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Extreme Sexuality in Women: The Joy of Hyper-Sex
Extreme Sexuality in Women: The Joy of Hyper-Sex
Extreme Sexuality in Women: The Joy of Hyper-Sex
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Extreme Sexuality in Women: The Joy of Hyper-Sex

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About this ebook

Learn New Things to Power Womens Sexuality
? It will help make your sex and love lives better, more thrilling
?The lover will know how to help women attain extreme
multiple orgasms
?Women can rekindle passionate sexual desire the way it
had been
?Older women will be thrilled about new sexual possibilities
?How fabulous her afterglow [after orgasm(s)] can happen
?Know how and why women need hours to rest until ready
to be re-excited
?That female hyper-sexuality can be a delightful state for
both partners
?How girls can grow up to be hyper-sexual

This book by an expert in sexuality explores and presents in detail case histories of normal women who have learned the process of multiple and higher quality orgasm(s). Partners of women will themselves be more satisfi ed giving orgasms to their lover. Its natural when you learn how. Women and men will learn a lot.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 6, 2015
Extreme Sexuality in Women: The Joy of Hyper-Sex

G.D. Masters

Gordon D. Jensen, M.D. is Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine. He American Board certified in pediatrics, neurology and psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and sexology. For many years he taught human sexuality to medical students, and health professionals. He is a trained sex therapist. He published eight books, both nonfiction and fiction, and over 100 scientific articles. These included research on behavior and sexuality of monkeys at University of Washington Regional Primate Research Center. His two scientific research books on the Balinese People are classics. He is 87 years-of-age, practices clinical psychiatry, and lives in Hawaii.

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    Extreme Sexuality in Women - G.D. Masters

    Copyright © 2015 by G. D. MASTERS.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4931-2865-5

                    eBook          978-1-4931-2866-2

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    Rev. date: 10/02/2015






    Book Summary


    PART I


    1.   Extreme Sexuality in an 80 Year-Old Woman

    2.   The Fabulous Female Afterglow in a 60+ Woman

    3.   A Scholarly Highly Sexual 45 Year Old Woman

    4.   Extreme Sexuality is Awakened at Age 40 in a Former Catholic Nun



    5.   Amazingly Highly Sexual Women of History

    6.   Four Extremely Sexual Women in History



    7.   Parents’ Sexual Rearing of a Teenage Daughter Results In Her High Level of Sexuality

    8.   Childhood Sexualization of a Famous Movie Star, Natalie Wood


    The aim of this book is educational. It contains ideas and opinions of the author intended to be helpful, and informative on the topics addressed. Before applying any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it, the reader should first consult a health or medical care professional. Seeking professional help opens up wider worlds including this book.

    The author disclaims all responsibility or any liability for loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of use and application of any contents of this book. The author is not liable for distress that could be associated with, or a consequence of reading this book. It is sold or made available with the understanding it is not intended nor does it constitute any form of medical, health, counseling, advice, therapy, or any other kind of professional services.

    This book contains some explicitly sexual narrative. Discretion by the reader is advised. It does not contain any violence, thank you.

    The primary function of a university is to discover and disseminate knowledge by means of research and teaching. To fulfill this function a free interchange of ideas is necessary not only within its walls but with the world beyond as well. It follows that the university must do everything possible to ensure within it the fullest degree of intellectual freedom.

    Professor Woodward, Yale Alumni Magazine

       Nov- Dec. 2014

    Collective modern man is a technical genius

    merged with a moral imbecile.

    Distinguished philosopher, Robert Nozick


    Acknowledgements serve as an important review of the author’s intellectual and personal debts. It gives me warmest pleasure to acknowledge: Alex Comfort, M. D. author of Joy of Sex for personal association, inspiration, and graciousness in presenting a lecture at my workshop in human sexuality for California Medical Society; Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D., author of Sexual Behavior of the Human Male for inspiration at a lecture he gave to our class at Yale School of Medicine in 1947; Sher Hite, author of The Hite Report for ideas and personal attention when she graciously presented a lecture at my Workshop on Human Sexuality for the American Psychiatric Association in 1985; Jane Goodall, Ph.D. pioneer in discovery of wild chimpanzee behavior for her personal graciousness and inviting me to study her wild chimpanzee group at the Gombe Reserve, Tanzania, Africa, 1972; William H. Masters, M. D. and Virginia E. Johnson, authors of Human Sexual Response and Human Sexual Inadequacy for inspiration and kindness in presenting a lecture to my class on Human Sexuality, and meeting with my students informally at a reception at University of California, Davis, 1978; Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy for blazing paths of freedom of sexuality in our society, and for recognition of my discovery of male multiple orgasm with publication of an extensive feature article in Playboy, May 1977; Marilyn Monroe, world wide icon of beauty and adulation for personal association in our teen age years, and inspiration to write Marilyn; The Psychiatric Biography, 2012; and Alayne Yates, M. D. author of Sex Without Shame, first fellow in my Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, and later Professor of Child Psychiatry at University of Hawaii, School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, who taught me much about development of healthy child eroticism and sexual development.

