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Etinan Village Headship Dispute: A Compilation of Historical Events for the Purpose of Posterity
Etinan Village Headship Dispute: A Compilation of Historical Events for the Purpose of Posterity
Etinan Village Headship Dispute: A Compilation of Historical Events for the Purpose of Posterity
Ebook234 pages2 hours

Etinan Village Headship Dispute: A Compilation of Historical Events for the Purpose of Posterity

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There has been a long standing dispute that kept resurfacing at the time of installation of a new successor to the dead ruler in Etinan, an ancient town located inland along the coast of the Atlantic in the southeastern part of Nigeria in West Africa. The disputing families, Nung Otu Oyo and Nung Umo Etukudo had on two occasions in 1918 (between Akpan Osukpong and Udo Ema), and in 1947 (between Jonah Akpan Nsek and Harry Inyang Etuk) disputed about whose right it was to rule Etinan. The wisdom of the aged, the maturity and peaceful nature of the Etinan people are revealed in the documented session proceedings in this book. It has unravelled in depth history of this small community which is now the headquarters of Etinan Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 9, 2013
Etinan Village Headship Dispute: A Compilation of Historical Events for the Purpose of Posterity

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    Etinan Village Headship Dispute - Eno Udofia

    Copyright © 2013 by Compiled by Eno Udofia.

    ISBN:              Softcover   978-1-4836-6149-0

                            Ebook        978-1-4836-6150-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 08/26/2013

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    Session One

    Session Two

    Session Three

    Session Four

    Session Five

    Session Six

    Session Seven

    Session Eight

    Session Nine

    Session Ten

    Inspection of Shrines

    Council’s Deliberation

    Council’s Resolution

    President’s Address and Judgment


    Appendix I

    Appendix II

    Appendix III

    Appendix IV

    Appendix V


    Thanks to late Mr David Mbek Anako, a prominent native son of Etinan who attended all the sessions and took notes of the proceedings. Visitation of his archives led to the discovery of these proceedings published here to give knowledge and awareness to many and serve as a reference source for future generations. Many thanks go to the custodian, Marshall, his son for enabling this.


    There has been a long standing dispute that kept resurfacing at the time of installation of a new successor to the dead ruler in Etinan. Etinan is one of the ancient towns that was receptive and hospitable to the european missionaries towards the turn of the nineteenth century. It is located inland along the coast of the Atlantic in the south eastern part of Nigeria in West Africa. Today, it is the headquarters of Etinan Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria.

    The disputing families, Nung Otu Oyo and Nung Umo Etukudo had on two occasions in 1918 (between Akpan Osukpong and Udo Ema), and in 1947 (between Jonah Akpan Nsek and Harry Inyang Etuk) disputed about whose right it was to rule Etinan. The decision to rule each time went to Nung Umo Etukudo. The last dispute erupted in 1970 after the death of Chief Jonah Akpan Nsek; this time it took the Government ten years to complete its investigation and give judgment as to whose right it is to rule in Etinan. This was an open procedure where individual members of the disputing families along with their candidates and witnesses were interrogated and cross examined by members of the Council set up by the Government. The investigation took place at such a time when there was no electricity in Etinan; hence, no morden recordings or video tapings could be done. The session by session proceedings have unravelled in depth history of the small community, displayed wisdom of the aged and revealed the maturity and peaceful nature of the people of Etinan as those living in civilization.


    The Etinan Village Headship dispute started since April, 1971 between Nung Otu Oyo and Nung Umo Etukudo. The Military Administration of the South Eastern State of Nigeria appointed three sole Commissioners to enquire into the dispute. Mr. B. Usen had one or two Sessions and was withdrawn. Mr. N. U. Udonnah never got on to a start. Mr U. A. Ebe almost concluded all the evidence on both sides before the exigencies of the now Cross River State Service terminated the exercise.

    With the inauguration of the Traditional Councils in the State 1979, the outstanding Chieftaincy and such-like disputes were transferred to them for determination. In this Local Government Area, by virtue of the Status of Etinan as the Headquarters, Council was anxious to find a quick and lasting solution to this long standing dispute. Be that as it may, the Council by that same token advised itself against rushing over the matter. The Council has taken ten months to hear all the Evidence in ten Sittings; it had two other Sittings to assess the claims of the two Parties based on both written and sworn Oral Evidence; inspected locations and exhibits; had Chambers discussions with two eminent Sons of Etinan—Mr. C. A. Ekere who attended all the Sessions and expressed willingness to be heard, and Mr. A. J. U. Ema who attended some of the Sessions and wrote to Council to solicit peaceful solution to the dispute. At the end of the discussions their frank and honest views that one side had a poor case was respectful and admirable; their insistence that justice should be done was also taken by Council into serious advisement.

