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Questions of Ultimus
Questions of Ultimus
Questions of Ultimus
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Questions of Ultimus

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This work of fiction is created in the composition of outlines and fragments of interviews, which are necessary for the delivery of relevant information. It is composed, tentatively, according to Occam's Razor (law of parsimony) and, aiming at all-dimensionally interacting with its readers, is open to and welcomes all kinds of rewriting, recreation, and of course, criticisms.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 17, 2015
Questions of Ultimus

Xiyun Liu

LIU Xiyun (???), experimental fiction writer, was born in 1994, grew up in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, and is currently an MA Student at The University of Sheffield. Her former works include Pearly Gates Beyond Our Universe, Void and Questions of Ultimus, in which she experimented with and gradually developed her original idea of what she now calls “distortionism”. Paul Wingfield, tutor for admissions of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, left a praising remark on her first novel Pearly Gates Beyond Our Universe (originally called Parallel Universe with Time in Front of Ours), saying that “We greatly enjoyed reading your book on ‘Parallel Universe with Time in Front of Ours’, which we thought showed signs of real scholarly promise and ability.” death'o'toddl'r, her newest novel, brings “distortionism” to a climax.

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    Questions of Ultimus - Xiyun Liu

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    Rev. date: 07/16/2015









    ’tis based on a true story

    I know Ultimus. I’ve encountered it once. And it’s still got impact on me. I’ve no idea whether it’s gone and the impact only originates from my past experience with it, or it’s still with me or even inside me just in a different shape, so different that it can either hardly or never be detected by naked human sensations. But that’s by no means important. What does count is… Well, the message about and from Ultimus is enormously difficult to translate. Let me just put it as such – what does count is… or actually are… the questions of Ultimus.

    ’twas a time of hazard, n’ it still is. the binary universe has alwaiiz bn one of the biggest contributors 2 it, n’ the appearance n’ xistence of countless livin’ beings shaped in human 4ms r constantly worsenin’ it. if u check thru either the history or the future (as i’m not xactly sure which one it is altho reckonin’ ’tis more likely 2 b the 4mer) of the omnis, or the one, or the substance, or the entity, or magnum concordia, or watever else human beings would like 2 call it, u will precisely see @/by th@ time, within n’ on the rim of, as well as limited 2, the scope of xistence –

    hotly questioned n’ discussed is which n’ how many human beings r not as distorted n’ distortin’ as the shadow directors of grand thorn n’ bluebird especially by the members of the sparking family whose asteroid called splendorem asteroid btwn which n’ the 4mer two organizations wat’s goin’ on has bn wondered by all human beings with whom things goin’ wrong have bn xplored by other species in the binary universe constantly under investigations n’ xaminations of each n’ every universe of the rest on2 which wat higher beings n’ demi-beings¹ out of our reach have bn doin’ is completely beyond our knowledge n’ xperience…

    ultimus didn’t xactly have 2 pick bluebird, grand thorn n’ splendorem, had they not bn the leadin’ 4ces of their own fields, n’ if the sparkings were not one of the least distorted n’ distortin’ human groups in, back then (or forth then), one of the least distorted n’ distortin’ surroundings. minor entities n’ events may b ignorable 2 some degree, but when it comes up 2 the scale of the entire humanity, things on such a grand scale (by human standards) r undoubtedly 2 disturbin’ 2 b ignored. even minors, when put 2gether, will 4m one major, 2 major 4 any bein’ (n’ prob’ly demi-bein’ n’ non-bein’ as well) 2 just step across.

    2 precisely put it, ultimus didn’t pick anythin’ @ all. pickin’ is 2 much a human action, 2 distorted n’ distortin’ a carrier with 2 distorted n’ distortin’ in4mation carried by it 4 ultimus. it reached the sparkings thx 2 the little distortion degree of ’em, while bluebird n’ grand thorn, the 4mer in particular, were but the opposite of the sparking family. they got reached by ultimus only under the sparkings’ halo, even tho th@ halo was never meant 2 b sheddin’ a tinge of light on ’em. out of no xpectation, they finally wore ultimus out, which 4ced ultimus 2 have 2 withdraw with its mission unaccomplished b4 gettin’ itself 2gether with its in4mation irreversibly n’ nonreciprocally distorted n’ distortin’, or in common human words, b4 gettin’ destroyed.

    one heart

    splendorem asteroid – bein’ itself worth trillions of tella², soil on the xterior of the asteroid modified 2 sustain all types of plants, massive life supplies in the interior with isotemperature n’ isopressure, n’ inxhaustible food 4 the mind @ the core; most of, if not all, the lifeblood projects of one third of the universe within n’ on the rim of the space-time continuum directly absorbin’ resources from it, without which they would immedi8ly go paralyzed, leavin’ the whole humanity out in the cold; interplanetary, multiversal n’ a bit of time transactions n’ travels per4med by the sparking family leadin’ 2 it either meltin’ in2 part of or havin’ indispensible impacts on the xistence of the directly or indirectly involved beings n’ demi-beings (more xactly, their xistential part) not only in the space where the asteroid had xisted as an entity but also in some time when ’twas, or/n’ ’tis, or/n’ ’twill b, xistent as a non-entity.

    two wings

    bluebird bank – with a bunch of records in the galaxy-firsts, constantly pumpin’ energy n’ vitality in2 human economy n’ keepin’ the milky galaxy in normal function, twice on a 50-year contract with splendorem asteroid, invested colossal sums of cash in2 the sparking family business on the eve of the disorganization of one of the other financial titans in the milky galaxy – loyalty bank.

    grand thorn – a random name given by a random child of a random founder of th@ corporation. whoever first came across it would xpect it 2 b a provider of electric power xtracted from the thunder, but ’twasn’t really like th@, or more accur8ly put, ’twas more th’n just th@, with hundreds of firms in control of interplanetary lifeblood projects in cooperation with it, several members from which joined the sparkings n’ worked 2gether @ splendorem team ltd. 4med by bluebird advised by their lawyers from s.l.a. (sector of legal affairs).

    philo n’ sophia sparking, gary gentle n’ john leancam, kids of 3 heads of the 3 entities all born with silver spoons in their mouths durin’ the golden days, had once bn incomparably close 2 n’ intim8 with each other. a holographic picture of ’em taken on philo’s 6th birthday party as well as the 100th anniversary of the launch of splendorem asteroid displayed on galaxy holograph offered a vivid illustration on the relationships of ’em, the entities n’ their positions in the human world plus a bit of the alien n’ cross-universe scope – all 4 kids 2gether posturin’ a giant eagle, philo as the head, sophia the heart, gary n’ john respectively the left n’ right wings so big as 2 seem 2 xceed their roles of supporters n’ xpand 2 cover both the bright n’ the dark.

    had th@ picture kept up erect trimensionally in the heart of each n’ every one inside the 3 entities, splendorem asteroid, bluebird n’ grand thorn 2gether with the entire humanity would still continue 2 flourish.

    or, if not, the human world could @ least have bn far less distorted n’ distortin’ th’n ’tis 2day…

    "splendorem asteroid ltd. was the original asteroid research n’ development company 4med in 1955

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