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Knowing You
Knowing You
Knowing You
Ebook29 pages14 minutes

Knowing You

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About this ebook

This is a relationship tool plain and simple. Probably the best relationship tool you will ever have in your arsenal.

For people who are married or have been married for any length of time, it can jumpstart or enhance the communication process. The answers you give can now be recalled at any time, making you the perfect gift giver and expert on your spouse.

For those of you who are dating, it can help you with key decisions about your partner. The answers you receive can not only help you learn the other person you are dating better but also help you determine how compatible you may be.

Knowing You has been carefully thought up and put together. Its more than 350 questions were thought to give partners very intimate knowledge of each other. Asking and answering just one or two questions a day will, in no time, bring you closer together. After finishing Knowing You and writing down all of the answers they have given you in your book, you can be the perfect partner. With all of their answers written in your book, surprising them will be a snap and knowing them will be a pleasure.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 12, 2014
Knowing You

Allen Roberson

Allen Roberson first wrote this book, not to sale, but as a personal tool to be used to get reacquainted with his then girlfriend, who became his wife. After praying that he could use his writing to take care of his family, he decided to publish this, his first book. His hobbies are writing, drag racing, and pretty much anything he can do with his hands. He told himself that it was time that he “stopped swimming in puddles”, a quote he came up with regarding his procrastination. He is currently working on writing 2 television scripts, a children’s book, and a couple of movie scripts. Allen still works a full time job. He lives in Dallas, Texas with his wife, 3 children, and granddaughter.

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    Knowing You - Allen Roberson

    Copyright © 2014 by Allen Roberson.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014914958

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4990-5973-1

                    eBook            978-1-4990-5972-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 09/10/2014

    Xlibris LLC




    Place a photo of the person who this book is about here.

    Instructions: Ask and answer only one or two questions a day. Write the answer you receive in the appropriate space under the question. Depending on who you are with, you may decline to answer no more than five of the questions in this book. The person who asks the question, should write the answer they are given in their book. There will be space provided at

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