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Some Thoughts About God's Word: Opportunities for Insight and Introspection
Some Thoughts About God's Word: Opportunities for Insight and Introspection
Some Thoughts About God's Word: Opportunities for Insight and Introspection
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Some Thoughts About God's Word: Opportunities for Insight and Introspection

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About this ebook

The history of this book began when the author was asked to broadcast daily devotionals on local radio. Response to those broadcasts has ultimately resulted in the publication of this book. The thoughts expressed in the readings capitalize on the reality of the Bible in life and life in the Bible. Readers will be given opportunity to notice ways the scriptures relate to common attitudes, responses and interactions. Questions are provided at the conclusion each reading to promote personal reflection and introspection. Each devotional reading provides example, encouragement and motivation for biblical responses and godly living.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 21, 2016
Some Thoughts About God's Word: Opportunities for Insight and Introspection

Dr. James R. Hoston

The author brings to these devotional readings a wealth of varied experiences that link to applications of biblical truth. He is a retired U.S. Army Officer and Viet Nam veteran. He is also a former psychiatric social worker and then a social work administrator. He founded a private agency for the practice of Christ centered counseling. That practice later transitioned to pastoral counseling at a local church. He now serves as the Pastor of Prayer at his home church. Observations resulting from those venues have fully confirmed to him that the scriptures are the source and essence of successful living. He and his wife Rosia have been blessed with a marriage of more than 50 years. They happily reside in southern Arizona delighting in their adult children and their grandchildren.

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    Some Thoughts About God's Word - Dr. James R. Hoston

    Copyright © 2016 Dr. James R. Hoston.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/21/2016


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    Week One - Sunday


    READING: ACTS 8:26-38

    Verse 29: Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go near and overtake this chariot.

    Often we don’t know in advance where instant obedience will lead us. At times, one obedient act by a Christian is merely God’s way to position for something greater. A case in point is Philip’s experience described in Acts 8. The sequence in those verses began with an angel telling Philip to go south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip did that and followed a step by step process that led to the salvation of an Ethiopian leader.

    Through that process, Philip had no plan or revelation of the eventual outcome. However, his series of small steps produced a major result. He faithfully accomplished what was placed before him. The same potential is present for you and me in this very day! That’s a thought – about God’s Word!


    1. What next step is before you?

    2. Are you responding to the Lord’s next step" for your life or are you pursuing other activities?

    Week One - Monday


    READING: ACTS 7:54-60

    Verse 55: But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

    We attend services to worship the Lord and participate in Christian fellowship. However, sometimes we get distracted by environmental factors. Those are matters such as the comfort of the seats, the temperature, the amplification, the crying child or the loud cell phone.

    Acts 7:55 gives an example of an extraordinary environmental condition. In this verse, Stephen was the subject of a mock trial. Perjurers and false witnesses were seeking an excuse to kill him. Hostility was maximized and he had no human support. In that extreme situation, Stephen responded in the manner that models ideal behavior. It can apply even to us as modern day Christians. Full of the Holy Spirit, he saw only the glory of God. Stephen’s example of godly focus is the answer to our distractions. That’s a thought – about God’s Word!


    1. Do you need to overcome distraction during church services?

    2. If not, you are invited to thank the Lord for your freedom from distraction.

    Week One - Tuesday



    Verse 1: "At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts."

    How many mailings have invited you to take advantage of the newest interest rate, better credit card or ultimate loan? How many callers are trying to entice, argue or manipulate people into accepting the financial offer of a lifetime? What about those who want buyers to use their product for a whole year before paying on their special credit plan? They are too many to count! Creditors want people in debt to them, and the longer the better!

    How different this was for the ancient Hebrews. The Law established that creditors had to release borrowers from their debts at the end of every seven years. Many who today are suffering from indebtedness would benefit if we still respected the Deuteronomy 15 principles. God’s ancient wisdom reflected there would help with faithful stewardship in our time. That’s a thought – about God’s word.


    1. Does your attitude toward debt agree with modern thought or ancient wisdom?

    2. Take a few minutes to pray a prayer of praise or repentance as appropriate, regarding your attitude toward indebtedness.

    Week One - Wednesday



    Verse 2: Therefore you shall sacrifice the Passover to the Lord your God, from the flock and the herd, in the place where the Lord chooses to put His name

    The people of God were instructed to observe the Passover. They were to do so in the place where the Lord chose to make His name abide. For the people of God in our time, there is a similar instruction. He may desire that we worship Him in a church where His name has been placed and continues to abide. That location could also be an individual’s private place of worship and prayer. However, what appears best for us is to use both.

