Whispers & Memoirs
About this ebook
Both will encourage and inspire you or someone you know. Find points of similarity to your own life experiences or become awakened by the diversity of others; seek to identify your personal inner strength, and help others in their quest for peace, comfort, and strength on this journey of life.
Willette E. Mosby-Reynolds
Willette Mosby-Reynolds, an educator with an instilled passion for helping others live a fulfilling life, is retired from corporate America but works part-time for a nonprofit. She enjoys spending most days helping families reach their goal of homeownership by providing classes on relevant topics to help ensure they are prepared to maintain healthy and happy homes for years to come. She gives back by volunteering in ways impacting children, the hungry, the homeless, and the underprivileged. Willette is a strong believer in a living God, and her heart’s desire is that others come to know, trust, and live in that same reality. She is the mother of three girls (the oldest now deceased) and has lived most of her adult years in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
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Whispers & Memoirs - Willette E. Mosby-Reynolds
© 2016 Willette E. Mosby-Reynolds. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 10/31/2016
ISBN: 978-1-5246-4807-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-4806-0 (e)
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The Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible (‘the KJV’), the rights in which are vested in the Crown in the United Kingdom, is reproduced here by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.
Author Willette Mosby-Reynolds has uniquely brought everyday life to the pages of her book and made known, with God’s help, no matter what you are dealing with, you can succeed. Whispers & Memoirs is exciting, practical, transparent and written from a seat of experience. It captures the readers’ attention and allows them to know, God, as the solution is always greater than even your worst of problems. Once I started reading, I did not put it down until conclusion and was left wanting more. All will leave motivated to live their lives to the fullest.
Dr. K.T. Lowery
Senior Pastor of Grace Church of Durham, North Carolina
In quietness and in confidence
shall be your strength
image%201.jpgA 7-day Meditation Devotional
It’s a brand new day. Expect God to show up in some way. Look for Him. Listen. He’s there and His delight is YOU. Appreciate the sunrise and sunset, the fresh air, the natural landscapes painted for our pleasure, the wind and even the rain.
For the next seven days, I’d like to share a special message with you. I pray that you are receptive and eager to hear what the Lord has to say.
Day ONE Topic: God Is the Strength of Our Life
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He Is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 KJV
Keywords: Believe. Rewarder. Diligently. Seek.
Yes, we know there is a God. I know without a shadow of doubt that there is. And we are familiar with some of His wonders or at least we’ve heard about them. Right? So the issue is not really believing that He Is.
Guess it could be hard to really feel that our majestic heavenly Father cares about little ole me and you. Believe it. He cares more than our earthly mother and father, and is able to do even more than we could ask, think or even imagine.
I encourage you to get into His Word and discover His promises, get to know Him, do everything as unto Him, and let your lifestyle speak of your relationship with Him. And because you are His, seeking Him, being a light on a hill and the salt of the earth, He in return will take care of you and shower you with His continuous blessings. We are healthy, intelligent, beautiful, kind-hearted & generous. We have been blessed with material possessions such as nice homes and cars. We are hard-working, dependable, people of integrity and great work ethic. We are peacemakers. We love the Lord! We have so much to be thankful for.
We should set high expectations for ourselves and also raise our expectations of God. The Word says that we are to believe that He will reward us. Expect great things. Expect even small things. Trust and believe that God cares, sees and will do for us.
Reward means we have done or will do something that warrants something good in return. Diligent means steady, earnest and energetic effort. Keep asking,