    I am eternally grateful to several women, names withheld in recognition of privacy whose sexual interaction with me has enabled me to discover new aspects of female sexuality and of my own heterosexual life.

    My patients in medicine deserve thanks for their contributions to my research in child development and sexuality. They have rewarded, inspired, and motivated me.

    I wish to extend recognition to my mentors in medicine, psychiatry, sexology, and primatology: Edith Jackson, M. D. a humble pediatrician who founded the first Rooming-in Service in America at Yale-New Haven Hospital in 1945 where I served as Rooming-in Fellow (she was personally psychoanalyzed by Sigmund Freud); Harry Harlow, Ph.D., director of Primate Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, and professor of psychology who launched my career in primate research; Sally Provence, M. D., Director of Yale Child Study Center where I was a Fellow, 1951-1953; Herbert Ripley, M. D., Chairman of Department of Psychiatry, UW, School of Medicine, Seattle; Milton H. Erickson, M D., icon in hypnosis to whom I presented my case of a psychiatric patient at UW psychiatry grand rounds, and subsequently was my guide in hypnotherapy; and Luh Ketut Suryani, M. D., Ph.D., close colleague, Professor of Psychiatry, Udayana University, School of Medicine, who guided me in published research of the Balinese people, in Bali, Indonesia, taught me her unique method of meditation, and introduced me to the Spiritual World. John Money, Ph.D. Professor of psychiatry and psychology at John Hopkins University who generously gave pornography slides for my teaching human sex sexuality to medical students and professional audiences in the 1970s when this educational technique was used for the first time. Robert N. Butler, M.D., past president of the International Longevity Center in New York, a nonprofit think tank who supported my research on the elderly.

    These guiding colleagues all became part of me to honor and give to others in my personal and professional life. Dr. Suryani is one of the few alive today.

    Readers who have been immensely helpful with critiques are: Frank Sommers, M.D., sexologist, psychiatrist, and clinician, Toronto, Canada; Professor Micky Diamond, Ph.D., professor of psychology, internationally honored scholar on transgender and expert researcher, and on teaching and therapy aspect of pornography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu; John Merrill, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, IL; Dorian Larsen, Psychiatric Practitioner and colleague, State Hospital North, ID; Ruth Weiss, friend, advisor, and critical reader; and Stefan Mawab, M.D. psychiatrist and colleague in clinical work.

    I am grateful to Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S of England for being my hero and role model of a father and fine human being, and for his seminal and epical scientific discovery of evolution that has guided my personal life and scientific work.


    TEN CASE HISTORIES of females who fit the definition of hyper or super-sexuality are described. The term, hyper-sexuality is better replaced by normal high-level exotic sexuality. Details of the cases provide understanding of why they developed this way, and allow analysis of psychodynamics. All persons written about are in good mental and physical health.

    Known facts about the sexual response cycle, particularly the phase of resolution of women is discussed, and contrasted with the data from two women’s experiences. It shows a refractory period comparable to that known for males. This discovery is a new contribution to the science of sexology.

    The self-told stories are explicit, but not pornographic, and not intended as erotica (definition of erotica: literature intended to arouse sexual desire). The writing in the optional case to read of parent-child sexual interaction (Chapter seven) does not infer recommending parent-child sexual interaction. It intends to illustrate vibrant and normal healthy sexuality.

    Reader, be ready for innovative ideas that may seem like revolutionary concepts and techniques.

    This book gives no medical advice. It is not a how-to book. The stories do not advocate any particular type of sexuality. It does show how it happens, and illustrates how any woman and her partner can improve their sex life to almost unbelievable heights. The focus of this book is sexual knowledge as never told before.

    The case reports conform to the guidelines for case reporting in the literature as written by the American Psychiatric Association Committee on Ethics. The individuals gave permission to relate their stories for benefit of science with assurance there was no hint of personal identity—all were carefully disguised.


    THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER DICTIONARY defines hypersexual as exhibiting unusual indulgence in sexual activity. For dozens of references in books and articles about hypersexual women, see Wikipedia via Google on the Internet.

    Little is known or studied about the origin of female hyper-sexuality. It is defined here as a high degree of sexual desire and activity by child or adult. One term used for hyper-sexuality is sexual addiction, akin to other addictions such

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