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Weapons Formed Against Me: The Woman Who Walked Through Hell
Weapons Formed Against Me: The Woman Who Walked Through Hell
Weapons Formed Against Me: The Woman Who Walked Through Hell
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Weapons Formed Against Me: The Woman Who Walked Through Hell

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About this ebook

From a very young age, author Mary Ross endured a childhood of horrific abuse at the hands of a woman she believed to be her mother. The damage inflicted on her would travel with her for the rest of her lifeand yet, in spite of it, she has managed to overcome the trauma of her youth.

In this memoir, she shares her personal history of being raised by a violent woman with severe mental illness and receiving little help or support from anyone. Abused mentally and physically, Mary was raised to think of Hon as her mother, only to find out at twelve that this was not truethat she actually had an entire biological family living just across town. Even so, she was left isolated and alone. As she grew older, she struggled first to survive and then to find some measure of personal power. Her past made her path to adulthood a rocky one, full of cruelty and betrayal, but eventually she discovered the strength to stand on her own.

Full of twists and turns, Weapons Formed Against Me tells one womans story of abuse, broken self-esteem, and triumph over adversity.

Release dateMay 26, 2015
Weapons Formed Against Me: The Woman Who Walked Through Hell

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    Weapons Formed Against Me - Mary Ross



    Copyright © 2015 Mary Ross.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6696-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6695-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015907920

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/15/2015

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Life before Hell …

    the Good ‘Ole Days

    Chapter 2

    Descent into Hell

    Chapter 3

    Why Me?

    Chapter 4

    Bye-bye Pretty Hair

    Chapter 5

    My Best Friend Sparky

    Chapter 6

    Big Head, Little Faith

    Chapter 7

    Furious & Tinker:

    A New Love Story

    Chapter 8

    High on Cigarettes Low on Self Esteem

    Chapter 9

    Cancer vs. Puberty

    Chapter 10

    Spilled Blood Twice a Month

    Chapter 11

    Obituaries, Dead People & Me

    Chapter 12

    My Family Tree

    Chapter 13

    Independence Day

    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15

    Heads or a Tailspin?

    Chapter 16

    The Visitor

    Chapter 17

    My Best Friend

    Chapter 18

    A Girl, A Boy, A Man, A Rape

    Chapter 19

    A Bizarre Omen

    Chapter 20

    Payback a Bitch for Real

    Chapter 21

    On the Rise

    Chapter 22


    Chapter 23

    Eye for an Eye: Now we Both Blind, BITCH!

    Chapter 24

    The Jig is up

    Chapter 25

    Big Momma

    Chapter 26

    Hon We Meet Again

    Chapter 27

    Colorado Bound

    Chapter 28

    Life with Daddy

    Chapter 29

    House to House

    Chapter 30

    Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Chapter 31

    A Cheap Date with Daddy

    Chapter 32

    911: A Crisis in Colorado

    Chapter 33

    Free at Last

    Chapter 34

    A Gift from God

    Chapter 35


    Dedication & Acknowledgements

    I dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior. I also dedicate these words to my development editor and friend, novelist Darnella Ford. Darnella has a great big heart and she gave me the encouragement and strength to write this book through her program Journey to Worthy. I love and respect this woman with all of my heart! Thank you Darnella! Also to Monique Lake, Darnella’s sister, who lovingly gave her precious time to proofread my book. I appreciate the love! And to my endearing inspiration, songstress Natalie Cole. The lyrics to your songs Keep Smiling, Annie Mae, and Thankful literally saved my life and prevented me from committing suicide. That’s my girl! I Love you, Natalie! I would also like to acknowledge Narvelle Edmonson, who also assisted me with proofreading the manuscript; and Eunice Brown who believed in me and gave me encouraged me to write this book. These two ladies were my inspiration where we all resided together in a transitional living house in Los Angeles, California. Patricia Madden, my best and dearest friend for life. Jonnie Muckelroy, my spiritual advisor and sister for life who always had my back.

