God’S Hand in Brexit: A Prayer Handbook
By Y. O. Cedar
About this ebook
The adventures and treasures written in Gods Hand In Brexit: A Prayer Handbook will help-
Inspire and transform your prayer life
Stir up a hunger for a deeper intimate relationship with Father God
You to rise up to your true identity and destiny calling as Gods Ambassador
Mobilise your own prayer group
Give greater understanding of the authority that you have as a believer
Are you frustrated with the social injustice in the education system, or the National Health System (NHS)? Do you want to see wholeness restored to broken families, children realising their true identifies, and fulfilling their potentials, or are you fed up with the status quo of media dictating to society how to live and the social deprivation that is on the increase? If so, then this book is for you.
Y. O. Cedar
Y. O. Cedar is a mother of two amazing children. Coming from a broken home and losing her mother at the age of 18 left a big hole in her life, so in her pursuit of acceptance and belonging, she became trapped in a life of promiscuity that led to self-hate and a deep lack of purpose, until she encountered Christ Jesus on January 1, 2000. She is a prophetic intercessor, watchman, and ordained licensed minister at Christians International Europe Apostolic Network (CIEurope). She is the founding director of Britain’s Prayer Court that was recently birthed due to an awakening following the erection of a replica Baal Temple Arch at Trafalgar Square in April 2016. Pastor Rod and Julie Anderson of The Prayer Foundation and Dr. Sharon Stone of CIEurope serve as Terms of Reference. Y. O. Cedar and Britain Prayer Court Intercessors have a burden to see the body of Christ awaken to its true identity and calling in reflecting the glory of Father God bringing about revival and social reformation into every sphere of society in Great Britain, dispelling darkness that holds people captive.
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God’S Hand in Brexit - Y. O. Cedar
© 2017 Y. O. CEDAR. All rights reserved.
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Scripture quotations marked AMP are from The Amplified Bible, Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified Bible, New Testament copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Published by AuthorHouse 02/07/2017
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6411-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6412-1 (e)
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Why We did 40 Days of Prayer at Parliament Square
What is The EU, Why Was It Created and When Was It Formed?
Who Wants to Stay in the EU?
Who are the Groups Wanting to Leave The Eu?
My Awakening as A Watchman
Midnight Prayer Walk at Trafalgar Square
The Awakening of Intercessors
Launch of Britain Prayer Court
EU Prayer Summit – 18 June 2016
Activity: Some Prophetic Declarations Used At The Prayer Summit
Arts and Entertainment
Great Britain and Isreal
The Prime Minister: David Cameron
Prayer Skype
EU Referendum Voting Day
Forty Days of Prayer at Parliament Square
Next Steps
This book is dedicated to the Britain Prayer Court Family. Your dedication to prayer, faithfulness, friendship, and support helped launch me into my calling as an Intercessor.
Thank you so much, Pastor Rod and Julie Anderson, Dr Sharon Stone, and Elder Dikko for your love, support, training, mentoring, and impartation over the years, which helped me come to a greater understanding of who I am as an Ambassador for the Lord’s Kingdom.
Father God thank you for assigning me to write this book. I couldn’t have done it without your grace, wisdom, creativity and favour. Even the book is a work of your own Art. (The picture of the rainbow on the book cover was taken while we were praying).
I’m so grateful for my two beautiful children Kacey and Joshua who inspire and sharpen me every day. Being Mum to you has been very instrumental in my walk with the lord.
A massive thank you to each intercessor who co-laboured with me in prayer during the 40 days at Parliament Square. (I’d love to name you all here but you have chosen to be unknown). I treasure you and very honoured to co-labour with you in advancing the lords kingdom.
Elder Abi Dikko thank you for believing in me and for being a mother to me when I most needed one.
I acknowledge Pastor Nims and Edosa Obunge of Freedoms Ark Church for the foundation that you gave me during the first twelve years of my born-again experience and for planting the seed of the governmental anointing in me.
I recognise the wisdom of the Lord in planting me in a praying church at CCF (Commonwealth Community Church) since 2011. Pastor Rod and Julie Anderson your rich teachings on prayer and intercession have been so instrumental in my awakening to the call to intercession.
Thank you, Dr Sharon Stone for believing in me, for the mentoring, support and apostolic-prophetic training that has impacted me so greatly.
