Love, Sex & Transcendence: The Art and Science of Sacred Relationships
About this ebook
I am afflicted by an uncommon ailment - I let my heart decide what to love, and only then does my mind follow.
- Love, Sex & Transcendence
Romantic relationships are a vast source for spiritual growth but are often the first areas of our lives that succumb to deeply entrenched egoic beliefs. These false beliefs which we developed in childhood for the purpose of our physical survival - become the basis for how we view ourselves and our partners, keeping us stuck in repetitive patterns that prevent our ability to truly thrive, no matter how much effort we devote to other spiritual pursuits.
In Love, Sex & Transcendence, Dr. Alam utilizes poetry coupled with short essays to help you re-connect to the ultimate source of love your inner self. Building on this connection, she guides you through the intensity of eroticism by exploring both the masculine and feminine aspects of sexuality. Finally, she takes you to the peak of transcendence itself, tying it all together to expose who you truly are: an exquisite spiritual being endowed with the potential to create a romantic partnership that is equally loving, passionate, and transformational.
Shadi Alam M.D.
Shadia Alam, M.D. is a triple-board certified physician whose mission is to awaken the inner self through the exploration of sensual love for men and women alike. Her writing powerfully merges science with spirituality to create an enlightening experience for her readers around the world.
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Love, Sex & Transcendence - Shadi Alam M.D.
Love, Sex
718394heartimage.psdThe art and science of sacred relationships
Shadia Alam, M.D.
31670.pngCopyright © 2015 Shadia Alam, M.D..
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-4607-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-4608-5 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-4609-2 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015919273
Balboa Press rev. date: 12/18/2015
Table of Contents
Dear Reader
How to use this book:
Parting Message
About the Author
This book is dedicated to my Tribe.
To all of you sensitive souls who haven't quite found home,
just know,
you are not alone.
Dear Reader,
My certainty is that if this book has landed in your hands, you were meant to have it.
We journey through our relationships with others much as we do our physical world. At first, we are small helpless creatures just begging to be loved. Our senses are not yet fully developed but we know what makes us feel good and what doesn't. We want home. We want safety. And when we find this, so early in our young lives, we find love.
A bit older, we search for ways to expand that love. We discover that our bodies offer delicious sensations; that we are innately erotic. This fiery stage of development will either render us into ash or ignite us further. When it comes to relationships, the difference between these two outcomes is dependent on one thing, and one thing only: our conscious choice.
If we consciously choose for our relationships to serve as a vessel for our highest growth, we will always find transcendence. It may not look like what we had thought -- there may be no Garden of Eden waiting for us on the other side. In fact, we may at first encounter a great deal of suffering that feels like a sort of death, but how welcomed that death is! It is the release of pride, ego, shame and self-doubt... these shed like the skin from a molting snake, revealing to you your own true nature, not just once, but over and over again.
And this, my dear reader, is why you were born.
S. M. Alam
How to use this book:
This book is divided into three sections titled Love, Sex and Transcendence. Each section contains poetry (the art) and short essays (the science) on the elements of sacred relationships. They create a literary yin yang that will guide you toward cultivating an intimate connection between yourself and your lover. My intention with these pieces is to trigger an awakening deep within you. It is not to prescribe any particular method for how this awakening will occur; rather, I leave that up to your highest Self to determine.
Before reading, I suggest quieting your mind and