    Whatever the place, it seems the important point is that it be based on the Lord’s choice. His choice will keep us from following the crowd, being driven by history or responding by default. God’s Word says to seek Him while He may be found and to call on Him while He is near. This is best done in the place of His choice. That is where He meets His people in special ways. We are invited to drop in often. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. Where are the places where God has put His name for you?

    2. Are you faithful to be found at those places or is this something that needs to be refreshed?

    Week One - Thursday


    READING: ACTS 9:1-9

    Verse 3: As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.

    This verse describes Paul’s life changing experience. A light shone around him from heaven. Later when his eyes were opened, he saw no one. This experience can represent something that the light of the Lord will accomplish in our lives as Christians. His light in the form of His presence, His truth and His reality; is always shining. This may not be so in the intense manner that Saul experienced, but it is powerfully present nonetheless.

    May it be that the more we become aware of Jesus as the Light, the more we will be blind otherwise. As He shines around us may His holy light obscure all else. The Lord Jesus is truly the Light of the World. As His own we look forward to experiencing Him in the total glory of that light. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. Do you only absorb the light of His presence, truth and reality, or do you also reflect it?

    2. Think of and thank the Lord for a time when you were His expression of light.

    Week One - Friday


    READING: ACTS 9:10-19

    Verse 18: Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized

    Verse 18 above describes the restoration of Saul’s sight after he was blinded. It describes a physical experience, but also seems to symbolize a spiritual one. Prior to his physical blindness Saul had been spiritually blinded by deceptions about the Gospel. However, his physical encounter with the Lord Jesus caused him to acknowledge his spiritual condition. The act of physically receiving his sight when the scales fell, symbolizes the gift of spiritual sight.

    The essence of Saul’s experience is duplicated by every Christian. Our salvation grants us transformation from spiritual blindness to spiritual sight. His immediate response following his restoration of sight and baptism was to serve. May our spiritual sight produce the same result in our lives. Praise God for all who say I once was blind, but now I see. That’s a thought – about God’s word.


    1. What do you need to see in a new way at this time in your life?

    2. Will you make yourself accountable to someone regarding this matter of new vision?

    Week One - Saturday



    Verse 5: then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and shall stone to death that man or woman with stones.

    There is much apostasy in the world today and many are rejecting the truths of God. Much of this is because people attempt to create their own ways and means of worship. These are ways that look better, feel more comfortable or seem easier to them.

    Today’s verse informs us that God objected to people serving or worshipping other than as He commanded. He was insistent even to the point where those who rebelled were to be executed. The Lord did not take the complicated approach of specifically identifying everything that was not to be done. He simply made it clear what was to be done. They were to worship only as He designated. He kept it simple! The approach that God took made no provision for apostasy. We must continue to pray for the simplicity of God’s way in our world today. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. You are invited to allow the Spirit of the Lord to examine you to determine if you are honestly offering yourself to Him.

    2. Regardless of the results of the examination above, will you meet the challenge of an even deeper offering of yourself?

    Week Two - Sunday



    Verse 9: "and if you keep all these commandments and do them, which I command you today, to love the Lord your God and to walk always in His ways, then you shall add three more cities for yourself besides these three,"

    Verse eight in this passage uses the word if. It reads Now if the Lord your God enlarges your territory as He swore to your fathers…. Might God swear to something and then be iffy about it? Verse nine answers that question. It begins with God’s instruction to the Israelites to keep and do His commandments. Their obedience would eliminate the if in His promise. An if would only be the result of disobedience. The promise was a sure thing waiting to be sparked by obedience.

    As an example of this type of situation, let’s consider a person who needs a shower. The water is flowing for that person, but he or she can’t get wet until stepping into it. The fulfillment of God’s promise was present for the Israelites. They had to position themselves in order to receive it. For us today also the promises of God surely are yes, amen and available to bless us. That’s a thought – about God’s Word


    1. Are you seeking fulfillment of promise for which you are not properly positioned?

    2. List some ifs of God that you have accepted and the blessings that have resulted.

    Week Two - Monday


    READING: ACTS 10:44-48

    Verse 44: While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.

    Here is the ultimate fishing fantasy. You have arrived at your best fishing spot. You have settled in with all of your necessities and comforts. Now you are preparing to cast your favorite lure. Before you can even get the lure on your line, fish begin jumping into your boat. I know the fun of fishing is catching and landing. However, the fantasy stands as an extreme illustration of good results.