I thank Sean Feutch for introducing me to David’s Tent Burn. The David’s Tent worship meetings awakened me to a greater intimacy with Father God. I’m also deeply blessed by Jesus Culture and Bethel Ministries for the new sound of Worship and the SOZO’s that brought freedom and liberty to me at a deeper level.
A big thank you to all who gave advice and feedback on the book development. Especially Dr Jennifer, Margaret Kassam, Lady Carol Baker, Ian Boston, Elder Abi Dikko, Bola Fadahunsi and Udoka Ohuonu.
Deedee Winter – In a very short space of time you have impacted me greatly.
And a big thank you to all Britain Prayer Court Intercessors especially those who contributed at the EU Prayer Summit.
The power of prayer keeps the soul in authentic intimacy with God, bringing supernatural help, just when we need it, and giving us the desires of our hearts. Maturity comes with responsibility and we will grow as we pray for our families and nation, trusting the future to be flooded by God’s goodness. Our life assignments may begin with ‘breakthrough’ praying, but end up with what I call ‘governance’ praying. As Christians, we must never grow faint and weary, but keep on praying. This book will encourage you and open your heart in fresh ways to boldly decree God’s goodness.
On September 15, 1983, I arrived back in London after living in Southern California for several years. Having been surrounded by people who knew the power of prayer and especially the prayer of intercession, I was shocked by how hard it was to find praying people in London, a city as strategic and important as it is. It seemed in those days that even though Christianity was declared the national religion, Judeo/Christian values had grown silent, and the life of the church was either being lived out personally, mostly privately or publicly by following a format, increasingly growing outdated and relevant within the changing culture. Nothing was questioned or contended for, and no one dared to outstep being ‘politically correct’. (I always thought I had been born and educated in a Christian nation, and, therefore, everyone was a Christian, and its capital would be built up by a group of bold, praying hearts.) Prayer was mostly hidden; even the largest churches in London had no regular prayer gatherings, where faith-filled Christian people declared goodness over the future. It was as if people lived in fear, unlearned in ‘spiritual’ correctness.
It was encouraging to me to soon see over 100 people gather to pray for this nation, first in Hampstead, and then a few years later with the Strategic Prayer School in Westminster, and see a ministry birthed called Prayer for the Nation, with yearly prayer summits that highlighted the importance of God’s sons and daughters becoming informed intercessors, learning how to overcome any of their circumstances. Of course, that was a long time ago; nowadays it’s easier to find bold prayer groups praying strategically, where you are able to join them, even worshipping and praying boldly and openly on our streets!
Prayer affects the future if you are feeling prompted to seek God’s help each day. Whether you pray and worship from a standpoint of looking at life from the ground around you, or if you pray from a bird’s eye view, this book will help you understand our spiritual history from the past, confidently live in the present, and boldly pray into the future.
Julie Anderson
The Prayer Foundation
For some, the referendum on UK membership of the European Union has led our country into uncertain and uncharted waters. However, those of us who have a strong Christian faith recognise the power of prayer and the influence this can have in directing the UK towards a secure and prosperous future. God has an interest in the future of our nation and when we turn to Him in prayer, we really can make a difference - 2 Chronicles 7:14
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP, Chairman Prayer for Parliament
Throughout history, the move of God’s Holy Spirit through common men has been visible in events that have redirected the world…from Abraham and Moses to Martin Luther, William Wilberforce and Abraham Lincoln. In our lifetime, we have seen Hitler defeated in WW II and the Berlin Wall fall…both due, once again, to the Holy Spirit and His people through the power of intercessory prayer, as well as many who have given their lives to accomplish the Father’s goal. Rees Howells was one of these vessels chosen by the Father to stand against Hitler. He spent countless hours in intercessory prayer gaining one place of faith after another, having been trained by the Holy Spirit his entire life for his high calling as an intercessor.
God’s Hand in BREXIT is a thrilling account of a new move of the Holy Spirit. It follows our temporal and seen realm along with its spiritual and unseen counterpart. It begins with a group of Christians called to intercede and take a stand by faith for the heart and soul of England resulting in England exiting the European Union. BREXIT is only the beginning…for great intercession is also being made by the Britain Prayer Court for Israel, and England’s relationship with her as her true heritage comes into being.
As an American watching our country go through the 2016 Presidential election, I was greatly encouraged by BREXIT and sensed that God would do the same thing here as He had done in England…leave the ‘known land’ and seek a new way.
BREXIT encompasses much more than prayer. A body Thou hast prepared Me
(Heb. 10:5) speaks of Christ living and moving and