How on Earth: G-Nik's Redemption
About this ebook
William T. Wilhite
I have always enjoyed writing things. Over the years, I have written many projects, a video production called a Dance-Drama. "Where Does it Stop", an alternative school program, a business plan, and numerous grants. I always had something that motivated me to write. Back in June of 2012, I was about to get laid off from my job of nearly 15yrs. It was the 4th. time in as many years. I told myself that I was so sick of putting my life in someone's else's hands, and that made a flash go off in my head. I thought of something I could do without anyone, or anything except me. I asked myself, what could I do that required no place I had to drive, no money, and took nothing but me. That was in June, and in that month we had a bad storm that knocked out my power out. As I sat on my porch and was in Total darkness, I watched as my neighbors power started to come back on, but mine didn't. I asked myself this question, "How On Earth " can we have all this technology, and I can't get my power back on in a timely fashion. I thought of something I could do without anyone but me. As I said, I have written a lot, but never for the pleasure of writing. This is my first attempt. That night, this story came to me, all three books, I even knew the title of all three books. I knew everything about the story told in three books. The first ten pages were written by candlelight, and a bottle of Crown Royal, but the story you have here is the one that came to me that night, I hope you enjoy it.
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How on Earth - William T. Wilhite
Copyright © 2014 by TW².
ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4990-7424-6
eBook 978-1-4990-7425-3
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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Rev. date: 09/15/2014
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Chapter 1: Patrick’s Mistake
Chapter 2: New Life-New Name
Chapter 3: Intergalatic Warriors
Chapter 4: The Time Keeper
Chapter 5: The Prophecy of G-Nik
Chapter 6: Defenders of Hetrae
Chapter 7: Folcon D.O.R.
Chapter 8: Lovers, Promises
Chapter 9: The Slug Swamp
Chapter 10: The Plan
Chapter 11: Finally, Home!!!!
In the time left before the large ship’s departure was filled with confusion. From the moment Foonta and the others realized that little Patrick Martin had engaged the homing mechanism. The ship was already programmed itself, and the group had been locked into the history they were about to create. The entire thirty minutes it took for the enormous ship to booth up its systems, start to power up its propulsion, and leave on its journey felt like a minute. The soon to be space travelers were in shock. For them, everything happened so fast, they had barely enough time to understand how they would change history profoundly, and how fantastically sudden their lives were about to be transformed. The group turned to see little Patrick standing at the control panel. Foonta rushes over as Ashley Martin called out to her son.
Patrick, I told you not to touch anything, what have you done?
I’m sorry mom, I didn’t know!
My dear friends, this is very bad, the young human has sealed our fate.
What, sealed our fate, how, he just pushed a couple of buttons, just turn them off, or over ride them.
I am afraid that won’t be possible Professor Settles, once the vessels homing mechanism is engaged.
The vessel will do all its operations alone.
No biological entity can prevent the ship from automatically returning to its original origin.
I am very sorry, but there is little time, we must prepare, we will leave this universe shortly.
What, leave the universe, you’re using earth humor, right.
I am afraid not Professor Wilson, this vessel will depart from your universe in thirty of your earth minutes.
I am very sad, and I am not certain when it will be possible to return to your universe.
Foonta, please, No-ovi, we can not just leave, our friends and families, and we have jobs.
We can’t do this.
I am afraid Ambassador we have no choice in the matter, we can not leave this chamber, and we can not withstand the journey we are about to embark.
Well, we have no choice, we have no time.
P.J., this is not how it was suppose to be, our wedding, our life, our family.
I know Will, but everyone is here, it was not anyone’s intention.
You’re right Dari, but as soon as we can, we return home, okay.
Is everyone okay with this, the minute we get to our destination, we will get home, I promise.
The group buzzed with frustration, everyone was beginning to panic. Sean, somewhat, calm them, and all moved quickly from that point. Look everyone, I know you are all afraid right now, but we will get us back, or we will die trying.
I give you our word, and we have never let you down before, trust us, we will not let you down now.
As Sean finished, the voice of the vessels communication system announced. Twenty seven microns to departure.
We must hurry, we must place all biological entities in the life support chambers right away, the systems will adjust to each life form, the journey to my universe is long.
Your bodies will be nutritious, no harm will come to you.
Well, I’m glad no harm will come to us, and that we will be fed,…. Long journey to another universe, not so much, how long we talkin’ Foonta, No-ovi?
We are unsure Professor Wilson, we have only tried to go back to our universe once, our vessels impairment prevented the knowledge you ask.
Foonta and No-ovi can give you no answer to what you ask of us.
Well guys, I guess we will see each other when we see each other, WOW, I never thought I would be saying that.
Look guys, girls, twins, we have 5 light-years, I guess, give or take a few.
The chambers will not allow mechanical items, or electronics.
Foonta said. We will place them outside our chambers, someplace safe.
No-ovi, can you help?
Place them over here.
All six agents, P.J., Sharon, Anya, Oshi, Maria, Rico, and Jessica Wilson placed their earpiece communication devices in a storage compartment No-ovi showed them. These devices, which are equipped with nuclear batteries designed to last 1000s, if not 100s of thousands of years. The agents also had a newly design life belt, which was a mini super computer that had GPS, hologram display, and could act as a full protection magnetic force field around the wearer, designed just for this assignment. It could work independently, and could even be a space suit in its emergency mode. They had only been a theory for the humans, but with Foonta and No-ovi’s knowledge of endless power, the belts were a reality. After putting their gear where No-ovi supplied, the camera man, and the media people also stored their gear. The entire group of thirty or so, all placed themselves in the chambers. Sean kissed Dari, Jessica, Jason, and Eric, then kissed Maya, P.J. and girls, and shake Will’s hand. We’ll get through this Will, we can do this.