    Therefore, Council is fully satisfied that it has given the matter the fairest possible handling in strict accordance with Traditional norms, methods and practice. It is hoped all lovers of justice and peace will now breathe a deep sigh of relief and see that things return to normal in this village.






    (Session by Session)


    17th OCTOBER, 1979




    ON 17th OCTOBER 1979



    2   OPENING:

    Prayer by His Highness, Obong T. E. Akpan


    President appealed to all parties to be truthful in their evidence. He said lawyers would not be allowed. He assured the parties that judgment would depend on the evidence available, which in turn should reflect the truth and only the truth. Oath would be administered according to tradition if it became necessary.

    4   Witnesses were asked out until their turn to testify.

    5   PROCEDURE: In order to determine the order of events and speakers, the President asked if anyone could enlighten the Council on who the last Village Head of Etinan was, and what happened after his death.

    Mr. Michael Jonah Akpan Nsek offered to inform the Council, and assured Council that nobody in the house would disagree with his report:

    "Chief Jonah Akpan Nsek was the last Village Head of Etinan. After his death Nung Umo Etukudo appointed Chief Sampson Usen Mbek, the Akpan Ikpo (Chief Mourner) to hold seat until the funeral ceremonies were completed. Very soon after this, the new Senior Divisional Officer for the newly created Etinan Division arrived to start work, and village took Chief Mbek to him and presented him as acting Village Head as the funeral rites were not completed.

    On 4th April, 1971, some elders of the village assembled at the compound of the late Chief Jonah Akpan Nsek, and called on Nung Otu Oyo to present a new Village Head. It was at this occasion that James Udo Inyang was presented. Nung Umo Etukudo protested the nomination and rejected James Udo Inyang. Still they took him to the Senior Divisional Officer and presented him as Village Head. We also took Chief Sampson Usen Mbek and presented him again to the Senior Divisional Officer. Dispute was thus declared by the Senior Divisional Officer".

    President asked if anybody disagreed with that statement. Chief James Udo Akpan from Nung Osurua confirmed the statement.

    6   It was therefore clear that Nung Otu Oyo were the challengers or plaintiff, and Nung Umo Etukudo the Defendants. Both sides presented their team of speakers / advisers and confirmed their memoranda:

    Nung Otu Oyo Team:

    1   Chief James Udo Inyang

    2   Chief Hanson Udo Ema

    3   Chief Wilson Udo Ekwere


    1   Chief James Udo Akpan

    2   Chief David Ekanem

    3   Chief Frank Oton

    4   Chief Okon Nathaniel Bassey

    5   Chief Tom Udo Umoh

    6   Chief David Udo Ndok

    7   Chief Jeffreys Ernest Eshiett

    8   Chief Benson Akpan Akpan

    9   Chief Josiah Udo

    Nung Umo Etukudo Team:

    1   Chief Sampson Usen Mbek

    2   Mr. Michael Jonah Akpan Nsek

    3   Chief Isaac Ekwere

    4   Chief Nathan Inyang Umoren


    1   Chief Moffat Mme from Ekom Iman

    2   Chief Ekanem Udofot from Edem Ekpat

    3   Chief Udo Ekpo Ekiko from Ikot Umiang Ede

    4   Chief Okon Akpan Enyie from Ikot Ebiyak, Etinan

    5   Mr. Arthur Udo Udo Itina from Etinan

    6   Mr. Sunday Udofot Ekanem from Ikot Ebiyak, Etinan

    7   Chief Dan Udo Ekpo from Etinan

    8   Mr. Jackson Bassey from Etinan

    7   It was agreed that any one or all of each team will be free to speak or cross examine as the council might direct.

    8   ADJOURNMENT: Sitting was adjourned to 7th November, 1979.



    7th November,1979






    2   OPENING:

    Session opened at 11.10 a.m. with prayer by His Highness Obong Tom E. Akpan, Clan Head of Western Nsit.


    All seven members of the two disputing families (Nung Otu Oyo and Nung Umo Etukudo) were sworn on the Holy Bible by the Secretary to the Council.


    The President called on Michael Jonah Akpan Nsek,

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