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Soul of a Transformational Leader: Power-Tools and Concepts of Transformational Leadership
Soul of a Transformational Leader: Power-Tools and Concepts of Transformational Leadership
Soul of a Transformational Leader: Power-Tools and Concepts of Transformational Leadership
Ebook84 pages36 minutes

Soul of a Transformational Leader: Power-Tools and Concepts of Transformational Leadership

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About this ebook

Soul of a Transformational Leader is a super-value compilation of power tools and concepts of transformational leadership. It is a collection of articles which bring out:

Principles and inside construct of transformational leadership
Purpose-centered Leadership
Behaviours of high-performance leadership
Model of high-performance leadership
Strategies of creating leaders inside the organization
Insights from high-performance leaders who shaped our world

Soul of a Transformational Leader emphasizes on creating a powerful leadership experience for oneself as the starting point. It provides a responsible leadership model to transform ones inner being into an energetic nucleus, energized by the power of purpose and awareness of personal values and strengths.

With an internal alignment in place, a leader becomes resourceful and powerful to create an impact on the external environment.

Fresh, insightful, and brimming with positive energy, Soul of a Transformational Leader is certain to make a deep impact on the reader.
Release dateSep 8, 2014
Soul of a Transformational Leader: Power-Tools and Concepts of Transformational Leadership

Rajesh Vaidya

Rajesh Vaidya is a Coach, Trainer and Entrepreneur. He  is the Founder Director of his company Earth & Stars SRL. ‘Earth & Stars’ is Rajesh’s tribute to human excellence. It is his legacy project dedicated to the human quest of self-discovery, potential, transformation and the unlocking of inner wealth. In his former avatar, Rajesh was a senior HR professional with over two decades of HR experience across reputed organizations, industry verticals and international geographies. Through his rich experience, Rajesh has developed deep capabilities in designing as well as deploying business- aligned and culturally relevant HR strategies. He believes in achieving business success through employee engagement and tapping of creative energies of the talent force. He has been an active collaborator in various business success stories throughout his career. He shows up as a credible thought-partner and powerful catalyst in corporate life events of transformational magnitude.       He holds a number of professional certifications including Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, Large Scale Interactive Process [LSIP], Leadership Grid, Behavioural Laboratory, Coaching based on Carl Rogers-Robert Carkhuff model, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hogan Personality Assessments and Transformational Presence & Coach Training, among others.   Rajesh has studied various forms of meditation and healing mechanisms. He is a Certified Professional Coach from International Coaching Academy (ICA) Australia. He is an intense writer and his articles have been published in a number of Indian as well as International journals.  Rajesh hails from Mumbai, India and is based in Bucharest, Romania.

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    Soul of a Transformational Leader - Rajesh Vaidya


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    Transformational Leadership—Purpose Centered Legacy Creation



    2.1 The Great Trinity

    2.2 Beliefs

    2.3 Understanding ‘Self’

    2.4 Life in a Flow—Actively engaged life

    2.6 Creating a Purpose Centered Life Design

    Purpose Centered Legacy Creation

    Being a High Performance Leader


    Being a High Performance Leader

    2.1 Setting the Context

    What is going to be your legacy as a leader?

    Being a Talent Strategist


    Being a Talent Strategist

    2.1 Getting Started

    2.2 Dimensions of talent infrastructure

    Putting it all together

    About the Author


    Transformational Leadership—

    Purpose Centered Legacy Creation

    Knowledge Resource Type : Model-in-action



    ‘Transformational Leadership—Purpose Centered Legacy Creation’ provides insights into creating a positive and meaningful life experience. Based on the studies from the field of leadership, positive psychology and coaching, this article presents its reader a comprehensive understanding and specific strategies of creating a meaningful and happy life experience. It makes a specific case for living a life that would create one’s personal legacy transcending beyond space and time. The philosophy has been encapsulated in a ‘purpose centered legacy creation model’ which provides an immediate perspective on the subject.




    Leadership has been an important subject across the world for thousands of years. It is a fascinating subject and as it deals with people in different contexts of space and time, it is quite rich with diverse literature, research, academic work and practical insights.

    Leadership is a coveted position. It is associated with power, prestige, some kind of nobility and influencing ability. Almost every manager wants to be known as an influential leader of people and every leader wants to raise his or her bar and match or surpass the existing standards.

    In ancient cultures, leader making

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