    Miss Leatrice Jones, a good hearted person who I love dearly. Deloris Baker, my long-time friend and Auntie who gave me respect and love all of the time. I also acknowledge Starleen Taylor, a brilliant woman! My brothers Kenneth Broaddus, my brother; and Luther Harold Broaddus (RIP) my brother for life. And Judith Broaddus, my mother figure. Susan Youngblood, who is also a dear friend who provided shelter from the cold. To Sharnette Lindsey, and Ruby Rankins who helped me enroll in California Institute and provided me with a roof over my head and friendship. To Lawrence D. Tate … thank you for showing me how a real true debonair man as supposed to act.Etheo Harvey who is the best damn case manager in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles. Patricia Hooper, who also gave me encouragement to write this book. Maurice Keyes I love you as if you were my own child. Connie Packnett, a childhood mother figure. Elizabeth Simmons-Watts, my favorite gym teacher and to Robert B. Burt, my first true boyfriend … you will always have a special place in my heart. And to Roman Mitchell, who helped me when I needed a roof over my head. And last but not least Wendell Harris who is a witty and funny man who kept me laughing through the bad times.


    Cherish yours friends without childish tantrums and guilt ridden manipulation; let them have the freedom to be who they are


    Darnella Ford for her constant empowerment, encouragement and love at showing me that life is what you make of it and that I could thrive better when I learned to be dependent on me.

    To singer Natalie Cole who helped me survive the hurt by her songs.

    To my dysfunctional family. They made me learn how to forgive.


    A Real Life Journey To Worthy…

    As an award winning novelist, I work with aspiring authors throughout the country. Almost two years ago, I traveled to Los Angeles’ Skid Row to inspire and uplift the homeless. On these filthy streets, hope is a rare commodity; however, in the midst of a storm of despair, I met author Mary Ross, a woman who was living on Skid Row. Interestingly, for more than thirty years she dreamt of writing a book to tell her UNBELIEVABLE life story. Upon our meeting, Mary began attending my inspired lectures and shortly, thereafter; she asked if I would be willing to help her fulfill a lifelong dream of writing her biography, Weapons Formed Against Me. Reluctant to agree to such an undertaking, I told Mary if she was willing to put in some real work that I would work with her to assist in the development of her biography. All that I can truly say…is this author delivers!

    Weapons Formed Against Me is a provocative, twisted, intensely bone crushing, and deeply disturbing memoir. This is the TRUE life story of Mary Ross, a young woman who was raised by a guardian who tricked Mary into believing she was her mother only to abuse, torment and ridicule Mary throughout her childhood. Her guardian referred to as Hon spent more than a decade perfecting her technique of torment and daily abuse that is simply BEYOND, BEYOND comprehension!!!! But THAT’s not what makes this biography such a page-turner!!!! When Mary becomes a teenager she invents one of the most creatively genius, borderline demented plans to pay her abuser back…and it WORKS!!!! From where I stand, this is one of the most shocking tales of abuse AND revenge ever recorded! It will PULL you from one page to the next simply because you MUST know…how in the world does it all end??? You simply MUST know!!!! I invite you to experience one woman’s personal Journey To Worthy that will leave you utterly speechless in the end.

    About Darnella Ford, Creator of Journey to Worthy


    DARNELLA FORD is the author of five (5) bestselling novels and the recipient of the BEST NEW VOICE OF 2003. Her fifth novel, FINDING ME, was recently nominated for the 2010 STONEWALL LITERARY AWARD. Known for her ability to create unpretentious gritty masterpieces, Darnella has established a well-respected name for herself in the world of literature. However, in 2006, her life would profoundly change when Darnella traveled to Seattle and began a three-year course of study in Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and Neuro-Biology. Under the instruction of some of the most brilliant Physicists in the country, Darnella studied the profound world of energy/matter and how it all affects our daily lives. Deeply inspired by the changes she made in her own life—in 2008 Darnella created and launched JOURNEY TO WORTHY, a program of inspiration designed to expand awareness and transform lives. With its genesis rooted in the science of Quantum Physics, Journey to Worthy is based upon the principles of self-love and self-worth. In essence, self-love is the cornerstone of the program. In simple terms Darnella explains, Whenever we take a trip…we always calculate the time it takes us to get from point A to point B. Well, the longest trip I ever took was the journey to my own worthiness! Ingeniously, Darnella simplified the complex nature of science and began to do something unprecedented—she took Einstein’s E=MC² to the inner city, mental health care facilities, prisons, and the classrooms of Compton. But she didn’t stop there—she also took her program to Corporate America and to the affluent. With her unique teaching style, she created compelling presentations and began to affect change and initiate healing to all those who came in contact with her message—which simply states YOU ARE WORTHY!!!

