Praying Earnestly with Faith
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Basic things that were written from the Lord for all mankind to heed to and to follow all His
Instructions for all the human race to stay on the straight and narrow path without a stumble. But
Before His return to this wretched and cruel world, all of Gods people, we must get ready before
Leaving this ugly and sorrowful world, but there is something we must do before leaving this
We must clean up all the ugliness that is in our hearts and change our minds to a new way of thinking, and that is thinking with a pure mind and a pure heart, which is Christlike; any other way of thinking will not do. We must have an earnest heart to satisfy our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because with an earnest heart, this book will show you how to get gratification in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and in yourself. You see, to know the Lord, you must pray with an earnest heart to get your prayers answered. So you see, when we learn from the Master, who is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we get all kinds of excellent results. Let us take this scenario on what an earnest heart should be: when Jesus Christ prayed to His father, He prayed with an earnest heart, and that was why all of Jesus Christs prayers were answeredbecause He prayed with faith and an earnest heart.
Rev. Dr. Mark Boyd
I, Dr. Mark Boyd, received Christ at a very young age, around 1969. In my walk with Christ, I dodged in and out of my faith, and then the Lord grabbed me and showed me the errors of my ways, and He also showed me the signs of the times. After I have witnessed all, I have taken Christ seriously like never before. I started seeking the Lord’s face and going back to school, seminary school, where I received an associate degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a doctorate degree in theology. I received all my degrees at JD Price Theological Bible College of Florida. I was ordained for clergy and for ministry to preach and to teach the Word of God. And these are the things that the Lord has called me to do and has anointed me to do: to preach the Gospel in His holy name. And the Lord has anointed me to heal the sick and to cast out all unclean spirits and to set the captives free.
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Praying Earnestly with Faith - Rev. Dr. Mark Boyd
Copyright © 2015 by Dr. Mark Boyd.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914836
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5144-0540-6
Softcover 978-1-5144-0541-3
eBook 978-1-5144-0542-0
Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.
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Rev. date: 09/16/2015
1 Our Creator
2 Down His Cheeks
3 Kids Need Prayer
4 Plant That Seed
5 Conviction
6 A Vicious Cycle
7 God Does Not Make Mistakes
8 Treated Like Angels
9 The Strange Feeling
10 Accept Christ in Your Life
11 The Eighties Babies
12 Satan Tried to Kill My Son and a Part of the Eighties Babies
13 The World Trade Center and Other Disasters
14 If You Are Not Born Again
15 Prayer Calls for Faith
16 What Is Faith?
17 Faith according to God’s Plan for the Human Life
18 Great Faith
19 How to Have Faith in My Unbelief
20 Where Has Faith Gone?
21 How Can We Get Healing from This Wicked World that We Are Living in Today?
22 Sin City New Year’s Eve at a Casino
23 The Man with an Issue of Blood
24 The Scriptures in the Holy Bible on Faith and Faithfulness, Faithful and Faithfully, and Faithless
Exegesis (1)
25 Scriptures in the Holy Bible on Earnest and Earnestly
Exegesis (2)
au%20photo%202.jpgFirst and foremost through all inspiration I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything. I am extremely thankful for my beautiful and lovely wife Connie in which she was an great inspiration to me and very supportive. My children Camille, Mark Jr. and Jahred, I thank them for their input and support. For my daughter Camarrie you will never be forgotten. Thank you for all of your sweet, beautiful memories. May heaven smile upon you. I thank my parents Edward and Isabella Boyd for providing me with the upbringing and spiritual guidance of Jesus Christ and for the doctrine of my faith. I thank all family and friends for their input.
For the attending College I would like to thank Dr. Ahmed Screven and staff members.
Now you know we really have to understand the Bible, and you just can’t understand it by picking up your Bible once a month or maybe once a week or whatever. You really have to put in your time to understand what the Word of God is telling us, understanding what an earnest prayer means and understanding what faith really is, and let’s face it, by picking up your Bible as I just mentioned above, you really are not going to get a deeper understanding of God’s Word. And let’s face it, let’s say you go to church and you go almost every Sunday. Sometimes you know what the minister or the pastor is bringing to you, and sometimes you don’t.
