A Treasure Trove of Poetic Wonderland: Children's Book
By Tanvi Nagar
About this ebook
The short stories take the reader into an imaginary world of Kings and Queens, Fairies and Goblins and give life a new ray of hope.
Here is a book by a young writer who has written poems and short stories for her generation.
Tanvi Nagar
Tanvi Nagar is a student of Grade 5,at The Heritage School, Gurgaon, India. She is passionate about writing, playing Badminton, Swimming, Public Speaking and Painting. She has earlier written ‘My Book of Short Stories and Poems’ and ‘A Bountiful of Rhythmic Stories’. She can be reached at [email protected]
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A Treasure Trove of Poetic Wonderland - Tanvi Nagar
Copyright © 2015 by Tanvi Nagar.
Illustrations by Tanvi and Aman Nagar
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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1. The Giving Tree
2. When I Went To The Park
3. Daffodils
4. A Glimpse Of Nature
5. Flowers
6. What Makes Up The Flowers?
7. Trees—The Giver Of Life
8. Nature—Our Teacher
9. It’s Raining
10. My Apple Tree
11. Nature—A Treasure
12. Flowers—Colours Of Life
13. Rain
1. Mr. Mischief
2. World Of Dreams
3. Bus Journey
4. Make The World A Better Place
5. Felly The Witch
6. Tooth Fairy
7. My Dream World
8. Fairy Mary
1. Three Little Kittens
2. My Elephant
3. My Rabbit
4. My Cow
5. Kingfisher
6. Parrot
7. My Dog, Timmy
1. My Toy Bear
2. My Cushion
3. My Puppets
4. Paul—My Doll
5. My Car
6. My Toys—A Bundle Of Joy
1. Mother
2. My Brother
3. Daddy
4. My Grandparents
5. Mommy
6. Guess Who Am I?
1. Mr. Brown
2. My School
3. Santa Claus And Christmas
4. King
5. Nurse
6. Me, The Vet
7. C.I.D.
1. Birthday
2. Favourite Dish-Apple Pie
3. Farewell
1. Hong Kong
2. My House
3. My Visit To Kerala
4. Bali And Kuala Lumpur
1. Know Till Twenty
2. Little By Little
1. Marigold’s Adventure
2. Bill Kent And Parrot Polly
3. Smarty And The Spell
4. Tatoola And The Tailor
5. Airplane And The Mermaid
6. Mr. Brown And The Eggs
7. Farmer Jim And The Enchanted Parrot
8. The Magical Dinosaur
9. What A Kind Of Fuel
10. The Fairy Encounter
11. Raju’s Special Cherry Tree
12. The Butterfly And Me
Also By Tanvi Nagar
A Nine Year Old’s Compilation
Nature, people, different places, my school-life, friends, toys, animals and birds, fascinate me and have a story to tell. They are all a part of my world and have been a source of inspiration on my journey as an Author.
In this book I have tried to share my ideas on various subjects which are an integral part of my life and that of most children. Each poem and story is narrated in a rhythmic and poetic style so that the reader can enjoy its essence.
Tanvi Nagar
inner_image_1.jpgTHE GIVING TREE
The tree gives us water and fresh air,
We shouldn’t be destructive that isn’t really fair;
They give us oxygen and food,
We shouldn’t kick them or break their leaves whether in a rage or in a bad mood;
To make furniture they give us a lot of wood,
We should make friends with them and treat them in a way that is good;
They give shelter to birds and wildlife,
We shouldn’t carve our names on them with a knife;
They keep the climate cool,
By cutting them we destroy nature’s oxygen tool;
They prevent soil erosion and always keep a hold,
They survive in different climates