    JOURNEY TO WORTHY has garnished its own share of fans and the people who are touched by the program are changed forever. Under the umbrella of JOURNEY TO WORTHY are multiple programs with one of its standouts—a special presentation titled Beautiful which has been devoted to teenage women and explores the nature of authentic beauty as it relates to self-esteem and self-worth. It is Darnella’s hope that a human being’s understanding of their intrinsic worth will be as much a part of our culture as I-Phones, I-Pads and Facebook. When all is said and done, Darnella insists that the most important aspect of JOURNEY TO WORTHY will always be the people themselves and to that end, I have devoted the rest of my life to the profound knowing of truth and the ultimate experience of man’s highest potential actualized in the material world. To learn more please visit


    I wrote this book to be of service to all who needs guidance and love in their life. People who feel like they are alone. Realize that you are never alone. You can take yourself out of any situation as long as you believe in yourself and never falter in your confidence. Go through life with an open mind and an open heart. I want this book to be of service to all people. I want to help someone grow and I want to pass the love that I received forward to you as the reader. And know that it is ok to cry.


    Hello my name is Mary Ross. I am the author of Weapons Formed Against Me. This is a gripping tale of torment dealt to an innocent child by a stranger she believed was her mother. But it was lies … all lies. This is a tale of torture, danger, sexual abuse, twisted fates and a game of payback that you will never believe … as told by the woman who walked through straight hell and lived to tell. Beaten, raped, starved, locked in a basement, tortured and left for dead … I emerged stronger. This is my real life story. May it inspire you to live the very best you can.

    Chapter 1

    Life before Hell …

    the Good ‘Ole Days

    I was born under the sign of Gemini on June 4, 1961 in Kansas City, Missouri. As a child growing up, I lived on the well-manicured part of the block that was known as Olive Street. My parents were Ed and Hon, affectionately known as mom. My folks were late bloomers at parenting, meaning that I was still in diapers, they were both their mid-sixties.

    Ed was tall and lanky. He stood 6'3. Hon was short, round and fat reaching only 5'3. By the time I came along, both of my parents were retired. Dad was a very quiet man of Spanish descent. He loved sports, fishing, and smoking his non-filtered Pall Mall cigarettes. Mom, on the other hand, loved three things in life: eating, fishing, and watching the Kansas City Royals play ball on TV.

    A retired registered nurse, and I always thought mom was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her complexion was as bright as a new copper penny. Her eyes were bluish-gray and reminded me of a tropical ocean wave on the eve of a sunset. She had long brown wavy hair that she dyed black to hide the gray. Some people said that mom was obsessed with beauty and youth. Her nationality was a mixture of Black and Spanish heritage.

    As for me, I was an old child. I was a tall, lanky, naïve, big brown-eyed little girl who loved and trusted everybody. I was spoiled to death and every year when Christmas came, Mom and Dad bought me every toy that I had picked out from the Sears Catalogue. Mom spent hours getting me ready, and she was not satisfied until I looked like a princess out of a story book. I had long, brown wavy hair down to the middle of my back. Mom would sometimes press and curl it. I remember many days getting my ears burned off from the hot comb and curling irons. Mom tended to every detail of my care … from bathing to brushing teeth, fancy hairstyles and coordinating every piece of clothing that passed its way over my body!

    Mom ran that house in fine fashion. She ruled with an iron fist, but did so with a smile on her face. She was a stickler for rules, and all was well as long as you followed the rules. During the weekdays, the house ran more like an assembly line than anything else:

    Go to school.

