My Mother the Miracle
About this ebook
Zetilda Thomas
Faydia Thomas, Locksley Thomas Jr., and Dahalia Trevenen are three of the five biological children of Pastor Locksley and Evangelist Zetilda Thomas. As a Pastor’s wife, Zetilda is a renowned charitable and devoted woman of God. The family migrated from Jamaica to the United States in 1994. Despite having their fair share of disagreements, the siblings pride themselves in the relationships they have forged with each other and the love and honor they share for their parents. As children of a pastor and a God-fearing evangelist, the children were taught to never turn away from prayer and their belief in God. Faydia is the second of the Thomas children, followed immediately by Dahalia, and Locksley was born after his twin sister and is the final child and only male born to their parents. Zetilda, Faydia, and Locksley Jr. currently reside in Florida, while Dahalia lives in Pennsylvania.
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My Mother the Miracle - Zetilda Thomas
Copyright 2015 Faydia Thomas.
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1. As Told by Faydia
2. Locksley's Recollection
3. According to Dahalia
4. Zetilda's Version
Chapter 1
As Told by Faydia
Birthday Surprise
Today is April 11th, 2015, the one year anniversary of the day that would forever change my life. To many people it's just another regular day, but to me, it's a day that holds so many memories. As I sit in silence, the memories come flowing back. Bittersweet memories, memories I want to forget sometimes, but I'm reminded that although it hurts to remember, I have to remember, and I have to keep remembering, in order to share this testimony with the world. I now understand that many families experience what my family endured, but few of them come out victorious. Not very many end with a shout of hallelujah, with tears of joy, with gratitude that only the Lord God Himself can understand.
This is my version of what took place with my mother. There may be areas of my portion of this experience that do not completely match those of my other siblings due to the fact that each person's experience is based on how we recalled the situation individually and the effects of the trauma on each of our memories. Our main reason for telling this story is to encourage someone who may be in a similar situation as we were. You may be a child whose parent is said to be dying, or you may be a husband who has gotten a bad report regarding your wife or vice versa. I hope that reading our story will encourage you to believe in the power of prayer and the power of Jesus Christ. I have proven Him to be the ultimate healer, deliverer, protector, and everything that is good. He's become more real to me because of what my mother went through, and I hope and pray that you will allow Him to prove Himself to you as well. Remember, when you feel like you can't go on anymore, His strength will carry you, just like He carried me. Allow Him to carry you. Allow Him to strengthen you. Allow Him to become real to you. His word declares that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. He is God Almighty all by Himself, and He is awesome.
It is the day before my birthday, and I've been awake since five a.m. I am awake just thinking of the goodness of the Lord and how awesome He has been in my life. Although I'm worshipping Him and giving Him praise, there are not enough words to express my gratitude to my heavenly father for His faithfulness, His loving kindness, His tender mercies, His awesomeness, and more than anything, just for being God in my life. While I'm giving Him all the glory and all the praise, the tears continue to flow as I thank Him for the miracles that only he was able to perform, the miracles that still amaze me.
April 12, 2014, was going to be my best birthday ever, or so I thought. I had big plans for a nice dinner party at my favorite restaurant. My family and my close friends would be there to celebrate the big day with me. I was looking forward to enjoying my 35th birthday with the people I love most.
In order to prepare for my birthday the next day, I had taken the day off from work on April 11th. I would be taking my mother to the store to purchase some items for a friend in Jamaica, and then my sister, Ophelia would accompany me to the beauty supply store as well as the nail salon. My mother was dressed before I was and decided to wait for me on the porch. After a few minutes, she came inside and told me she had just thrown up and wasn't feeling very well. Neither of us thought it was anything serious, even when she had to throw up again in the bathroom before we left the house.
Ophelia lives just a few minutes away from us, so it didn't take a long time to get to her apartment. However, by the time we got there, my mother was crying and asking that I take her back home since she is in too much pain to go to the store, so I headed back home. It was not strange to us hearing my mom crying and saying that she is in pain. This has been something that we have always known ever since we were children. This is how it was, this was the norm for us. We would leave home in the morning and my mother would be crying, and majority of the time she would be crying when we returned home from school. She could never really explain what she was feeling that made her cry. The best she could do was try to explain to us that she felt strange. This time was different though. Our lives were about to change, and we had absolutely no idea how much. This was a battle for which we were not prepared, a battle that took us totally by surprise, a battle that would be the ultimate test of our faith in God.
Evening came and my mom was still not feeling better. By now, my brother, Locksley had gotten home from work and was in the room with us. She had taken a nap and had something to eat but that didn't seem to help. Ophelia and I tried to ask her to try and explain to us whether she was having physical pain or just not feeling well. She told us she had pain in her stomach. By this time, the situation was getting worse so we decided to call our Apostle for prayer. Apostle prayed and told us to make her some garlic tea,