You bet buddy, with this crew, count on it.
Anya kissed Eric, Maya, Cody, Oshi, Tanner, T.J., Kylie. The entire clan was like a reunion, when in fact, it would be the last time they would see each other for, to them, an unknown amount of time. Everyone raced to the chambers, got inside and was thinking wild thoughts, and smiling at one another as the blue mist started to fill the chamber. As each of them were consumed by the mist, and minutes counted down, outside, it was an entirely different story, and an entirely different type of reaction. Outside, the few media crews and engineers that surrounded the massive ship were completely caught off guard when the huge ship came to life.
One reporter said, Oh my God, this is incredible, folks, I tell you, I have never seen anything like this, the ship has somehow came to life, and it appears it is about to take off.
This magnificent ship has closed its entrance, started to hum, if you can hear, it is incredible.
As the reporter and the camera woman started to pan out with her camera, they then started to scramble to get away from the pillars that had begun to fall. They were slowly moving away from the building momentum, and of the humming and glowing the ship was producing.
Lunar Communication Center tried desperately to contact the members they knew to be on the vessel. Their attempts went unanswered. The whole world watched as the huge ship lifted off its tiny columns. The columns left looked like a forest of different size and shapes of gray lunar trees, that had had all the tops of them cut right off. There were several hundred, if not a thousand of such columns. The world saw the ship raise into space, position itself, and shoot off into space, with no loud sound, then disappear in the blink of an eye. They were absolutely stunned, and many were left speechless. They could not believe that some of the most brilliant minds, and most loved socialites of the first lunar colony, were in fact, gone, no goodbyes, no speeches, just gone. They could only watch in awe of what had happened, and none of the world that was watching that day would have guessed, with the technology, and this state of the art advance ship, that one ten year boy set this unplanned, this journey of a lifetime, in motion with just a series of pushing buttons.
The ship and occupants traveled trillions of miles through space. The ship traveled through hundreds of thousands of galaxies, at nearly Light speed. They went through Star Systems, and through a Black Hole in no time. The occupants were completely unaware of the miles through space they had travel, or how many years they slept. The ship passed through the calculated Black Hole, and came out on the other side. It then continued on through space on its way to its home planet. The ship traveled unimpeded, but something unexpected, and unplanned happened;
When one, or two of the occupants were suddenly awaken. Both of them awoke in shock, but had two completely different experiences, in two completely different situations. In a dreamlike state, both were sure they had to be on the home planet of Foonta and No-ovi. As Professor Will Settles was awaken, he was not sure of what was going on. He began to try and shake his head and adjust his eyes to the light. He thought that maybe he was still asleep, but his thought quickly turned to real horror when he finally collected his thoughts. As everything came into focus, Will thought he was seeing things. There was this Hideous creature staring back at him. Will started to react, to jump, but he found he could not move. What the, who, or what are you, where’s the others, where are my friends and family?
Why am I not able to move, let me go.
As Will looked around, he could see more of these creatures. They walked around on two feet like humans, but these beings were anything but human. Will did not know what had happened, but he knew that this was not the way Foonta and No-ovi had described their planet, or the beings that lived there, something was very wrong.
These creatures had two legs, two arms, only three claw like fingers on each of the two hands. They were all different shapes and sizes like petite, average, and obese humans, but their faces, mouths, ears, noses, and shape of the head was anything but human, or even humanlike.
While Will continues to bring his mind in focus to attempt to understand what had happen, in a place far from him, a confused, afraid Patrick Martin is in an electronic five by five cell. He had went through a similar dreamlike state, but when he began to wake, had a much different first encounter. He was not bounded, and the creature staring at him was a much smaller version of the creature who Will awoke to. Patrick could see the somewhat transparent force field preventing him from stepping out of the cell. The creature had human like features, arms, legs, three claw hands, and webbed feet. Its face was nothing humanlike, it was like a rounded triangle with one point of the triangle stuck into a silver jump suit. The head looked like a skull with a enormous brain, ten times bigger. Where humans had skin and skull to protect their brains, these creatures had no skull, it was just a huge brain like head. It was like their brains had swollen up, and was about to burst. Their heads pulsed with veins running through them. Their eyes like round small saucers, slits where the humans had noses. And their mouth had some wormlike tentacles squirming like little shakes over it. Patrick could tell the creature had a mouth that opened under the wormlike lip. This was because as Patrick came to his senses, he realized this strange creature was looking at him, and the small creature saw that Patrick moved, sat up, and was now staring back at it. The creature let out a piercing scream, and Patrick screams. The two screamed from either side of the force field until two very tall creatures rushed in the room. They were just extremely large versions of the creature who frightened Patrick, and that Patrick had frightened back.
Patrick stop screaming, and watched as he realized this creature was like him, a young version of his parents, so that meant to Patrick, that these two creatures that entered the room were the little ones parents. Patrick watched as the two comforted the younger one, and he began to realize the differences in the male, female, and their offspring. He could see differences in colors from male to female, and the younger creature. Patrick noticed the young creature was a dark hideous green like the much bigger male creature. Whereas, the female was a pleasant aqua green, almost fluorescent. The male walked over to the force field, and the female put her arms around her frighten young. Patrick was terrified when the large creature walked over to the cell. He backed himself into the corner of the cell. Patrick did not make a sound as the creature stared hard