    That was what it was like for Peter in this passage. It was just like the fishing fantasy. The objective was completed before the action was taken to accomplish it. However, Peter’s experience was not fantasy. It was the reality and power of the Holy Spirit on display! Such is the Spirit of the Lord through those who serve Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. In your life an experience like Peter’s:

    ___ could be reality ___would have to be fantasy

    2. Please pray or write one of the following prayers as appropriate:

    ___ gratitude for a relationship with God through which He can accomplish powerfully

    ___ establishment in a relationship with the Lord through which He can accomplish powerfully.

    Week Two – Tuesday



    Verse 8: Then the officers shall speak further to the people, and say, ‘What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest the heart of his brethren faint like his heart’

    This passage of the Bible describes conditions that exempted men from combat. The conditions included faintheartedness. The fainthearted were sent home to avoid influencing others. The Israelites recognized the importance of the condition of the heart. They knew the heart influenced godly success more than skills or abilities. They realized if it was not a person’s heart to be a faithful soldier, detriment was likely.

    The same principle applies to serving the Lord. It is hearts committed to God’s purposes that carry out His Kingdom work. On the other hand, the fainthearted are destined for something less honoring to the Lord. Today may we be those who confess in agreement with Psalm 57. My heart is steadfast O God; my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. Do you usually inspire steadfastness?

    2. How can you increase in steadfastness?

    Week Two – Wednesday


    READING: ACTS 12:5-11

    Verse 6: And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison.

    We know the devil’s intentions are to kill, to steal and destroy. He is persistent at those goals. However, I’m grateful that the more he tries to defeat God’s people and purposes; the greater is his destined defeat. Verse 6 illustrates this. Peter was chained to two soldiers while others guarded the door. Those guards knew their lives were at risk if their prisoner escaped. Yet in spite of these human precautions, there was a divine release for Peter. The extraordinary measures taken to restrain Peter only increased the glory of his rescue.

    Are you facing a great challenge? Like Peter’s, your situation is intended to become a testimony. It is to become another way in which the Lord will be glorified! Let it declare that God is Who He says He is. Let it proclaim that He will do what He says He will do. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. What does Peter’s experience say to you about challenges?

    2. What commitment would the Holy Spirit have you make toward future difficulties?

    Week Two – Thursday


    READING: ACTS 13:1-5

    Verse 4: So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

    This verse describes the beginning of an apostolic mission. Those apostles went …being sent out by the Holy Spirit. The quoted phrase is a very important one.

    Only the Lord Almighty knows all of the human ventures that have occurred in the last 2000 years plus. The great majority of them are forgotten in human memory or even human records. Some aspects of more notable or recent events may still exist, but much has expired. Included in the sum of all this history there is a great and prominent exception. This exception is the Gospel of Christ! This gift of grace persists without equal as the most successful endeavor ever. One of the reasons for this goes back to Acts 13:4. Those who have gone forth for the Gospel have been sent out by the Holy Spirit. The fruit of their accomplishments is vast and beyond description! It will always remain, because the Gospel of God is eternal! That’s a thought – about God’s word.


    1. Can you identify a particular time when you were sent out by the Holy Spirit?

    2. If you have not been sent, what does that mean to you? If you have been sent, what is the most visible result?

    Week Two – Friday



    Verse 3: "You shall do the same with his donkey, and so shall you do with his garment; with any lost thing of your brother’s, which he has lost and you have found, you shall do likewise; you must not hide yourself."

    Losers weepers, finders keepers. That rhyme is used to express a worldly viewpoint of what happens when lost items are found. It says the person who loses something will suffer loss while the finder will have easy gain. The desire for easy gain is the root of much greed in this age. It is the attitude that validates this deceptively innocent sounding rhyme.

    Introduction of the eternal wisdom of the Lord contradicts the opposing beliefs of unbelievers. In verse 3, the Israelites were instructed to hold and care for lost items until claimed by owners. That godly principle is right! It establishes that finding is not an appropriate means of gain. It is a righteous principle that promotes the will and goodness of the Lord for mankind. His ways are higher. (Isaiah 55:9) That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


    1. Inappropriate gain extends also to relationships. Do you have inappropriate gains in a relationship(s)? Is a response needed?

    2. Can inappropriate gain take place other than with property and relationships?

    Week Two – Saturday


    READING: ACTS 13:42-52

    Verse 50: But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city, raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.

    Some people disregard God’s provision. This is often because they accept human interpretations rather than God’s perspective. There is a popular expression that illustrates this problem. The expression is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There is also a scriptural illustration of this human fault. Verse 50 describes an event when nearly the whole city of Antioch turned out to hear the Apostle Paul speak. The Jews of Antioch were so envious of Paul’s success that they strongly opposed what he was saying. Their human reaction of envy caused them to discard the gift of God that was present for them. They also discarded the messenger of the Lord.

    Let’s pray that in our time more people will receive our precious gifts from Jesus. We should remember that in the Kingdom there is no waste. We’ll keep

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