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Sovereignty and Borders: You Can’T Have One Without the Other
Sovereignty and Borders: You Can’T Have One Without the Other
Sovereignty and Borders: You Can’T Have One Without the Other
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Sovereignty and Borders: You Can’T Have One Without the Other

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About this ebook

A nation that fails to protect its borders is not a nation at all.

Rather, its a place that invites chaos, criminals, and subversives that will lead the land to become a mere footnote in the annals of history.

Edger J. Burton explores how a nation that was once united is divided and in danger of coming apart at the seams in this extended essay that tackles the divisive issues that so many others avoid, such as race, gender, and ideology.

Meanwhile, professional politicians with slick slogans like hope and change and fundamental transformation, continue to dupe the public into believing what they want about the future. The real meaning of these slogans, the author argues, is simply to get elected.

Its time to seek real solutions to problems before theyre too big to solve. If we fail to fight back against misguided agendas, then it will only be a matter of time before the government, its people, and this once-great nation become irrelevant.

Release dateJan 28, 2016
Sovereignty and Borders: You Can’T Have One Without the Other

Edger J. Burton

Edger J. Burton spent his career in the production industry and is currently a business manager. He was born in 1943 and doesn’t plan to ever retire.

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    Sovereignty and Borders - Edger J. Burton

    Copyright © 2016 Edger J. Burton.

    Author Credits: Harold R Pack

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-8815-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016901319

    iUniverse rev. date: 01/21/2016

    A truth: and there is no other truth, a nation without protected borders is not a nation at all; but an open invitation to chaos, to criminals, to subversives, to eventual oblivion and destined to become a mere foot note in the annals of history.

    Such is the plight of those who today call The United States of America their homeland, their country, and many of the victims seem unaware of how it is being done, as well as in many cases that it is being done.

    Although there are some Americans who are waking up and seeing the changes that are taking place on a national and international scale, as well as in their own communities, they are for the most part frustrated by the feeling of being helpless to stop the direction the country is heading.

    However, there is still time to correct the situation by rejecting the current duplicitous politicians and their political parties that have for all intents and purposes surrendered not only our prosperity and our sovereignty, but our children’s futures as well.

    Our freedoms and our prosperity have apparently become expendable for their own perceived gain, or their own chosen ideology that runs counter to the Constitutional Republic System that our forefathers created.

    Many Americans realize that the problem is an out of control, a bought and paid for political class that has literally betrayed them and are turning their country into a third world existence for future Americans; their children.

    The United States is today being fundamentally transformed from a Sovereign Constitutional Republic into an international sanctuary for all who violate its borders with impunity, up to and including criminal aliens as well as the very real possibility of terrorists.

    The Constitutional Republic given to us by our founders has over the years been in the process of a slow change; a change where our constitution and its guarantees are no longer honored as the law of the land.

    Slowly over time, our Founder’s Constitutional Contract created and ratified by the states and their people the American People, has been replaced by the whims of an elite ruling class in a two party system and their donors, their financiers, their money masters.

    The current situation today is that all prosperity, all of the Nations sovereignty, all freedoms are being erased by those who would turn The United States of America into their own plantation for personal gain with American citizens as their servants, and it is now being fast tracked.

    So now we know what the campaign statement, We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America really meant, although not what many thought it meant.

    The fundamental transformation referred to on the campaign trail wasn’t described in any particular detail, so it was left up to each individual to draw their own conclusions as to what it meant.

    How many people could have guessed that it meant an abandonment of long established principals; long established laws, long established international relationships with allies?

    How many would have guessed that it meant a policy of open borders, sanctuary for those who enter the country illegally, protection for the criminal element among those that would enter the country illegally?

    How many could have guessed that it meant a policy of furthering racial divisions, therefore erasing the progress accomplished over many years, over many generations of Americans?

    As the truism says a house, a nation divided will not stand and the divisions are well under way, officially sanctioned by those who by the available evidence are instigating divisions by policies to divide by race, by age, by gender and ideology, in service to themselves and their own agenda, not to the American people.

    How many Americans would have guessed that it meant that those who are charged with keeping our neighborhoods safe from criminals would come under official government attack to the point of being afraid to do their jobs resulting in a rise in crime across the board?

    How many could have guessed that it meant that as a result, crime rates would spike and law enforcement officers would become the targets of an emboldened criminal element, and be killed because they were in their uniforms.

    Obviously when dealing with people, there will inevitably be the occasional bad apple so to speak; however, the alternative would be a benefit for the criminals among us and current events are rapidly progressing in that direction.


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