And still let’s face more of the problem that we have on really understanding the Bible. There are many religions and many different denominations out there, so you ask which one is really telling us the truth about the Bible. That’s why you’ve got to know the Bible for yourself, and that means you must get into a deeper study on the faith and the denomination that you are in. So let’s face it. If you really want to understand the Word of God, you have got to do a deeper study on your own. But now when you do this study—people study on their own sometimes—it is easier to get confused on what the Bible is saying, so before we even start on learning anything about the Bible, the Word of God, on our own, we must first give up on all the bad things that we are doing. We must go back to the cross and ask the Lord for forgiveness for all our sins, and then and only then when it is time to open up that Bible that we ask the Lord for guidance for Him to lead us in what we are about to study.
I mean, let’s really face it, there are just far too many different religions and churches out there, and every pastor or minister is saying something different. It’s hard to understand, hard to keep up, and sometimes you just want to give up, and that’s what Satan wants you to do. He wants you to be confused and for you to say, That is it. I don’t want any more of this,
and if you do, what I just wrote about you will not go wrong. Because it is definitely hard to trust in man in this day and time when everyone has something to say about the Bible. Lots of people want to just give up and do not want to listen. But believe in me. I tell you this in all honesty and sincerity. Don’t give up on the Word of God. Once you get to know and really understand the Bible, it is just a lot of fun learning God’s Word. So if we just learned some fundamentals about the Bible, it is a start in our new walk with Christ. You know that the Bible is the inspired Word of God in which there are sixty-six books, thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New. The first five books are called the Law of Moses, which we call today the Pentateuch, and when we put those scriptures and books together, we call them today the canon, and right now, we have the Holy Bible. The Bible is here for any- and everyone to read if they choose to do so.
God brought the Bible into being, which He has preserved as a guide and instructions for human belief and/or faith and also behavior. God’s love and all His benevolence flowed out of Him to each and every one of us, the beings whom He had created in His own image and likeness before the fall of man through Adam, which brought death to all of us because of his adversaries. God made us with the power and capacity to love Him, to glorify Him, to have faith in Him, to fellowship with Him, and to pray earnestly to Him. He brought us into being that to us, and through us, He will reveal Himself through Jesus Christ, our Lord. At this place and time of happenings, this is where I think faith really comes into play for the second time. The first time, I believe, was In the Beginning was the Word of God,
or His thoughts before anything was spoken into existence. So in anticipation of this fall, which was a disaster, God prepared a lamb from before the foundation of the world,
who is Jesus Christ, the one who gave His spotless and sinless life for man’s redemption.
God does not force anyone to do anything that they do not want to do. He provides us with some qualities and free will, meaning it is us choosing and deciding for ourselves and making up in our own minds what it is that we want to do for ourselves without being forced to do it—or anything, for that matter. God is a god not only for His benevolence but for His justice as well, in spite of the fact that He has prepared a way back to His fellowship and favor, which is first and foremost having, trusting, and believing in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ—in which all men do not and will not accept this provision of His benevolence—and believing in His promises and that He is the Great I Am. Rejection of God’s love is an eternal sin and must be dealt with in any possible way by God. The consequence is never being in the presence of our Holy God, which causes punishment, judgment, and eternal spiritual death because of unbelief and not praying with an earnest heart and not having any faith in God Almighty, the Great I Am, the one that will give us eternal life. There is freedom and deliverance for those who pray with an earnest heart through faith. If you want to know who He is, His name is Jesus Christ, our personal Savior.
What I would like is to try to help someone to learn about the living Word, which was made flesh to free us from death and to give us the opportunity for eternal life if we only believe with an earnest heart and have faith in Him, the only one who can make a relationship with God the Father possible through His death, which requires believing that He is the only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ of God the Father. Romans 3:22–25 states this: Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins and there is only one entity that our sins can pass through, and that is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so when past, through the forbearance of God.
You know God loves each and every one of us. If you just give Him a chance and pray with an earnest heart and give in to Him, He will change all circumstances, because He is a circumstance changer, so give our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, a chance and let Him change your circumstance. I would like for someone to know that God loves them and that He died for every one of their sins and that by grace through faith, they can have salvation. I would like to try to help anyone who is willing to receive and who wants to better understand the meaning of having faith, giving additional insight and grasping a hold to it. I want to try to start a spark or maybe even just a little glimmer of hope in anyone with maybe even a little interest in trying to find out how the Lord or what the Lord can do for them in their lives, giving information that can become handy or be informative and uplifting or giving some hope. I want to let people know that they should not just sit around but take some action. They have to act to get things done and to move to get things going.
So I want those people to know this that is out there: But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
(Heb. 11:6). In order to fully receive from God, you must learn how to act on it and learn what speaking the word of faith really means: Calleth those things which be not as though they were
(Rom. 4:17, partial scripture). "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,