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Use Your Suffering to Find God
Use Your Suffering to Find God
Use Your Suffering to Find God
Ebook61 pages51 minutes

Use Your Suffering to Find God

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Spirit and I wrote this book to help bring spiritual awareness into peoples lives, and to share my story of what I have learned spiritually. All the suffering I have had in my life has been a real blessing. Suffering is one of the greatest things that can happen to us, it brings us closer to God. I have learned a lot about what the Catholic Church is hiding. The biggest secret the church doesnt want you know is that finding God is an individual right not an institutional one. If you want to find God through Jesus message it is with meditation and deep prayer. The purpose of life is to find God within yourself. We are all gods, I like to call us little gs. I hope my message will help people start their own spiritual path. I hope we can all find God together. God bless!

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 16, 2015
Use Your Suffering to Find God

Todd Skrbina

I was born into a loving middle class family in Lansing, Illinois. I was raised with the teachings of the Catholic Church and have been searching for God since 2008. I have read hundreds of books and most other religion’s bibles, but none of the books led me to God. Meditation is one of the things I really enjoyed doing throughout these past seven years. It has showed me the true path toward God. I started into the painters union at 19 years old and today I work for myself as a painting contractor. I live with my wife Kim and our two children Nolan and Caden, in Northwest Indiana.

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    Use Your Suffering to Find God - Todd Skrbina

    Copyright © 2015 Todd Skrbina.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3299-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3301-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3300-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015908016

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/09/2015



    Chapter 1 My Childhood

    Chapter 2 My Teen Years

    Chapter 3 My Grandparents

    Chapter 4 Battling My Exposure To Tuberculosis

    Chapter 5 My Spiritual Growth

    Chapter 6 Suffering And Forgiveness

    In loving memory of my mother,

    Lynn Marie Skrbina, 1956–1991.

    I want to acknowledge my loving mother, Lynn Skrbina; my father, Mike Skrbina; my step-mom, Denise Skrbina; my brothers Mike, Chad, Kyle, Joe, and Ben; my wife, Kim; my in-laws Jeanne and George Sumlar; my children Nolan and Caden; my grandparents Bert and Fran Vanderzee; my aunt Tami Meidema; my uncle Rich Vanderzee; our old neighbor Linda Berry; and the rest of my family; my friends Stevie Borozan, John Di Marco, Justin Knoezer, Chris Caposey, and Mike Mosele;, my ex finance (and all ex-girlfriends); and friends who have been in my life.

    I thank my master spirit guide, Sam, for helping me throughout my life, giving me the inspiration and ideas to write this book.

    To everyone who came across my life and made a difference, shaping and molding me into the spiritual person I am today, I thank you!


    I wrote this book to give people a different perspective on how organized religion views spirituality. Most of my views aren’t mainstream. I’m sure a lot of people will not like what I have to say. But I hope people will understand this book is my autobiography, an account of my experiences with spirituality and meditation. Everything that has occurred spiritually in my life I didn’t believe in until I turned twenty eight. That was when my awareness began. I let go of ego, and I have been on this wonderful spiritual journey ever since.

    I know the information I have been given is true because when I talk about it, all the hairs stand up on my arms. I know it will be hard for some people to read this, and I just hope I can raise your awareness about life. Most of all, I hope to open your mind to the possibilities in this book.

    Having a closed mind toward other religions and spirituality isn’t the way to live. You can learn a lot from different faiths and people. I love talking to different people of all races and religions, to get their opinions on God and Jesus. What do they really think happens when we leave the earth? These are the most important things to talk about.

    When I go to other people’s homes and talk about God or Jesus, I tell them about meditation. Most people get nervous and say they think it is of the devil. I try to explain that it

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