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Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane
Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane
Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane

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About this ebook

My husband, Leo, and I had known each other since childhood. After he was discharged from the navy, he looked me up, and we began seeing each other, fell in love, and married in 1947. We lived in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, for over forty years, and when we retired, we moved to Florida, where the weather was warmer.

We had many adventures raising a large family in the suburbs. My Leo passed away in 2012. He had always wanted me to publish my poetry. Well, being retired now with more time on my hands, I decided to fulfill his wish.

I found it most enjoyable reliving the past and all the fun we had while bringing up our family. Please join us in our little adventures and chuckle a bit now and then. Each day brought a new adventure to write about, and I find life still full of interest for me. Read on, and I invite you to bring yourself into each adventure with me.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 21, 2014
Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane

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    Chuckle with Me Down Memory Lane - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by Marie Rose St. Don.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014916190

    ISBN:      Hardcover     978-1-4990-7160-3

                    Softcover        978-1-4990-7162-7

                    eBook             978-1-4990-7161-0

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    Rev. date: 10/20/2014

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    The Right Choice

    Country Style

    Nature’s Bounty

    Sister Laura

    Baby Sister

    Betsy The Cow

    Mother Knows Best

    Country Living



    The Monkey Bridge

    The Variety Store

    Roller Skaters


    The Auction



    The Family Theater

    All In A Day’s Work

    Call Of The Wild

    The Stretch Limousine


    Grampa Watts


    The Pigeon

    The Aging Process

    The North End

    The Hummingbird

    The Sniffers

    My Healthy Tan

    Good Night

    No Way! No Way!

    The Grove

    Remembering When


    The Joke’s On Me

    The Seasons

    The Daily Walk

    Poker Night

    My Secret Maneuver

    School Days

    The Runaway

    The Escapees


    The Car

    The Common Cold

    The Christmas Bonanza

    The Cubbyhole Space

    An Eternity


    Jury Duty

    My Masterpiece

    Chicken Soup

    The Clock

    My Ma

    The Spoiler

    Nature’s Gifts

    The Leaky Roof

    Cookie Monster

    Our Bethovan

    Snoozing Time

    First Time Swimmer

    Nature’s Creatures

    Bath Time


    Dry Spell

    Nighty Night

    The Guardian

    Playing Cards

    Cuckoo Clock

    The Boy’s Camp

    Hurricane Georges


    License To Drive

    A Visit With Joe


    The Wedding Day

    Young At Heart

    The Plug

    The Wicked Wind

    Thunder Storms

    A Christmas Valentine

    Germ Warfare

    The Broken Vase

    The Round Mirror

    The Stunt Man

    How Time Flies!


    The Mall

    The Prayer Shawl

    Thank You!

    The Love Shawl

    My Little Fiat

    Christmas Morning - 1935


    The Ditch

    Our Boat ?

    Retired Folks

    Florida Home

    Little Love Bugs

    The Sly Grin

    Hair Of White

    My Instant Recall

    The Old Home Town

    The Old Homestead



    This book is dedicated to my beloved husband Leo St. Don, Sr. who passed away in December 2012. He was the center of my life and wanted me to publish my many poems about our life together. This I have now accomplished in my second book. My first book was entitled My Time For Rhyme.

    You will find this book is filled with poems about the many adventures we experienced together. As you read, I hope you will enter into our lives and experience each adventure with each poem.


    I wish to thank my family for the wonderful adventures I have written about in poetry form. I feel I have led a full and gratifying life.

    I would also like to give special thanks to my son, George St. Don, who found my first set of poems in a file cabinet I had given him many years ago. He sent them to me and asked Why don’t you publish these poems? They are precious memories, Mom. The rest of my family agreed, so here they are for you to enjoy!

    It has been such a pleasure to delve into the past and recall these precious moments. Each poem is a story in itself and I welcome my readers to please step in and be a part of each adventure as they read. You will be my welcome guest throughout this book and I thank YOU for being a part of my life.

    I also wish to thank my good friend, Ann C. Gardner, who took the time out of her busy life to proof read my work for me. She did this in a professional and timely manner. I am very grateful to her for her kindness.



    Growing up during the Depression years, financially, going to college was never an option for me. I graduated from High School and I have always believed in educating my self as I grew older.

    My husband Leo and I had known each other as youngsters. After his discharge from the Navy, he looked me up and we fell in love and married in 1947. We raised a family of 10 children and lived in Fairhaven, Massachusetts for over 40 years. I worked in the Medical Records field for 11 years before I retired.

    When we both retired, we moved to Florida. In our move, many of my poems I had written while my children were growing up, got lost in the confusion. One day, my son George called me and told me he had found my poems in a file cabinet I had given him. He told me that I should consider making a book out of them and possibly publishing it. It was in that instant that I started writing more poetry and my first book, My Time for Rhyme was published.

    My husband passed on in December of 2012. I keep busy writing, drawing, and oil painting. My children are all adults now and some have passed on, but I am fortunate to have had their support in all my endeavors. I have been truly blessed! I invite all of you to join me in my latest poetry adventures in this book, Chuckle With Me Down Memory Lane.


    One evening when chores were done for the day,

    I answered the phone and heard someone say

    Hi Rose, this is Leo. Are you free tonight?

    I answered, Yes, but I’m really a fright!

    My hair is in curlers, I’m ready for bed.

    Why don’t you come over tomorrow instead?

    It was agreed

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