helped to promote their growth with his anthrax vaccine. It was not nearly as successful as we are led to believe. The anthrax vaccine devastated the sheep industry in many countries. Lots of complaints were registered from towns in France, Hungary and Russia. The vaccinated sheep were dying and not just from anthrax. The animals were weakened and made susceptible to other diseases after receiving the inoculation. Thousands of sheep perished.

    Ref: The Dream and the Lie of Louis Pasteur by R.B.Pearson, Chapter 8 8.

    Pasteur also used the very cruel practice of testing on animals. This involves giving an animal a human disease - not one which would normally

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