    Come home and change.

    Do homework.

    Watch TV.



    This was my life for years and a daily routine, which I was expected to follow. I would wake up in the morning to hear mom calling out my name. Mary sweetheart … it’s time for you to rise and shine my little darling, my mother would say every morning in a gleeful voice.

    Okay Mom I’m up, I would tell her in a sleepy voice.

    Let’s get you into the bathtub, so I can give you a bath. I need to brush your teeth, and wash behind your ears, and scrub you up until you sparkle like the stars at night! she said happily. Upon my arrival from school, I was always met with mother’s cheerful voice. Hello dear! Now let’s get you out of those school clothes and have you change into some more suitable clothes, like your play clothes. Mom said as she gave a chuckle or two. Do you have any homework today? Mom would ask eagerly with concern in her voice.

    Yes Mom I do, and I’m getting ready to do it now.

    Good girl! When you are finished you can watch some TV, and I’ll call when dinner is ready so you can wash up and eat.

    I enjoyed outings at the park with my mother and early 4 a.m. fishing sessions.

    Who in the world gets up that early to eat?

    We did … that’s who!

    At the age of five, I was thrilled to start kindergarten. But it was the happiest and saddest time of my life. My father died that same year from lung cancer.

    Neither I nor my mother attended the funeral.

    I never knew why.

    Mom also requested that I no longer call her mom, but Hon instead. This was what my dad used to call her. Perhaps it had a sentimental value to her, so I gave into her request.

    Though again, I never knew why.

    But this was only the beginning of the end … when my own personal wonderland was on the cusp of turning into a most unusual playground of torture and torment. The happiest place on earth was turning on its spine … to a place called hell.

    Within one year of my father’s death, my life changed forever. My mother fell into an entirely different personality. One that I did not recognize. One that I came to fear. She began to linger between two different people, like a Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde scenario.

    This troubled me so.

    On one occasion when I asked Mom if I could have a friend visit me on a play date, she yelled at me angrily. I do not allow children to come over to my house for any reason, and don’t you ever ask me such a silly question again! Then, two minutes later when my friend’s mother phoned, she declined into an old, helpless, decrepit woman. Hello Ms. Matthews … she said weakly. Yes Mary told me about Jackie coming over to play with her. But you know my arthritis has been flaring up lately, and I can hardly get around the house.

    When Hon began to change, I changed too. Gone was the carefree girl who was spoiled with love and fond affection. I emerged confused and anxiety-ridden over every little thing. I felt awkward and unsure of myself and my surroundings. I was intimidated and saddened. I felt alone and unloved. My once happy home was now in jeopardy of being a past life. My childhood was interrupted by the weapons that were formed against. And this is my real life story and descent into hell.

    Chapter 2

    Descent into Hell

    In second grade and at the age of seven, the kids used to love to play with my hair. They called it dress up. They wanted to take down my braided hair and see how different styles looked on me. After trying out three or four different hairstyles, the girls would re-braid my hair like it was before. On one particular day, Mom had sent me to school with pretty ribbons that adorned my hair, and a solid colored blouse that matched my skirt. I wore white ankle-laced socks with my patent leather shoes and purse. I thought that my long, wavy, brown hair was cool because I would use it to gain friends.

    But one day after coming home from school, my opinion of my hair being cool changed. As I was entering the house, Hon stopped me with a menacing glare. Who has been playing in your damn hair? she asked with conviction.

    One of my friends at school did. We were playing dress up, and she braided my hair, I so proudly replied back. And with that, I looked up to see Hon’s hand rear back and slap me across my face, followed by a hard push that was so forceful, it knocked me to the floor—where I landed with a big thud. Before I could regain my balance, I felt Hon ripping the ribbons out of my hair so hard that she yanked some of my own hair out. What did I do? I yelled back at her with anger.

    Why you bitch! You little cunt! You no good slut! Hon yelled while hovering over my head. I had never heard these kinds of words before. What did they mean? I asked myself as I lay on the hardwood floor with my lip bleeding and patches of my pretty hair sitting on the ground beside me. Get up off the goddamn floor and go change your fucking clothes! She shouted in a bellowing voice. I am about to beat the black off of your ass! she promised.

