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Eternal Wisdom: From the Discourses, Lectures and Writings of H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri
Eternal Wisdom: From the Discourses, Lectures and Writings of H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri
Eternal Wisdom: From the Discourses, Lectures and Writings of H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Eternal Wisdom: From the Discourses, Lectures and Writings of H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri

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The book, Eternal Wisdom is a compilation of articles based on the spiritual discourses, talks and writings of H.H. Swami Avdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj.
This book is a gentle reminder of the higher goal of human existence, and the role of spiritualism in achieving that goal. It seeks to inspire mankind to rise above the extremes of joy and sorrow and strive to attain a unique kind of happiness, which is true and everlasting. While on the one hand, it aims to wipe out the unhappiness of disheartened individuals by destroying the very seeds of ignorance, it simultaneously seeks to guide and motivate spiritual aspirants to lead a wholesome and joyous life on the other.
Eternal Wisdom aims at providing a practical and daily insight to the seeker as well guiding him as to how to achieve success in both, his worldly and spiritual life. The valuable teachings of the ancient scriptural texts have been assimilated and presented in a manner to provide hands-on knowledge and empirical wisdom for the present-day spiritual seeker.
Release dateMay 19, 2014
Eternal Wisdom: From the Discourses, Lectures and Writings of H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri

H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri

His Holiness Swami Avdheshanand Giri Ji is the spiritual leader and the temporal head of the largest and oldest order of saints in India – the Shri Panchdasnam Juna Akhara. H.H. Swamiji is also the board member of the World Council of Religious Leaders and Founder Chariman of Prabhu Premi Sangh - a nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare of mankind. While He has led multitudes of willing and inspired individuals on the path of sainthood, His magnetic influence on the common men sits on the same pedestal as that of the greatest spiritual leaders that have blessed this land over the ages. H.H. has been honored and awarded by various spiritual and social organizations. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Literature by Vikram University, Madhya Pradesh, India. In 2008, H.H. was invited for the Israeli Presidential Conference – ‘FACING TOMORROW’, and H.H. was also invited to participate as a Major Speaker in the ‘2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions’ held at Melbourne. H.H. has authored more than 60 books. His discourses and lectures are regularly telecasted in several countries worldwide.

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    Eternal Wisdom - H.H.Swami Avdheshanand Giri


    The Treasure of Spirituality

    What is spirituality? The quintessence of spirituality is to recognize and experience our true nature. It is to acquire the experience that we are not merely this physical body or mind, but are actually the Eternal Self (Atman), which merely resides in this human body.

    Most often, we consider ourselves as being limited to the body, which has a particular name and form. Similarly, we also think ourselves to be citizens of the country that we belong to, or associate ourselves with one religion or the other. But through spirituality, we get to know the Divine Element that is behind all these different external names and references, that we all are essentially the Self, and the creation of One Supreme Father.

    Additionally, it is through spirituality, that we experience compassion, forgiveness and peace. When our outlook becomes spiritual, we no longer discriminate, and do not look upon anyone with bias. We start attempting to bring down those barriers which separate one individual from another. Further, we begin to experience that at the level of the Self, we are all connected with one another. When we recognize our inherent unity and this inter-relation, then we become eager to help and serve each other, and hence, our overall outlook widens.

    All of us are capable of developing ourselves spiritually. Since centuries there is one solution recommended for it—spiritual practice.

    By learning the method of spiritual practice and meditation, we should spend some time daily with the Lord residing within us. As we gradually begin to experience the love and joy emanating from the remembrance of God, we will automatically discard those undesirable habits and tendencies, which lead to feelings of hatred and prejudice.

    Through meditation, ordinary individuals can successfully embark upon their spiritual journey. By spending some time on a regular basis in meditation, we can come in contact with our Self (Atman). We will then find that we are something beyond this external body and mind. We will discover our spiritual identity, which is filled with love, peace and bliss. When we recognize our Self, then we will experience unity with the Lord.

    Spiritual awakening is the means which can open the doors to our consciousness. We will then be able to cast away all forms of animosity and replace it with love and harmony.

    Spiritual Awakening is Essential

    The life of an individual passes through several different phases such as—joy, sorrow, success, failure, victory and defeat. People sometimes battle against their situations while at others, they simply compromise.

    Given the fact that most of a person’s life is spent just in coping with his daily challenges, few are those who get attracted in that direction, which an ordinary individual preoccupied with his or her worldly affairs, cannot even think about. Such moments are the golden opportunities of life which enable us to walk towards our real destination.

    Many great saints have had such an opportunity in their lives. The great saint Namdev was only a seven year old child when he offered a glass of milk to the idol of God, and the realization dawned upon him that the aim of life was something higher. Prince Siddhartha’s life was transformed on witnessing an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. He ultimately came to be known as ‘Lord Buddha’. Such incidents which offer a glimpse of the Truth have been the cause of awakening and realization in the lives of many great saints.

    In such opportunities, lie the possibilities for spiritual awakening. As long as we do not recognize the Truth, so long we live in ignorance. For example, when you are asleep, you are completely unaware of what is happening around you. In a similar manner, most people are oblivious of the Higher Truth. But with the grace of God and Guru (Realized Master), there comes a time when our mind begins to ponder about the Reality.

    One may wonder, ‘Why doesn’t God talk to us directly? Isn’t He capable of everything? Then, what is the need to use a medium (such as people or circumstances)?’ There is a need, because there seems to be a veil over our Pure Consciousness. On account of this veil, even when the sound of God permeates within, one is unable to recognize it.

    The current era is the age of science. We are constantly taught to believe only what we see, and grasp what we hear. Ever since birth, almost our entire attention remains focused in acquiring that knowledge, which can be obtained through the senses. When the voice of the Supreme Being arises within us, we lack the ability to recognize it. Thus, while living in this human body, we learn about God through realized saints and Masters from whom we receive divine knowledge.

    When the Divine element begins to work through us, then God comes to our level. The lower level is of the seeker, and the higher one is of God. Synchronization is possible only when the one at the lower level moves higher or the higher one comes a few steps down. Towards the fulfillment of this purpose, God comes to our level, so that He can explain to us, impart spiritual knowledge, and elevate us to the higher level. This is what the great saints do. The main objective is that the souls, which have experienced separation from God since many lifetimes, can once again recognize their essential identity with the Lord. That is why we are so grateful to

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