Adrian's Perception: Viewing the World Through His Eyes
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Today I awoke Like any other day Today was the
fi rst and my last day Today is the day that I take my life
Today is the day that I take this one last walk I have all the
stuff And I will even carry the pain But this isnt no ordinary
walk You see this walk defi nes me It will let you see all of
my You will know my naked truth Today in this last walk
You will see all I was once a happy child with smiles and
cheer I had the mother the father and the sisters to share
With family and friends that followed near I had an aunt
the loved me o so dear But later that year the tears began to
fall And my tears begun to follow so close in the air Right
foot left foot Just as easy I lost my dad to the streets that he
loved so dear Later she said I love you so dear And she died
the aunt that loved me o so dear. With less that 15 steps I
would take near I would almost loose my mother 3 times
that year With father no where in sight my sister step in so
dear Th e walk isnt over with more to come 20 more steps
and she molested me 5 more and I never trusted no more since then 10 more steps I take
And I see me with 10 more suicide attempts Failure came with no success So my heart
became depressed With comfort in food and my world Where I found little boy blue As
the steps continue my life fl ashes by All that haunts me and where I said goodbye With
6 more steps I take I found friends but I also found hate Hate from others and yes that
includes family and friends With one step that adds seven now I hate myself once more
now 18 steps more I take and I end up a t a street light Red means stop but with me it
means rage With not much more to go now With a fl ame that use to burn bright with a
fellow And yes he was my knight But thought from my head with unexplained truth And
the taste for the world Took me 9 step further away When it ended with 25 steps of one
night stands And a gift to carry with my souls that is now save But at a cost of family
friends and a love life that is no more 5 more steps now and the rode is almost there.
With the last few tears follow the steps One more step and I stand here With all my
secrets exposed And a body that bares it all with the marks and there no end Today I took
my last walk And step by step I told my life And I wonder why I am still alive And why
he hasnt taken my life or why he wont let me take my own Oddly, he speaks to me and
says youre not done With every step you took was an obstacle and when I pushed You
pushed back Dont give up now when youre almost done I know your story now the
world does to Now show them what you can do You beaten the odds over and over again
Now this year its is the end you fi ght once more And my blessed child you shall win
Today I awoke with and end insight and now I see I must begin again But this time with
happiness insight at the end
Terrence Antoine
I'm 25 working full time working on finishing my business degree, but in the mean time I decided to honor my best friends wishes and publish his journal along with some of my poems. To give his life meaning. To give his now silenced voice meaning, showing the world that he mattered.
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Adrian's Perception - Terrence Antoine
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© 2014 Terrence Antoine. . All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 07/08/2014
ISBN: 978-1-4969-2391-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014911787
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Boy Blue
The Truth Behind Little Boy Blue.
Chapter 1 My Thoughts
Chapter 2: Its Called Dating At Home
Chapter 3 The Bitch Has Checked Out And Adrian Is Back In The Hisouse!
Chapter 4 Changing Tires On My Car(S)
Chapter 5: Digging For Me = A New Beginning
Chapter 6: Train Carts Of A Dream
Motherless Child:
One Wish:
Before you take the time out to read this book in its entirely please be advised that minimum to no changes hasn’t been made because, I wanted to keep my best friend memory alive. Please enjoy…
To a love that wont exist
In a state of mind
Some people run
Run to get away
And others run to find there way
They keep running until they see the light or if it’s no more light to see
Or if they are like me
They us we run non-stop with no end insight
We run non-stop because
We don’t have fear no more
Not even of fear death
But just how will I or we go
What’s your fear
How about you tell some one your fear
Before the fear itself keeps you running.
Boy Blue
Who’s going to cry?
Cry for me, him or her, or maybe you
Little boy blue cried.
For along time
Wishing and hoping that
His all star will come back
Will you cry for little Jr. Blue?
He needs and wants to know.
Would you cry for little Jr. Blue?
While trying to commit suicide.
Would you cry for blue?
While having a nervous breakdown
Little Jr. Blue wants to know.
Would you laugh while he crying
For being taunted for being gay.
Would you cry for blue?
Blue wants to know out of all of you.
Would you cry for little boy blue?
Blue knows that you wouldn’t cry for him,
But Blue will cry for you.
Because you couldn’t walk a mile in little blue shoes.
I’ve been there and I’ve cried for boy blue, but I am not crying anymore.
The truth behind little boy Blue.
Who cried for me?
Yeah me
I cried for myself when
My all star dad preferred drugs over me.
I cried when he left on Christmas eve.
Crying out while turning blue.
I cried for me while
Trying to commit suicide more than 10 times
Within a 3 year span
I cried for when it was unsuccessful
I cried because I couldn’t take it anymore.
I cried while having a nervous breakdown
Because I had nothing but the Blues in me
I cried 4 years ago for being taunted because I was sexual challenged.
Now you know the truth behind me being little boy blue.
I ask the same question again now you know the truth which one of you cried for me?
Don’t be scared!
I am just telling the truth, About living in the life of me
Chapter 1
My thoughts
I do think that I did all my homework the road to redemption is hard because you have to change things and make a mends to the one that I have hurt over the course of my short filled house and that’s funny to me because I am only 20 and yes I’ve done a lot of damage but I’m trying to do it right in 2009. I know a lot of people in the world would make these new years’ resolution and never keep them, but I am going to keep mine.
The year 2008 wasn’t what I would call a good year for me because my mother was still dealing with the fact that her only living and breathing son is gay. My friends was walking in and out of my life and also I realized that its time that I get back in my schedule my yellow brick road but its weird I didn’t think that I would accomplish all my goals except for one I don’t knock myself for it nor am I displeased but at peace cause I was able to prove to a lot of people particularly my family that I was going to leave and never come back well the never come back part may have not been true but at that time that’s how I was feeling. Well I got down there and I didn’t get cold turkey but set back will say. I didn’t know it then but god said O hold up what’s Mr. Davis up to, I see that he accomplished just about all those goals he/we set out for him; its time more than any to throw him that curve ball
. All I knew that it was like I get tripped up and sent back home with no job no money and not in school and I knew then what was going to happen depression was going to set in and I will be completely at ground zero, but my best friend Lorenzo had let an angel from god take over his body to may sure that I will not get that far on the ground but just a little before you hit the pavement with a SPLAT!! Lorenzo called and said Get dress and get up, its no time to lay around the house but to make things happen and it did I got all my stuff to start school and that was Georgia perimeter college,
it wasn’t my dream college or one of my choices but hey it’s a school and a whole lot cheaper that Gordon so Why not go. Lorenzo I can honestly is amazing he came threw when others felt the need to bash me and that’s never good but we aren’t going to go in to detail until later. I made it to the school and I missed late registration by 12 hours I wasn’t mad yet again because I know he put that road block in place to get some rest of the baggage that was lingering around from 2008. Wow you guys I skipped a whole part well it was when the year flew by with drama and disappointments and a lonely night soaking in