    The black was already starting to come off, I thought to myself. But according to Hon, this was to be continued. Soon I began to hear the peculiar sound of her inner thighs rubbing together as she started to quickly follow behind me. I sensed her footsteps getting closer and closer until they were at my heels. Before I could go to my room to change my clothes, Hon had jerked my arm back. She swung me towards her and began to tear off my blouse. I watched in awe as the buttons flew off my shirt like tossed coins in a fountain. I dared not utter a single word, so in silence I sobbed, trying my best not to increase Hon’s wrath.

    Hon whaled on my body with a strong clenched fist. She kept punching and punching me until she took a moment to catch her breath. Go outside to the back yard and get me three rosebush branches and bring them back to me, so I can make a switch! she growled at me; Of course I did as I was told. I was way too afraid of her to challenge her authority. Tears started forming again and now they were streaming down my cheeks; mostly because I was embarrassed to walk outside in the backyard, bare-chested with just my shoes and skirt, as I hobbled to retrieve her weapon of choice. Hurry the hell up! she barked. What’s taking you so long? They better not be the smallest ones you could find either! she threatened. After retrieving the branches, I started walking up the stairs which led to the kitchen door from the back yard.

    When I reached the last step to enter the kitchen, Hon hit me on the back of my head with a mighty force, causing me to trip on the step. She found that to be amusing. It always seemed to me, that my pain was a joke to her that brought her joy. I reluctantly gave Hon the three rosebush branches. I remember clutching those branches, so tightly in my little hands, trying not to drop them, that some of the thorns stuck into my palms. With a bewitching stare, Hon took the branches from me and began to intertwine them together to make a switch. She worked meticulously on the branches, as if this was an arts and craft project. I felt chill bumps forming on my arms. My heart began to beat faster and faster, as I waited for this beating that had my name on it. I thought that my heart was going to rupture inside of me because it was beating so fast.

    I was nervous and terrified at the same time of what this whipping was going to feel and sound like. Get naked, take off all of your clothes! were the next words that I heard from Hon. Undress down to your fucking bare feet, go to the basement and wait for me down there! she screeched so loud that it hurt my eardrums. I opened the door and made my way down those creepy stairs to the basement. I felt like a murderer on death row walking towards the gas chamber. I began to take the rest of my remaining clothing off—a skirt, socks and shoes. Everything else had been torn off by Hon. There I stood alone in a cold, damp, basement waiting to be punished. Oh help me dear God, let this be over soon, I prayed to myself. The silence in the air was unbearable for me, and I began to shake and tremble anticipating her descent down those steep narrow wooden stairs to the basement.

    I felt as though I was the most hated child in the world. I had never got a whipping or beating before; this was the first time that this had ever happened to me. My mind and body were in pure shock when this happened.

    Our basement was made of solid rock and concrete, and in happier times in the summer, Hon used the two burner cast iron stove that was located in the far back of the basement to cook hot dogs and hamburgers when it was too hot to cook in the kitchen. We used to have what I called our private picnics—but this was no picnic for sure! The moment finally arrived, when I heard Hon’s heavy footsteps coming from the kitchen and then down the stairs. The closer she got, the more scared I became. When Hon approached me, I saw that not only did she have the switches in one hand, but she also had a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the other hand. Let the ass whipping begin! she snarled. Don’t you dare try to run away from me, she commanded. Don’t even think about moving a muscle … just stand still! she snapped with a broad smile on her face. So, I closed my eyes trying to brace myself for the pain that was coming, but there was nothing that was going to stop me from feeling that excruciating, stinging, pain of that switch hitting my naked body. Swoosh was the sound the switches made as the pain intensified with each lashing that she gave. I cried like a slave as she kept hitting me over and over again on my arms, legs, back, chest and butt. Hon held me up by my arm, and she continued to beat me for what seemed like hours to me. Interestingly, the more I yelled and screamed for mercy, the more she enjoyed the show.

    Finally, the whipping

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